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snmp_varbind Struct Reference

snmp_varbind Struct Reference

SNMP variable binding descriptor (publically needed for traps) More...

#include <snmp.h>

Data Fields

struct snmp_varbindnext
 pointer to next varbind, NULL for last in list
struct snmp_varbindprev
 pointer to previous varbind, NULL for first in list
struct snmp_obj_id oid
 object identifier
u8_t type
 value ASN1 type
u16_t value_len
 object value length
void * value
 object value

Detailed Description

SNMP variable binding descriptor (publically needed for traps)

Definition at line 54 of file apps/snmp.h.

Field Documentation

struct snmp_varbind* next

pointer to next varbind, NULL for last in list

Definition at line 57 of file apps/snmp.h.

struct snmp_obj_id oid

object identifier

Definition at line 62 of file apps/snmp.h.

struct snmp_varbind* prev

pointer to previous varbind, NULL for first in list

Definition at line 59 of file apps/snmp.h.

u8_t type

value ASN1 type

Definition at line 65 of file apps/snmp.h.

void* value

object value

Definition at line 69 of file apps/snmp.h.

u16_t value_len

object value length

Definition at line 67 of file apps/snmp.h.