Rev 1.6 - Sample Period Work in progress

Dependencies:   mbed Bitmap N5110 TMP102 Joystick



File content as of revision 20:3bc5958190cd:


Acknowledgements to (c) Craig A. Evans, University of Leeds, Feb 2016 for Temp Library
Acknowledgements to (c) Dr. Edmond Nurellari, University of Lincoln, Dec 2021 for Classes used

Using Various Libraries & Functions in order to create a 
Temperature Based Health Assistive Smart Device

======================== Library Imports =======================================
Importing the Header Files from the Class Libraries into the main.cpp
#include "mbed.h"                              // Mbed OS Library
#include "TMP102.h"                            // TMP102 Header File
#include "N5110.h"                             // N5110 Header File 
#include "Bitmap.h"                            // Bitmap Header File 
#include "Joystick.h"                          // Joystick Header File

========================== Vairable Setup ======================================
Pre-Determining the various Variable names to hardware pins on the K64F Board

TMP102 tmp102(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);                // Create TMP102 object
N5110 lcd(PTC9,PTC0,PTC7,PTD2,PTD1,PTC11);     // Create lcd objec
Serial serial(USBTX,USBRX);                    // CoolTerm TX, RX Comms Setup for Debug
AnalogIn SetP(PTB2);                             // Potentiometer for Setpoint
Joystick Joystick(PTB10,PTB11,PTC16);          // Create Joystick (PTB10 = Up/Down) (PTB11 = L/R) (PTB16 = Button)

DigitalOut RED_led(LED_RED);                   // On-board K64F LED'S
DigitalOut GRN_led(LED_GREEN);
DigitalOut BLU_led(LED_BLUE);

DigitalOut Clg_LED(PTA2);                      // Green LED on PCB for Cooling                     
DigitalOut Ready_LED(PTA1);                    // Green LED on PCB for when water is ready
DigitalOut Htg_LED(PTC3);                      // Red LED on PCB for Cooling

InterruptIn sw2(SW2);                          // On-board K64F Switches
InterruptIn sw3(SW3);
InterruptIn R(PTB3);                           // Right Bumper Button
InterruptIn L(PTB18);                          // Left Bumper Button
InterruptIn A(PTB9);                           // A button Button
InterruptIn Y(PTC12);                          // Y Button Button

                                               // Interrupt Services volatile flag which will change within the isr

volatile int g_R_flag = 0;                     // g_ in order to show it is a global variable. 
volatile int g_L_flag = 0;                    
volatile int g_A_flag = 0;                    
volatile int g_Y_flag = 0;                    

========================= Void Declaration =====================================
Functions to be called throughout code in order to improve readability
void error();                                  // Error Hang Code Function
void init_serial();                            // Setup serial port Function
void init_K64F();                              // K64F Disabling Onboard Components Function

void R_isr();                                  // Interrupt Voids
void L_isr();
void A_isr();
void Y_isr();

                                                // Display Screen Voids used in the Menu
void info();                                   
void Page1();
void Page2();
void Home();

void MenuNav();                                // Menu Navigation using the Joystick to move Left & Right

void WWtr();                                   // Page 1 - Mode Functions
void T_SP_Pg1();                               
void HtgClg_Pg1();

void CWtr();                                   // Page 2 - Mode Functions
void T_SP_Pg2();                               
void HtgClg_Pg2();

/*======================== Main Function =====================================*/

int Setpoint[4] = {8,37,80,24};              // Setpoint Array to be used dependant on Mode Selected

int main()
    init_K64F();                                // Initialise K64F Board
    init_serial();                              // Initialise Serial Port
    tmp102.init();                              // Initialise Temp Sensor
    lcd.init();                                 // Initialise LCD
    lcd.setContrast(0.4);                       // Setup the contrast for the LCD Screen
    Clg_LED = 1;                                // Disabling the LED's
    Ready_LED = 1;
    Htg_LED = 1;
    while (1) {        


=========================== Void Setup =========================================
Custom Function's are called Void's, which are called upon inside the of the
Main Function Code

void init_serial() {
                                        // Baud Rate Communication for CoolTerm Debugging

void init_K64F() 
        // on-board LEDs are active when 0, so setting the pin to 1 turns them off.
    RED_led = 1;
    GRN_led = 1;
    BLU_led = 1;       
                       /* since the on-board switches have external pull-ups, disable the 
                        * internal pull-down resistors that are enabled by default using
                        * the InterruptIn Command */

void R_isr()                            // Right Bumper Interrupt Service     
    g_R_flag = 1;                       // set flag in ISR

void L_isr()                            // Left Bumper Interrupt Service     
    g_L_flag = 1;                       // set flag in ISR
void A_isr()                            // A Button Interrupt Service     
    g_A_flag = 1;                       // set flag in ISR
void Y_isr()                            // Y Button Interrupt Service     
    g_Y_flag = 1;                       // set flag in ISR
void info()

        serial.printf(" Information Page Selected ");    // Debugging Print
        lcd.clear();                                     // Clear Screen
        lcd.printString("Info Page V",0,0);                // Print Information Screen
        lcd.printString("Author: LM",0,1);
        lcd.printString("R = Home",0,3);
        lcd.printString("A = Select",0,4);   
void Home()
                lcd.clear();                                   // Clear Screen
                serial.printf("Home Menu");
                lcd.printString("   Navigate  >",0,0);
                lcd.printString(" Use Joystick ",0,1);
                lcd.printString("   Welcome   ",0,3);              // Print Information Screen
                lcd.printString("  Main Menu: ",0,4); 
                lcd.printString("  Y for Info  ",0,5);   
                if (g_Y_flag){                               // Condition to change over into new loop
                    g_Y_flag = 0;                            // When the Button has been pressed
                    serial.printf("Y Pressed");
void Page1()
        serial.printf(" Page 1 ");  // Debugging Print
        lcd.clear();                                   // Clear Screen
        lcd.printString("<   Page 1   >",0,0);              // Print Information Screen
        lcd.printString("     MODE     ",0,1);
        lcd.printString("Washing Water",0,2);
        lcd.printString("    Press A   ",0,3);
         if (g_A_flag){                               // Condition to change over into new loop
                g_A_flag = 0;                                   // When the R Flag has been pressed
                serial.printf("A Pressed");
void Page2()
        serial.printf(" Page 2 ");  // Debugging Print
        lcd.clear();                                   // Clear Screen
        lcd.printString("<   Page 2",0,0);              // Print Information Screen
        lcd.printString("     MODE     ",0,1);
        lcd.printString("Drinking Water",0,2);
        lcd.printString("    Press A   ",0,3);
         if (g_A_flag){                               // Condition to change over into new loop
                g_A_flag = 0;                                   // When the R Flag has been pressed
                serial.printf("A Pressed");
void MenuNav()

    int Mode = 0;
    while (1){
    //serial.printf("Direction = %i ",d);
    Direction d = Joystick.get_direction();                 // Joystick Direction used in order to switch between modes

        switch(Mode) {                                      // Main External Switch to detetermine Mode              
            case 0:                                         // Main Initial Case instance
                switch(d) {                                 // Looking at the Joystick Direction for internal switch
                    case W:                                 // If the direction is W (Left) carry out Case W
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 0;                           // Remain in Mode 0 - Prevents idol cycling through the switch
                        //serial.printf("LEFT.0");          // Debugging Print to see which state the Main switch is at via Direction           
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
                    case E:                                 // If the direction is E (Right) carry out Case E
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 1;                           // Switch to Mode 1 
                        //serial.printf("RIGHT.0");         // Debugging Print
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
                break;                                      // Break out from Loop into Main Switch
            case 1:                                         // Main Initial Case instance - When at Page 1
                switch(d) {                                 // Looking at the Joystick Direction for internal switch
                    case W:                                 // If the direction is W (Left) carry out Case W
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 0;                           // Return to Mode 0
                        //serial.printf("LEFT.1");          // Debugging Print                
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
                    case E:                                 // If the direction is E (Right) carry out Case E
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 2;                           // Switch to Mode 0                           
                        //serial.printf("RIGHT.1");         // Debugging Print
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
                break;                                      // Break out from Loop into Main Switch
            case 2:                                         // Main Initial Case instance - When at Page 1
                switch(d) {                                 // Looking at the Joystick Direction for internal switch
                    case W:                                 // If the direction is W (Left) carry out Case W
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 1;                           // Return to Mode 1
                        //serial.printf("LEFT.2");          // Debugging Print
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
                    case E:                                 // If the direction is E (Right) carry out Case E
                        wait(0.5);                          // Delay added to allow for joystick movement
                        Mode = 2;                           // Remain in Mode 2 - Prevents idol cycling through the switch
                        //serial.printf("RIGHT.2");         // Debugging Print
                        break;                              // Break out from Loop
            break;                                          // Break out from Loop into Main Switch

            if (Mode == 0){
            else if (Mode == 1){
            else if (Mode == 2){
void WWtr()
    /** Warm Washing Water Mode
      * Using Parameters for Safe Washing Water Temperature
    float T = tmp102.get_temperature();                 // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
    float SP = Setpoint[1];                             // Reading the Setpoint from the Array
    //serial.printf("SP = %.2f \n",CWtr_SP);            // Debugging Print
    //serial.printf("SETPOINT = ",CWtr_SP);             // Debugging Print
        if (SP-1 > T || T > SP+1){                      // If the Temperature is not within the Tolerance
                HtgClg_Pg1();                           // Heating Cooling Control Function
                lcd.clear();                            // Clear LCD Screen
                T_SP_Pg1();                             // Print Modes Temperature & Setpoint info
                lcd.printString("  Adjusting   ",0,2);  // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)            
                lcd.printString("  Water Temp  ",0,3);
                lcd.printString(" Please Wait! ",4,4);
                lcd.refresh();                          // Refresh & Display printed strings to LCD

        else if (SP-1 <= T <= SP+1){                    // If the Temperature is within the Tolerance
                HtgClg_Pg1();                           // Heating Cooling Control Function
                lcd.clear();                            // Clear LCD Screen
                T_SP_Pg1();                             // Print Modes Temperature & Setpoint info
                lcd.printString("     Warm     ",0,2);  // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
                lcd.printString("Washing Water",0,3);
                lcd.printString("    Ready!    ",4,4);    
                lcd.refresh();                          // Refresh & Display printed strings to LCD                          
                Ready_LED = 0;                          // Enable the Ready LED
        if (g_R_flag){                                  // Condition to change over into new loop
                g_R_flag = 0;                           // When the Button has been pressed
                R.rise(&R_isr);                         // Button Rising edge
                //serial.printf("Home Pressed");        // Debugging Print
                    Clg_LED = 1;                        // Disable the LED's for next Mode
                    Htg_LED = 1;
                    Ready_LED = 1;
                MenuNav();                              // Return to Navigation Menu
void CWtr()
    /** Cold Drinking Water Mode
      * Using Parameters for Safe Drinking Water Temperature
    float T = tmp102.get_temperature();                 // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
    float SP = Setpoint[0];                        // Reading the Setpoint from the Array
    //serial.printf("SP = %.2f \n",CWtr_SP);            // Debugging Print
    //serial.printf("SETPOINT = ",CWtr_SP);             // Debugging Print
        if (SP-1 > T || T > SP+1){            // If the Temperature is not within the Tolerance
                HtgClg_Pg2();                           // Heating Cooling Control Function
                lcd.clear();                            // Clear LCD Screen
                T_SP_Pg2();                             // Print Modes Temperature & Setpoint info
                lcd.printString("  Adjusting   ",0,2);  // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)            
                lcd.printString("  Water Temp  ",0,3);
                lcd.printString(" Please Wait! ",4,4);
                lcd.refresh();                          // Refresh & Display printed strings to LCD

        else if (SP-1 <= T <= SP+1){          // If the Temperature is within the Tolerance
                HtgClg_Pg2();                           // Heating Cooling Control Function
                lcd.clear();                            // Clear LCD Screen
                T_SP_Pg2();                             // Print Modes Temperature & Setpoint info
                lcd.printString("     COLD     ",0,2);  // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
                lcd.printString("Drinking Water",0,3);
                lcd.printString("    Ready!    ",4,4);    
                lcd.refresh();                          // Refresh & Display printed strings to LCD                          
                Ready_LED = 0;                          // Enable the Ready LED
        if (g_R_flag){                                  // Condition to change over into new loop
                g_R_flag = 0;                           // When the Button has been pressed
                R.rise(&R_isr);                         // Button Rising edge
                //serial.printf("Home Pressed");        // Debugging Print
                    Clg_LED = 1;                        // Disable the LED's for next Mode
                    Htg_LED = 1;
                    Ready_LED = 1;
                MenuNav();                              // Return to Navigation Menu
void T_SP_Pg1()
        /** Mode Select
          * When a new mode is selected the LCD screen will update in order 
          * to assist the user with the water temperature in order to provide
          * Assistance, Safety and Comfort
    float T = tmp102.get_temperature();     // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
    float SP_1 = Setpoint[1];                 // Reading the Mode Setpoint from the Array 
    char buffer[14];                        // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14 Max amound of Characters) 
        int  length = sprintf(buffer,"T=%.2F 'C",T);        // print the temperature from the float variable T
        if (length <= 14);                                  // Ensuring string will fit on the screen (Printing at x=0)
            lcd.printString(buffer,18,0);                   // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
            //serial.printf("    T = %f C\n",T);            // Debugging Print
            length = sprintf(buffer,"SP=%.2f 'C",SP_1);           // print the Setpoint from the Setpoint Variable
        if (length <= 14)                                      // Ensuring string will fit on the screen (Printing at x=0)                                                                  
            lcd.printString(buffer,13,1);                      // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
            //serial.printf("    T = %f C\n",SP_1);         // Debugging Print
void HtgClg_Pg1()
        /** Water Temperature Control 
            * Control Mode which enables LED's if the temperature goes outside
            * of the +/- Setpoint Tolerance.
            * Dependant on the Mode Application will depend on which setpoint is 
            * selected from the Setpoint Array        
        float T = tmp102.get_temperature();     // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
        float SP_1 = Setpoint[1];                 // Reading the Mode Setpoint from the Array
            if (T > SP_1+2){                      // If Temp is above the setpoint
                Clg_LED = 0;                    // Enable the Cooling LED
                Htg_LED = 1;                    // Disable other LED's
                Ready_LED = 1;
            else if (T < SP_1-2){                 // If Temp is below the setpoint
                Htg_LED = 0;                    // Enable the Heating LED
                Clg_LED = 1;                    // Disable other LED's
                Ready_LED = 1;
            else {                              // If none of the conditions are satisfied
                Clg_LED = 1;                    // Disable Heating & cooling LED's
                Htg_LED = 1;                    
void T_SP_Pg2()
        /** Mode Select
          * When a new mode is selected the LCD screen will update in order 
          * to assist the user with the water temperature in order to provide
          * Assistance, Safety and Comfort
    float T = tmp102.get_temperature();     // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
    float SP_2 = Setpoint[0];                 // Reading the Mode Setpoint from the Array 
    char buffer[14];                        // each character is 6 pixels wide, screen is 84 pixels (84/6 = 14 Max amound of Characters) 
        int  length = sprintf(buffer,"T=%.2F 'C",T);        // print the temperature from the float variable T
        if (length <= 14);                                  // Ensuring string will fit on the screen (Printing at x=0)
            lcd.printString(buffer,18,0);                   // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
            //serial.printf("    T = %f C\n",T);            // Debugging Print
            length = sprintf(buffer,"SP=%.2f 'C",SP_2);           // print the Setpoint from the Setpoint Variable
        if (length <= 14)                                      // Ensuring string will fit on the screen (Printing at x=0)                                                                  
            lcd.printString(buffer,13,1);                      // Display string on screen, Determine Co-ordinates (..,Column, Row)
            //serial.printf("    T = %f C\n",SP_2);         // Debugging Print
void HtgClg_Pg2()
        /** Water Temperature Control 
            * Control Mode which enables LED's if the temperature goes outside
            * of the +/- Setpoint Tolerance.
            * Dependant on the Mode Application will depend on which setpoint is 
            * selected from the Setpoint Array        
        float T = tmp102.get_temperature();     // Reading Temperature as a floating variable
        float SP_2 = Setpoint[0];                 // Reading the Mode Setpoint from the Array
            if (T > SP_2+1){                      // If Temp is above the setpoint
                Clg_LED = 0;                    // Enable the Cooling LED
                Htg_LED = 1;                    // Disable other LED's
                Ready_LED = 1;
            else if (T < SP_2-1){                 // If Temp is below the setpoint
                Htg_LED = 0;                    // Enable the Heating LED
                Clg_LED = 1;                    // Disable other LED's
                Ready_LED = 1;
            else {                              // If none of the conditions are satisfied
                Clg_LED = 1;                    // Disable Heating & cooling LED's
                Htg_LED = 1;                    