Dependencies: mbed SDFileSystem VS1053
- Committer:
- maner1256
- Date:
- 2018-12-16
- Revision:
- 2:138538acac01
- Parent:
- 1:f7477dd40643
File content as of revision 2:138538acac01:
#include "mbed.h" #include "string" #include "player.h" #include "SDFileSystem.h" //Player mp3 SDFileSystem sd(D11, D12, D13, D9, "sd"); // the pinout on the mbed Cool vs10xx vs1053(D11, D12, D13, D6, D7, D2, D8);//mosi,miso,sclk,xcs,xdcs,dreq,xreset playerStatetype playerState; static unsigned char fileBuf[32768]; unsigned char *bufptr; char green; char list[20][50]; //song list extern playerStatetype playerState; // DigitalOut pinout(PC_4); //Serial Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); Serial sensor_node(PA_15, PB_7); Serial nextion(PC_6,PA_12); int input; int data_buffer[20]; //DATA struct DATA { int height; int weight; int sys; int dia; int hr; int bp_status; // BP error int pattern; // led ring pettern 97, 98, 99, ... int data_status; //0 = not ready to push to cloud }; struct DATA measured_data; void depacket(struct DATA &input); void print_data(struct DATA &input); void write_rgb(int pattern){sensor_node.printf("%c",pattern);} // mp3 function void begin(void) { DirHandle *dir; struct dirent *ptr; FileHandle *fp; vs1053.reset(); dir = opendir("/sd"); printf("\r\n**********playing list**********\r\n"); unsigned char i = 0,j=0; while(((ptr = dir->readdir()) != NULL)&&(i <20)) { if(strstr(ptr->d_name,".mp3")||strstr(ptr->d_name,".MP3")) { fp>d_name, O_RDONLY); if(fp != NULL) { char *byte = ptr->d_name; j=0; while(*byte){ list[i][j++] = *byte++; green=i; } pc.printf("%2d . %s\r\n", i,list[i++]); //fp->close(); } } } dir->closedir(); } void stop(void){ playerState =PS_STOP; } void playFile(char *file) { int bytes; // How many bytes in buffer left char n; playerState = PS_PLAY; vs1053.setFreq(24000000); //hight speed FileHandle *fp, O_RDONLY); if(fp == NULL) { printf("Could not open %s\r\n",file); } else { printf("Playing %s ...\r\n",file); /* Main playback loop */ while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,32768)) > 0) { while((bytes = fp->read(fileBuf,32000)) > 0) { { bufptr = fileBuf; // actual audio data gets sent to VS10xx. while(bytes > 0) { n = (bytes < 32)?bytes:32; vs1053.writeData(bufptr,n); bytes -= n; bufptr += n; } uint8_t vol = 0x00;//set vlume vs1053.setVolume(vol); //set vlume if(playerState != PS_PLAY) //stop { fp->close(); vs1053.softReset(); } } } } } } //// end mp3 /// nextion function void end(void) { nextion.putc(0xff); nextion.putc(0xff); nextion.putc(0xff); } bool printed_0 = 0; bool printed_1 = 0; bool printed_2 = 0; bool printed_3 = 0; bool printed_4 = 0; bool printed_5 = 0; bool printed_6 = 0; bool printed_7 = 0; void write_page_0(void){//Sam printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_0){ nextion.printf("page page0"); playFile("track0.mp3"); stop(); printed_0 = 1; end(); } } void write_page_1(void){//please stand printed_0 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_1){ nextion.printf("page page1"); playFile("track1.mp3"); stop(); printed_1 = 1; end(); } } void write_page_2(int height,int weight){//show height printed_0 = 0; printed_1 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; printed_5 = 0; if (!printed_2){ nextion.printf("page page2"); printed_2 = 1; end(); } nextion.printf("height.val=%d",height); end(); nextion.printf("weight.val=%d",weight); end(); } void write_page_3(void){//put right arm printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_0 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_3){ nextion.printf("page page3"); playFile("track3.mp3"); stop(); printed_3 = 1; end(); } } void write_page_4(void){//while blood printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_0 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_4){ nextion.printf("page page4"); playFile("track4.mp3"); stop(); printed_4 = 1; end(); } } void write_page_5(int sys,int dia,int pulse){//show blood printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_0 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_5){ nextion.printf("page page5"); printed_5 = 1; end(); } nextion.printf("sys.val=%d",sys); end(); nextion.printf("dia.val=%d",dia); end(); nextion.printf("pulse.val=%d",pulse); end(); } void write_page_6(void){//blood failed printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_0 = 0; printed_7 = 0; if (!printed_6){ nextion.printf("page page6"); playFile("track6.mp3"); stop(); printed_6 = 1; end(); } } void write_page_7(void){//see you printed_1 = 0; printed_2 = 0; printed_3 = 0; printed_4 = 0; printed_5 = 0; printed_6 = 0; printed_0 = 0; if (!printed_7){ nextion.printf("page page7"); playFile("track7.mp3"); stop(); printed_7 = 1; end(); } } //// end nextion int main() { bool debug = 1; begin(); while(1){ write_page_3(); depacket(measured_data); if (debug) print_data(measured_data); write_rgb(measured_data.pattern); if (measured_data.data_status == 0){ write_page_0(); } else if (measured_data.data_status == 1){ write_page_1(); } else if (measured_data.data_status == 2){ write_page_2(measured_data.height, measured_data.weight); } else if (measured_data.data_status == 3){ write_page_3(); input=nextion.getc(); if(input==148){ pinout=1; wait(0.5); pinout=0; //pc.printf("a\n"); } } else if (measured_data.data_status == 4){ write_page_4(); } else if (measured_data.data_status == 5){ write_page_5(measured_data.sys, measured_data.dia,; } else if (measured_data.data_status == 6){ write_page_6(); } } } void depacket(struct DATA &input){ if (sensor_node.readable()){ int temp =sensor_node.getc(); //if (temp == 255){ int cnt = 0; while(1){ data_buffer[cnt]=sensor_node.getc(); if (cnt == 8)break; if (data_buffer[cnt] == 255)cnt = 0; else if (data_buffer[cnt] != 255)cnt++; } measured_data.height = data_buffer[0]; measured_data.weight = data_buffer[1]; input.sys = data_buffer[2]; input.dia = data_buffer[3]; = data_buffer[4]; input.bp_status = data_buffer[5]; input.pattern = data_buffer[6]; input.data_status = data_buffer[7]; } } void print_data(struct DATA &input){ pc.printf("H : %d ", input.height); pc.printf("W : %d ", input.weight); pc.printf("SYS : %d ", input.sys); pc.printf("DIA : %d ", input.dia); pc.printf("PUL : %d ",; pc.printf("BPs : %d ", input.bp_status); pc.printf("PAT : %d ", input.pattern); pc.printf("STATE : %d", input.data_status); pc.printf("\n"); }