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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017-2017 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef BLE_PAL_GAP_H_
00018 #define BLE_PAL_GAP_H_
00020 #include "platform/Callback.h"
00021 #include "GapTypes.h"
00022 #include "GapEvents.h"
00024 namespace ble {
00025 namespace pal {
00027 /**
00028  * Adaptation interface for the GAP layer.
00029  *
00030  * Define the primitive necessary to realize GAP operations. the API and event
00031  * follow closely the definition of the HCI commands and events used
00032  * by that layer.
00033  */
00034 struct Gap {
00035     /**
00036      * Initialisation of the instance. An implementation can use this function
00037      * to initialise the subsystems needed to realize the operations of this
00038      * interface.
00039      *
00040      * This function has to be called before any other operations.
00041      *
00042      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00043      * appropriate error otherwise.
00044      */
00045     virtual ble_error_t initialize() = 0;
00047     /**
00048      * Termination of the instance. An implementation can use this function
00049      * to release the subsystems initialised to realise the operations of
00050      * this interface.
00051      *
00052      * After a call to this function, initialise should be called again to
00053      * allow use of the interface.
00054      *
00055      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00056      * appropriate error otherwise.
00057      */
00058     virtual ble_error_t terminate() = 0;
00060     /**
00061      * Return the public device address.
00062      *
00063      * @note The public device address is usually acquired at initialization and
00064      * stored in the instance.
00065      *
00066      * @return the public device address.
00067      */
00068     virtual address_t get_device_address() = 0;
00070     /**
00071      * Return the current random address.
00072      *
00073      * @note The random address is usually acquired at initialization and stored
00074      * in the instance.
00075      *
00076      * @return the random device address.
00077      */
00078     virtual address_t get_random_address() = 0;
00080     /**
00081      * Set the random address which will used be during scan, connection or
00082      * advertising process if the own address type selected is random.
00083      *
00084      * Changing the address during scan, connection or advertising process is
00085      * forbiden.
00086      *
00087      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.4 LE set random address command.
00088      *
00089      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00090      * appropriate error otherwise.
00091      */
00092     virtual ble_error_t set_random_address(const address_t& address) = 0;
00094     /**
00095      * Set the advertising parameters which will be used during the advertising
00096      * process.
00097      *
00098      * @param advertising_interval_min: Minimum advertising interval which can
00099      * be used during undirected and low duty cycle directed advertising. This
00100      * parameter shall be less than or equal to advertising_interval_max. This
00101      * parameter shall be in the range [0x20 : 0x4000] where each unit is equal
00102      * to 0.625ms.
00103      * This parameter is not used by directed high duty cycle advertising.
00104      *
00105      * @param advertising_interval_max: Maximum advertising interval which can
00106      * be used during undirected and low duty cycle directed advertising. This
00107      * parameter shall be more than or equal to advertising_interval_min. This
00108      * parameter shall be in the range [0x20 : 0x4000] where each unit is equal
00109      * to 0.625ms.
00110      * This parameter is not used by directed high duty cycle advertising.
00111      *
00112      * @param advertising_type Packet type that is used during the
00113      * advertising process. Direct advertising require valid peer addresses
00114      * parameters and ignore the filter policy set.
00115      * If the High duty cycle advertising is used then the advertising parameter
00116      * intervals are ignored.
00117      *
00118      * @param own_address_type Own address type used during advertising.
00119      * If own address type is equal to RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_PUBLIC_FALLBACK
00120      * or RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_RANDOM_FALLBACK then the peer address
00121      * parameters (type and address) will be used to find the local IRK.
00122      *
00123      * @param peer_address_type Address type of the peer.
00124      * This parameter shall be valid if directed advertising is used (
00125      * ADV_DIRECT_IND or ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW_DUTY_CYCLE). This parameter should
00126      * be valid if the own address type is equal to 0x02 or 0x03.
00127      * In other cases, this parameter is ignored.
00128      *
00129      * @param peer_address Public device address, Random device addres, Public
00130      * identity address or Random static identity address of the device targeted
00131      * by the advertising.
00132      * This parameter shall be valid if directed advertising is used (
00133      * ADV_DIRECT_IND or ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW_DUTY_CYCLE). This parameter should
00134      * be valid if the own address type is equal to 0x02 or 0x03.
00135      * In other cases, this parameter is ignored.
00136      *
00137      * @param advertising_channel_map Map of the channel used to send
00138      * advertising data.
00139      *
00140      * @param advertising_filter_policy Filter policy applied during the
00141      * advertising process. The subsystem should use the whitelist to apply the
00142      * policy. This parameter is ignored if the advertising type is directed (
00144      *
00145      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00146      * appropriate error otherwise.
00147      *
00148      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.5 LE set advertising parameters
00149      * command.
00150      */
00151     virtual ble_error_t set_advertising_parameters(
00152         uint16_t advertising_interval_min,
00153         uint16_t advertising_interval_max,
00154         advertising_type_t advertising_type,
00155         own_address_type_t own_address_type,
00156         advertising_peer_address_type_t peer_address_type,
00157         const address_t& peer_address,
00158         advertising_channel_map_t advertising_channel_map,
00159         advertising_filter_policy_t advertising_filter_policy
00160     ) = 0;
00162     /**
00163      * Set the data sends in advertising packet. If the advertising is
00164      * currently enabled, the data shall be used when a new advertising packet
00165      * is issued.
00166      *
00167      * @param advertising_data_length Number of significant bytes in the
00168      * advertising data.
00169      *
00170      * @param advertising_data The data sends in advertising packets. Non
00171      * significant bytes shall be equal to 0.
00172      *
00173      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00174      * appropriate error otherwise.
00175      *
00176      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.5 LE set advertising data
00177      * command.
00178      */
00179     virtual ble_error_t set_advertising_data(
00180         uint8_t advertising_data_length,
00181         const advertising_data_t& advertising_data
00182     ) = 0;
00184     /**
00185      * Set the data sends in scan response packets. If the advertising is
00186      * currently enabled, the data shall be used when a new scan response is
00187      * issued.
00188      *
00189      * @param scan_response_data_length Number of significant bytes in the
00190      * scan response data.
00191      *
00192      * @param scan_response_data The data sends in scan response packets. Non
00193      * significant bytes shall be equal to 0.
00194      *
00195      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00196      * appropriate error otherwise.
00197      *
00198      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.8 LE set scan response data
00199      * command.
00200      */
00201     virtual ble_error_t set_scan_response_data(
00202         uint8_t scan_response_data_length,
00203         const advertising_data_t& scan_response_data
00204     ) = 0;
00206     /**
00207      * Start or stop advertising.
00208      *
00209      * The process use advertising and scan response data set with
00210      * set_advertising_data and set_scan_response_data while the parameters used
00211      * are the one set by set_advertising_parameters.
00212      *
00213      * The advertising shall continue until:
00214      *     - The advertising is manually disabled (advertising_enable(false)).
00215      *     - A connection is created.
00216      *     - Time out in case of high duty cycle directed advertising.
00217      *
00218      * If the random address has not been set and the advertising parameter
00219      * own_address_type is set to 0x01 then the procedure shall fail.
00220      *
00221      * If the random address has not been set and the advertising parameter
00222      * own_address_type is set to RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS_RANDOM_FALLBACK and
00223      * the peer address is not in the resolving list then the procedure shall
00224      * fail.
00225      *
00226      * @param enable If true start the advertising process, if the process was
00227      * already runing and own_address_type is equal to 0x02 or 0x03, the
00228      * subsystem can change the random address.
00229      * If false and the advertising is running then the process should be
00230      * stoped.
00231      *
00232      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00233      * appropriate error otherwise.
00234      *
00235      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.9 LE set advertising enable
00236      * command.
00237      *
00238      * @note If the advertising type is ADV_DIRECT_IND and the connection is not
00239      * created during the time allowed to the procedure then a
00240      * ConnectionComplete event shall be emmited with its error code set to
00242      *
00243      * @note Successfull connection shall emit a ConnectionComplete event. It
00244      * also means advertising is disabled.
00245      */
00246     virtual ble_error_t advertising_enable(bool enable) = 0;
00248     /**
00249      * Set the parameter of the scan process.
00250      *
00251      * This command shall not be effective when the scanning process is running.
00252      *
00253      * @param active_scanning If true the subsystem does active scanning and
00254      * the bluetooth subsystem shall send scanning PDUs. It shall also listen
00255      * to scan responses. If false no scanning PDUs are sent during the scan
00256      * process.
00257      *
00258      * @param scan_interval The time interval between two subsequent LE scans in
00259      * unit of 0.625ms. This parameter shall be in the range [0x0004 : 0x4000].
00260      *
00261      * @param scan_window Duration of the LE scan. It shall be less than or
00262      * equal to scan_interval value. This parameter shall be in the range
00263      * [0x0004 : 0x4000] and is in unit of 0.625ms.
00264      *
00265      * @param own_address_type Own address type used in scan request packets.
00266      *
00267      * @param filter_policy Filter policy applied when scanning.
00268      *
00269      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00270      * appropriate error otherwise.
00271      *
00272      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.10 LE set scan parameters
00273      * command.
00274      */
00275     virtual ble_error_t set_scan_parameters(
00276         bool active_scanning,
00277         uint16_t scan_interval,
00278         uint16_t scan_window,
00279         own_address_type_t own_address_type,
00280         scanning_filter_policy_t filter_policy
00281     ) = 0;
00283     /**
00284      * Start/stop scanning process.
00285      *
00286      * Parameters of the scanning process shall be set before the scan launch
00287      * by using the function set_scan_parameters.
00288      *
00289      * @parameter enable Start the scanning process if true and stop it if
00290      * false. If the scan process is already started, enabling it again will
00291      * only update the duplicate filtering; based on the new parameter.
00292      *
00293      * @parameter filter_duplicates Enable duplicate filtering if true,
00294      * otherwise disable it.
00295      *
00296      * @important advertising data or scan response data is not considered
00297      * significant when determining duplicate advertising reports.
00298      *
00299      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00300      * appropriate error otherwise.
00301      *
00302      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.11 LE set scan enable command.
00303      */
00304     virtual ble_error_t scan_enable(
00305         bool enable,
00306         bool filter_duplicates
00307     ) = 0;
00309     /**
00310      * Create a new le connection to a connectable advertiser.
00311      *
00312      * @param scan_interval Hint to the le subsystem indicating how
00313      * frequently it should scan for the peer address. It represent the time
00314      * interval between two subsequent scan for the peer. It shall be in the
00315      * range [0x0004 : 0x4000] and the time is in unit of 0.625ms.
00316      *
00317      * @param scan_window Hint to the le subsystem indicating for how long it
00318      * should scan during a scan interval. The value shall be smaller or equal
00319      * to scan_interval. If it is equal to scan_interval then scanning should
00320      * run continuously. It shall be in the range [0x0004 : 0x4000] and the time
00321      * is in unit of 0.625ms.
00322      *
00323      * @param initiator_policy Used to determine if the whitelist is used to
00324      * determine the address to connect to. If the whitelist is not used, the
00325      * connection shall be made against an advertiser matching the peer_address
00326      * and the peer_address_type parameters. Otherwise those parameters are
00327      * ignored.
00328      *
00329      * @param peer_address_type Type of address used by the advertiser. Not used
00330      * if initiator_policy use the whitelist.
00331      *
00332      * @param Address used by the advertiser in its advertising packets. Not
00333      * used if initiator_policy use the whitelist.
00334      *
00335      * @param own_address_type Type of address used in the connection request
00336      * packet.
00337      *
00338      * @param connection_interval_min Minimum interval between two connection
00339      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be less than or equal to
00340      * connection_interval_max. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00341      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00342      *
00343      * @param connection_interval_max Maximum interval between two connection
00344      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be greater than or equal to
00345      * connection_interval_min. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00346      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00347      *
00348      * @param connection_latency Number of connection events the slave can drop
00349      * if it has nothing to communicate to the master. This value shall be in
00350      * the range [0x0000 : 0x01F3].
00351      *
00352      * @param supervision_timeout Link supervision timeout for the connection.
00353      * It shall be larger than:
00354      *        (1 + connection_latency) * connection_interval_max * 2
00355      * Note: connection_interval_max is in ms in this formulae.
00356      * Everytime the master or the slave receive a valid packet from the peer,
00357      * the supervision timer is reset. If the supervision timer reaches
00358      * supervision_timeout then the connection is considered lost and a
00359      * disconnect event shall be emmited.
00360      * This value shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] and is in unit of 10
00361      * ms.
00362      *
00363      * @param minimum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00364      * minimum length a connection event. It shall be less than or equal to
00365      * maximum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00366      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00367      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00368      *
00369      * @param maximum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00370      * maximum length a connection event. It shall be more than or equal to
00371      * minimum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00372      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00373      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00374      *
00375      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00376      * appropriate error otherwise.
00377      *
00378      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.12 LE create connection command.
00379      */
00380     virtual ble_error_t create_connection(
00381         uint16_t scan_interval,
00382         uint16_t scan_window,
00383         initiator_policy_t initiator_policy,
00384         connection_peer_address_type_t peer_address_type,
00385         const address_t& peer_address,
00386         own_address_type_t own_address_type,
00387         uint16_t connection_interval_min,
00388         uint16_t connection_interval_max,
00389         uint16_t connection_latency,
00390         uint16_t supervision_timeout,
00391         uint16_t minimum_connection_event_length,
00392         uint16_t maximum_connection_event_length
00393     ) = 0;
00395     /**
00396      * Cancel the ongoing connection creation process.
00397      *
00398      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00399      * appropriate error otherwise.
00400      *
00401      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.13 LE create connection cancel
00402      * command.
00403      */
00404     virtual ble_error_t cancel_connection_creation() = 0;
00406     /**
00407      * Return the number of total whitelist entries that can be stored in the
00408      * le subsystem.
00409      *
00410      * @note The value returned can change over time.
00411      *
00412      * @return The number of entries that can be stored in the LE subsystem. It
00413      * range from 0x01 to 0xFF.
00414      *
00415      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.14 LE read white list size
00416      * command.
00417      */
00418     virtual uint8_t read_white_list_capacity() = 0;
00420     /**
00421      * Clear the whitelist stored in the LE subsystem.
00422      *
00423      * @important This command shall not be issued if the whitelist is being
00424      * used by the advertising, scanning or connection creation procedure.
00425      *
00426      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00427      * appropriate error otherwise.
00428      *
00429      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.15 LE clear white list command.
00430      */
00431     virtual ble_error_t clear_whitelist() = 0;
00433     /**
00434      * Add a device to the LE subsystem Whitelist.
00435      *
00436      * @param address_type address_type Type of the address to add in the
00437      * whitelist.
00438      *
00439      * @param address Address of the device.
00440      *
00441      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00442      * appropriate error otherwise.
00443      *
00444      * @important This command shall not be issued if the whitelist is being
00445      * used by the advertising, scanning or connection creation procedure.
00446      *
00447      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.16 LE add device to white list
00448      * command.
00449      */
00450     virtual ble_error_t add_device_to_whitelist(
00451         whitelist_address_type_t address_type,
00452         address_t address
00453     ) = 0;
00455     /**
00456      * Remove a device from the LE subsystem Whitelist.
00457      *
00458      * @param address_type address_type Type of the address of the device to
00459      * remove from the whitelist.
00460      *
00461      * @param address Address of the device to remove from the whitelist
00462      *
00463      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00464      * appropriate error otherwise.
00465      *
00466      * @important This command shall not be issued if the whitelist is being
00467      * used by the advertising, scanning or connection creation procedure.
00468      *
00469      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.17 LE remove device from white
00470      * list command.
00471      */
00472     virtual ble_error_t remove_device_from_whitelist(
00473         whitelist_address_type_t address_type,
00474         address_t address
00475     ) = 0;
00477     /**
00478      * Start a connection update procedure.
00479      *
00480      * This procedure change the parameter used for a connection it can be
00481      * master or slave initiated.
00482      *
00483      * The peer will received a connection parameters request and will either
00484      * accept or reject the new parameters for the connection.
00485      *
00486      * Once the peer response has been received, the procedure ends and a
00487      * Connection update complete event is emmited.
00488      *
00489      * @param connection Handle of the connection.
00490      *
00491      * @param connection_interval_min Minimum interval between two connection
00492      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be less than or equal to
00493      * connection_interval_max. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00494      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00495      *
00496      * @param connection_interval_max Maximum interval between two connection
00497      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be greater than or equal to
00498      * connection_interval_min. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00499      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00500      *
00501      * @param connection_latency Number of connection events the slave can drop
00502      * if it has nothing to communicate to the master. This value shall be in
00503      * the range [0x0000 : 0x01F3].
00504      *
00505      * @param supervision_timeout Link supervision timeout for the connection.
00506      * It shall be larger than:
00507      *        (1 + connection_latency) * connection_interval_max * 2
00508      * Note: connection_interval_max is in ms in this formulae.
00509      * Everytime the master or the slave receive a valid packet from the peer,
00510      * the supervision timer is reset. If the supervision timer reaches
00511      * supervision_timeout then the connection is considered lost and a
00512      * disconnect event shall be emmited.
00513      * This value shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] and is in unit of 10
00514      * ms.
00515      *
00516      * @param minimum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00517      * minimum length a connection event. It shall be less than or equal to
00518      * maximum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00519      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00520      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00521      *
00522      * @param maximum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00523      * maximum length a connection event. It shall be more than or equal to
00524      * minimum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00525      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00526      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00527      *
00528      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00529      * appropriate error otherwise.
00530      *
00531      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.18 LE Connection update command.
00532      *
00533      */
00534     virtual ble_error_t connection_parameters_update(
00535         connection_handle_t connection,
00536         uint16_t connection_interval_min,
00537         uint16_t connection_interval_max,
00538         uint16_t connection_latency,
00539         uint16_t supervision_timeout,
00540         uint16_t minimum_connection_event_length,
00541         uint16_t maximum_connection_event_length
00542     ) = 0;
00544     /**
00545      * Accept connection parameter request.
00546      *
00547      * This command sends a positive response to a connection parameter request
00548      * from a peer.
00549      *
00550      * @param connection Handle of the connection.
00551      *
00552      * @param connection_interval_min Minimum interval between two connection
00553      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be less than or equal to
00554      * connection_interval_max. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00555      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00556      *
00557      * @param connection_interval_max Maximum interval between two connection
00558      * events allowed for the connection. It shall be greater than or equal to
00559      * connection_interval_min. This value shall be in range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]
00560      * and is in unit of 1.25ms.
00561      *
00562      * @param connection_latency Number of connection events the slave can drop
00563      * if it has nothing to communicate to the master. This value shall be in
00564      * the range [0x0000 : 0x01F3].
00565      *
00566      * @param supervision_timeout Link supervision timeout for the connection.
00567      * It shall be larger than:
00568      *        (1 + connection_latency) * connection_interval_max * 2
00569      * Note: connection_interval_max is in ms in this formulae.
00570      * Everytime the master or the slave receive a valid packet from the peer,
00571      * the supervision timer is reset. If the supervision timer reaches
00572      * supervision_timeout then the connection is considered lost and a
00573      * disconnect event shall be emmited.
00574      * This value shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] and is in unit of 10
00575      * ms.
00576      *
00577      * @param minimum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00578      * minimum length a connection event. It shall be less than or equal to
00579      * maximum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00580      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00581      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00582      *
00583      * @param maximum_connection_event_length Informative parameter of the
00584      * maximum length a connection event. It shall be more than or equal to
00585      * minimum_connection_event_length. It shall be in the range
00586      * [0x0000 : 0xFFFF]. It should also be less than the expected connection
00587      * interval. The unit is 0.625ms.
00588      *
00589      * @note Usually parameters of this function match the connection parameters
00590      * received in the connection parameter request event.
00591      *
00592      * @important: Once the new connection parameters are in used a Connection
00593      * Update Complete event shall be emmited.
00594      *
00595      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00596      * appropriate error otherwise.
00597      *
00598      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.31 LE remote connection parameter
00599      * request reply command.
00600      */
00601     virtual ble_error_t accept_connection_parameter_request(
00602         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00603         uint16_t interval_min,
00604         uint16_t interval_max,
00605         uint16_t latency,
00606         uint16_t supervision_timeout,
00607         uint16_t minimum_connection_event_length,
00608         uint16_t maximum_connection_event_length
00609     ) = 0;
00611     /**
00612      * Reject a connection parameter update request.
00613      *
00614      * @param connection_handle handle to the peer which has issued the
00615      * connection parameter request.
00616      *
00617      * @param rejection_reason Indicate to the peer why the proposed connection
00618      * parameters were rejected.
00619      *
00620      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00621      * appropriate error otherwise.
00622      *
00623      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.8.32 LE Remote Connection Parameter
00624      * Request Negative Reply Command.
00625      */
00626     virtual ble_error_t reject_connection_parameter_request(
00627         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00628         hci_error_code_t rejection_reason
00629     ) = 0;
00631     /**
00632      * Start a disconnection procedure.
00633      *
00634      * Once the procedure is complete it should emit a disconnection complete
00635      * event.
00636      *
00637      * @param connection Handle of the connection to terminate.
00638      *
00639      * @param disconnection_reason Indicates the reason for ending the
00640      * connection.
00641      *
00642      * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE if the request has been successfully sent or the
00643      * appropriate error otherwise.
00644      *
00645      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.1.6 disconenct command.
00646      */
00647     virtual ble_error_t disconnect(
00648         connection_handle_t connection,
00649         disconnection_reason_t disconnection_reason
00650     ) = 0;
00652     /**
00653      * Register a callback which will handle Gap events.
00654      *
00655      * @param cb The callback object which will handle Gap events from the
00656      * LE subsystem.
00657      * It accept a single parameter in input: The event received.
00658      */
00659     void when_gap_event_received(mbed::Callback<void(const GapEvent&)> cb)
00660     {
00661         _gap_event_cb = cb;
00662     }
00664 protected:
00665     Gap() { }
00667     virtual ~Gap() { }
00669     /**
00670      * Implementation shall call this function whenever the LE subsystem
00671      * generate a Gap event.
00672      *
00673      * @param gap_event The event to emit to higher layer.
00674      */
00675     void emit_gap_event(const GapEvent& gap_event)
00676     {
00677         if (_gap_event_cb) {
00678             _gap_event_cb(gap_event);
00679         }
00680     }
00682 private:
00683     /**
00684      * Callback called when an event is emitted by the LE subsystem.
00685      */
00686     mbed::Callback<void(const GapEvent&)> _gap_event_cb;
00688     // Disallow copy construction and copy assignment.
00689     Gap(const Gap&);
00690     Gap& operator=(const Gap&);
00691 };
00693 } // namespace pal
00694 } // namespace ble
00696 #endif /* BLE_PAL_GAP_H_ */