Sorbonne 2 firmware

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Jul 25 11:52:02 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+//Firmware to drive Sorbonne-2 bee training module
+char* fwversion = "0.70";                                          //For published versions use format "n.nn"
+                                                                   //For development versions add "D" to end of string
+//This version published on 25/07/2011
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Servo.h"
+DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2), led3(LED3), led4(LED4);
+DigitalOut lidclose(p5), lidlift(p6);
+DigitalOut clamp(p7), unclamp(p8);
+DigitalOut lockr(p12), unlockl(p13), lockl(p14), unlockr(p26);
+AnalogIn viclamp(p15);
+AnalogIn vswdetect(p16);
+AnalogIn adc4(p17);
+AnalogOut irLED(p18);
+AnalogIn vtemp(p19);
+AnalogIn ptor(p20);
+Servo arm(p21), elbow(p22);
+DigitalOut fan(p23);
+I2C beeholder(p9, p10);
+DigitalOut bhsel(p11);
+Serial acucomms(p28, p27);
+DigitalIn tmselect(p29);
+DigitalOut airswitcher(p25), spare1(p24);
+LocalFileSystem local("local");                                     //allow access to the mbed "thumbdrive" as a file system
+//FILE *calfile = fopen("/local/calfile.ini","w");                    //file used to store bee holder calibration values
+FILE *logfile = fopen("/local/sorb2log.csv","w");                   //creates new file sorb2log.csv and set for writing. Overwrites existing file!
+//Definition of global constants
+    //Training module PCB #2 robot arm positions
+    //Increase in arm position moves arm away from bee holder
+    //Increase in elbow position lowers tip
+    float armbasepos = 0.81;
+    float elbowbasepos = 0.6;
+    float armdippos = 0.81;
+    float elbowdippos = 0.84;
+    float armticklepos = 0.15;
+    float elbowticklepos = 0.63;
+    float armfeedpos = 0.08;
+    float elbowfeedpos = 0.77;
+    //robot arm hold and move times                                 //all times are in seconds
+    float diptime = 1;                                              //time that brush stays down dipped in sugar water
+    float tickletimeout = 3;                                        //maximum time to tickle if no PER is detected
+    float feedtime = 3;                                             //feeding time
+    //PER detection parameters
+    float calsetval = 1.4;                                          //voltage to which phototransistor output will be calibrated  
+    float PERsetval = 2.1;                                          //phototransistor output needs to be above this voltage for PER
+    float PERtime = 0.2;                                            //phototransistor output needs to stay high this long in seconds
+    //Protocols
+    int addr = 0xA2;                                                //I2C address is actually 0x51, but mbed expects left-shifted address
+    int I2Cfreq = 10000;                                            //I2C bus frequency
+    int baudrate = 19200;                                           //baudrate of serial connection to ACU
+//Definition of global variables
+struct holderrecord {                                               //used to hold data on beeholder
+    int serialno;                                                   //beeholder serial number 0-9999
+    float calvalue;                                                 //IR-LED calibration value
+    char cycleno;                                                   //number of cycles gone through in this session
+    char reslastcycle;                                              //result of last cycle, 1 for PER
+    char ticklenextcycle;                                           //whether tickling was done for last cycle
+    time_t tstamp;                                                  //timestamp when last cycle was run
+holderrecord currentholder;                                         //struct record for the current beeholder
+holderrecord sessionrecord[101];                                    //sessionrecord contains holderrecords for up to 100 beeholders
+int numbeeholders;                                                  //number of beeholders used in current session
+int serialnum;
+char comchar;                                                       //serial command character for module control
+float fanspeed;
+bool lockstatus, clampstatus, lidstatus;                            //are true when locked, clamped or closed
+char swstatus;                                                      //4-bit number to indicate status of 4 detect switches
+float swvalue;                                                      //ADC value for detect switch voltage
+//Function declarations
+//Initialises sessionrecords
+void sessionrecordinit() {
+    for (int i=0; i<101; i++) {                                      //set base values for all possible beeholders
+        sessionrecord[i].serialno = 0;                              //set serialno to 0 so we can detect a unresponsive holder
+        sessionrecord[i].calvalue = 0;
+        sessionrecord[i].cycleno = 0;
+        sessionrecord[i].reslastcycle = 0;
+        sessionrecord[i].ticklenextcycle = 1;                       //default is to tickle on each cycle
+    }
+//Reads serial numbers and calibration values from calfile.ini
+void getcaldata() {
+//Initialise at power-up or reset
+void init_tm() {
+    led1=led2=led3=0;
+    led4=1;
+    lidclose=lidlift=0;
+    clamp=unclamp=0;
+    lockr=unlockr=lockl=unlockl=0;
+    irLED=0;
+    bhsel=0;
+    airswitcher=0;
+    spare1=0;
+    fan=0;
+    acucomms.baud(baudrate);
+    beeholder.frequency(I2Cfreq);
+    comchar=0;
+    lockstatus=0;
+    numbeeholders=0;
+    sessionrecordinit();
+    acucomms.printf("\n\r\rFirmware version: %s", fwversion);
+//Converts the last 4 digits in the serial number string into a integer 0-9999
+int serialstring2int(char bser[8]) {
+    int tempserial = 0;    
+    tempserial = tempserial + (bser[4]-0x30)*1000;                  //5th digit is thousands
+    tempserial = tempserial + (bser[5]-0x30)*100;                   //6th digit is hundreds
+    tempserial = tempserial + (bser[6]-0x30)*10;                    //7th digit is tens
+    tempserial = tempserial + (bser[7]-0x30);                       //8th digit is units
+    return tempserial;
+//beeholder resets on rising edge of select line
+void resetbeeholder() {                                             //need this as mounting beeholder causes undefined start of beeholder firmware
+    bhsel = 0;
+    wait(0.1);
+    bhsel = 1;
+    wait(0.3);
+//gets holderrecord index for the holder with a certain serial number
+int getholderindex(int serialno) {
+    for (int i=1; i<=100; i++) {                                    //reverse lookup of index for a certain serial number
+        if (sessionrecord[i].serialno == serialno) return i;
+    }
+    return 0;                                                       //if the record is not found, returns i==0
+//Reads beeholder serial number
+int getserialno() {
+    char bser[8];                                                   //define 8-byte serial number string to read
+    resetbeeholder();                                               //does not work without this!!
+    for (int i=0;i<8;i++) bser[i]=0x30;
+    bhsel = 0;                                                      //pull select line low
+    wait(0.2);
+    beeholder.stop();                                               //I2C stop condition
+    wait(0.2);                                                      //delay for beeholder to respond
+    beeholder.write(addr,0x0,1);                                    //initial write before read
+,bser,8);                                    //read 8 byte serial number
+    bhsel = 1;                                                      //pull select line high
+    int serialno = serialstring2int(bser);                          //translate serial number string to integer
+    return serialno;
+//Returns 1 if a PER is detected within timeout seconds
+int detectPER(float timeout) {
+    Timer ttotal, tper;
+    ttotal.start();                                                 //start timers for time-out and PER-detect
+    ttotal.reset();
+    tper.start();
+    tper.reset();
+    while (( < timeout) && ( < PERtime)) {  //loop until timeout or PER detected
+        wait_ms(10);
+        if (ptor * 3.3 < PERsetval) tper.reset();                   //if phototransistor voltage below treshold keep PER timer in reset
+                                                                    //if above treshold let timer run until it reaches PERtime
+    }
+    ttotal.stop();
+    tper.stop();
+    return ( >= PERtime);                                //if the loop exit condition was a PER, return a TRUE value
+//Function performs beeholder/IR-led calibration
+float calibrate(int runs) {
+    float tempcal, ptorhold;
+    tempcal=0.5;                                                    //start calibration at 50% voltage
+    irLED=tempcal;
+    float calstep;                                                  //start calstep at 25% voltage
+    calstep = tempcal/2;
+    //acucomms.printf("\n\rInitial calibration:");
+    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {                                      //does a "10-bit binary search" for the correct voltage to get a good response
+        irLED = tempcal;
+        wait(0.1);                                                 //important to allow AD converter to settle
+        ptorhold=ptor;
+        //acucomms.printf("\n\r%5.3f - %5.3f", tempcal, ptorhold);
+        if (ptorhold < calsetval/3.3) {                                //check phototransistor voltage against desired value
+            tempcal = tempcal - calstep;                            //if phototransistor voltage is too low then reduce brightness
+        }
+        else {
+            tempcal = tempcal + calstep;                            //if phototransistor voltage is too high then increase brightness
+        }
+        calstep = calstep/2;                                        //on each loop of the for-cycle make smaller changes to IR LED voltage
+    }
+    float calib;
+    calib = tempcal;                                                //set preliminary calibration to the value just measured
+    for (int j=1; j<runs; j++) {                                    //run another j-1 runs, this corrects for antennae-movement as
+        tempcal=0.5;                                                //we use the lowest calibration value from j runs
+        irLED=tempcal;                                              //this is similar to what we do in the cassettes
+        calstep = tempcal/2;
+        for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
+            irLED = tempcal;
+            wait(0.1);
+            ptorhold=ptor;
+            if (ptorhold < calsetval/3.3) {
+                tempcal = tempcal - calstep;
+            }
+            else {
+                tempcal = tempcal + calstep;
+            }
+            calstep = calstep/2;
+        }
+        if (tempcal < calib) calib = tempcal;                       //use the lowest of j calibration values
+    }
+    irLED = 0;
+    return calib;
+//switches the IR LED on at the right brightness level for the beeholder
+void IRledON(int i) {
+    irLED = sessionrecord[i].calvalue;
+//moves arm to a position in a specified time, allowing speed control
+void armmove (float endpos, float movetime) {
+    float startpos =;
+    int numsteps = (movetime * 50);                                 //50 pulses/second, so each step is 1 servo pulse
+    for (int i=0; i<numsteps; i++) {
+        arm = startpos + i * (endpos - startpos)/numsteps;
+        wait(movetime/numsteps);
+    }
+    arm = endpos;
+//moves elbow to a position in a specified time, allowing speed control
+void elbowmove (float endpos, float movetime) {
+    float startpos =;
+    int numsteps = (movetime * 50);                                 //50 pulses/second, so each step is 1 servo pulse
+    for (int i=0; i<numsteps; i++) {
+        elbow = startpos + i * (endpos - startpos)/numsteps;
+        wait(movetime/numsteps);
+    }
+    elbow = endpos;
+//Performs a conditioning cycle. if tickle==0, no tickling takes place. Return==1 if a PER has been detected
+int condcycle(int tickle) {
+    int perseen;
+    perseen = 0;
+    //dip brush
+    armmove(armdippos, 0.5);
+    elbowmove(elbowdippos, 0.3);
+    wait(diptime);
+    elbowmove(elbowbasepos, 0.3);
+    armmove(armbasepos, 0.5);
+    airswitcher=1;                                              //switch air to target odour
+    //tickle
+    if (tickle) {                                               //if tickling, first tickle then wait for PER or timeout
+        elbowmove(elbowticklepos, 0.2);
+        armmove(armticklepos, 1.5);                             //slower move of arm towards bee
+        perseen = detectPER(tickletimeout);                     //tickle until timeout or PER detected
+    }
+    //or not tickle
+    else {
+        perseen = detectPER(tickletimeout);                     //if not tickling, wait for PER or timeout then move to pre-feeding position
+        armmove(armticklepos-0.05, 1);                          //move to position between LED and holder
+        elbowmove(elbowticklepos, 0.3);
+    }
+    //feeding only if you have tickled or a PER has been detected
+    if (tickle || perseen) {                                    //only feed if a PER has been detector, or "tickle" is true
+        elbowmove(elbowfeedpos, 0.3);
+        armmove(armfeedpos, 0.3);
+        wait(feedtime);
+        armmove(armticklepos -0.05, 0.3);
+        elbowmove(elbowticklepos, 0.3);
+    }
+    //move back to base position
+    airswitcher=0;                                              //switch back to clean air
+    armmove(armbasepos, 0.5);                                   //back to basepos
+    elbowmove(elbowbasepos, 0.3);                               //
+    return perseen;
+char switchstatus(float vswdetect) {
+    //outputs char (4-bit flag) to reflect positions of 4 detect switches
+    if (vswdetect>0.38 && vswdetect<0.4) return 11;
+    if (vswdetect>0.4 && vswdetect<0.45) return 9;
+    if (vswdetect>0.45 && vswdetect<0.49) return 10;
+    if (vswdetect>0.49 && vswdetect<0.54) return 8;
+    if (vswdetect>0.54 && vswdetect<0.58) return 7;
+    if (vswdetect>0.58 && vswdetect<0.62) return 5;
+    if (vswdetect>0.62 && vswdetect<0.66) return 3;
+    if (vswdetect>0.66 && vswdetect<0.74) return 1;
+    if (vswdetect>0.74 && vswdetect<0.8) return 6;
+    if (vswdetect>0.8 && vswdetect<0.85) return 4;
+    if (vswdetect>0.85 && vswdetect<0.95) return 2;
+    if (vswdetect>0.95 && vswdetect<1.01) return 0;
+    return 16;
+//Clamp bee holder
+void clampholder() {
+    unclamp=1;
+    wait(4);
+    unclamp=0;
+//Unclamp bee holder
+void unclampholder() {
+    clamp=1;
+    wait(1);
+    clamp=0;
+//Lift lid
+void liftlid() {
+    bool notup;
+    notup=1;
+    lidclose=1;
+    while (notup) {
+        wait(0.01);
+        notup = (switchstatus( != 7);
+    }
+    lidclose=0;
+    lidstatus=0;
+//Close lid
+void closelid() {
+    bool notdown;
+    notdown=1;
+    lidlift=1;
+    while (notdown) {
+        wait(0.01);
+        notdown = (switchstatus( != 11);
+    }
+    lidlift=0;
+    lidstatus=1;
+//Lock lid
+void locklid() {
+    wait(0.1);
+//Unlock lid
+void unlocklid() {
+    wait(0.1);
+//Set date and time
+void setdatetime() {
+void registerbeeholder() {
+    //registers and calibrates the bee holder currently clamped
+    int serialno, i;
+    float calvalue;
+    serialno = getserialno();
+    i = getholderindex(serialno);
+    if (i == 0) {
+        numbeeholders++;
+        if (numbeeholders == 101) {
+            acucomms.printf("Number of holders exceeds 100");
+        }
+        else {
+            sessionrecord[numbeeholders].serialno = serialno;
+            calvalue = calibrate(5);
+            if (calvalue < 0.98 && calvalue > 0.25) {
+                sessionrecord[numbeeholders].calvalue = calvalue;
+                acucomms.printf("\n\rCal %4u - %4.2fV", serialno, calvalue*3.3);
+            }
+            else {
+                acucomms.printf("\n\rCal %4u - invalid", serialno);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//Registers and calibrates all beeholders used in this session
+int registerbeeholders() {
+    int i;
+    bool done;
+    char buffert[30];
+    i = done = 0;
+    //cleardisplay();                                                 //clear screen and home cursor
+    fprintf(logfile, "calibration record:\r");
+    fprintf(logfile, "i, serialno, LED V, time\r");
+    while (i<30 && !done) {                                         //register and calibrate a maximum of 30 beeholders
+        //display.printf("calibrating %u\r",i+1);
+        sessionrecord[i].serialno = getserialno();           //read serial number
+        if (sessionrecord[i].serialno != 0) {                       //check if serial number correctly read - if not it will be 0000
+            sessionrecord[i].calvalue = calibrate(station, 5);      //5 calibration cycles
+            if ((sessionrecord[i].calvalue > 0.25) && (sessionrecord[i].calvalue < 0.97)) {     //check that calvalue is in expected range
+                sessionrecord[i].tstamp = time(NULL);                   //create timestamp NOW
+                strftime(buffert, 20, "%X", localtime(&sessionrecord[i].tstamp));               //formats time part of timestamp
+                cleardisplay();
+                display.printf("SN %4u - cal %4.2fV\r", sessionrecord[i].serialno, sessionrecord[i].calvalue*3.3);
+                display.printf("OK for next\r");
+                display.printf("DOWN for training");
+                fprintf(logfile, "%4u,%6u,%6.2f,  %s,  calibrated\r", i, sessionrecord[i].serialno, sessionrecord[i].calvalue*3.3, buffert);
+                i++;
+            }
+            else {
+                cleardisplay();
+                display.printf("SN %4u - cal %4.2fV\r", sessionrecord[i].serialno, sessionrecord[i].calvalue*3.3);
+                display.printf("Cal out of range!\r");
+                multibeeps(2,0.5);
+                display.printf("OK to recalibrate\r");
+                fprintf(logfile, "%4u,%6u,%6.2f,  %s,  out of range\r", i, sessionrecord[i].serialno, sessionrecord[i].calvalue*3.3, buffert);
+            }
+            while (!done && oksw) {                                 //loop until OK or DOWN are pressed
+                wait(0.02);
+                done = !dnsw;                                       //DOWN exits registration cycle and moves to training
+            }
+        }
+        else {                                                      //retry when serialno can't be read (is 0000)
+            cleardisplay();
+            multibeeps(3,0.3);                                      //beep-beep-beep when beeholder not correctly read
+            display.printf("invalid serial no\r");
+            display.printf("reseat beeholder\r");
+            display.printf("press OK");
+            while (oksw) wait(0.02);                                //loop until OK is pressed to start calibration loop again
+        }
+        cleardisplay();
+    }
+    return i;                                                       //upon done condition, i== number of beeholders calibrated
+float calcairtemp(float vntc) {
+    return 0.1;
+//all the elements making up a single training cycle with one beeholder
+void trainingcycle() {
+    wait(0.2);
+    time_t tstamp = time(NULL);                                     //create timestamp NOW
+    char buffert[30];
+    strftime(buffert, 20, "%X", localtime(&tstamp));                //format timestamp to time string
+    int serialno;
+    serialno = getserialno();
+    int i = getholderindex(serialno);                               //get index i for serial number
+    if (i != 0) {
+        IRledON(i);                                                     //switch IR LED on at correct brightness
+        sessionrecord[i].cycleno++;                                     //increment cycle number for this beeholder
+        acucomms.printf("\n\rSN: %4u, cycle %u - ", serialno, sessionrecord[i].cycleno);
+        sessionrecord[i].reslastcycle = condcycle(sessionrecord[i].ticklenextcycle);       //do a conditioning cycle
+        fprintf(logfile, "%s,",buffert);
+        fprintf(logfile, "  %4u,",serialno);
+        fprintf(logfile, "  %2u,", sessionrecord[i].cycleno);
+        if (sessionrecord[i].reslastcycle) {                            //log PER or TimeOut
+            fprintf(logfile, "  PER,");
+        }
+        else {
+            fprintf(logfile, "   TO,");
+        }
+        fprintf(logfile, " training\r");
+        if (sessionrecord[i].reslastcycle) {
+            acucomms.printf("PER detected");
+        }
+        else {
+            acucomms.printf("PER time-out");
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        acucomms.printf("\n\rBee holder %4u not registered", serialno);
+    }
+int main() {
+    init_tm();
+    while (comchar != 88) {
+        comchar = acucomms.getc();
+        switch (comchar) {
+        case 65: //"A"
+            //Continue after pause
+            break;
+        case 66: //"B"
+            //Register bee holder
+            registerbeeholder();
+            break;
+        case 67: //"C"
+            //Calibrate bee holder
+            acucomms.printf("\r\nCalibration: %5.3f", calibrate(5));
+            break;
+        case 68: //"D"
+            //Clamp bee holder
+            clampholder();
+            break;
+        case 69: //"E"
+            //Unclamp bee holder
+            unclampholder();
+            break;
+        case 70: //"F"
+            //Open lid
+            liftlid();
+            break;
+        case 71: //"G"
+            //Close lid
+            closelid();
+            break;
+        case 72: //"H"
+            //Lock lid
+            locklid();
+            break;
+        case 73: //"I"
+            //Unlock lid
+            unlocklid();
+            break;
+        case 74: //"J"
+            //Conduct training cycle
+            trainingcycle();
+            break;
+        case 75: //"K"
+            //Read air temperature
+            break;
+        case 76: //"L"
+            //Toggle fan on/off
+            fan=!fan;
+            break;
+        case 77: //"M"
+            //Move arm/elbow to basepos
+            armmove(armbasepos, 1);
+            elbowmove(elbowbasepos, 1);
+            break;
+        case 78: //"N"
+            //Move arm/elbow to dippos
+            armmove(armdippos, 1);
+            elbowmove(elbowdippos, 1);
+            break;
+        case 79: //"O"
+            //Move arm/elbow to ticklepos
+            armmove(armticklepos, 1);
+            elbowmove(elbowticklepos, 1);
+            break;
+        case 80: //"P"
+            //Move arm/elbow to feedpos
+            armmove(armfeedpos, 1);
+            elbowmove(elbowfeedpos, 1);
+            break;
+        case 81: //"Q"
+            //Print SWdetect value
+            wait(0.1);
+            swvalue =;
+            acucomms.printf("\rVSWDETECT: %5.3f", swvalue);
+            break;
+        case 82: //"R"
+            //multiple calibrations to see variation
+            acucomms.printf("\r\nBee holder: %4u", getserialno());
+            for (int i=0; i<40; i++) {
+                acucomms.printf("\r\nN%3u C=%5.3f", i+1, calibrate(5));
+                wait(15);
+            }
+            acucomms.printf("\r\nDone");
+            break;
+        case 83: //"S"
+            //Toggle air switcher
+            airswitcher = !airswitcher;
+            if (airswitcher) {
+                acucomms.printf("\n\rAirswitcher on");
+            }
+            else {
+                acucomms.printf("\n\rAirswitcher off");
+            }
+            break;
+        case 84: //"T"
+            //set date and time on RTC
+            setdatetime();
+            break;
+        default: //All other characters
+            //Do nothing
+            break;
+        }
+        if (comchar != 88) comchar=0;
+    }
+    acucomms.printf("\n\rSession closed");
+    //Close logfile
+    fprintf(logfile, "session closed");
+    fclose(logfile);                                                //close logfile for reading    