Labmbed device drivers

Dependencies:   TextLCD mbed

diff -r e2310d494d19 -r 7eea83fb1cb4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 12 16:41:19 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jan 27 08:54:23 2017 +0000
@@ -1,135 +1,228 @@
-// Demo Program for Labmbed Board
+// Device Drivers for Labmbed Board
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "TextLCD.h"
-TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);          // LCD: RS, E, D4-D7
-SPI spi(p5, p6, p7);                                // SPI: MOSI, MISO, SCLK (MISO not used with LCD)
-DigitalOut lat(p8);                                 // data latch for LED driver TLC59281
-DigitalOut sel0(p26);                               // input select bits:
-DigitalOut sel1(p25);                               //  "
-DigitalOut sel2(p24);                               //  "
-DigitalIn in0(p14);                                 // input from switches, keypad etc
-DigitalIn in1(p13);                                 //  "
-DigitalIn in2(p12);                                 //  "
-DigitalIn in3(p11);                                 //  "
-I2C i2c(p9, p10);                                   // I2C: SDA, SCL
+TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p20);            // LCD: RS, E, D4-D7
+SPI spi(p5, p6, p7);                                  // SPI: MOSI, MISO, SCLK (MISO not used with LCD)
+DigitalOut lat(p8);                                   // data latch for LED driver TLC59281
+DigitalOut Sel0(p26);                                 // input select bits:
+DigitalOut Sel1(p25);                                 //  "
+DigitalOut Sel2(p24);                                 //  "
+DigitalIn In0(p14);                                   // input from switches, keypad etc
+DigitalIn In1(p13);                                   //  "
+DigitalIn In2(p12);                                   //  "
+DigitalIn In3(p11);                                   //  "
+I2C i2c(p9, p10);                                     // I2C: SDA, SCL
-int led_bits = 0;                                   // global LED status used for readback
-const int tmp102addr = 0x92;                        // TMP102 temperature I2C address
+// global variables
+short LEDbits = 0;                                    // global led status used for readback
+const int TMP102Addr = 0x92;                          // TMP102 temperature I2C address
+const int MPU6050Addr = 0xd0;                         // MPU-6050 accelerometer and Gyro I2C address
+float Acceleration[3];                                // MPU-6050 x,y,z acceleration values in 1G floating point
+float GyroRate[3];                                    // MPU-6050 x,y,z gyrorates in degrees per second
+float GyroOffset[3];                                  // MPU-6050 x,y,z gyrorates compensation
+char AReg[] = { 0x3b, 0x3d, 0x3f };                   // MPU-6050 I2C x,y,z accelerometer data registers
+char GReg[] = { 0x43, 0x45, 0x47 };                   // MPU-6050 I2C x,y,z gyro data registers
-void initleds() {
-    lat = 0;                                        // latch must start low
-    spi.format(16,0);                               // SPI 16 bit data, low state, high going clock
-    spi.frequency(1000000);                         // 1MHz clock rate
+void InitLEDs() {
+    lat = 0;                                          // latch must start low
+    spi.format(16,0);                                 // SPI 16 bit data, low state, high going clock
+    spi.frequency(1000000);                           // 1MHz clock rate
+void SetLEDs(short ledall) {
+    LEDbits = ledall;                                 // update global led status
+    spi.write((LEDbits & 0x03ff) | ((LEDbits & 0xa800) >> 1) | ((LEDbits & 0x5400) << 1));
+    lat = 1;                                          // latch pulse start 
+    lat = 0;                                          // latch pulse end
-void setleds(int ledall) {
-    led_bits = ledall;                              // update global LED status
-    spi.write((led_bits & 0x03ff) | ((led_bits & 0xa800) >> 1) | ((led_bits & 0x5400) << 1));
-    lat = 1;                                        // latch pulse start 
-    lat = 0;                                        // latch pulse end
+void SetLED(short LEDNo, short LEDState) {
+    LEDNo = ((LEDNo - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;               // limit led number
+    LEDNo = (8 - LEDNo) * 2;                          // offset of led state in 'LEDbits'
+    LEDState = LEDState & 0x0003;                     // limit led state
+    LEDState = LEDState << LEDNo;
+    short statemask = ((0x0003 << LEDNo) ^ 0xffff);   // mask used to clear led state
+    LEDbits = ((LEDbits & statemask) | LEDState);     // clear and set led state
+    SetLEDs(LEDbits);
+short ReadLED(short LEDNo) {
+    LEDNo = ((LEDNo - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;               // limit led number
+    LEDNo = (8 - LEDNo) * 2;                          // offset of led state in 'LEDbits'
+    short LEDState = LEDbits;
+    LEDState = LEDState >> LEDNo;                     // shift selected led state into ls 2 bits
+    return (LEDState & 0x0003);                       // mask out and return led state
+short ReadLEDs() {
+    return LEDbits;                                   // return led status
-void setled(int ledno, int ledstate) {
-    ledno = ((ledno - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;             // limit led number
-    ledno = (8 - ledno) * 2;                        // offset of led state in 'led_bits'
-    ledstate = ledstate & 0x0003;                   // limit led state
-    ledstate = ledstate << ledno;
-    int statemask = ((0x0003 << ledno) ^ 0xffff);   // mask used to clear led state
-    led_bits = ((led_bits & statemask) | ledstate); // clear and set led state
-    setleds(led_bits);
+void SelInput(short Input) {
+    Sel0 = Input & 0x0001;                            // set sel[0:2] pins
+    Sel1 = (Input >> 1) & 0x0001;                     //
+    Sel2 = (Input >> 2) & 0x0001;                     //
+short ReadSwitches() {
+    SelInput(5);                                      // select least significant 4 switches in[3:0]
+    short Switches = In0 + (In1 << 1) + (In2 << 2) + (In3 << 3);
+    SelInput(4);                                      // select most significant 4 switches in[3:0]
+    return (Switches + (In0 << 4)+ (In1 << 5) + (In2 << 6) + (In3 << 7));
-int readled(int ledno) {
-    ledno = ((ledno - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;             // limit led number
-    ledno = (8 - ledno) * 2;                        // offset of led state in 'led_bits'
-    int ledstate = led_bits;
-    ledstate = ledstate >> ledno;                   // shift selected led state into ls 2 bits
-    return (ledstate & 0x0003);                     // mask out and return led state
+short ReadSwitch(short SwitchNo) {
+    SwitchNo = ((SwitchNo - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;         // limit switch number
+    SwitchNo = 8 - SwitchNo;                          // offset of switch state in ReadSwitches()
+    short SwitchState = ReadSwitches();               // read switch states
+    SwitchState = SwitchState >> SwitchNo;            // shift selected switch state into ls bit
+    return (SwitchState & 0x0001);                    // mask out and return switch state 
-int readleds() {
-    return led_bits;                                // return LED status
+short ReadKeys() {
+    SelInput(0);                                      // select Keypad top row 
+    short Keys = (In0 << 15) + (In1 << 14) + (In2 << 13) + (In3 << 12);
+    SelInput(1);                                      // select Keypad second row
+    Keys = Keys + (In0 << 3) + (In1 << 6) + (In2 << 9) + (In3 << 11);   
+    SelInput(2);                                      // select Keypad third row
+    Keys = Keys + (In0 << 2) + (In1 << 5) + (In2 << 8) + In3;  
+    SelInput(3);                                      // select Keypad forth row
+    Keys = Keys + (In0 << 1) + (In1 << 4) + (In2 << 7) + (In3 << 10);
+    return (Keys ^ 0xffff);                           // return inverted (Key press active high)
-void selinput(int input) {
-    sel0 = input & 0x0001;                          // set sel[0:2] pins
-    sel1 = (input >> 1) & 0x0001;                   //
-    sel2 = (input >> 2) & 0x0001;                   //
+short ReadKey(short KeyNo) {
+    KeyNo = KeyNo & 0x000f;                           // limit key number 0 to 15 (0 to F)
+    short KeyState = ReadKeys();                      // read key states
+    KeyState = KeyState >> KeyNo;                     // shift selected key state into ls bit
+    return (KeyState & 0x0001);                       // mask out and return key state     
-int readswitches() {
-    selinput(5);                                    // select least significant 4 switches in[3:0]
-    int switches = in0 + (in1 << 1) + (in2 << 2) + (in3 << 3);
-    selinput(4);                                    // select most significant 4 switches in[3:0]
-    return (switches + (in0 << 4)+ (in1 << 5) + (in2 << 6) + (in3 << 7));
+int FindKeyNo() {
+    short KeyNo;
+    short KeyPressed = -1;                            // set KeyPressed to -1 (no key pressed)
+    short KeyState = ReadKeys();                      // read key states
+    for (KeyNo= 0; KeyNo < 16; KeyNo++ ) {            // check all 16 Keys
+        if (KeyState & 0x0001) {                      // check key state
+            if (KeyPressed == -1) {                   // check if key already found
+                KeyPressed = KeyNo;                   // update KeyPressed
+            }
+            else {
+                return -1;                            // 2 or more keys pressed
+            }
+        }
+        KeyState = KeyState >> 1;                     // shift to check next key
+    }
+    return KeyPressed;                                // return KeyPressed
-int readswitch(int switchno) {
-    switchno = ((switchno - 1) & 0x0007) + 1;       // limit switch number
-    switchno = 8 - switchno;                        // offset of switch state in readswitches()
-    int switchstate = readswitches();
-    switchstate = switchstate >> switchno;          // shift selected switch state into ls bit
-    return (switchstate & 0x0001);                  // mask out and return switch state 
+char FindKeyChar() {
+    short KeyNo;
+    char KeyChar = ' ';                               // set KeyChar to ' ' (no key pressed)
+    KeyNo = FindKeyNo();                              // find key pressed
+    if (KeyNo < 10 && KeyNo >= 0) {
+        KeyChar = (char) KeyNo + 0x30;                // convert char 0-9 to ascii string '0'-'9'
+    }
+    if (KeyNo > 9 && KeyNo < 16) {
+        KeyChar = (char) KeyNo + 0x37;                // convert char 10-15 to ascii string 'A'-'F'
+    }
+    return KeyChar;                                   // return key pressed
-int readkeys() {
-    selinput(0);                                    // select keypad top row 
-    int keys = (in0 << 15) + (in1 << 14) + (in2 << 13) + (in3 << 12);
-    selinput(1);                                    // select keypad second row
-    keys = keys + (in0 << 3) + (in1 << 6) + (in2 << 9) + (in3 << 11);   
-    selinput(2);                                    // select keypad third row
-    keys = keys + (in0 << 2) + (in1 << 5) + (in2 << 8) + in3;  
-    selinput(3);                                    // select keypad forth row
-    keys = keys + (in0 << 1) + (in1 << 4) + (in2 << 7) + (in3 << 10);
-    return (keys ^ 0xffff);                         // return inverted (key press active high)
+float ReadTemp() {
+    char Cmd[3];
+    Cmd[0] = 0x01;                                    // pointer register value
+    Cmd[1] = 0x60;                                    // byte 1 of the configuration register
+    Cmd[2] = 0xa0;                                    // byte 2 of the configuration register
+    i2c.write(TMP102Addr, Cmd, 3);                    // select configuration register and write 0x60a0 to it
+    wait(0.5);                                        // ensure conversion time
+    Cmd[0] = 0x00;                                    // pointer register value
+    i2c.write(TMP102Addr, Cmd, 1);                    // select temperature register
+, Cmd, 2);                     // read 16-bit temperature register 
+    return (float((Cmd[0] << 8) | Cmd[1]) / 256);     // divide by 256 and return temperature
+signed short ReadMPU6050(int RegAddr) {
+    char Cmd[3];
+    Cmd[0] = RegAddr;                                 // register address
+    i2c.write(MPU6050Addr, Cmd, 1);                   // select register to read
+, Cmd, 2);                    // read 2 bytes from register
+    return ((Cmd[0] << 8) | Cmd[1]);                  // return signed 16 bit value
-int readkey(int keyno) {
-    keyno = keyno & 0x000f;                         // limit key number 0 to 15 (0 to F)
-    int keystate = readkeys();
-    keystate = keystate >> keyno;                   // shift selected key state into ls bit
-    return (keystate & 0x0001);                     // mask out and return key state     
+void CalibrateGyros() {
+    short a,b;
+    for(a=0; a<3; a++) {
+        GyroOffset[a] = 0;                            // clear gyro calibration offsets
+        for(b=0; b<1000; b++) {
+            GyroOffset[a] = GyroOffset[a] + (float)ReadMPU6050(GReg[a]);
+            wait_ms(1);                               // wait for next sample
+        }  
+        GyroOffset[a] = GyroOffset[a]/1000;           // find average over 1000 samples
+    }
+void InitMotion() {
+    char Cmd[3];
+    Cmd[0] = 0xa1;                                    // config register address
+    Cmd[1] = 0x06;                                    // accelerometer and gyro bandwidth = 5Hz
+    i2c.write(MPU6050Addr, Cmd, 2);                   // write data to config register      
+    Cmd[0] = 0x6b;                                    // power management register address
+    Cmd[1] = 0x00;                                    // data
+    i2c.write(MPU6050Addr, Cmd, 2);                   // write data to power management register   
+    Cmd[0] = 0x1b;                                    // gyro configuration register address
+    Cmd[1] = 0x08;                                    // no gyro self test, +-500 full scale
+    i2c.write(MPU6050Addr, Cmd, 2);                   // write data to gyro configuration register
+    Cmd[0] = 0x19;                                    // sample rate register address
+    Cmd[1] = 0x07;                                    // sample rate = gyro output rate / 8
+    i2c.write(MPU6050Addr, Cmd, 2);                   // write data to sample rate register    
+    CalibrateGyros();           
-float readtemp() {
-    char cmd[3];
-    cmd[0] = 0x01;                                  // pointer register value
-    cmd[1] = 0x60;                                  // byte 1 of the configuration register
-    cmd[2] = 0xa0;                                  // byte 2 of the configuration register
-    i2c.write(tmp102addr, cmd, 3);                  // select configuration register and write 0x60a0 to it
-    wait(0.5);                                      // wait for conversion
-    cmd[0] = 0x00;                                  // pointer register value
-    i2c.write(tmp102addr, cmd, 1);                  // select temperature register
-, cmd, 2);                   // read 16-bit temperature register 
-    return (float((cmd[0]<<8)|cmd[1]) / 256.0);     // divide by 256 and return temperature
+void ReadMotion() {
+    short a;                                          // Acceleration is in G where 1G = 9.81 ms/s
+    for(a=0; a<3; a++) {                              // GyroRate is in degrees per second
+        Acceleration[a] =  (float)ReadMPU6050(AReg[a]) / 16384;      
+        GyroRate[a] = ((float)ReadMPU6050(GReg[a]) - GyroOffset[a]) / 66.5;
+    }
 int main() {
-    initleds();
+    InitLEDs();
+    InitMotion();
     while(1) {
         int a,b;
-        for (b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) {
-            for (a = 1; a < 9; a++ ) {
-                setled (a,b);
-                wait(.1);
+        for (b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) {                    // select all 4 led states
+            for (a = 1; a < 9; a++ ) {                // set all 8 leds to selected state
+                SetLED (a,b);                         // set led 'a' to state 'b'
+                wait(.05);                            // wait 0.05 second
-        for (a= 1; a < 9; a++ ) {
-            setled (a,(readswitch(a) * 3));
+        for (a= 1; a < 9; a++ ) {                     // map Switch states to led's
+            SetLED (a,(ReadSwitch(a) + 1));           //
+            wait(.05);                                // wait 0.05 second
-        float temp = readtemp();
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.printf("Tmp = %f\n", temp);
-        wait(1);
-        lcd.cls();
-        int switches = readswitches();   
-        lcd.printf("Switches = %d\n", switches);
-        int keys = readkeys();
-        lcd.printf("Keys = %d\n", keys);
+        float temp = ReadTemp();                      // get temperature
+        lcd.cls();                                    // clear lcd
+        lcd.printf("Temp = %f\n", temp);              // print temperature
+        wait(1);                                      // wait 1 second
+        lcd.cls();                                    // clear lcd
+        int swch = ReadSwitches();                    // look at Switch states   
+        lcd.printf("Switches = %d\n", swch);          // print result
+        char Key = FindKeyChar();                     // look for Key pressed
+        lcd.printf("Key = %c\n", Key);                // print result
+        wait(1);                                      // wait 1 second
+        ReadMotion();                                 // read new data in from the MPU-6050
+        lcd.cls();                                    // clear lcd
+        lcd.locate(0,0);
+        lcd.printf("x%.1f y%.1f z%.1f", Acceleration[0], Acceleration[1], Acceleration[2]);
+        lcd.locate(0,1); 
+        lcd.printf("x%.1f y%.1f z%.1f", GyroRate[0], GyroRate[1], GyroRate[2]);               
+        wait(.4);