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GattCharacteristic::PresentationFormat_t Struct Reference

GattCharacteristic::PresentationFormat_t Struct Reference

Value of a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor. More...

#include <GattCharacteristic.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t gatt_format
 Format of the value.
int8_t exponent
 Exponent for integer data types.
uint16_t gatt_unit
 Unit of the characteristic value.
uint8_t gatt_namespace
 Namespace of the description field.
uint16_t gatt_nsdesc

Detailed Description

Value of a Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor.

Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor expresses the format of a characteristic value.

See Bluetooth Specification 4.0 (Vol. 3), Part G, Section

Definition at line 1290 of file GattCharacteristic.h.

Field Documentation

int8_t exponent

Exponent for integer data types.

Example: if Exponent = -3 and the char value is 3892, the actual value is 3.892

Definition at line 1302 of file GattCharacteristic.h.

uint8_t gatt_format

Format of the value.

Definition at line 1294 of file GattCharacteristic.h.

uint8_t gatt_namespace

Namespace of the description field.

This field identifies the organization that is responsible for defining the enumerations for the description field.

The namespace of the Bluetooth Body is 0x01.

Definition at line 1319 of file GattCharacteristic.h.

uint16_t gatt_nsdesc


The value 0x0000 means unknown in the Bluetooth namespace.

Definition at line 1326 of file GattCharacteristic.h.

uint16_t gatt_unit

Unit of the characteristic value.

It is a UUID from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers.

Definition at line 1309 of file GattCharacteristic.h.