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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00016 """
00018 # Check if 'serial' module is installed
00019 try:
00020     from serial import Serial
00021 except ImportError, e:
00022     print "Error: Can't import 'serial' module: %s"% e
00023     exit(-1)
00025 import os
00026 import re
00027 import types
00028 from sys import stdout
00029 from time import sleep, time
00030 from optparse import OptionParser
00032 import host_tests_plugins
00034 # This is a little tricky. We need to add upper directory to path so
00035 # we can find packages we want from the same level as other files do
00036 import sys
00037 sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')))
00038 from tools.test_api import get_autodetected_MUTS_list
00039 from tools.test_api import get_module_avail
00042 class Mbed :
00043     """ Base class for a host driven test
00044     """
00045     def __init__(self):
00046         parser = OptionParser()
00048         parser.add_option("-m", "--micro",
00049                           dest="micro",
00050                           help="The target microcontroller",
00051                           metavar="MICRO")
00053         parser.add_option("-p", "--port",
00054                           dest="port",
00055                           help="The serial port of the target mbed",
00056                           metavar="PORT")
00058         parser.add_option("-d", "--disk",
00059                           dest="disk",
00060                           help="The target disk path",
00061                           metavar="DISK_PATH")
00063         parser.add_option("-f", "--image-path",
00064                           dest="image_path",
00065                           help="Path with target's image",
00066                           metavar="IMAGE_PATH")
00068         parser.add_option("-c", "--copy",
00069                           dest="copy_method",
00070                           help="Copy method selector",
00071                           metavar="COPY_METHOD")
00073         parser.add_option("-C", "--program_cycle_s",
00074                           dest="program_cycle_s",
00075                           help="Program cycle sleep. Define how many seconds you want wait after copying bianry onto target",
00076                           type="float",
00077                           metavar="COPY_METHOD")
00079         parser.add_option("-t", "--timeout",
00080                           dest="timeout",
00081                           help="Timeout",
00082                           metavar="TIMEOUT")
00084         parser.add_option("-r", "--reset",
00085                           dest="forced_reset_type",
00086                           help="Forces different type of reset")
00088         parser.add_option("-R", "--reset-timeout",
00089                           dest="forced_reset_timeout",
00090                           metavar="NUMBER",
00091                           type="int",
00092                           help="When forcing a reset using option -r you can set up after reset timeout in seconds")
00094         parser.add_option('', '--auto',
00095                           dest='auto_detect',
00096                           metavar=False,
00097                           action="store_true",
00098                           help='Use mbed-ls module to detect all connected mbed devices')
00100         (self.options, _) = parser.parse_args()
00102         self.DEFAULT_RESET_TOUT  = 0
00103         self.DEFAULT_TOUT  = 10
00105         if self.options.port is None:
00106             raise Exception("The serial port of the target mbed have to be provided as command line arguments")
00108         # Options related to copy / reset mbed device
00109         self.port  = self.options.port
00110         self.disk  = self.options.disk
00111         self.image_path  = self.options.image_path.strip('"')
00112         self.copy_method  = self.options.copy_method
00113         self.program_cycle_s  = float(self.options.program_cycle_s)
00115         self.serial  = None
00116         self.serial_baud  = 9600
00117         self.serial_timeout  = 1
00119         self.timeout  = self.DEFAULT_TOUT  if self.options.timeout is None else self.options.timeout
00120         print 'MBED: Instrumentation: "%s" and disk: "%s"' % (self.port , self.disk )
00122     def init_serial_params (self, serial_baud=9600, serial_timeout=1):
00123         """ Initialize port parameters.
00124             This parameters will be used by self.init_serial() function to open serial port
00125         """
00126         self.serial_baud  = serial_baud
00127         self.serial_timeout  = serial_timeout
00129     def init_serial (self, serial_baud=None, serial_timeout=None):
00130         """ Initialize serial port.
00131             Function will return error is port can't be opened or initialized
00132         """
00133         # Overload serial port configuration from default to parameters' values if they are specified
00134         serial_baud = serial_baud if serial_baud is not None else self.serial_baud 
00135         serial_timeout = serial_timeout if serial_timeout is not None else self.serial_timeout 
00137         if get_module_avail('mbed_lstools') and self.options.auto_detect:
00138             # Ensure serial port is up-to-date (try to find it 60 times)
00139             found = False
00141             for i in range(0, 60):
00142                 print('Looking for %s with MBEDLS' % self.options.micro)
00143                 muts_list = get_autodetected_MUTS_list(platform_name_filter=[self.options.micro])
00145                 if 1 in muts_list:
00146                     mut = muts_list[1]
00147                     self.port  = mut['port']
00148                     found = True
00149                     break
00150                 else:
00151                     sleep(3)
00153             if not found:
00154                 return False
00156         # Clear serial port
00157         if self.serial :
00158             self.serial .close()
00159             self.serial  = None
00161         # We will pool for serial to be re-mounted if it was unmounted after device reset
00162         result = self.pool_for_serial_init (serial_baud, serial_timeout) # Blocking
00164         # Port can be opened
00165         if result:
00166             self.flush ()
00167         return result
00169     def pool_for_serial_init (self, serial_baud, serial_timeout, pooling_loops=40, init_delay=0.5, loop_delay=0.25):
00170         """ Functions pools for serial port readiness
00171         """
00172         result = True
00173         last_error = None
00174         # This loop is used to check for serial port availability due to
00175         # some delays and remounting when devices are being flashed with new software.
00176         for i in range(pooling_loops):
00177             sleep(loop_delay if i else init_delay)
00178             try:
00179                 self.serial  = Serial(self.port , baudrate=serial_baud, timeout=serial_timeout)
00180             except Exception as e:
00181                 result = False
00182                 last_error = "MBED: %s"% str(e)
00183                 stdout.write('.')
00184                 stdout.flush()
00185             else:
00186                 print "...port ready!"
00187                 result = True
00188                 break
00189         if not result and last_error:
00190             print last_error
00191         return result
00193     def set_serial_timeout (self, timeout):
00194         """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object timeout property
00195         """
00196         result = None
00197         if self.serial :
00198             self.serial .timeout = timeout
00199             result = True
00200         return result
00202     def serial_read (self, count=1):
00203         """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object read method
00204         """
00205         result = None
00206         if self.serial :
00207             try:
00208                 result = self.serial .read(count)
00209             except:
00210                 result = None
00211         return result
00213     def serial_readline (self, timeout=5):
00214         """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object read method to read one line from serial port
00215         """
00216         result = ''
00217         start = time()
00218         while (time() - start) < timeout:
00219             if self.serial :
00220                 try:
00221                     c = self.serial .read(1)
00222                     result += c
00223                 except Exception as e:
00224                     print "MBED: %s"% str(e)
00225                     result = None
00226                     break
00227                 if c == '\n':
00228                     break
00229         return result
00231     def serial_write (self, write_buffer):
00232         """ Wraps self.mbed.serial object write method
00233         """
00234         result = None
00235         if self.serial :
00236             try:
00237                 result = self.serial .write(write_buffer)
00238             except:
00239                result = None
00240         return result
00242     def reset_timeout (self, timeout):
00243         """ Timeout executed just after reset command is issued
00244         """
00245         for n in range(0, timeout):
00246             sleep(1)
00248     def reset (self):
00249         """ Calls proper reset plugin to do the job.
00250             Please refer to host_test_plugins functionality
00251         """
00252         # Flush serials to get only input after reset
00253         self.flush ()
00254         if self.options.forced_reset_type:
00255             result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('ResetMethod', self.options.forced_reset_type, disk=self.disk )
00256         else:
00257             result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('ResetMethod', 'default', serial=self.serial )
00258         # Give time to wait for the image loading
00259         reset_tout_s = self.options.forced_reset_timeout if self.options.forced_reset_timeout is not None else self.DEFAULT_RESET_TOUT 
00260         self.reset_timeout (reset_tout_s)
00261         return result
00263     def copy_image (self, image_path=None, disk=None, copy_method=None):
00264         """ Closure for copy_image_raw() method.
00265             Method which is actually copying image to mbed
00266         """
00267         # Set closure environment
00268         image_path = image_path if image_path is not None else self.image_path 
00269         disk = disk if disk is not None else self.disk 
00270         copy_method = copy_method if copy_method is not None else self.copy_method 
00271         # Call proper copy method
00272         result = self.copy_image_raw (image_path, disk, copy_method)
00273         return result
00275     def copy_image_raw (self, image_path=None, disk=None, copy_method=None):
00276         """ Copy file depending on method you want to use. Handles exception
00277             and return code from shell copy commands.
00278         """
00279         # image_path - Where is binary with target's firmware
00280         if copy_method is not None:
00281             # We override 'default' method with 'shell' method
00282             if copy_method == 'default':
00283                 copy_method = 'shell'
00284         else:
00285             copy_method = 'shell'
00287         result = host_tests_plugins.call_plugin('CopyMethod', copy_method, image_path=image_path, destination_disk=disk, program_cycle_s=self.program_cycle_s , target_mcu=self.options.micro)
00288         return result;
00290     def flush (self):
00291         """ Flush serial ports
00292         """
00293         result = False
00294         if self.serial :
00295             self.serial .flushInput()
00296             self.serial .flushOutput()
00297             result = True
00298         return result
00301 class HostTestResults :
00302     """ Test results set by host tests
00303     """
00304     def __init__(self):
00305         self.RESULT_SUCCESS  = 'success'
00306         self.RESULT_FAILURE  = 'failure'
00307         self.RESULT_ERROR  = 'error'
00308         self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL  = 'ioerr_serial'
00309         self.RESULT_NO_IMAGE  = 'no_image'
00310         self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY  = "ioerr_copy"
00311         self.RESULT_PASSIVE  = "passive"
00312         self.RESULT_NOT_DETECTED  = "not_detected"
00313         self.RESULT_MBED_ASSERT  = "mbed_assert"
00316 import tools.host_tests as host_tests
00319 class Test (HostTestResults ):
00320     """ Base class for host test's test runner
00321     """
00322     # Select default host_test supervision (replaced after autodetection)
00323     test_supervisor = host_tests.get_host_test("default")
00325     def __init__(self):
00326         self.mbed  = Mbed()
00328     def detect_test_config (self, verbose=False):
00329         """ Detects test case configuration
00330         """
00331         result = {}
00332         while True:
00333             line = self.mbed .serial_readline()
00334             if "{start}" in line:
00335                 self.notify ("HOST: Start test...")
00336                 break
00337             else:
00338                 # Detect if this is property from TEST_ENV print
00339                 m = re.search('{([\w_]+);([\w\d\+ ]+)}}', line[:-1])
00340                 if m and len(m.groups()) == 2:
00341                     # This is most likely auto-detection property
00342                     result[m.group(1)] = m.group(2)
00343                     if verbose:
00344                         self.notify ("HOST: Property '%s' = '%s'"% (m.group(1), m.group(2)))
00345                 else:
00346                     # We can check if this is TArget Id in mbed specific format
00347                     m2 = re.search('^([\$]+)([a-fA-F0-9]+)', line[:-1])
00348                     if m2 and len(m2.groups()) == 2:
00349                         if verbose:
00350                             target_id = m2.group(1) + m2.group(2)
00351                             self.notify ("HOST: TargetID '%s'"% target_id)
00352                             self.notify (line[len(target_id):-1])
00353                     else:
00354                         self.notify ("HOST: Unknown property: %s"% line.strip())
00355         return result
00357     def run (self):
00358         """ Test runner for host test. This function will start executing
00359             test and forward test result via serial port to test suite
00360         """
00361         # Copy image to device
00362         self.notify ("HOST: Copy image onto target...")
00363         result = self.mbed .copy_image()
00364         if not result:
00365             self.print_result (self.RESULT_IOERR_COPY)
00367         # Initialize and open target's serial port (console)
00368         self.notify ("HOST: Initialize serial port...")
00369         result = self.mbed .init_serial()
00370         if not result:
00371             self.print_result (self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
00373         # Reset device
00374         self.notify ("HOST: Reset target...")
00375         result = self.mbed .reset()
00376         if not result:
00377             self.print_result (self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
00379         # Run test
00380         try:
00381             CONFIG = self.detect_test_config (verbose=True) # print CONFIG
00383             if "host_test_name" in CONFIG:
00384                 if host_tests.is_host_test(CONFIG["host_test_name"]):
00385                     self.test_supervisor  = host_tests.get_host_test(CONFIG["host_test_name"])
00386             result = self.test_supervisor .test(self)    #result = self.test()
00388             if result is not None:
00389                 self.print_result (result)
00390             else:
00391                 self.notify ("HOST: Passive mode...")
00392         except Exception, e:
00393             print str(e)
00394             self.print_result (self.RESULT_ERROR)
00396     def setup (self):
00397         """ Setup and check if configuration for test is
00398             correct. E.g. if serial port can be opened.
00399         """
00400         result = True
00401         if not self.mbed .serial:
00402             result = False
00403             self.print_result (self.RESULT_IO_SERIAL)
00404         return result
00406     def notify (self, message):
00407         """ On screen notification function
00408         """
00409         print message
00410         stdout.flush()
00412     def print_result (self, result):
00413         """ Test result unified printing function
00414         """
00415         self.notify ("\r\n{{%s}}\r\n{{end}}" % result)
00418 class DefaultTestSelector (Test ):
00419     """ Test class with serial port initialization
00420     """
00421     def __init__(self):
00422         HostTestResults.__init__(self)
00423         Test.__init__(self)
00425 if __name__ == '__main__':
00426     DefaultTestSelector().run()