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DefaultTestSelector Class Reference

DefaultTestSelector Class Reference

Inherits tools::host_tests::host_test::Test.

Public Member Functions

def detect_test_config
def run
def setup
def notify
def print_result

Detailed Description

Test class with serial port initialization

Definition at line 418 of file host_test.py.

Member Function Documentation

def detect_test_config (   self,
  verbose = False 
) [inherited]
Detects test case configuration

Definition at line 328 of file host_test.py.

def notify (   self,
) [inherited]
On screen notification function

Definition at line 406 of file host_test.py.

def print_result (   self,
) [inherited]
Test result unified printing function

Definition at line 412 of file host_test.py.

def run (   self ) [inherited]
Test runner for host test. This function will start executing
    test and forward test result via serial port to test suite

Definition at line 357 of file host_test.py.

def setup (   self ) [inherited]
Setup and check if configuration for test is
    correct. E.g. if serial port can be opened.

Definition at line 396 of file host_test.py.