bme280, nRF51822 internal temperature, oled ssd1306 128x64. Короче сборный тест.

Dependencies:   mbed SSD1306_128x64_I2C BLE_API nRF51822 Buzzer



File content as of revision 2:4700f7e71737:

  bme280.h - driver for Bosch Sensortec BME280 combined humidity and pressure sensor.
  Copyright (c) 2015 Elektor
  26/11/2015 - CPV, Initial release.
  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Lesser General Public License for more details.
  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
  Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
  Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
  Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#ifndef __BME280_H__
#define __BME280_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#define BME280_ALLOW_FLOAT  (1)
  typedef double temperature_t;
  typedef double pressure_t;
  typedef double humidity_t;
  typedef int32_t temperature_t;
  typedef uint32_t pressure_t;
  typedef uint32_t humidity_t;
#endif /* BME280_ALLOW_FLOAT */
// Two possible addresses, depending on level on SDO pin.
#define BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1  (0x76)
#define BME280_I2C_ADDRESS2  (0x77)
// Calibration registers.
#define BME280_CAL_T1  (0x88)
#define BME280_CAL_T2  (0x8a)
#define BME280_CAL_T3  (0x8c)
#define BME280_CAL_P1  (0x8e)
#define BME280_CAL_P2  (0x90)
#define BME280_CAL_P3  (0x92)
#define BME280_CAL_P4  (0x94)
#define BME280_CAL_P5  (0x96)
#define BME280_CAL_P6  (0x98)
#define BME280_CAL_P7  (0x9a)
#define BME280_CAL_P8  (0x9c)
#define BME280_CAL_P9  (0x9e)
#define BME280_CAL_H1  (0xa1) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CAL_H2  (0xe1)
#define BME280_CAL_H3  (0xe3) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CAL_H4  (0xe4) /* 12 bits, combined with H45 */
#define BME280_CAL_H45  (0xe5) /* 12 bits, combined with H5 */
#define BME280_CAL_H5  (0xe6) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CAL_H6  (0xe7) /* 8 bits */
// Control registers.
#define BME280_ID_REGISTER  (0xd0) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_RESET_REGISTER  (0xe0) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CTRL_HUM_REGISTER  (0xf2) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_STATUS_REGISTER  (0xf3) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CTRL_MEAS_REGISTER  (0xf4) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_CONFIG_REGISTER  (0xf5) /* 8 bits */
// Measurement registers.
#define BME280_PRESSURE  (0xf7) /* 20 bits */
#define BME280_PRESSURE_MSB  (0xf7) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_PRESSURE_LSB  (0xf8) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_PRESSURE_XLSB  (0xf9) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_TEMPERATURE  (0xfa) /* 20 bits */
#define BME280_TEMPERATURE_MSB  (0xfa) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_TEMPERATURE_LSB  (0xfb) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_TEMPERATURE_XLSB  (0xfc) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_HUMIDITY  (0xfd) /* 16 bits */
#define BME280_HUMIDITY_MSB  (0xfd) /* 8 bits */
#define BME280_HUMIDITY_LSB  (0xfe) /* 8 bits */
// It is recommended to read all the measurements in one go.
#define BME280_MEASUREMENT_SIZE  (8)
// Values for osrs_p & osrs_t fields of CTRL_MEAS register.
#define BME280_SKIP  (0)
#define BME280_OVERSAMPLING_1X  (1)
#define BME280_OVERSAMPLING_2X  (2)
#define BME280_OVERSAMPLING_4X  (3)
#define BME280_OVERSAMPLING_8X  (4)
#define BME280_OVERSAMPLING_16X  (5)
// Values for mode field of CTRL_MEAS register.
#define BME280_MODE_SLEEP  (0)
#define BME280_MODE_FORCED  (1)
#define BME280_MODE_NORMAL  (3)
// Value for RESET register.
#define BME280_RESET  (0xb6)
// Value of ID register.
#define BME280_ID  (0x60)
// Values for t_sb field of CONFIG register
#define BME280_STANDBY_500_US  (0)
#define BME280_STANDBY_10_MS  (6)
#define BME280_STANDBY_20_MS  (7)
#define BME280_STANDBY_63_MS  (1)
#define BME280_STANDBY_125_MS  (2)
#define BME280_STANDBY_250_MS  (3)
#define BME280_STANDBY_500_MS  (4)
#define BME280_STANDBY_1000_MS  (5)
// Values for filter field of CONFIG register
#define BME280_FILTER_OFF  (0)
#define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_2  (1)
#define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_4  (2)
#define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_8  (3)
#define BME280_FILTER_COEFF_16  (4)
// I2C write function must support repeated start to avoid interruption of transactions.
// User-provided function to write data_size bytes from buffer p_data to I2C device at bus address i2c_address.
// Provide empty function if not used.
extern void i2cWrite(uint8_t i2c_address, uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size, uint8_t repeated_start);
// User-provided function to read data_size bytes from I2C device at bus address i2c_address to buffer p_data.
// Provide empty function if not used.
extern void i2cRead(uint8_t i2c_address, uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size);
// SPI functions must activate (make low) BME280 CSB pin before doing a transfer
// and deactivate it (make high) when done.
// User-provided function to write data_size bytes from buffer p_data to SPI device.
// Provide empty function if not used.
extern void spiWrite(uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size);
// User-provided function to read data_size bytes from SPI device to buffer p_data.
// Provide empty function if not used.
extern void spiRead(uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size);
class BME280
  uint8_t begin(uint8_t i2cAddress=0); // I2C address not set means SPI.
  void readCalibrationData(void);
  uint8_t readId(void);
  uint8_t readFrom(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data_size, uint8_t *p_data);
  void read(void);
  // If using floating points, values are scaled, if not then
  // temperature is 100*T, pressure is Pa en humidity is 1024*%RH
  temperature_t temperature(void) { return _temperature; } // [degrees Celsius] or 100*[degrees Celsius]
  pressure_t pressure(void) { return _pressure; } // [Pa]
  humidity_t humidity(void) { return _humidity; } // [%RH] or 1024*[%RH]
  void writeControlRegisters(uint8_t osrs_t, uint8_t osrs_p, uint8_t osrs_h, uint8_t mode);
  void writeConfigRegister(uint8_t t_sb, uint8_t filter, uint8_t spi);
  void reset(void);
  uint8_t _i2c_address;
  void busWrite(uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size, uint8_t repeated_start);
  void busRead(uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t data_size);
  // Calibration data.
  uint16_t _dig_T1;
  int16_t _dig_T2;
  int16_t _dig_T3;
  uint16_t _dig_P1;
  int16_t _dig_P2;
  int16_t _dig_P3;
  int16_t _dig_P4;
  int16_t _dig_P5;
  int16_t _dig_P6;
  int16_t _dig_P7;
  int16_t _dig_P8;
  int16_t _dig_P9;
  uint8_t _dig_H1;
  int16_t _dig_H2;
  uint8_t _dig_H3;
  int16_t _dig_H4;
  int16_t _dig_H5;
  int8_t _dig_H6;
  void clearCalibrationData(void);
  uint8_t readUint8(uint8_t reg);
  uint16_t readUint16(uint8_t reg);
  int32_t assembleRawValue(uint8_t *p_data, uint8_t has_xlsb);
  int32_t _t_fine;
  temperature_t compensateTemperature(int32_t adc_T);
  pressure_t compensatePressure(int32_t adc_P);
  humidity_t compensateHumidity(int32_t adc_H);
  temperature_t _temperature;
  pressure_t _pressure;
  humidity_t _humidity;
#endif /* __BME280_H__*/