Successful acro and level mode now! Relying on MPU9250 as base sensor. I'm working continuously on tuning and features :) NEWEST VERSION ON: (CODE 100% compatible/copyable)

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Sep 11 10:10:36 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 14 12:49:08 2015 +0000
@@ -40,9 +40,13 @@
 float RC_angle[] = {0,0,0};             // Angle of the RC Sticks, to steer the QC
 float Motor_speed[4] = {0,0,0,0};       // Mixed Motorspeeds, ready to send
+Timer LoopTimer;
+float Times[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+float control_frequency = PPM_FREQU;         // frequency for the main loop in Hz
 LED         LEDs;
-//PC          pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);   // USB
-PC          pc(p9, p10, 115200);       // Bluetooth PIN: 1234
+PC          pc(USBTX, USBRX, 115200);   // USB
+//PC          pc(p9, p10, 115200);       // Bluetooth PIN: 1234
 IMU_10DOF   IMU(p5, p6, p7, p19);
 RC_Channel  RC[] = {RC_Channel(p8,1), RC_Channel(p15,2), RC_Channel(p17,4), RC_Channel(p16,3), RC_Channel(p25,2), RC_Channel(p26,4), RC_Channel(p29,3)}; // no p19/p20 !
 PID         Controller_Rate[] = {PID(P_R, I_R, D_R, INTEGRAL_MAX), PID(P_R, I_R, D_R, INTEGRAL_MAX), PID(PY, IY, DY, INTEGRAL_MAX)}; // 0:X:Roll 1:Y:Pitch 2:Z:Yaw
@@ -51,6 +55,133 @@
 extern "C" void mbed_reset();
+void loop() {
+    LoopTimer.start();
+    // IMU
+    IMU.readAngles();
+    Times[1] =; // 197us
+    // Arming / disarming
+    RC_present = !(RC[AILERON].read() == -100 || RC[ELEVATOR].read() == -100 || RC[RUDDER].read() == -100 || RC[THROTTLE].read() == -100); // TODO: Failsafe
+    if(RC[THROTTLE].read() < 20 && RC[RUDDER].read() > 850) {
+        armed = true;
+        RC_angle[YAW] = IMU.angle[YAW];
+    }
+    if((RC[THROTTLE].read() < 30 && RC[RUDDER].read() < 30) || !RC_present) {
+        armed = false;
+    }
+    // Setting PID Values from auxiliary RC channels
+    for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
+        Controller_Angle[i].setPID(P_A,I_A,D_A);
+    for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
+        Controller_Rate[i].setPID(P_R,I_R,D_R); // give the new PID values to roll and pitch controller
+    Controller_Rate[YAW].setPID(PY,IY,DY);
+    Times[2] =; // 7us
+    // RC Angle ROLL-PITCH-Part
+    for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {    // calculate new angle we want the QC to have
+        if (RC_present)
+            RC_angle[i] = (RC[i].read()-500)*RC_SENSITIVITY/500.0;
+        else
+            RC_angle[i] = 0;
+    }
+    // RC Angle YAW-Part
+    float   RC_yaw_adding;                  // temporary variable to take the desired yaw adjustment
+    if (RC_present && RC[THROTTLE].read() > 20)
+        RC_yaw_adding = -(RC[RUDDER].read()-500)*YAWSPEED/500;  // the yaw angle is integrated from stick input
+    else
+        RC_yaw_adding = 0;
+    RC_angle[YAW] = RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding < -180 ? RC_angle[YAW] + 360 + RC_yaw_adding : RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding; // make shure it's in the cycle -180 to 180
+    RC_angle[YAW] = RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding > 180 ? RC_angle[YAW] - 360 + RC_yaw_adding : RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding;
+    Times[3] =; // 6us
+    // Controlling
+    if (level) {
+        for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { // LEVEL
+            Controller_Angle[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
+            Controller_Angle[i].compute(RC_angle[i], IMU.angle[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
+            Controller_Rate[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
+            Controller_Rate[i].compute(-Controller_Angle[i].Value, IMU.mpu.Gyro[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
+        }
+    } else {
+        for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { // ACRO
+            Controller_Rate[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
+            Controller_Rate[i].compute((RC[i].read()-500.0)*100.0/500.0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
+        }
+    }
+    Controller_Rate[2].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
+    if (RC[THROTTLE].read() > 20)
+        Controller_Rate[2].compute(-(RC[2].read()-500.0)*100.0/500.0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[2]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
+    else
+        Controller_Rate[2].compute(0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[2]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
+    float throttle = 100 + (RC[THROTTLE].read() * 500 / 1000);
+    Times[4] =; // 53us
+    // Mixing
+    Motor_speed[0] = throttle   +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // X Configuration
+    Motor_speed[1] = throttle   -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
+    Motor_speed[2] = throttle   -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
+    Motor_speed[3] = throttle   +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
+    Motor_speed[0] -= Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
+    Motor_speed[2] -= Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
+    Motor_speed[3] += Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
+    Motor_speed[1] += Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
+    Times[5] =; // 17us
+    if (armed) // for SECURITY!
+    {       
+            debug = false;
+            // PITCH
+            ESC[0] = (int)Motor_speed[0]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[0] : 50;
+            ESC[2] = (int)Motor_speed[2]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[2] : 50;
+            // ROLL
+            //ESC[1] = (int)Motor_speed[1]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[1] : 50;
+            //ESC[3] = (int)Motor_speed[3]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[3] : 50;
+            /*for(int i=0;i<4;i++)   // Set new motorspeeds
+                ESC[i] = (int)Motor_speed[i]>100 ? (int)Motor_speed[i] : 100;*/
+    } else {
+        for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // for security reason, set every motor to zero speed
+            ESC[i] = 0;
+        debug = true;
+    }
+    Times[6] =; // 6us
+    LEDs.rollnext();
+    Times[7] =; // 7us TOTAL 297us
+    while( < 1/control_frequency);
+    Times[8] =;
+    LoopTimer.stop();
+    LoopTimer.reset();
+    if (debug) {
+        pc.printf("$STATE,%d,%d,%.f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", armed, level, control_frequency, IMU.dt*1e3, IMU.dt_sensors*1e6);
+        //pc.printf("$RC,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", RC[AILERON].read(), RC[ELEVATOR].read(), RC[RUDDER].read(), RC[THROTTLE].read(), RC[CHANNEL6].read(), RC[CHANNEL7].read(), RC[CHANNEL8].read());
+        //pc.printf("$GYRO,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.mpu.Gyro[ROLL], IMU.mpu.Gyro[PITCH], IMU.mpu.Gyro[YAW]);
+        //pc.printf("$ACC,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.mpu.Acc[ROLL], IMU.mpu.Acc[PITCH], IMU.mpu.Acc[YAW]);
+        pc.printf("$ANG,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.angle[ROLL], IMU.angle[PITCH], IMU.angle[YAW]);
+        //pc.printf("$RCANG,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", RC_angle[ROLL], RC_angle[PITCH], RC_angle[YAW]);
+        pc.printf("$CONTR,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value, Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value, Controller_Rate[YAW].Value, P_R, I_R, D_R, PY);
+        pc.printf("$CONTA,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", Controller_Angle[ROLL].Value, Controller_Angle[PITCH].Value, Controller_Angle[YAW].Value, P_A, I_A, D_A);
+        pc.printf("$MOT,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", (int)Motor_speed[0], (int)Motor_speed[1], (int)Motor_speed[2], (int)Motor_speed[3]);
+        pc.printf("$TIMES");
+        for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
+            pc.printf(",%.3f", (Times[i]-Times[i-1])*1e6);
+        pc.printf("\r\n");
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
 void executer() {
     char command = pc.getc();
     if (command == 'X')
@@ -93,6 +224,13 @@
     if (command == 'h')
         PY -= 0.1;
+    /*if (command == 'o') {
+        control_frequency += 100;
+    }
+    if (command == 'l') {
+        control_frequency -= 100;
+    }*/
@@ -100,111 +238,6 @@
 int main() {
     while(1) {
-        // IMU
-        IMU.readAngles();
-        // Arming / disarming
-        RC_present = !(RC[AILERON].read() == -100 || RC[ELEVATOR].read() == -100 || RC[RUDDER].read() == -100 || RC[THROTTLE].read() == -100); // TODO: Failsafe
-        if(RC[THROTTLE].read() < 20 && RC[RUDDER].read() > 850) {
-            armed = true;
-            RC_angle[YAW] = IMU.angle[YAW];
-        }
-        if((RC[THROTTLE].read() < 30 && RC[RUDDER].read() < 30) || !RC_present) {
-            armed = false;
-        }
-        // Setting PID Values from auxiliary RC channels
-        for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
-            Controller_Angle[i].setPID(P_A,I_A,D_A);
-        for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
-            Controller_Rate[i].setPID(P_R,I_R,D_R); // give the new PID values to roll and pitch controller
-        Controller_Rate[YAW].setPID(PY,IY,DY);
-        // RC Angle ROLL-PITCH-Part
-        for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {    // calculate new angle we want the QC to have
-            if (RC_present)
-                RC_angle[i] = (RC[i].read()-500)*RC_SENSITIVITY/500.0;
-            else
-                RC_angle[i] = 0;
-        }
-        // RC Angle YAW-Part
-        float   RC_yaw_adding;                  // temporary variable to take the desired yaw adjustment
-        if (RC_present && RC[THROTTLE].read() > 20)
-            RC_yaw_adding = -(RC[RUDDER].read()-500)*YAWSPEED/500;  // the yaw angle is integrated from stick input
-        else
-            RC_yaw_adding = 0;
-        RC_angle[YAW] = RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding < -180 ? RC_angle[YAW] + 360 + RC_yaw_adding : RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding; // make shure it's in the cycle -180 to 180
-        RC_angle[YAW] = RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding > 180 ? RC_angle[YAW] - 360 + RC_yaw_adding : RC_angle[YAW] + RC_yaw_adding;
-        // Controlling
-        if (level) {
-            for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { // LEVEL
-                Controller_Angle[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
-                Controller_Angle[i].compute(RC_angle[i], IMU.angle[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
-                Controller_Rate[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
-                Controller_Rate[i].compute(-Controller_Angle[i].Value, IMU.mpu.Gyro[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
-            }
-        } else {
-            for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { // ACRO
-                Controller_Rate[i].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
-                Controller_Rate[i].compute((RC[i].read()-500.0)*100.0/500.0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[i]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
-            }
-        }
-        Controller_Rate[2].setIntegrate(armed); // only integrate in controller when armed, so the value is not totally odd from not flying
-        if (RC[THROTTLE].read() > 20)
-            Controller_Rate[2].compute(-(RC[2].read()-500.0)*100.0/500.0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[2]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
-        else
-            Controller_Rate[2].compute(0, IMU.mpu.Gyro[2]); // give the controller the actual gyro values and get his advice to correct
-        float throttle = 100 + (RC[THROTTLE].read() * 500 / 1000);
-        // Mixing
-        Motor_speed[0] = throttle   +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // X Configuration
-        Motor_speed[1] = throttle   -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
-        Motor_speed[2] = throttle   -SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
-        Motor_speed[3] = throttle   +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value  +SQRT2*Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value;  // 
-        Motor_speed[0] -= Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
-        Motor_speed[2] -= Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
-        Motor_speed[3] += Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
-        Motor_speed[1] += Controller_Rate[YAW].Value;
-        if (armed) // for SECURITY!
-        {       
-                debug = false;
-                // PITCH
-                //ESC[0] = (int)Motor_speed[0]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[0] : 50;
-                //ESC[2] = (int)Motor_speed[2]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[2] : 50;
-                // ROLL
-                //ESC[1] = (int)Motor_speed[1]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[1] : 50;
-                //ESC[3] = (int)Motor_speed[3]>50 ? (int)Motor_speed[3] : 50;
-                for(int i=0;i<4;i++)   // Set new motorspeeds
-                    ESC[i] = (int)Motor_speed[i]>100 ? (int)Motor_speed[i] : 100;
-        } else {
-            for(int i=0;i<4;i++) // for security reason, set every motor to zero speed
-                ESC[i] = 0;
-            debug = true;
-        }
-        if (debug) {
-            pc.printf("$STATE,%d,%d,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", armed, level, IMU.dt*1e3, IMU.dt_sensors*1e6);
-            //pc.printf("$RC,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", RC[AILERON].read(), RC[ELEVATOR].read(), RC[RUDDER].read(), RC[THROTTLE].read(), RC[CHANNEL6].read(), RC[CHANNEL7].read(), RC[CHANNEL8].read());
-            //pc.printf("$GYRO,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.mpu.Gyro[ROLL], IMU.mpu.Gyro[PITCH], IMU.mpu.Gyro[YAW]);
-            //pc.printf("$ACC,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.mpu.Acc[ROLL], IMU.mpu.Acc[PITCH], IMU.mpu.Acc[YAW]);
-            pc.printf("$ANG,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", IMU.angle[ROLL], IMU.angle[PITCH], IMU.angle[YAW]);
-            //pc.printf("$RCANG,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", RC_angle[ROLL], RC_angle[PITCH], RC_angle[YAW]);
-            pc.printf("$CONTR,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", Controller_Rate[ROLL].Value, Controller_Rate[PITCH].Value, Controller_Rate[YAW].Value, P_R, I_R, D_R, PY);
-            pc.printf("$CONTA,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f,%.3f\r\n", Controller_Angle[ROLL].Value, Controller_Angle[PITCH].Value, Controller_Angle[YAW].Value, P_A, I_A, D_A);
-            pc.printf("$MOT,%d,%d,%d,%d\r\n", (int)Motor_speed[0], (int)Motor_speed[1], (int)Motor_speed[2], (int)Motor_speed[3]);
-            //pc.printf("\r\n");
-            wait(0.04);
-        }
-        LEDs.rollnext();
+        loop();
\ No newline at end of file