Library for the Measurement Specialties' HTU21D Humidity and Temperature sensor. Code includes device's heater on/off control, serial number access, dew point calculations and RTOS hooks. To date, code tested on GR-PEACH, K64F and KL25Z boards with and w/o RTOS, SDFlash and USB serial Rx interrupts.

Dependents:   BLE_soil_humidity

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Driver for the measurement specialties / Honeywell HTU21D Humidity and Temperature sensor. Code includes device's heater on/off control, serial number access, dew point calculations and RTOS hooks. To date, code only tested on K64F with and without RTOS, SDFileSystem and USB serial Rx interrupts.

The HTU21D's serial number is an off cookie. There are two 16 bit registers and a 32 bit register combined to generate the serial number. Some of the serial number bits are fixed for all devices and some change from part to part.

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