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UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type Struct Reference

UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type Struct Reference
[UART Public Types]

UART1 Full modem - RS485 Control configuration type. More...

#include <lpc17xx_uart.h>

Data Fields

FunctionalState NormalMultiDropMode_State
FunctionalState Rx_State
FunctionalState AutoAddrDetect_State
FunctionalState AutoDirCtrl_State
SetState DirCtrlPol_Level
uint8_t MatchAddrValue
uint8_t DelayValue

Detailed Description

UART1 Full modem - RS485 Control configuration type.

Definition at line 540 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

Field Documentation

Auto Address Detect mode state:

  • ENABLE: ENABLE this function.
  • DISABLE: Disable this function.

Definition at line 547 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

Auto Direction Control State:

  • ENABLE: Enable this function.
  • DISABLE: Disable this function.

Definition at line 550 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

uint8_t DelayValue

delay time is in periods of the baud clock, 8-bit long

Definition at line 565 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

If direction control is enabled, state:

  • UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS: pin RTS is used for direction control.
  • UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR: pin DTR is used for direction control.

Definition at line 553 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

SetState DirCtrlPol_Level

Polarity of the direction control signal on the RTS (or DTR) pin:

  • RESET: The direction control pin will be driven to logic "0" when the transmitter has data to be sent.
  • SET: The direction control pin will be driven to logic "1" when the transmitter has data to be sent.

Definition at line 558 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

uint8_t MatchAddrValue

address match value for RS-485/EIA-485 mode, 8-bit long

Definition at line 564 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

Normal MultiDrop mode State:

  • ENABLE: Enable this function.
  • DISABLE: Disable this function.

Definition at line 541 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.

Receiver State:

  • ENABLE: Enable Receiver.
  • DISABLE: Disable Receiver.

Definition at line 544 of file lpc17xx_uart.h.