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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017-2017 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00020 #include "ble/BLETypes.h"
00021 #include "ble/ArrayView.h "
00023 namespace ble {
00024 namespace pal {
00026 /**
00027  * Operation code defined for attribute operations
00028  * @note see: BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section 3.4.8
00029  */
00030 struct AttributeOpcode {
00031     enum Code  {
00032         ERROR_RESPONSE = 0x01,               /// Opcode of an AttErrorResponse
00033         EXCHANGE_MTU_REQUEST = 0x02,
00034         EXCHANGE_MTU_RESPONSE = 0x03,       /// OpCode of an AttExchangeMTUResponse
00035         FIND_INFORMATION_REQUEST = 0x04,
00036         FIND_INFORMATION_RESPONSE = 0x05,   /// OpCode of an AttFindInformationResponse
00037         FIND_BY_TYPE_VALUE_REQUEST = 0x06,
00038         FIND_BY_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE = 0x07, /// OpCode of an AttFindByTypeValueResponse
00039         READ_BY_TYPE_REQUEST = 0x08,
00040         READ_BY_TYPE_RESPONSE = 0x09,       /// Opcode of an AttReadByTypeResponse
00041         READ_REQUEST = 0x0A,
00042         READ_RESPONSE = 0x0B,               /// Opcode of an AttReadResponse
00043         READ_BLOB_REQUEST = 0x0C,
00044         READ_BLOB_RESPONSE = 0x0D,          /// Opcode of an AttReadBlobResponse
00045         READ_MULTIPLE_REQUEST = 0x0E,
00046         READ_MULTIPLE_RESPONSE = 0x0F,      /// Opcode of an AttReadMultipleResponse
00047         READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_REQUEST = 0x10,
00048         READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RESPONSE = 0x11, /// Opcode of an AttReadByGroupTypeResponse
00049         WRITE_REQUEST = 0x12,
00050         WRITE_RESPONSE = 0x13,              /// Opcode of an AttWriteResponse
00051         WRITE_COMMAND = 0x52,
00052         SIGNED_WRITE_COMMAND = 0xD2,
00053         PREPARE_WRITE_REQUEST = 0x16,
00054         PREPARE_WRITE_RESPONSE = 0x17,      /// Opcode of an AttPrepareWriteResponse
00055         EXECUTE_WRITE_REQUEST = 0x18,
00056         EXECUTE_WRITE_RESPONSE = 0x19,      /// Opcode of an AttExecuteWriteResponse
00058         HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION = 0x1D
00059     };
00061     /**
00062      * Construct an AttributeOpcode from a Code.
00063      */
00064     AttributeOpcode(Code  value) : _value(value) { }
00066     /**
00067      * Equality comparison operator between two AttributeOpcode
00068      */
00069     friend bool operator==(AttributeOpcode lhs, AttributeOpcode rhs) {
00070         return lhs._value == rhs._value;
00071     }
00073     /**
00074      * Non equality comparison operator between two AttributeOpcode
00075      */
00076     friend bool operator!=(AttributeOpcode lhs, AttributeOpcode rhs) {
00077         return lhs._value != rhs._value;
00078     }
00080     /**
00081      * implicit cast to uint8_t.
00082      * Allows AttributeOpcode to be used in switch statements.
00083      */
00084     operator uint8_t() const {
00085         return _value;
00086     }
00088 private:
00089     uint8_t _value;
00090 };
00093 /**
00094  * Base class for Attribute Server Message.
00095  * The correct type of the instance can be determined with the attribute opcode.
00096  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section 3.3.1
00097  */
00098 struct AttServerMessage {
00099     /**
00100      * Op code used to identify the type of the attribute response.
00101      */
00102     const AttributeOpcode opcode;
00104 protected:
00105     /**
00106      * Construction of an AttResponse is reserved for descendent of the class
00107      */
00108     AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode opcode_) : opcode(opcode_) { }
00109 };
00112 /**
00113  * Response to a request which can't be performed
00114  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00115  * for details about error response.
00116  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section 3.4.9
00117  * which details possible error response by requests.
00118  */
00119 struct AttErrorResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00120     /**
00121      * Construct an attribute error response.
00122      *
00123      * @param request_opcode_ The Attribute opcode of the request that generated
00124      * the error.
00125      * @param handle_in_error_ The attribute handle that generated this error
00126      * response.
00127      * @param error_code The reason why the request has generated an error.
00128      */
00129     AttErrorResponse(
00130         AttributeOpcode request_opcode_,
00131         attribute_handle_t handle_in_error_,
00132         uint8_t error_code_
00133     ) : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::ERROR_RESPONSE),
00134         request_opcode(request_opcode_),
00135         handle_in_error(handle_in_error_), error_code(error_code_) {
00136     }
00138     /**
00139      * Construct an attribute error response in the case where there was no
00140      * attribute handle in the original response or if the request is not
00141      * supported.
00142      *
00143      * @param request_opcode_ The Attribute opcode of the request that generated
00144      * the error.
00145      * @param error_code The reason why the request has generated an error.
00146      */
00147     AttErrorResponse(
00148         AttributeOpcode request_opcode_,
00149         uint8_t error_code_
00150     ) : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::ERROR_RESPONSE),
00151         request_opcode(request_opcode_),
00152         handle_in_error(0x0000), error_code(error_code_) {
00153     }
00155     /**
00156      * The opcode of the request that generated this error response.
00157      */
00158     const AttributeOpcode request_opcode;
00160     /**
00161      * The attribute handle that generated this error response.
00162      * If there was no attribute handle in the original request or if the
00163      * request is not supported, then this field is equal to 0x0000.
00164      */
00165     const attribute_handle_t handle_in_error;
00167     /**
00168      * The reason why the request has generated an error response
00169      */
00170     const uint8_t error_code;
00172     /**
00173      * List of Error codes for the ATT protocol
00174      */
00175     enum AttributeErrorCode {
00176         /** The attribute handle given was not valid on this server. */
00177         INVALID_HANDLE = 0x01,
00179         /** The attribute cannot be read. */
00180         READ_NOT_PERMITTED = 0x02,
00182         /** The attribute cannot be written. */
00183         WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED = 0x03,
00185         /** The attribute PDU was invalid. */
00186         INVALID_PDU = 0x04,
00188         /** The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or
00189          * written.
00190          */
00193         /** Attribute server does not support the request received from the
00194          * client.
00195          */
00196         REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x06,
00198         /** Offset specified was past the end of the attribute. */
00199         INVALID_OFFSET = 0x07,
00201         /** The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written. */
00204         /** Too many prepare writes have been queued. */
00205         PREPARE_QUEUE_FULL = 0x09,
00207         /** No attribute found within the given attribute handle range. */
00208         ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND = 0x0A,
00210         /** The attribute cannot be read using the Read Blob Request. */
00211         ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG = 0x0B,
00213         /** The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting this link is
00214          * insufficient.
00215          */
00218         /** The attribute value length is invalid for the operation. */
00221         /** The attribute request that was requested has encountered an error
00222          * that was unlikely, and therefore could not be completed as requested.
00223          */
00224         UNLIKELY_ERROR = 0x0E,
00226         /** The attribute requires encryption before it can be read or written. */
00229         /** The attribute type is not a supported grouping attribute as defined
00230          * by a higher layer specification.
00231          */
00232         UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE = 0x10,
00234         /** Insufficient Resources to complete the request. */
00235         INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES = 0x11,
00237         /* 0x12 - 0x7F => reserved for future use */
00239         /* 0x80 - 0x9F => Application Error */
00241         /* 0xA0 0xDF => Reserved for future use */
00243         /* 0xE0 - 0xFF Common Profile and service Error Codes */
00245         /** The Write Request Rejected error code is used when a requested write
00246          * operation cannot be fulfilled for reasons other than permissions.
00247          */
00248         WRITE_REQUEST_REJECTED = 0xFC,
00250         /** The Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor Improperly
00251          * Configured error code is used when a Client Characteristic
00252          * Configuration descriptor is not configured according to the
00253          * requirements of the profile or service.
00254          */
00257         /** The Procedure Already in Progress error code is used when a profile
00258          * or service request cannot be serviced because an operation that has
00259          * been previously triggered is still in progress
00260          */
00263         /** The Out of Range error code is used when an attribute value is out
00264          * of range as defined by a profile or service specification.
00265          */
00266         OUT_OF_RANGE = 0xFF
00267     };
00268 };
00271 /**
00272  * The Exchange MTU Request is used by the client to inform the server of the
00273  * client’s maximum receive MTU size and request the server to respond with its
00274  * maximum rx MTU size.
00275  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00276  */
00277 struct AttExchangeMTUResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00278     /**
00279      * Construct an exchange mtu response containing the max rx mtu of the
00280      * server.
00281      *
00282      * @param server_rx_mtu_ The max rx mtu the server can handle.
00283      */
00284     AttExchangeMTUResponse(uint16_t server_rx_mtu_) :
00285         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::EXCHANGE_MTU_RESPONSE),
00286         server_rx_mtu(server_rx_mtu_) {
00287     }
00289     /**
00290      * The max rx mtu the server can handle.
00291      */
00292     const uint16_t server_rx_mtu;
00293 };
00296 /**
00297  * The Find Information Response is sent in reply to a received Find Information
00298  * Request and contains information about this server.
00299  *
00300  * The Find Information Response contains a sequence of handle-uuid pairs in
00301  * ascending order if attribute handles.
00302  *
00303  * This class has to be subclassed by an implementation specific class defining
00304  * the member function size and the subscript operator.
00305  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00306  */
00307 struct AttFindInformationResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00309     /** handle-uuid pair */
00310     struct information_data_t {
00311         attribute_handle_t handle;
00312         UUID uuid;
00313     };
00315     /**
00316      * Base constructor, setup the OpCode of the response.
00317      */
00318     AttFindInformationResponse() :
00319         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::FIND_INFORMATION_RESPONSE) {
00320     }
00322     /**
00323      * virtual destructor to overide if the sub class needs it.
00324      */
00325     virtual ~AttFindInformationResponse() { }
00327     /**
00328      * Returns the number of information_data_t present in the response.
00329      */
00330     virtual size_t size() const = 0;
00332     /**
00333      * Access to information_data_t elements present in the response.
00334      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00335      */
00336     virtual information_data_t operator[](size_t index) const = 0;
00337 };
00340 /**
00341  * Find by type value responses are sent in response to find by type value
00342  * request.
00343  *
00344  * The response contains a sequence of Found Attribute Handle, Group End Handle
00345  * pair where:
00346  *   - Found Attribute Handle is the handle of an attribute matching the type
00347  *     and the value requested.
00348  *   - Group End Handle is the end of the attribute group if the attribute found
00349  *     is a grouping attribute or the same value as Found Attribute Handle if
00350  *     the attribute is not a grouping attribute.
00351  *
00352  * This class should be subclassed by an implementation specific class defining
00353  * the member function size and the subscript operator.
00354  *
00355  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00356  */
00357 struct AttFindByTypeValueResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00358     /**
00359      * Base constructor, setup the OpCode of the response.
00360      */
00361     AttFindByTypeValueResponse() :
00362         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::FIND_BY_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE) {
00363     }
00365     /**
00366      * virtual destructor to overide if the sub class needs it.
00367      */
00368     virtual ~AttFindByTypeValueResponse() { }
00370     /**
00371      * Returns the number of attribute_handle_range_t present in the response.
00372      */
00373     virtual std::size_t size() const = 0;
00375     /**
00376      * Access to the attribute range present in the response.
00377      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00378      */
00379     virtual attribute_handle_range_t operator[](size_t index) const = 0;
00380 };
00383 /**
00384  * Response to a Read By Type request.
00385  *
00386  * It contains a list of handle-value pairs where:
00387  *   - handle is the handle of the attribute matching the rype requested.
00388  *   - value is the value of the attribute found. If the value is longer than
00389  *     (mtu - 4) then it can be truncated and read blob request should be used
00390  *     to read the remaining octet of the attribute.
00391  *
00392  * This class has to be subclassed by an implementation specific class defining
00393  * the member function size and the subscript operator.
00394  *
00395  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00396  */
00397 struct AttReadByTypeResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00398     /**
00399      * handle-value pair
00400      */
00401     struct attribute_data_t {
00402         attribute_handle_t handle;
00403         ArrayView<const uint8_t>  value;
00404     };
00406     /**
00407      * Base constructor, setup the OpCode of the response.
00408      */
00409     AttReadByTypeResponse() :
00410         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::READ_BY_TYPE_RESPONSE) {
00411     }
00413     /**
00414      * virtual destructor to overide if the sub class needs it.
00415      */
00416     virtual ~AttReadByTypeResponse() { }
00418     /**
00419      * Return the number of attribute_data_t presents in the response.
00420      */
00421     virtual size_t size() const = 0;
00423     /**
00424      * Return the attribute data at index.
00425      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00426      */
00427     virtual attribute_data_t operator[](size_t index) const = 0;
00428 };
00431 /**
00432  * The read response is sent in reply to a received Read Request and contains
00433  * the value of the attribute that has been read.
00434  *
00435  * The attribute value shall be set to the value of the attribute identified by
00436  * the attribute handle in the request. If the attribute value is longer than
00437  * (ATT_MTU-1) then the first (ATT_MTU-1) octets shall be included in this
00438  * response.
00439  *
00440  * @note The Read Blob Request would be used to read the remaining octets of a
00441  * long attribute value.
00442  *
00443  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00444  */
00445 struct AttReadResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00446     /**
00447      * Construct a Read Response from an array of bytes.
00448      */
00449     AttReadResponse(ArrayView<const uint8_t>  data_) :
00450         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::READ_RESPONSE), _data(data_) {
00451     }
00453     /**
00454      * Return the number of octets presents in the response.
00455      */
00456     size_t size() const {
00457         return _data.size();
00458     }
00460     /**
00461      * Return the octet at the specified index.
00462      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00463      */
00464     uint8_t operator[](size_t index) const {
00465         return _data[index];
00466     }
00468     /**
00469      * Return the pointer to the actual data
00470      */
00471     const uint8_t* data() const {
00472         return _data.data();
00473     }
00475 private:
00476     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  _data;
00477 };
00480 /**
00481  * The Read Blob Response is sent in reply to a received Read Blob Request and
00482  * contains part of the value of the attribute that has been read.
00483  *
00484  * If the offset requested is equal to the length of the attribute then the
00485  * response contains no data and the size of the data returned is equal to 0.
00486  *
00487  * If the value of the attribute starting at the offset requested is longer than
00488  * (mtu - 1) octets then the first (mtu - 1) will be present in the response.
00489  * The remaining octets will be acquired by another Read Blob Request with an
00490  * updated index.
00491  *
00492  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00493  */
00494 struct AttReadBlobResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00495     /**
00496      * Construct a read blob response from the value responded.
00497      */
00498     AttReadBlobResponse(ArrayView<const uint8_t>  data_) :
00499         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::READ_BLOB_RESPONSE), _data(data_) {
00500     }
00502     /**
00503      * Return the number of octets presents in the response value.
00504      */
00505     size_t size() const {
00506         return _data.size();
00507     }
00509     /**
00510      * Return the octet of the value read at the specified index.
00511      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00512      */
00513     uint8_t operator[](size_t index) const {
00514         return _data[index];
00515     }
00517     /**
00518      * Return the pointer to the actual data
00519      */
00520     const uint8_t* data() const {
00521         return _data.data();
00522     }
00524 private:
00525     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  _data;
00526 };
00529 /**
00530  * Response to a Read Multiple Request. It contains the values of the attributes
00531  * that have been read.
00532  *
00533  * If the set of values that has been read is longer than (mtu - 1) then only
00534  * the first (mtu - 1) octets are included in the response.
00535  *
00536  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00537  */
00538 struct AttReadMultipleResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00539     /**
00540      * Construct a Resd Multiple Response from the set of value received.
00541      */
00542     AttReadMultipleResponse(ArrayView<const uint8_t>  data_) :
00543         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::READ_MULTIPLE_RESPONSE), _data(data_) {
00544     }
00546     /**
00547      * Return the number of octets presents in the response set of value.
00548      */
00549     size_t size() const {
00550         return _data.size();
00551     }
00553     /**
00554      * Return the octet of the set of value read at the specified index.
00555      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00556      */
00557     uint8_t operator[](size_t index) const {
00558         return _data[index];
00559     }
00561 private:
00562     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  _data;
00563 };
00566 /**
00567  * The Read By Group Type Response is sent in reply to a received Read By
00568  * Group Type Request and contains the handles and values of the attributes that
00569  * have been read.
00570  *
00571  * The response is a list of group range-value pair where:
00572  *   - group range: The range of the group found where begin is the grouping
00573  *     attribute handle and end is the handle of the end of the group.
00574  *   - value: The value of the grouping attribute.
00575  *
00576  * This class has to be subclassed by an implementation specific class defining
00577  * the member function size and the subscript operator.
00578  *
00579  * @note The value responded can be trucated if it doesn't fit in the response,
00580  * in that case a Read Blob Request could be used to read the remaining octets.
00581  *
00582  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00583  */
00584 struct AttReadByGroupTypeResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00585     /**
00586      * Data read from the grouping attribute.
00587      * It includes the range of the group and the value of the attribute.
00588      */
00589     struct attribute_data_t {
00590         attribute_handle_range_t group_range;
00591         ArrayView<const uint8_t>  value;
00592     };
00594     /**
00595      * Base constructor, setup the OpCode of the response.
00596      */
00597     AttReadByGroupTypeResponse() :
00598         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::READ_BY_GROUP_TYPE_RESPONSE) {
00599     }
00601     /**
00602      * virtual destructor to overide if the sub class needs it.
00603      */
00604     virtual ~AttReadByGroupTypeResponse() { }
00606     /**
00607      * Return the number of attribute_data_t present in the response.
00608      */
00609     virtual size_t size() const = 0;
00611     /**
00612      * Return the attribute data read at the index specified.
00613      * @note Out of range access is undefined.
00614      */
00615     virtual attribute_data_t operator[](size_t index) const = 0;
00616 };
00619 /**
00620  * The Write Response is sent in reply to a valid Write Request and
00621  * acknowledges that the attribute has been successfully written.
00622  * It is just a placeholder which indicates the client that the write request
00623  * was successful.
00624  *
00625  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00626  */
00627 struct AttWriteResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00628     /**
00629      * Construct a write response.
00630      */
00631     AttWriteResponse() : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::WRITE_RESPONSE) { }
00632 };
00635 /**
00636  * Response to a Prepare Write Request. It acknowledges the client that the
00637  * value has been successfully received and placed in the write queue.
00638  *
00639  * The response contains the same values as the one present in the request.
00640  *
00641  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00642  */
00643 struct AttPrepareWriteResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00644     /**
00645      * Construct a prepare write response.
00646      * @param handle_ The handle of the attribute to be written.
00647      * @param offset_: The offset of the first octet to be writen.
00648      * @param value_: The value of the attribute to be written at the offset
00649      * indicated.
00650      */
00651     AttPrepareWriteResponse(
00652         attribute_handle_t handle_,
00653         uint16_t offset_,
00654         ArrayView<const uint8_t>  value_
00655     ) : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::PREPARE_WRITE_RESPONSE),
00656         attribute_handle(handle_),
00657         offset(offset_),
00658         partial_value(value_) {
00659     }
00661     /**
00662      * The handle of the attribute to be written.
00663      */
00664     const attribute_handle_t attribute_handle;
00666     /**
00667      * The offset of the first octet to be writen.
00668      */
00669     const uint16_t offset;
00671     /**
00672      * The value of the attribute to be written at the offset indicated.
00673      */
00674     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  partial_value;
00675 };
00678 /**
00679  * The Execute Write Response is sent in response to a received Execute Write
00680  * Request.
00681  *
00682  * It is just a placeholder which indicates the client that the execution of the
00683  * write request has been successfull.
00684  *
00685  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00686  */
00687 struct AttExecuteWriteResponse : public AttServerMessage {
00688     /**
00689      * Construct an execute write response object.
00690      */
00691     AttExecuteWriteResponse() :
00692         AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::EXECUTE_WRITE_RESPONSE) {
00693     }
00694 };
00697 /**
00698  * Notification of an attribute's value sent by the server.
00699  *
00700  * It contains the handle of the attribute and its value.
00701  *
00702  * If the attribute value is longer than (mtu - 3) then the value is truncated
00703  * to (mtu - 3) octets to fit in the response and the client will have to use
00704  * a read blob request to read the remaining octets of the attribute.
00705  *
00706  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00707  */
00708 struct AttHandleValueNotification : public AttServerMessage {
00709     /**
00710      * Construct an Handle Value Notification from the attribute handle and its
00711      * value notified.
00712      */
00713     AttHandleValueNotification(
00714         attribute_handle_t attribute_handle,
00715         ArrayView<const uint8_t>  attribute_value
00716     ) : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_NOTIFICATION),
00717         attribute_handle(attribute_handle),
00718         attribute_value(attribute_value) {
00719     }
00721     /**
00722      * Handle of the attribute
00723      */
00724     const attribute_handle_t attribute_handle;
00726     /**
00727      * The current value of the attribute.
00728      */
00729     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  attribute_value;
00730 };
00733 /**
00734  * Indication of an attribute's value sent by the server.
00735  *
00736  * It contains the handle of the attribute and its value. The client should
00737  * respond with and handle value confirmation.
00738  *
00739  * If the attribute value is longer than (mtu - 3) then the value is truncated
00740  * to (mtu - 3) octets to fit in the response and the client will have to use
00741  * a read blob request to read the remaining octets of the attribute.
00742  *
00743  * @note see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
00744  */
00745 struct AttHandleValueIndication : public AttServerMessage {
00746     /**
00747      * Construct an Handle Value Indication from the attribute handle and its
00748      * value indicated.
00749      */
00750     AttHandleValueIndication(
00751         attribute_handle_t handle, ArrayView<const uint8_t>  value
00752     ) : AttServerMessage(AttributeOpcode::HANDLE_VALUE_INDICATION),
00753         attribute_handle(handle), attribute_value(value) {
00754     }
00756     /**
00757      * Handle of the attribute
00758      */
00759     const attribute_handle_t attribute_handle;
00761     /**
00762      * The current value of the attribute.
00763      */
00764     const ArrayView<const uint8_t>  attribute_value;
00765 };
00768 } // namespace pal
00769 } // namespace ble
00771 #endif /* BLE_PAL_ATT_SERVER_MESSAGE_H_ */