DS3232M RTC demo program. Tested on the K64F (this example) and the KL25Z, but should work on any platform by changing the SDA and SCL pins. USB serial baud rate is 230400, tested on TeraTerm. Demo includes setting the DS3232's time, turning on and off the 32KHz and 1Hz outputs and accessing the DS3232's temperature. Also included are DS3232 user RAM access tests and user RAM CRC data calculations. Since user RAM is battery backed up, CRC routines are included to insure that the data stored in user RAM is intact.

Dependencies:   ds3232m mbed mbed-rtos



File content as of revision 2:958004aa28a4:

#include "mbed.h"
//#include "rtos.h"                           //mbed rtos - uncomment to make RTOS available
#include "ds3232m.h"                        //Maxim RTC

RawSerial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                 //onsole interface

#ifdef RTOS_H
Mutex MutexI2C0;                            //lock/unlock I2C requests
#endif  //RTOS_H

#define SDA0        PTE25
#define SCL0        PTE24
ds3232m rtc(SDA0, SCL0, 400000);            //Maxim real time clock

// Time variables

time_t ctTime;                              //time structure
int DST = 1;                                //Daylight Saving Time (or as defined in .ini file)
int TZone = -8;                             //Time Zone from UTC (or as defined in .ini file)
char timebuf_hms[10];                       //local time format buffer - 21:16:43
char timebuf_dMyy[14];                      //local time format buffer - 01-Apr-2014
char timebuf_dow[1];                        //local time format buffer - 5
int StartTime = 0;                          //time we powered up
bool allowDisplayTime = false;              //used to stop displaying date/time when entering data from the console

//Variables for USB Serial Port RX

uint32_t pcRxQty = 0;                       //RX data counter/pointer
char pcRxBuffer[128];                       //RX data buffer
bool pcRxLine = false;                      //CR or LF detected (end of line)
bool pcRxEOB = false;                       //RX buffer is full!!! cannot accept any more characters
char inchar = 0;                            //RX input character

// This function is called when a character goes into the RX buffer.

#define DOUPONELINE "\033[1A"
#define BS          0x08                    //ascii backspace
#define CR          0x0d                    //ascii CR
#define LF          0x0a                    //ascii LF
#define ticC        0x03                    //ascii control C
#define DEGC_DEGF_FLOAT         9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0

void PcRxChar(char inchar) {
    if(inchar == CR) pc.printf(" %c %c", BS, BS);   //NOTE: Bug in K64F has issue with CR and/or LF, these 2 lines are needed
    if(inchar == LF) pc.printf(" %c %c", BS, BS);
    if(inchar == BS) { 
        if(pcRxQty == 0) {
            pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
        } else {
            pc.printf("%c %c", BS, BS);
            pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
    } else if((inchar == CR) || (inchar == LF)) { 
        pcRxLine = true;
    } else if(inchar == ticC) {
    } else {
        if(pcRxQty < (sizeof(pcRxBuffer) - 2)) {
            pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = inchar;
            pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty] = 0;
            pc.printf("%c", pcRxBuffer[pcRxQty - 1]);
        } else {
            pc.printf ("\r\n*** pcRxBuffer is full!!\r\n");
            pcRxEOB = true;

// Read received chars from USB UART interrupt

void PcRxIRQ(void){
#if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
    NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);        // n=0, 1 or 2  Disable Rx interrupt on kl25z
#if defined(TARGET_K64F)
    NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART0_RX_TX_IRQn);  // n=0, 1 or 2  Disable Rx interrupt on k64f
#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
    LPC_UART0->IER = 0;                 //Disable Rx interrupt on mbed1768
    while (pc.readable()) {
        inchar = pc.getc();             //<<<<< broken here!!!!     //read data from USB
        PcRxChar(inchar);               //go process char
#if defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_IRQn);         // n=0, 1 or 2  Re-enable Rx interrupt on kl25z
#if defined(TARGET_K64F)
    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART0_RX_TX_IRQn);   // n=0, 1 or 2  Re-enable Rx interrupt on k64f
#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
    LPC_UART0->IER = 1;                 //RE-enable Rx interrupt on mbed1768

//clear RxData buffer with all 00's and clear flags

void pcClrLineBuf() {
    pcRxQty = 0;                                                            // data counter/pointer
    for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(pcRxBuffer) - 1); i++) pcRxBuffer[i] = 0;    // clear out rx buffer
    pcRxLine = false;
    pcRxEOB = false;

// Update time display values

void UpdateTimeRegs() {
    strftime(timebuf_dMyy, 14, "%d-%b-%Y", localtime(&ctTime));
    strftime(timebuf_hms, 10, "%H:%M:%S", localtime(&ctTime));
    strftime(timebuf_dow, 1, "%u", localtime(&ctTime));

void UpdateTime() {
    ctTime = time(NULL) + ((TZone + DST) * 3600);   //timezone and dst offsets

// display current local date and time

void PrintDateTime() {
    pc.printf("%sDate: %s   ",  DOUPONELINE, timebuf_dMyy);
    pc.printf("Time: %s \r\n", timebuf_hms);

//Manually set the date and time

ds3232m::Time_rtc rtc_m = {};
struct tm t;

bool SetRTC() {
    pc.printf("Enter current date and time:\n");
    pc.printf("MM DD YY HH MM SS[enter]\n");  
    //wait for string above
#ifdef RTOS_H
    } while((pcRxLine == false) && (pcRxEOB == false));
    //load up the time structure
    t.tm_year = (2000 + ((pcRxBuffer[6] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[7] - '0');
    t.tm_mon =  (((pcRxBuffer[0] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[1] - '0');
    t.tm_mday = (((pcRxBuffer[3] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[4] - '0');
    t.tm_hour = (((pcRxBuffer[9] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[10] - '0');
    t.tm_min = (((pcRxBuffer[12] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[13] - '0');
    t.tm_sec = (((pcRxBuffer[15] - '0') * 10) + pcRxBuffer[16] - '0');
    //adjust for tm structure required values
    t.tm_year = t.tm_year - 1900;
    t.tm_mon = t.tm_mon - 1;  
    t.tm_wday = t.tm_wday & 7;
    //if error exists, exit without changing time
    if(t.tm_year < 113) return(32);
    if(t.tm_mon > 12) return(16); 
    if(t.tm_mday > 31) return(8);  
    if(t.tm_hour > 23) return(4); 
    if(t.tm_min > 59) return(2); 
    if(t.tm_sec > 59) return(1); 
    //set up the DS3232's RTC
    rtc_m.sec = t.tm_sec;
    rtc_m.min = t.tm_min;
    rtc_m.hour = t.tm_hour;
    rtc_m.wday = t.tm_wday;
    rtc_m.date = t.tm_mday;
    rtc_m.mon = t.tm_mon + 1;
    rtc_m.year = t.tm_year + 1900;
    rtc.setTime(rtc_m);    //(time structure)

    //set the mbed's time
    time_t ctTime = mktime(&t);
    //reset system up time since it will be out of whack once the time is updated
    StartTime = ctTime;                         //have to change sysuptime now
    ctTime = ctTime - (TZone + DST) * 3600;     //take out local time

// Load the local mbed-RTC from that external DS3232 RTC

void loadRTC() {
    //get data from DS3232
    t.tm_sec = rtc_m.sec;
    t.tm_min = rtc_m.min;
    t.tm_hour = rtc_m.hour;
    t.tm_mday = rtc_m.date;
    t.tm_mon = rtc_m.mon - 1;
    t.tm_year = rtc_m.year - 1900;
    //set the mbed's time
    time_t ctTime = mktime(&t);
    ctTime = ctTime - (TZone + DST) * 3600;     //take out local time

// Pull the temperature out of the DS3232 RTC

void Get3232Temp() {
    pc.printf("%c", BS);
    if(rtc.startTempCycle() == true) {
        pc.printf(" - DS3232M start converstion ok \r\n");
    } else {
        pc.printf(" - DS3232M start converstion BUSY!!! \r\n");
    //wait for DS3232 temperature conversion to finish
    int i = 80;
    for(i = 80; i > 0; i--) {
#ifdef RTOS_H
        if((rtc.checkTempBusy()) == true) break;
    //timed out or display temperature
    if(i > 0) {
        float ds3232tempC = rtc.getTemperature();
        pc.printf(" - DS3232M Temperature: %.2fC  %.1fF\r\n", ds3232tempC, ds3232tempC * DEGC_DEGF_FLOAT);
    } else {
        pc.printf("*** DS3232M Temperature timeout!!!!\r\n");

// Checking for characters to execute commands from.  It's a thread if RTOS is used.

#ifdef RTOS_H
void cli_thread(void const *argument) {
    pc.printf(" - Starting CLI RTOS thread\r\n");
    while (true) {      //while loop only for RTOS
void cli_thread() {
        if(pcRxQty != 0) {
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'A') rtc.set32KhzOutput(true, false);   //turn on 32KHz output
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'a') rtc.set32KhzOutput(false, false);  //turn off 32KHz output
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'B') rtc.set1hzOutput(true, false);   //turn on 1Hz output
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'b') rtc.set1hzOutput(false, false);  //turn off 1Hz output
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'c') {
                allowDisplayTime = true;
                SetRTC();  //change DS3232 time
                allowDisplayTime = false;
                pcRxBuffer[0] = 'c';
            uint16_t errorValue = 0;
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'g') {  //get and display stored data string
                errorValue = rtc.getUserRAM(pcRxBuffer, 128, 126);
                if(errorValue) {
                    pc.printf("'Get' user RAM error: %d\r\n", errorValue);
                } else if(pcRxBuffer[0] == NULL) {
                    pc.printf("User RAM empty!!\r\n");
                } else {
                    //pcRxBuffer[31] = NULL;    //guarantee that the string max length is 32 bytes
                    pc.printf("%s\r\n", pcRxBuffer);
                pcRxBuffer[0] = 'g';
                errorValue = 0;
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 's') {  //save data string
                allowDisplayTime = true;
                pc.printf("Enter text string to save: ");
                do {
#ifdef RTOS_H
                } while((pcRxLine == false) && (pcRxEOB == false));
                errorValue = rtc.putUserRAM(pcRxBuffer, 128, pcRxQty + 2);
                if(errorValue) pc.printf("'Put' user RAM error: %d\r\n", errorValue);
                allowDisplayTime = false;
                pcRxBuffer[0] = 's';
                errorValue = 0;
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 't') Get3232Temp();  //display the DS3232's temperature
            if(pcRxBuffer[0] == 'z') {  
                pc.printf("CRC16 value: 0x%04X\r\n", rtc.calculateCRC16(rtc.RTCbuffer, 0x14, 0xea));
            if((pcRxBuffer[0] != 'a') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'A') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'b') 
                && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'B') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'c') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'g') 
                && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 's') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 't') && (pcRxBuffer[0] != 'z')) pc.printf("Entry Error!!\r\n");
#ifdef RTOS_H
    }   //RTOS while loop


int main() {
    ctTime = time(NULL);
    StartTime = ctTime;                     //get time we started up
    pc.printf("\r\n\r\nDS3232M demo  23-DEC-2014  K. Braun\r\n");
    //check for RTOS operation
#ifdef RTOS_H
    pc.printf("RTOS installed...\r\n");
    pc.printf("not using RTOS...\r\n");

    //pc RX character callback interrupt
    pc.printf("Initializing Serial Port Rx Interrupt...   \r\n");
    pc.attach(&PcRxIRQ, pc.RxIrq);
    pc.printf("Checking the mbed's RTC...\r\n");
#ifdef RTOS_H

    ctTime = time(NULL);
    //first, see if K64F's RTC already running
    if((StartTime == ctTime) || (ctTime <= 1000000000)) {
        pc.printf("*** mbed's local RTC is not initialized\r\n");
        StartTime = ctTime;
        //now see if DS3232's clock needs to be set
        if(ctTime <= 1000000000) {
            pc.printf("*** Local RTC stopped, initializing the RTC.  !!CHECK BATTERY!!\r\n");
            pc.printf("*** Note: Time is incorrect, needs to be updated!!!\r\n");
            //set up the DS3232's clock
            if(SetRTC() != 0) pc.printf("Entry Error!!");
    //sync up the mbed's time with the DS3232's time    
    StartTime = ctTime;
    pc.printf(" - RTC Start Time:   ");
    pc.printf(" - Day of Week: %s\r\n", timebuf_dow);  //day of the week
    //get the DS3232's temperature
#ifdef RTOS_H
    //turn on the rest of the os threads
    pc.printf("Initializing os threads...\r\n");
    Thread th3(cli_thread, NULL, osPriorityNormal);
    int CheckTime = ctTime;
    pc.printf("Hit 'A' or 'a' - turn on/off the 32KHz output\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 'B' or 'b' - turn on/off the 1Hz output (1Hz pin needs pull-up)\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 'c' - change the date & time\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 'g' - get data string from DS3232 user RAM\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 's' - store data string in the DS3232 user RAM\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 't' - get DS3232's temperature\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit 'z' - get user RAM CRC data\r\n");
    pc.printf("Hit '^C' - reboot\r\n");
    while (true) {
#ifdef RTOS_H
        if(CheckTime != ctTime) {
            CheckTime = ctTime;
            if(allowDisplayTime == false) PrintDateTime();
#ifndef RTOS_H