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GattReadAuthCallbackParams Struct Reference

GattReadAuthCallbackParams Struct Reference

GATT read authorization request event. More...

#include <GattCallbackParamTypes.h>

Data Fields

Gap::Handle_t connHandle
 The handle of the connection that triggered the event.
GattAttribute::Handle_t handle
 Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.
uint16_t offset
 Offset for the read operation.
uint16_t len
 Optional: new length of the outgoing data.
uint8_t * data
 Optional: new outgoing data.
GattAuthCallbackReply_t authorizationReply
 Authorization result.

Detailed Description

GATT read authorization request event.

Definition at line 312 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

Field Documentation

Authorization result.

The callback sets this parameter. If the value is set to AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS, then the read request is accepted; otherwise, an error code is returned to the peer client.

Definition at line 345 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

The handle of the connection that triggered the event.

Definition at line 316 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint8_t* data

Optional: new outgoing data.

Leave at NULL if data is unchanged.

Definition at line 336 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

Attribute Handle to which the read operation applies.

Definition at line 321 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint16_t len

Optional: new length of the outgoing data.

Definition at line 331 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.

uint16_t offset

Offset for the read operation.

Definition at line 326 of file GattCallbackParamTypes.h.