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00001 /***********************************************************************//**
00002  * @file        lpc17xx_uart.h
00003  * @brief        Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
00004  *                 support for UART firmware library on LPC17xx
00005  * @version        3.0
00006  * @date        18. June. 2010
00007  * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
00008  **************************************************************************
00009  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00010  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00011  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00012  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00013  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00014  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00015  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00016  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00017  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00018  * use without further testing or modification.
00019  **************************************************************************/
00021 /* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00022 /** @defgroup UART UART
00023  * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
00024  * @{
00025  */
00027 #ifndef __LPC17XX_UART_H
00028 #define __LPC17XX_UART_H
00030 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00031 #include "LPC17xx.h"
00032 #include "lpc_types.h"
00035 #ifdef __cplusplus
00036 extern "C"
00037 {
00038 #endif
00040 /* Public Macros -------------------------------------------------------------- */
00041 /** @defgroup UART_Public_Macros  UART Public Macros
00042  * @{
00043  */
00045 /** UART time-out definitions in case of using Read() and Write function
00046  * with Blocking Flag mode
00047  */
00048 #define UART_BLOCKING_TIMEOUT            (0xFFFFFFFFUL)
00050 /**
00051  * @}
00052  */
00054 /* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
00055 /** @defgroup UART_Private_Macros UART Private Macros
00056  * @{
00057  */
00059 /* Accepted Error baud rate value (in percent unit) */
00060 #define UART_ACCEPTED_BAUDRATE_ERROR    (3)            /*!< Acceptable UART baudrate error */
00063 /* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
00064 /*********************************************************************//**
00065  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UARTn Receiver Buffer Register
00066  **********************************************************************/
00067 #define UART_RBR_MASKBIT       ((uint8_t)0xFF)         /*!< UART Received Buffer mask bit (8 bits) */
00069 /*********************************************************************//**
00070  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UARTn Transmit Holding Register
00071  **********************************************************************/
00072 #define UART_THR_MASKBIT       ((uint8_t)0xFF)         /*!< UART Transmit Holding mask bit (8 bits) */
00074 /*********************************************************************//**
00075  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UARTn Divisor Latch LSB register
00076  **********************************************************************/
00077 #define UART_LOAD_DLL(div)    ((div) & 0xFF)    /**< Macro for loading least significant halfs of divisors */
00078 #define UART_DLL_MASKBIT    ((uint8_t)0xFF)    /*!< Divisor latch LSB bit mask */
00080 /*********************************************************************//**
00081  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UARTn Divisor Latch MSB register
00082  **********************************************************************/
00083 #define UART_DLM_MASKBIT    ((uint8_t)0xFF)            /*!< Divisor latch MSB bit mask */
00084 #define UART_LOAD_DLM(div)  (((div) >> 8) & 0xFF)    /**< Macro for loading most significant halfs of divisors */
00086 /*********************************************************************//**
00087  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART interrupt enable register
00088  **********************************************************************/
00089 #define UART_IER_RBRINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<0))     /*!< RBR Interrupt enable*/
00090 #define UART_IER_THREINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<1))     /*!< THR Interrupt enable*/
00091 #define UART_IER_RLSINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))     /*!< RX line status interrupt enable*/
00092 #define UART1_IER_MSINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /*!< Modem status interrupt enable */
00093 #define UART1_IER_CTSINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<7))    /*!< CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable */
00094 #define UART_IER_ABEOINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))     /*!< Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt */
00095 #define UART_IER_ABTOINT_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))     /*!< Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt */
00096 #define UART_IER_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x307)) /*!< UART interrupt enable register bit mask */
00097 #define UART1_IER_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x38F)) /*!< UART1 interrupt enable register bit mask */
00099 /*********************************************************************//**
00100  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART interrupt identification register
00101  **********************************************************************/
00102 #define UART_IIR_INTSTAT_PEND    ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /*!<Interrupt Status - Active low */
00103 #define UART_IIR_INTID_RLS        ((uint32_t)(3<<1))     /*!<Interrupt identification: Receive line status*/
00104 #define UART_IIR_INTID_RDA        ((uint32_t)(2<<1))     /*!<Interrupt identification: Receive data available*/
00105 #define UART_IIR_INTID_CTI        ((uint32_t)(6<<1))     /*!<Interrupt identification: Character time-out indicator*/
00106 #define UART_IIR_INTID_THRE        ((uint32_t)(1<<1))     /*!<Interrupt identification: THRE interrupt*/
00107 #define UART1_IIR_INTID_MODEM    ((uint32_t)(0<<1))     /*!<Interrupt identification: Modem interrupt*/
00108 #define UART_IIR_INTID_MASK        ((uint32_t)(7<<1))    /*!<Interrupt identification: Interrupt ID mask */
00109 #define UART_IIR_FIFO_EN        ((uint32_t)(3<<6))     /*!<These bits are equivalent to UnFCR[0] */
00110 #define UART_IIR_ABEO_INT        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))     /*!< End of auto-baud interrupt */
00111 #define UART_IIR_ABTO_INT        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))     /*!< Auto-baud time-out interrupt */
00112 #define UART_IIR_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x3CF))    /*!< UART interrupt identification register bit mask */
00114 /*********************************************************************//**
00115  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART FIFO control register
00116  **********************************************************************/
00117 #define UART_FCR_FIFO_EN        ((uint8_t)(1<<0))     /*!< UART FIFO enable */
00118 #define UART_FCR_RX_RS            ((uint8_t)(1<<1))     /*!< UART FIFO RX reset */
00119 #define UART_FCR_TX_RS            ((uint8_t)(1<<2))     /*!< UART FIFO TX reset */
00120 #define UART_FCR_DMAMODE_SEL     ((uint8_t)(1<<3))     /*!< UART DMA mode selection */
00121 #define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV0        ((uint8_t)(0))         /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character */
00122 #define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV1        ((uint8_t)(1<<6))     /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character */
00123 #define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV2        ((uint8_t)(2<<6))     /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character */
00124 #define UART_FCR_TRG_LEV3        ((uint8_t)(3<<6))     /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character */
00125 #define UART_FCR_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0xCF))    /*!< UART FIFO control bit mask */
00126 #define UART_TX_FIFO_SIZE        (16)
00128 /*********************************************************************//**
00129  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART line control register
00130  **********************************************************************/
00131 #define UART_LCR_WLEN5             ((uint8_t)(0))           /*!< UART 5 bit data mode */
00132 #define UART_LCR_WLEN6             ((uint8_t)(1<<0))       /*!< UART 6 bit data mode */
00133 #define UART_LCR_WLEN7             ((uint8_t)(2<<0))       /*!< UART 7 bit data mode */
00134 #define UART_LCR_WLEN8             ((uint8_t)(3<<0))       /*!< UART 8 bit data mode */
00135 #define UART_LCR_STOPBIT_SEL    ((uint8_t)(1<<2))       /*!< UART Two Stop Bits Select */
00136 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_EN        ((uint8_t)(1<<3))        /*!< UART Parity Enable */
00137 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_ODD        ((uint8_t)(0))             /*!< UART Odd Parity Select */
00138 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_EVEN    ((uint8_t)(1<<4))        /*!< UART Even Parity Select */
00139 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_F_1        ((uint8_t)(2<<4))        /*!< UART force 1 stick parity */
00140 #define UART_LCR_PARITY_F_0        ((uint8_t)(3<<4))        /*!< UART force 0 stick parity */
00141 #define UART_LCR_BREAK_EN        ((uint8_t)(1<<6))        /*!< UART Transmission Break enable */
00142 #define UART_LCR_DLAB_EN        ((uint8_t)(1<<7))        /*!< UART Divisor Latches Access bit enable */
00143 #define UART_LCR_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0xFF))        /*!< UART line control bit mask */
00145 /*********************************************************************//**
00146  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART1 Modem Control Register
00147  **********************************************************************/
00148 #define UART1_MCR_DTR_CTRL        ((uint8_t)(1<<0))        /*!< Source for modem output pin DTR */
00149 #define UART1_MCR_RTS_CTRL        ((uint8_t)(1<<1))        /*!< Source for modem output pin RTS */
00150 #define UART1_MCR_LOOPB_EN        ((uint8_t)(1<<4))        /*!< Loop back mode select */
00151 #define UART1_MCR_AUTO_RTS_EN    ((uint8_t)(1<<6))        /*!< Enable Auto RTS flow-control */
00152 #define UART1_MCR_AUTO_CTS_EN    ((uint8_t)(1<<7))        /*!< Enable Auto CTS flow-control */
00153 #define UART1_MCR_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0x0F3))        /*!< UART1 bit mask value */
00155 /*********************************************************************//**
00156  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART line status register
00157  **********************************************************************/
00158 #define UART_LSR_RDR        ((uint8_t)(1<<0))     /*!<Line status register: Receive data ready*/
00159 #define UART_LSR_OE            ((uint8_t)(1<<1))     /*!<Line status register: Overrun error*/
00160 #define UART_LSR_PE            ((uint8_t)(1<<2))     /*!<Line status register: Parity error*/
00161 #define UART_LSR_FE            ((uint8_t)(1<<3))     /*!<Line status register: Framing error*/
00162 #define UART_LSR_BI            ((uint8_t)(1<<4))     /*!<Line status register: Break interrupt*/
00163 #define UART_LSR_THRE        ((uint8_t)(1<<5))     /*!<Line status register: Transmit holding register empty*/
00164 #define UART_LSR_TEMT        ((uint8_t)(1<<6))     /*!<Line status register: Transmitter empty*/
00165 #define UART_LSR_RXFE        ((uint8_t)(1<<7))     /*!<Error in RX FIFO*/
00166 #define UART_LSR_BITMASK    ((uint8_t)(0xFF))     /*!<UART Line status bit mask */
00168 /*********************************************************************//**
00169  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART Modem (UART1 only) status register
00170  **********************************************************************/
00171 #define UART1_MSR_DELTA_CTS        ((uint8_t)(1<<0))    /*!< Set upon state change of input CTS */
00172 #define UART1_MSR_DELTA_DSR        ((uint8_t)(1<<1))    /*!< Set upon state change of input DSR */
00173 #define UART1_MSR_LO2HI_RI        ((uint8_t)(1<<2))    /*!< Set upon low to high transition of input RI */
00174 #define UART1_MSR_DELTA_DCD        ((uint8_t)(1<<3))    /*!< Set upon state change of input DCD */
00175 #define UART1_MSR_CTS            ((uint8_t)(1<<4))    /*!< Clear To Send State */
00176 #define UART1_MSR_DSR            ((uint8_t)(1<<5))    /*!< Data Set Ready State */
00177 #define UART1_MSR_RI            ((uint8_t)(1<<6))    /*!< Ring Indicator State */
00178 #define UART1_MSR_DCD            ((uint8_t)(1<<7))    /*!< Data Carrier Detect State */
00179 #define UART1_MSR_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0xFF))    /*!< MSR register bit-mask value */
00181 /*********************************************************************//**
00182  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART Scratch Pad Register
00183  **********************************************************************/
00184 #define UART_SCR_BIMASK        ((uint8_t)(0xFF))    /*!< UART Scratch Pad bit mask */
00186 /*********************************************************************//**
00187  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART Auto baudrate control register
00188  **********************************************************************/
00189 #define UART_ACR_START                ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /**< UART Auto-baud start */
00190 #define UART_ACR_MODE                ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 1 */
00191 #define UART_ACR_AUTO_RESTART        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /**< UART Auto baudrate restart */
00192 #define UART_ACR_ABEOINT_CLR        ((uint32_t)(1<<8))    /**< UART End of auto-baud interrupt clear */
00193 #define UART_ACR_ABTOINT_CLR        ((uint32_t)(1<<9))    /**< UART Auto-baud time-out interrupt clear */
00194 #define UART_ACR_BITMASK            ((uint32_t)(0x307))    /**< UART Auto Baudrate register bit mask */
00196 /*********************************************************************//**
00197  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART IrDA control register
00198  **********************************************************************/
00199 #define UART_ICR_IRDAEN            ((uint32_t)(1<<0))            /**< IrDA mode enable */
00200 #define UART_ICR_IRDAINV        ((uint32_t)(1<<1))            /**< IrDA serial input inverted */
00201 #define UART_ICR_FIXPULSE_EN    ((uint32_t)(1<<2))            /**< IrDA fixed pulse width mode */
00202 #define UART_ICR_PULSEDIV(n)    ((uint32_t)((n&0x07)<<3))    /**< PulseDiv - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00203 #define UART_ICR_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x3F))            /*!< UART IRDA bit mask */
00205 /*********************************************************************//**
00206  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART Fractional divider register
00207  **********************************************************************/
00208 #define UART_FDR_DIVADDVAL(n)    ((uint32_t)(n&0x0F))        /**< Baud-rate generation pre-scaler divisor */
00209 #define UART_FDR_MULVAL(n)        ((uint32_t)((n<<4)&0xF0))    /**< Baud-rate pre-scaler multiplier value */
00210 #define UART_FDR_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0xFF))            /**< UART Fractional Divider register bit mask */
00212 /*********************************************************************//**
00213  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART Tx Enable register
00214  **********************************************************************/
00215 #define UART_TER_TXEN            ((uint8_t)(1<<7))         /*!< Transmit enable bit */
00216 #define UART_TER_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0x80))        /**< UART Transmit Enable Register bit mask */
00218 /*********************************************************************//**
00219  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART1 RS485 Control register
00220  **********************************************************************/
00221 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_NMM_EN        ((uint32_t)(1<<0))    /*!< RS-485/EIA-485 Normal Multi-drop Mode (NMM)
00222                                                         is disabled */
00223 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_RX_DIS        ((uint32_t)(1<<1))    /*!< The receiver is disabled */
00224 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_AADEN        ((uint32_t)(1<<2))    /*!< Auto Address Detect (AAD) is enabled */
00225 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_SEL_DTR        ((uint32_t)(1<<3))    /*!< If direction control is enabled
00226                                                         (bit DCTRL = 1), pin DTR is used for direction control */
00227 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_DCTRL_EN    ((uint32_t)(1<<4))    /*!< Enable Auto Direction Control */
00228 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_OINV_1        ((uint32_t)(1<<5))    /*!< This bit reverses the polarity of the direction
00229                                                         control signal on the RTS (or DTR) pin. The direction control pin
00230                                                         will be driven to logic "1" when the transmitter has data to be sent */
00231 #define UART1_RS485CTRL_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x3F))    /**< RS485 control bit-mask value */
00233 /*********************************************************************//**
00234  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART1 RS-485 Address Match register
00235  **********************************************************************/
00236 #define UART1_RS485ADRMATCH_BITMASK ((uint8_t)(0xFF))     /**< Bit mask value */
00238 /*********************************************************************//**
00239  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART1 RS-485 Delay value register
00240  **********************************************************************/
00241 /* Macro defines for UART1 RS-485 Delay value register */
00242 #define UART1_RS485DLY_BITMASK        ((uint8_t)(0xFF))     /** Bit mask value */
00244 /*********************************************************************//**
00245  * Macro defines for Macro defines for UART FIFO Level register
00246  **********************************************************************/
00247 #define UART_FIFOLVL_RXFIFOLVL(n)    ((uint32_t)(n&0x0F))        /**< Reflects the current level of the UART receiver FIFO */
00248 #define UART_FIFOLVL_TXFIFOLVL(n)    ((uint32_t)((n>>8)&0x0F))    /**< Reflects the current level of the UART transmitter FIFO */
00249 #define UART_FIFOLVL_BITMASK        ((uint32_t)(0x0F0F))        /**< UART FIFO Level Register bit mask */
00252 /* ---------------- CHECK PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------- */
00254 /** Macro to check the input UART_DATABIT parameters */
00255 #define PARAM_UART_DATABIT(databit)    ((databit==UART_DATABIT_5) || (databit==UART_DATABIT_6)\
00256 || (databit==UART_DATABIT_7) || (databit==UART_DATABIT_8))
00258 /** Macro to check the input UART_STOPBIT parameters */
00259 #define PARAM_UART_STOPBIT(stopbit)    ((stopbit==UART_STOPBIT_1) || (stopbit==UART_STOPBIT_2))
00261 /** Macro to check the input UART_PARITY parameters */
00262 #define PARAM_UART_PARITY(parity)    ((parity==UART_PARITY_NONE) || (parity==UART_PARITY_ODD) \
00263 || (parity==UART_PARITY_EVEN) || (parity==UART_PARITY_SP_1) \
00264 || (parity==UART_PARITY_SP_0))
00266 /** Macro to check the input UART_FIFO parameters */
00267 #define PARAM_UART_FIFO_LEVEL(fifo)    ((fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0) \
00268 || (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1) || (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2) \
00269 || (fifo==UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3))
00271 /** Macro to check the input UART_INTCFG parameters */
00272 #define PARAM_UART_INTCFG(IntCfg)    ((IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_RBR) || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_THRE) \
00273 || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_RLS) || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_ABEO) \
00274 || (IntCfg==UART_INTCFG_ABTO))
00276 /** Macro to check the input UART1_INTCFG parameters - expansion input parameter for UART1 */
00277 #define PARAM_UART1_INTCFG(IntCfg)    ((IntCfg==UART1_INTCFG_MS) || (IntCfg==UART1_INTCFG_CTS))
00279 /** Macro to check the input UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE parameters */
00282 /** Macro to check the input UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT parameters */
00284         (ABIntStat==UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABTO))
00286 /** Macro to check the input UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV parameters */
00287 #define PARAM_UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV(PulseDiv)    ((PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4) \
00288 || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16) \
00289 || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64) \
00290 || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128) || (PulseDiv==UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256))
00292 /* Macro to check the input UART1_SignalState parameters */
00293 #define PARAM_UART1_SIGNALSTATE(x) ((x==INACTIVE) || (x==ACTIVE))
00295 /** Macro to check the input PARAM_UART1_MODEM_PIN parameters */
00298 /** Macro to check the input PARAM_UART1_MODEM_MODE parameters */
00300 || (x==UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS))
00302 /** Macro to check the direction control pin type */
00303 #define PARAM_UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN(x)    ((x==UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS) || (x==UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR))
00305 /* Macro to determine if it is valid UART port number */
00306 #define PARAM_UARTx(x)    ((((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART0)) \
00307 || (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART1)) \
00308 || (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART2)) \
00309 || (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART3)))
00310 #define PARAM_UART_IrDA(x) (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART3))
00311 #define PARAM_UART1_MODEM(x) (((uint32_t *)x)==((uint32_t *)LPC_UART1))
00313 /** Macro to check the input value for UART1_RS485_CFG_MATCHADDRVALUE parameter */
00314 #define PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_MATCHADDRVALUE(x) ((x<0xFF))
00316 /** Macro to check the input value for UART1_RS485_CFG_DELAYVALUE parameter */
00317 #define PARAM_UART1_RS485_CFG_DELAYVALUE(x) ((x<0xFF))
00319 /**
00320  * @}
00321  */
00324 /* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
00325 /** @defgroup UART_Public_Types UART Public Types
00326  * @{
00327  */
00329 /**
00330  * @brief UART Databit type definitions
00331  */
00332 typedef enum {
00333     UART_DATABIT_5         = 0,             /*!< UART 5 bit data mode */
00334     UART_DATABIT_6 ,                         /*!< UART 6 bit data mode */
00335     UART_DATABIT_7 ,                         /*!< UART 7 bit data mode */
00336     UART_DATABIT_8                          /*!< UART 8 bit data mode */
00337 } UART_DATABIT_Type;
00339 /**
00340  * @brief UART Stop bit type definitions
00341  */
00342 typedef enum {
00343     UART_STOPBIT_1         = (0),                       /*!< UART 1 Stop Bits Select */
00344     UART_STOPBIT_2 ,                                     /*!< UART Two Stop Bits Select */
00345 } UART_STOPBIT_Type;
00347 /**
00348  * @brief UART Parity type definitions
00349  */
00350 typedef enum {
00351     UART_PARITY_NONE      = 0,                    /*!< No parity */
00352     UART_PARITY_ODD ,                             /*!< Odd parity */
00353     UART_PARITY_EVEN ,                             /*!< Even parity */
00354     UART_PARITY_SP_1 ,                             /*!< Forced "1" stick parity */
00355     UART_PARITY_SP_0                              /*!< Forced "0" stick parity */
00356 } UART_PARITY_Type;
00358 /**
00359  * @brief FIFO Level type definitions
00360  */
00361 typedef enum {
00362     UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0  = 0,    /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character */
00363     UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1 ,         /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character */
00364     UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2 ,        /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character */
00365     UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3         /*!< UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character */
00366 } UART_FITO_LEVEL_Type;
00368 /********************************************************************//**
00369 * @brief UART Interrupt Type definitions
00370 **********************************************************************/
00371 typedef enum {
00372     UART_INTCFG_RBR  = 0,    /*!< RBR Interrupt enable*/
00373     UART_INTCFG_THRE ,        /*!< THR Interrupt enable*/
00374     UART_INTCFG_RLS ,        /*!< RX line status interrupt enable*/
00375     UART1_INTCFG_MS ,        /*!< Modem status interrupt enable (UART1 only) */
00376     UART1_INTCFG_CTS ,        /*!< CTS1 signal transition interrupt enable (UART1 only) */
00377     UART_INTCFG_ABEO ,        /*!< Enables the end of auto-baud interrupt */
00378     UART_INTCFG_ABTO         /*!< Enables the auto-baud time-out interrupt */
00379 } UART_INT_Type;
00381 /**
00382  * @brief UART Line Status Type definition
00383  */
00384 typedef enum {
00385     UART_LINESTAT_RDR     = UART_LSR_RDR,            /*!<Line status register: Receive data ready*/
00386     UART_LINESTAT_OE     = UART_LSR_OE,            /*!<Line status register: Overrun error*/
00387     UART_LINESTAT_PE     = UART_LSR_PE,            /*!<Line status register: Parity error*/
00388     UART_LINESTAT_FE     = UART_LSR_FE,            /*!<Line status register: Framing error*/
00389     UART_LINESTAT_BI     = UART_LSR_BI,            /*!<Line status register: Break interrupt*/
00390     UART_LINESTAT_THRE     = UART_LSR_THRE,        /*!<Line status register: Transmit holding register empty*/
00391     UART_LINESTAT_TEMT     = UART_LSR_TEMT,        /*!<Line status register: Transmitter empty*/
00392     UART_LINESTAT_RXFE     = UART_LSR_RXFE            /*!<Error in RX FIFO*/
00393 } UART_LS_Type;
00395 /**
00396  * @brief UART Auto-baudrate mode type definition
00397  */
00398 typedef enum {
00399     UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE0                = 0,            /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 0 */
00400     UART_AUTOBAUD_MODE1,                            /**< UART Auto baudrate Mode 1 */
00401 } UART_AB_MODE_Type;
00403 /**
00404  * @brief Auto Baudrate mode configuration type definition
00405  */
00406 typedef struct {
00407     UART_AB_MODE_Type    ABMode;            /**< Autobaudrate mode */
00408     FunctionalState        AutoRestart;    /**< Auto Restart state */
00409 } UART_AB_CFG_Type;
00411 /**
00412  * @brief UART End of Auto-baudrate type definition
00413  */
00414 typedef enum {
00415     UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABEO        = UART_IIR_ABEO_INT,        /**< UART End of auto-baud interrupt  */
00416     UART_AUTOBAUD_INTSTAT_ABTO        = UART_IIR_ABTO_INT            /**< UART Auto-baud time-out interrupt  */
00417 }UART_ABEO_Type;
00419 /**
00420  * UART IrDA Control type Definition
00421  */
00422 typedef enum {
00423     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV2        = 0,        /**< Pulse width = 2 * Tpclk
00424                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00425     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV4,                /**< Pulse width = 4 * Tpclk
00426                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00427     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV8,                /**< Pulse width = 8 * Tpclk
00428                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00429     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV16,                /**< Pulse width = 16 * Tpclk
00430                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00431     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV32,                /**< Pulse width = 32 * Tpclk
00432                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00433     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV64,                /**< Pulse width = 64 * Tpclk
00434                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00435     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV128,                /**< Pulse width = 128 * Tpclk
00436                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00437     UART_IrDA_PULSEDIV256                /**< Pulse width = 256 * Tpclk
00438                                         - Configures the pulse when FixPulseEn = 1 */
00439 } UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type;
00441 /********************************************************************//**
00442 * @brief UART1 Full modem -  Signal states definition
00443 **********************************************************************/
00444 typedef enum {
00445     INACTIVE = 0,            /* In-active state */
00446     ACTIVE = !INACTIVE         /* Active state */
00447 }UART1_SignalState;
00449 /**
00450  * @brief UART modem status type definition
00451  */
00452 typedef enum {
00453     UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_CTS     = UART1_MSR_DELTA_CTS,        /*!< Set upon state change of input CTS */
00454     UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_DSR     = UART1_MSR_DELTA_DSR,        /*!< Set upon state change of input DSR */
00455     UART1_MODEM_STAT_LO2HI_RI     = UART1_MSR_LO2HI_RI,        /*!< Set upon low to high transition of input RI */
00456     UART1_MODEM_STAT_DELTA_DCD     = UART1_MSR_DELTA_DCD,        /*!< Set upon state change of input DCD */
00457     UART1_MODEM_STAT_CTS         = UART1_MSR_CTS,            /*!< Clear To Send State */
00458     UART1_MODEM_STAT_DSR         = UART1_MSR_DSR,            /*!< Data Set Ready State */
00459     UART1_MODEM_STAT_RI             = UART1_MSR_RI,                /*!< Ring Indicator State */
00460     UART1_MODEM_STAT_DCD         = UART1_MSR_DCD                /*!< Data Carrier Detect State */
00461 } UART_MODEM_STAT_type;
00463 /**
00464  * @brief Modem output pin type definition
00465  */
00466 typedef enum {
00467     UART1_MODEM_PIN_DTR             = 0,        /*!< Source for modem output pin DTR */
00468     UART1_MODEM_PIN_RTS                         /*!< Source for modem output pin RTS */
00469 } UART_MODEM_PIN_Type;
00471 /**
00472  * @brief UART Modem mode type definition
00473  */
00474 typedef enum {
00475     UART1_MODEM_MODE_LOOPBACK     = 0,        /*!< Loop back mode select */
00476     UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_RTS ,                /*!< Enable Auto RTS flow-control */
00477     UART1_MODEM_MODE_AUTO_CTS                  /*!< Enable Auto CTS flow-control */
00478 } UART_MODEM_MODE_Type;
00480 /**
00481  * @brief UART Direction Control Pin type definition
00482  */
00483 typedef enum {
00484     UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS = 0,    /**< Pin RTS is used for direction control */
00485     UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR            /**< Pin DTR is used for direction control */
00486 } UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN_Type;
00488 /********************************************************************//**
00489 * @brief UART Configuration Structure definition
00490 **********************************************************************/
00491 typedef struct {
00492   uint32_t Baud_rate;           /**< UART baud rate */
00493   UART_PARITY_Type Parity;        /**< Parity selection, should be:
00494                                - UART_PARITY_NONE: No parity
00495                                - UART_PARITY_ODD: Odd parity
00496                                - UART_PARITY_EVEN: Even parity
00497                                - UART_PARITY_SP_1: Forced "1" stick parity
00498                                - UART_PARITY_SP_0: Forced "0" stick parity
00499                                */
00500   UART_DATABIT_Type Databits;   /**< Number of data bits, should be:
00501                                - UART_DATABIT_5: UART 5 bit data mode
00502                                - UART_DATABIT_6: UART 6 bit data mode
00503                                - UART_DATABIT_7: UART 7 bit data mode
00504                                - UART_DATABIT_8: UART 8 bit data mode
00505                                */
00506   UART_STOPBIT_Type Stopbits;   /**< Number of stop bits, should be:
00507                                - UART_STOPBIT_1: UART 1 Stop Bits Select
00508                                - UART_STOPBIT_2: UART 2 Stop Bits Select
00509                                */
00510 } UART_CFG_Type;
00512 /********************************************************************//**
00513 * @brief UART FIFO Configuration Structure definition
00514 **********************************************************************/
00516 typedef struct {
00517     FunctionalState FIFO_ResetRxBuf;    /**< Reset Rx FIFO command state , should be:
00518                                          - ENABLE: Reset Rx FIFO in UART
00519                                          - DISABLE: Do not reset Rx FIFO  in UART
00520                                          */
00521     FunctionalState FIFO_ResetTxBuf;    /**< Reset Tx FIFO command state , should be:
00522                                          - ENABLE: Reset Tx FIFO in UART
00523                                          - DISABLE: Do not reset Tx FIFO  in UART
00524                                          */
00525     FunctionalState FIFO_DMAMode;        /**< DMA mode, should be:
00526                                          - ENABLE: Enable DMA mode in UART
00527                                          - DISABLE: Disable DMA mode in UART
00528                                          */
00529     UART_FITO_LEVEL_Type FIFO_Level;    /**< Rx FIFO trigger level, should be:
00530                                         - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV0: UART FIFO trigger level 0: 1 character
00531                                         - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV1: UART FIFO trigger level 1: 4 character
00532                                         - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV2: UART FIFO trigger level 2: 8 character
00533                                         - UART_FIFO_TRGLEV3: UART FIFO trigger level 3: 14 character
00534                                         */
00535 } UART_FIFO_CFG_Type;
00537 /********************************************************************//**
00538 * @brief UART1 Full modem -  RS485 Control configuration type
00539 **********************************************************************/
00540 typedef struct {
00541     FunctionalState NormalMultiDropMode_State; /*!< Normal MultiDrop mode State:
00542                                                     - ENABLE: Enable this function.
00543                                                     - DISABLE: Disable this function. */
00544     FunctionalState Rx_State;                    /*!< Receiver State:
00545                                                     - ENABLE: Enable Receiver.
00546                                                     - DISABLE: Disable Receiver. */
00547     FunctionalState AutoAddrDetect_State;        /*!< Auto Address Detect mode state:
00548                                                 - ENABLE: ENABLE this function.
00549                                                 - DISABLE: Disable this function. */
00550     FunctionalState AutoDirCtrl_State;            /*!< Auto Direction Control State:
00551                                                 - ENABLE: Enable this function.
00552                                                 - DISABLE: Disable this function. */
00553     UART_RS485_DIRCTRL_PIN_Type DirCtrlPin;        /*!< If direction control is enabled, state:
00554                                                 - UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_RTS:
00555                                                 pin RTS is used for direction control.
00556                                                 - UART1_RS485_DIRCTRL_DTR:
00557                                                 pin DTR is used for direction control. */
00558      SetState DirCtrlPol_Level;                    /*!< Polarity of the direction control signal on
00559                                                 the RTS (or DTR) pin:
00560                                                 - RESET: The direction control pin will be driven
00561                                                 to logic "0" when the transmitter has data to be sent.
00562                                                 - SET: The direction control pin will be driven
00563                                                 to logic "1" when the transmitter has data to be sent. */
00564     uint8_t MatchAddrValue ;                    /*!< address match value for RS-485/EIA-485 mode, 8-bit long */
00565     uint8_t DelayValue ;                        /*!< delay time is in periods of the baud clock, 8-bit long */
00566 } UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type;
00568 /**
00569  * @}
00570  */
00573 /* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
00574 /** @defgroup UART_Public_Functions UART Public Functions
00575  * @{
00576  */
00577 /* UART Init/DeInit functions --------------------------------------------------*/
00578 void UART_Init(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_CFG_Type *UART_ConfigStruct);
00579 void UART_DeInit(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
00580 void UART_ConfigStructInit(UART_CFG_Type *UART_InitStruct);
00582 /* UART Send/Receive functions -------------------------------------------------*/
00583 void UART_SendByte(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, uint8_t Data);
00584 uint8_t UART_ReceiveByte(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
00585 uint32_t UART_Send(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *txbuf,
00586         uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag);
00587 uint32_t UART_Receive(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *rxbuf, \
00588         uint32_t buflen, TRANSFER_BLOCK_Type flag);
00590 /* UART FIFO functions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
00591 void UART_FIFOConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *FIFOCfg);
00592 void UART_FIFOConfigStructInit(UART_FIFO_CFG_Type *UART_FIFOInitStruct);
00594 /* UART get information functions -----------------------------------------------*/
00595 uint32_t UART_GetIntId(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
00596 uint8_t UART_GetLineStatus(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
00598 /* UART operate functions -------------------------------------------------------*/
00599 void UART_IntConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_INT_Type UARTIntCfg, \
00600                 FunctionalState NewState);
00601 void UART_TxCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);
00602 FlagStatus UART_CheckBusy(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx);
00603 void UART_ForceBreak(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx);
00605 /* UART Auto-baud functions -----------------------------------------------------*/
00606 void UART_ABClearIntPending(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_ABEO_Type ABIntType);
00607 void UART_ABCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_AB_CFG_Type *ABConfigStruct, \
00608                 FunctionalState NewState);
00610 /* UART1 FullModem functions ----------------------------------------------------*/
00611 void UART_FullModemForcePinState(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_PIN_Type Pin, \
00612                             UART1_SignalState NewState);
00613 void UART_FullModemConfigMode(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_MODEM_MODE_Type Mode, \
00614                             FunctionalState NewState);
00615 uint8_t UART_FullModemGetStatus(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx);
00617 /* UART RS485 functions ----------------------------------------------------------*/
00618 void UART_RS485Config(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, \
00619         UART1_RS485_CTRLCFG_Type *RS485ConfigStruct);
00620 void UART_RS485ReceiverCmd(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);
00621 void UART_RS485SendSlvAddr(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t SlvAddr);
00622 uint32_t UART_RS485SendData(LPC_UART1_TypeDef *UARTx, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t size);
00624 /* UART IrDA functions-------------------------------------------------------------*/
00625 void UART_IrDAInvtInputCmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);
00626 void UART_IrDACmd(LPC_UART_TypeDef* UARTx, FunctionalState NewState);
00627 void UART_IrDAPulseDivConfig(LPC_UART_TypeDef *UARTx, UART_IrDA_PULSE_Type PulseDiv);
00628 /**
00629  * @}
00630  */
00633 #ifdef __cplusplus
00634 }
00635 #endif
00638 #endif /* __LPC17XX_UART_H */
00640 /**
00641  * @}
00642  */
00644 /* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */