For the SUTD research project. This is a sample code to access the MPU6050

Dependencies:   MPU6050 Terminal mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 59f6f94baeb1 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 01 06:22:13 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+/** This program constantly sends the accelerometer data over the bluetooth to the computer.
+*   The robot will drive FWD and REVERSE at maximum speed when you press W and S. //Turn 90 degrees at a time//
+*   TODO: implement 90deg rotation 
+*   TODO: Get rid of flags. Turn everything into a class
+*   TODO: Use a PID controller for turning instead of whatever mess you used today
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "MPU6050.h"
+#include "Terminal.h"
+#include "string"
+ #include "main.h"
+//const int startMotor = 2;   //time (in seconds) when motor starts
+//const int stopMotor = 4;    //time (in seconds) when motor stops 
+Terminal pc(PTA2,PTA1);  //bluetooth
+DigitalOut myled(PTE3);     //LED
+MPU6050 mpu(PTE0, PTE1);    //Accelerometer (needs the MPU6050 library)
+//things for the motor controller
+PwmOut PWMA(PTA4);
+PwmOut PWMB(PTA5);
+DigitalOut AIN1(PTA14);
+DigitalOut AIN2(PTA13);
+DigitalOut BIN1(PTA16);
+DigitalOut BIN2(PTA17);
+DigitalOut STBY(PTA15);
+//motor functions
+void motor_control(bool motor, int speed, bool dir);    //speed should be between 1 and 100
+void stop();
+void straight(int speed);   //drive robot straight. Speed between -100 and 100. Accelerometer works best at 100
+void turn_left(int speedA, int speedB);
+void turn_right(int speedA, int speedB);
+double integrate(data *prev, int acc[3], int time);     //integrate. this is not implemented yet
+void remote_control(char c, int *turn);                      //Send a cmmand to this function, it will drive the robot
+int accFlag = 0;    //flag to continue acceleration or deceleration (1 for acc, 0 for none, -1 for dec)
+int turnFlag = 0;   //flag for direction of turn. If 0, no turn, if 1 turn right, -1 turn left
+int accLimit = 16384.0/9.81* 1;  //acceleration limit = 2 m/s2
+int maxRot = 0;
+int main()
+    double t2 = 0;
+    double tnow;
+    double SP;
+    int Kp = 75; //proportional gain (tuning)
+    int Ki = 0; //integral gain (tuning)
+    double Kd = 0; //derivative gain (tuning) *Not used = 0*
+    double Irz = 0;
+    double rotationSpeed=0;
+    double rz=0; //rotation in the z axis
+    double tprev=0;//time of previous iteration
+    double pi = 3.14159265359;
+    int i=0;
+    int turnTarget = 0; //angle for the robot to drive at (in degrees)
+//    data *state;    //this will be passed into the integrate fucntion for recursiveness
+    //send data to the integrate function, delayed by 10 samples
+    //
+    char c;
+//    int flag = 0;
+    int accdata[3];
+    int avAcc[3];
+    int gyrodata[3];
+    Timer t;
+    pc.baud(115200);    //Make sure this baud rate matches the baud rate of the bluetooth (set baud rate with "BluetoothAT")
+    wait(0.1);
+    char test = mpu.testConnection();
+    pc.baud(115200); //this can only be changed after the BLUETOOTH baud rate has been changed
+    if (mpu.testConnection()){
+        //pc.printf("MPU connection succeeded\n\r");
+        myled = 0;
+        }
+    else{
+        pc.printf("MPU connection failed\n\r"); //Todo: If connection fails, retry a couple times. Try resetting MPU (this would need another wire?)
+        myled = 1;
+    }
+    wait(3);
+    t.reset();
+  //  mpu.setBW(MPU6050_BW_10);   //set bandwidth of low pass filter for Accerlerometer AND Gyro.
+  //  mpu.setBW(MPU6050_BW_42);    
+ //    mpu.setBW(MPU6050_BW_98);    
+    mpu.setBW(MPU6050_BW_20);
+  //  mpu.setGyroRange(MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_250);   //To convert gyro output to RAD/S, divide by 7505.7
+    mpu.setGyroRange(MPU6050_GYRO_RANGE_500);   //to convert gyro output to RAD/S, divide by 3752.9
+    //double gyroCorrect = 3752.9;    //////change this number!!!!Decrease to decrease rotation
+    double gyroCorrect = 3720;   //prev3754.82prev3752.9  Use this number to convert gyro reading to rad/s
+    int count = 0;
+    double rzOff = 0;
+    while(<1) //calculate gyro offset
+    {
+        mpu.getGyroRaw(gyrodata);
+        rzOff += gyrodata[2];
+        count++;
+    }
+    rzOff = rzOff/count; //rzOffset
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        //speed = 100;
+        mpu.getAcceleroRaw(accdata);
+        mpu.getGyroRaw(gyrodata);
+        //ROTATION//------------------------------------//
+        //MV = 0; //input (speed setting)
+        SP = turnTarget*pi/180; //desired angle (radians)
+        tnow =;
+        rz = rz + ((gyrodata[2]-rzOff)*(tnow-tprev)/gyroCorrect);    //rz is the rotation(radians) from start
+        Irz = Irz + (rz-SP)*(tnow-tprev); //Irz needs to be reset every so often, or it should be ignored
+        tprev = tnow;
+        rotationSpeed = (int(Kp*(rz-SP) + Ki*Irz + Kd*gyrodata[2]/gyroCorrect));
+        pc.printf("\n\r%f\t",rotationSpeed);
+        if(maxRot < gyrodata[2])
+            maxRot = gyrodata[2];
+        if(abs(rotationSpeed)<1)//(abs(rz-SP)<(0.0175*gyroCorrect))
+        {
+            rotationSpeed = 0;
+            Irz = 0;
+        }
+        else if(abs(rotationSpeed)<10)
+        {
+            if (rotationSpeed>0)
+                rotationSpeed = 10;
+            else
+                rotationSpeed = -10;
+        }
+        if(tnow>t2)
+        {
+            turn_right(-rotationSpeed,rotationSpeed);
+            t2 = tnow+0.01;  
+        }
+        //END ROTATION//---------------------------------//
+        if (accFlag > 0)
+            accFlag --;
+        else if(accFlag < 0)
+            accFlag++;
+     //  avAcc[0] = 0;
+     //   avAcc[1] = 0;
+     //   avAcc[2] = 0;
+     //   for(i = 0; i<4; i++)
+     //   {
+     //   
+     //       mpu.getAcceleroRaw(accdata);
+     //       mpu.getGyroRaw(gyrodata);
+     //       
+     //       avAcc[0] += accdata[0];
+    //        avAcc[1] += accdata[1];
+    //        avAcc[2] += accdata[2];
+    //    }
+      pc.printf("%f\t%d\t%d\t%d\t", tnow,accdata[0], accdata[1], accdata[2]);
+      // pc.printf("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n\r", gyrodata[0], gyrodata[1], gyrodata[2],;
+//      pc.printf("%f\n\r",tnow);
+        //Old Code for moving the robot//
+        /*
+        if ( > startMotor && flag ==0){
+            myled = 0;
+            straight(100);
+            flag = 1;
+        }
+        if ( > stopMotor){
+            stop();
+            myled = 1;
+            STBY=0;
+            flag = 2;
+        }
+        if ( > 20)
+            break;
+            */
+        //New code for moving robot//
+        if(pc.readable() || accFlag){
+            if(accFlag)
+                c = 'i';
+            else          
+                c = pc.getc();
+            remote_control(c,&turnTarget);
+            if (c=='t'){        //reset timer if t is pressed
+                wait(2);
+                t.reset();
+                turnTarget = 0;
+            }
+        }    
+    }
+void motor_control(bool motor, int speed, bool dir)     //motor: 0=right, 1=left;   speed: 0-100; dir 0=fwd, 1=bkwd                                 
+    if (speed == 0)     //stop//
+    {
+        STBY = 0;
+        if (motor ==0)
+        {
+            AIN1 = 0;
+            AIN2 = 0;
+            PWMA = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            BIN1 = 0;
+            BIN2 = 0;
+            PWMB = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+        STBY = 1;
+    if (!dir)    //forward//
+    {
+        if(motor == 0) //right motor//
+        {
+            AIN1 = 1;  
+            AIN2 = 0;
+            PWMA = abs(speed/100.0);
+        }
+        else            //left motor//
+        {
+            BIN1 = 0;  //REVERSE THESE WHEN FIX WIRING//////*****//////
+            BIN2 = 1; 
+            PWMB = abs(speed/100.0);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(motor == 0)  //right motor//
+        {
+            AIN1 = 0;
+            AIN2 = 1;
+            PWMA = abs(speed/100.0);
+        }
+        else            //left motor//
+        {
+            BIN1 = 1;   //REVERSE THESE WHEN FIXED WIRING!!////*****////////
+            BIN2 = 0;
+            PWMB = abs(speed/100.0);
+        }
+    }
+void stop()
+    motor_control(0,0,0);   //motorA, speed=0, direction = fwd
+    motor_control(1,0,0);
+    STBY=0;
+void straight(int speed)    //if speed is +ve, go straight. -ve reverse
+    if (speed == 0)
+        stop();
+    else if (speed > 100)
+        speed = 100;
+    else if (speed < -100)
+        speed = -100;
+    else if (speed>0)   //fwd//
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speed,0);
+        motor_control(1,speed,0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speed,1);
+        motor_control(1,speed,1);
+    }
+double integrate(int *prev, int acc[3], int time)
+    /*Returns the distance travelled*/
+    return 0;
+/*Makes robot go straight, stop, and turn*/
+void remote_control(char c, int *turn)
+int speed;
+int y;
+    switch (c)
+    {
+        case 'w':   //forward - increment speed
+ //           turn=0;
+            speed = 100;
+            straight(speed);
+            break;
+        case 's':   //backwards
+//            turn=0;
+            speed = -100;
+            straight(speed);
+            break;
+        case 'd':   //right
+            /*if( &&     //if previously turning right, go straight
+                stop();
+            //{
+            //    turn = 0;
+            //    turnRate = 0;
+            //    straight(speed);
+            //}
+            else
+            {
+                //turn_left(50,-50);
+            }*/
+            *turn+=90;    //rotate right 90 degrees
+            break;
+        case 'a':   //left
+            /*if( &&   //if previously turning left, go straight;
+                stop();
+            else
+                turn_right(-50,50);
+            */
+            *turn-=90;    //rotate left 90 degrees
+            break;
+        case 'i':   //constant acceleration
+            //if( || (AIN!.read() == 0))   //if previously reverse, stop
+            //    stop();
+            //else    //go in reverse, at a constant acceleration
+            speed = ( +*100;
+            y = mpu.getAcceleroRawY();
+            if(speed<100 || || ( && accFlag < 2)
+            {
+                accFlag = 5;
+                if( stop();
+                if(abs(y)<accLimit)
+                {
+                    speed = speed + 1;
+                    straight(speed);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                accFlag = 0;
+            break;
+        default:    //stop
+            speed = 0;
+            stop();
+    }
+void turn_left(int speedA, int speedB)
+    if (speedA < 0) //R reverse//
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speedA,1);  //Right reverse
+        motor_control(1,speedB,1);  //Left reverse
+    }
+    else if(speedB <= 0)
+    {
+        motor_control(1,speedB,1);  //Left reverse//
+        motor_control(0,speedA,0);  //Right fwd
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speedA,0);  //Right fwd
+        motor_control(1,speedB,0);  //Left fwd
+    }  
+void turn_right(int speedA, int speedB)
+    if (speedA > 0) //R fwd//
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speedA,0);  //Right fwd
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        motor_control(0,speedA,1);  //Right reverrse
+    }
+    if(speedB<0)   //L rev
+    {
+        motor_control(1,speedB,1);  //Left reverse
+    }
+    else
+         motor_control(1,speedB,0); 