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AttClient Struct Reference

Send attribute protocol requests to an ATT server. More...

#include <AttClient.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ble_error_t initialize ()=0
 Initialization of the instance.
virtual ble_error_t terminate ()=0
 Termination of the instance.
virtual ble_error_t exchange_mtu_request (connection_handle_t connection)=0
 Send an exchange MTU request which negotiate the size of the MTU used by the connection.
virtual ble_error_t get_mtu_size (connection_handle_t connection_handle, uint16_t &mtu_size)=0
 Acquire the size of the mtu for a given connection.
virtual ble_error_t find_information_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_range_t discovery_range)=0
 Send a find information request to a server in order to obtain the mapping of attribute handles with their associated types.
virtual ble_error_t find_by_type_value_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_range_t discovery_range, uint16_t type, const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &value)=0
 Send a Find By Type Value Request which retrieve the handles of attributes that have known 16-bit UUID attribute type and known attribute value.
virtual ble_error_t read_by_type_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_range_t read_range, const UUID &type)=0
 Send a Read By Type Request used to obtain the values of attributes where the attribute type is known but the handle is not known.
virtual ble_error_t read_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle)=0
 Send a Read Request to read the value of an attribute in the server.
virtual ble_error_t read_blob_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle, uint16_t offset)=0
 Send a read blob request to a server to read a part of the value of an attribute at a given offset.
virtual ble_error_t read_multiple_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, const ArrayView< const attribute_handle_t > &attribute_handles)=0
 Send a read multiple request to the server.
virtual ble_error_t read_by_group_type_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_range_t read_range, const UUID &group_type)=0
 Send a read by group type request to the server.
virtual ble_error_t write_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle, const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &value)=0
 Send a write request to the server to write the value of an attribute.
virtual ble_error_t write_command (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle, const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &value)=0
 Send a write command to the server.
virtual ble_error_t signed_write_command (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle, const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &value)=0
 Send a signed write command to the server.
virtual ble_error_t prepare_write_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, attribute_handle_t attribute_handle, uint16_t offset, const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &value)=0
 The Prepare Write Request is used to request the server to prepare to write the value of an attribute.
virtual ble_error_t execute_write_request (connection_handle_t connection_handle, bool execute)=0
 Send an Execute Write Request to the server.
void when_server_message_received (mbed::Callback< void(connection_handle_t, const AttServerMessage &)> cb)
 Register a callback which will handle messages from the server.
void when_transaction_timeout (mbed::Callback< void(connection_handle_t)> cb)
 Register a callback handling transaction timeout.

Protected Member Functions

void on_server_event (connection_handle_t connection_handle, const AttServerMessage &server_message)
 Upon server message reception an implementation shall call this function.
void on_transaction_timeout (connection_handle_t connection_handle)
 Upon transaction timeout an implementation shall call this function.

Detailed Description

Send attribute protocol requests to an ATT server.

It also handle reception of ATT response and server indication/notification.

Every request send and response or response event received is for a specified connection.

This class should not be used outside mbed BLE, availability is not guaranteed for all ports.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F

Definition at line 42 of file AttClient.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual ble_error_t exchange_mtu_request ( connection_handle_t  connection ) [pure virtual]

Send an exchange MTU request which negotiate the size of the MTU used by the connection.

First the client send to the server the maximum rx mtu that it can receive then the client reply with the maximum rx mtu it can receive.

The mtu choosen for the connection is the minimum of the client Rx mtu and server Rx mtu values.

If an error occured then the mtu used remains the default value.

connectionThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been succesfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
See also:
ble::pal::AttExchangeMTUResponse The type of response received from the Server
ble::pal::AttErrorResponse::REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED The error code returned by the Server in case of error.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t execute_write_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
bool  execute 
) [pure virtual]

Send an Execute Write Request to the server.

This request will instruct the server to execute or cancel the prepare write requests currently held in the prepare queue from this client.

If the execute parameter is set to true, the server should execute the request held in the queue. If the parameter is equal to false then the server should cancel the requests in the queue.

In case of success, the server will respond with a ble::pal::AttExecuteWriteResponse indicating that the request was correctly handled.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

The error response will contains the attribute handle which as caused the error and the remaining of the prepare queue is discarded. The state of the attributes that were to be written from the prepare queue is not defined in this case.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
executeBoolean indicating if the prepare queue should be executed or cleared.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t find_by_type_value_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_range_t  discovery_range,
uint16_t  type,
const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &  value 
) [pure virtual]

Send a Find By Type Value Request which retrieve the handles of attributes that have known 16-bit UUID attribute type and known attribute value.

The server should reply with a ble::pal::AttFindByTypeValueResponse containing the handle (or handle range in case of grouping attributes) of the attribute found.

If not all attributes can be contained in the response it is necessary to send again this request with an updated range to continue the discovery.

The server can send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse with the code ble::pal::AttErrorResponse::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND if no attributes have been found in the range specified. The attribute handle in the response is then equal to the first handle of the discovery range.

If the range is malformed the server will reply a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse with the error code ble::pal::INVALID_HANDLE.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
discovery_rangeThe handle range where attributes with type and value are searched.
typeThe type of attribute to find (it is a 16 bit UUID).
valueThe value of the attributes to found.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t find_information_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_range_t  discovery_range 
) [pure virtual]

Send a find information request to a server in order to obtain the mapping of attribute handles with their associated types.

The server will reply with a ble::pal::AttFindInformationResponse containing at least one [attribute handle, attribute type] pair. If the last handle in the response is not equal to the end handle of the finding range then this request can be issued again with an updated range (begin equal to last handle received + 1) to discover the remaining attributes.

To discover the whole ATT server, the first find information request should have a discovery range of [0x0001 - 0xFFFF].

The server can send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse with the code ble::pal::AttErrorResponse::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND if no attributes have been found in the range specified. The attribute handle in the response is then equal to the first handle of the discovery range.

If the range is malformed the server will reply a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse with the error code ble::pal::INVALID_HANDLE.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
discovery_rangeThe attribute range where handle-type informations should be discovered.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t get_mtu_size ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
uint16_t &  mtu_size 
) [pure virtual]

Acquire the size of the mtu for a given connection.

connectionThe handle of the connection for which the the MTU size should be acquired.
mtu_sizeOutput parameter which will contain the MTU size.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the MTU size has been acquired or the appropriate error otherwise.
virtual ble_error_t initialize (  ) [pure virtual]

Initialization of the instance.

An implementation can use this function to initialise the subsystems needed to realize the ATT operations of this interface.

This function has to be called before any other operations.

BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
void on_server_event ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
const AttServerMessage server_message 
) [protected]

Upon server message reception an implementation shall call this function.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection which has received the server message.
server_messageThe message received from the server.

Definition at line 642 of file AttClient.h.

void on_transaction_timeout ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle ) [protected]

Upon transaction timeout an implementation shall call this function.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection of the transaction which has times out.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section 3.3.3

Definition at line 659 of file AttClient.h.

virtual ble_error_t prepare_write_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle,
uint16_t  offset,
const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &  value 
) [pure virtual]

The Prepare Write Request is used to request the server to prepare to write the value of an attribute.

The client can send multiple prepare write request which will be put in a queue until the client send an Execute Write Request which will execute sequentially the write request in the queue.

In case of success the server will respond with a ble::pal::AttPrepareWriteResponse containing the values (attribute handle, offset and value) present in the write request.

If a prepare write request is rejected by the server, the state queue of the prepare write request queue remains unaltered.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleThe handle of the attribute to be written.
offsetThe offset of the first octet to be written.
valueThe value of the attribute to be written. It can't be longer than (mtu - 5).
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t read_blob_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle,
uint16_t  offset 
) [pure virtual]

Send a read blob request to a server to read a part of the value of an attribute at a given offset.

In case of success, the server will reply with a ble::pal::AttReadBlobResponse containing the value read. If the value of the attribute starting at the offset requested is longer than (mtu - 1) octets then only the first (mtu - 1) octets will be present in the response. The remaining octets can be acquired by another Read Blob Request with an updated index.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleThe handle of the attribute to read.
offsetThe offset of the first octet to read.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t read_by_group_type_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_range_t  read_range,
const UUID group_type 
) [pure virtual]

Send a read by group type request to the server.

It is used to get informations about grouping attribute of a given type on a server.

The server will reply with a ble::pal::ReadByGroupTypeResponse containing informations about the grouping attribute found. Informations are:

  • handle of the grouping attribute.
  • last handle of the group .
  • attribute value.

If the last handle received is not the last handle of the discovery range then it is necessary to send another request with a discovery range updated to: [last handle + 1 : end].

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
read_rangeRange where this request apply.
group_typeType of the grouping attribute to find and read.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t read_by_type_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_range_t  read_range,
const UUID type 
) [pure virtual]

Send a Read By Type Request used to obtain the values of attributes where the attribute type is known but the handle is not known.

If attributes with the type requested are present in the range, the server should reply with a ble::pal::AttReadByTypeResponse. If the response does not cover the full range, the request should be sent again with an updated range.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
read_rangeThe handle range where attributes with the given type should be read.
typeThe type of attributes to read.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t read_multiple_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
const ArrayView< const attribute_handle_t > &  attribute_handles 
) [pure virtual]

Send a read multiple request to the server.

It is used to read two or more attributes values at once.

In case of success, the server will reply with a ble::pal::AttReadMultipleResponse containing the concatenation of the values read. Given that values are concatained, all attributes values should be of fixed size except for the last one. The concatained value is also truncated to (mtu - 1) if it doesn't fit in the response.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handlesSet of attribute handles to read.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t read_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle 
) [pure virtual]

Send a Read Request to read the value of an attribute in the server.

In case of success, the server will reply with a ble::pal::AttReadResponse. containing the value of the attribute. If the length of the value in the response is equal to (mtu - 1) then the remaining part of the value can be obtained by a read_blob_request.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleThe handle of the attribute to read.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t signed_write_command ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle,
const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &  value 
) [pure virtual]

Send a signed write command to the server.

Behaviour is similar to a write command except that 12 bytes of the mtu are reserved for the authentication signature.

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleHandle of the attribute to write.
valueValue to write. It can't be longer than (mtu - 15).
the authentication signature to send with this request is computed by the implementation following the rules defined in BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section 3.3.1.
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t terminate (  ) [pure virtual]

Termination of the instance.

An implementation can use this function to release the subsystems initialised to realise the ATT operations of this interface.

After a call to this function, initialise should be called again to allow usage of the interface.

BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the appropriate error otherwise.
void when_server_message_received ( mbed::Callback< void(connection_handle_t, const AttServerMessage &)>  cb )

Register a callback which will handle messages from the server.

cbThe callback object which will handle messages from the server. It accept two parameters in input: The handle of the connection where the message was received and the message received. Real type of the message can be obtained from its opcode.

Definition at line 607 of file AttClient.h.

void when_transaction_timeout ( mbed::Callback< void(connection_handle_t)>  cb )

Register a callback handling transaction timeout.

cbThe callback handling timeout of a transaction. It accepts as a parameter the connection handle involved in the timeout.
No more attribute protocol requests, commands, indication or notification shall be sent over a connection implied in a transaction timeout. To send a new ATT message, the conenction should be reestablished.

Definition at line 624 of file AttClient.h.

virtual ble_error_t write_command ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle,
const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &  value 
) [pure virtual]

Send a write command to the server.

A write command is similar to a write request except that it won't receive any response from the server

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleHandle of the attribute to write.
valueValue to write. It can't be longer than (mtu - 3).
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section
virtual ble_error_t write_request ( connection_handle_t  connection_handle,
attribute_handle_t  attribute_handle,
const ArrayView< const uint8_t > &  value 
) [pure virtual]

Send a write request to the server to write the value of an attribute.

In case of success, the server will reply with a ble::pal::AttWriteResponse to acknowledge that the write operation went well.

If the attribute value has a variable length, then the attribute value shall be truncated or lengthened to match the length of the value in the request.

If the attribute value has a fixed length and the Attribute Value parameter length is less than or equal to the length of the attribute value, the octets of the attribute value parameter length shall be written; all other octets in this attribute value shall be unchanged.

In case of error, the server will send a ble::pal::AttErrorResponse. The error code depends on the situation:

connection_handleThe handle of the connection to send this request to.
attribute_handleHandle of the attribute to write.
valueValue to write. It can't be longer than (mtu - 3).
BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or an appropriate error otherwise.
see BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 5.0 | Vol 3, Part F Section