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SimpleAttFindInformationResponse Struct Reference

SimpleAttFindInformationResponse Struct Reference

Simple implementation of ble::pal::AttFindInformationResponse. More...

#include <SimpleAttServerMessage.h>

Inherits ble::pal::AttFindInformationResponse.

Public Types

enum  Format { FORMAT_16_BIT_UUID = 0x01, FORMAT_128_BIT_UUID = 0x02 }

Format of the UUID in the response.


Public Member Functions

 SimpleAttFindInformationResponse (Format format, ArrayView< const uint8_t > information_data)
 Construct an AttFindInformationResponse from format and an array of bytes containing the information data.
virtual size_t size () const
virtual information_data_t operator[] (size_t index) const

Data Fields

const AttributeOpcode opcode
 Op code used to identify the type of the attribute response.

Detailed Description

Simple implementation of ble::pal::AttFindInformationResponse.

It should fit for any vendor stack exposing a proper ATT interface.

Definition at line 29 of file SimpleAttServerMessage.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Format

Format of the UUID in the response.





Definition at line 33 of file SimpleAttServerMessage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SimpleAttFindInformationResponse ( Format  format,
ArrayView< const uint8_t >  information_data 

Construct an AttFindInformationResponse from format and an array of bytes containing the information data.

formatThe format of the information data.
information_dataThe information data whose format is determined by the Format field

Definition at line 45 of file SimpleAttServerMessage.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual information_data_t operator[] ( size_t  index ) const [virtual]
See also:

Implements AttFindInformationResponse.

Definition at line 62 of file SimpleAttServerMessage.h.

virtual size_t size (  ) const [virtual]

Field Documentation

const AttributeOpcode opcode [inherited]

Op code used to identify the type of the attribute response.

Definition at line 102 of file AttServerMessage.h.