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lwip_snmp_msg.c File Reference

lwip_snmp_msg.c File Reference

SNMP message processing (RFC1157). More...

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const char * snmp_get_community (void)
 Returns current SNMP community string.
void snmp_set_community (const char *const community)
 Sets SNMP community string.
const char * snmp_get_community_write (void)
 Returns current SNMP write-access community string.
const char * snmp_get_community_trap (void)
 Returns current SNMP community string used for sending traps.
void snmp_set_community_write (const char *const community)
 Sets SNMP community string for write-access.
void snmp_set_community_trap (const char *const community)
 Sets SNMP community string used for sending traps.
void snmp_set_write_callback (snmp_write_callback_fct write_callback, void *callback_arg)
 Callback fired on every successful write access.
static err_t snmp_process_get_request (struct snmp_request *request)
 Service an internal or external event for SNMP GET.
static err_t snmp_process_getnext_request (struct snmp_request *request)
 Service an internal or external event for SNMP GET.
static err_t snmp_process_getbulk_request (struct snmp_request *request)
 Service an internal or external event for SNMP GETBULKT.
static err_t snmp_process_set_request (struct snmp_request *request)
 Service an internal or external event for SNMP SET.
static err_t snmp_parse_inbound_frame (struct snmp_request *request)
 Checks and decodes incoming SNMP message header, logs header errors.
err_t snmp_varbind_length (struct snmp_varbind *varbind, struct snmp_varbind_len *len)
 Calculate the length of a varbind list.


const char * snmp_community = SNMP_COMMUNITY
 SNMP community string.
const char * snmp_community_write = SNMP_COMMUNITY_WRITE
 SNMP community string for write access.
const char * snmp_community_trap = SNMP_COMMUNITY_TRAP
 SNMP community string for sending traps.

Detailed Description

SNMP message processing (RFC1157).

Definition in file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

Function Documentation

static err_t snmp_parse_inbound_frame ( struct snmp_request *  request ) [static]

Checks and decodes incoming SNMP message header, logs header errors.

requestpoints to the current message request state return
  • ERR_OK SNMP header is sane and accepted
  • ERR_VAL SNMP header is either malformed or rejected

Definition at line 611 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

static err_t snmp_process_get_request ( struct snmp_request *  request ) [static]

Service an internal or external event for SNMP GET.

requestpoints to the associated message process state

Definition at line 329 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

static err_t snmp_process_getbulk_request ( struct snmp_request *  request ) [static]

Service an internal or external event for SNMP GETBULKT.

requestpoints to the associated message process state

Definition at line 401 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

static err_t snmp_process_getnext_request ( struct snmp_request *  request ) [static]

Service an internal or external event for SNMP GET.

requestpoints to the associated message process state

Definition at line 365 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

static err_t snmp_process_set_request ( struct snmp_request *  request ) [static]

Service an internal or external event for SNMP SET.

requestpoints to the associated message process state

Definition at line 499 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

err_t snmp_varbind_length ( struct snmp_varbind varbind,
struct snmp_varbind_len len 

Calculate the length of a varbind list.

Definition at line 1187 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

Variable Documentation

const char* snmp_community = SNMP_COMMUNITY

SNMP community string.

Agent community string.

Definition at line 60 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

const char* snmp_community_trap = SNMP_COMMUNITY_TRAP

SNMP community string for sending traps.

Agent community string for sending traps.

Definition at line 64 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.

const char* snmp_community_write = SNMP_COMMUNITY_WRITE

SNMP community string for write access.

Agent community string for write access.

Definition at line 62 of file lwip_snmp_msg.c.