Old version
Fork of nRF51822 by
- Committer:
- bogdanm
- Date:
- 2014-03-26
- Revision:
- 0:eff01767de02
- Child:
- 37:c29c330d942c
File content as of revision 0:eff01767de02:
/* Copyright (c) 2013 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from * the file. * */ /**@file * * @defgroup app_uart UART module * @{ * @ingroup app_common * * @brief UART module interface. */ #ifndef APP_UART_H__ #define APP_UART_H__ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "nordic_global.h" #include "app_util.h" #define UART_PIN_DISCONNECTED 0xFFFFFFFF /**< Value indicating that no pin is connected to this UART register. */ /**@brief UART Flow Control modes for the peripheral. */ typedef enum { APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED, /**< UART Hw Flow Control is disabled. */ APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_ENABLED, /**< Standard UART Hw Flow Control is enabled. */ APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_LOW_POWER /**< Specialized UART Hw Flow Control is used. The Low Power setting allows the nRF51 to Power Off the UART module when CTS is in-active, and re-enabling the UART when the CTS signal becomes active. This allows the nRF51 to safe power by only using the UART module when it is needed by the remote site. */ } app_uart_flow_control_t; /**@brief UART communication structure holding configuration settings for the peripheral. */ typedef struct { uint8_t rx_pin_no; /**< RX pin number. */ uint8_t tx_pin_no; /**< TX pin number. */ uint8_t rts_pin_no; /**< RTS pin number, only used if flow control is enabled. */ uint8_t cts_pin_no; /**< CTS pin number, only used if flow control is enabled. */ app_uart_flow_control_t flow_control; /**< Flow control setting, if flow control is used, the system will use low power UART mode, based on CTS signal. */ bool use_parity; /**< Even parity if TRUE, no parity if FALSE. */ uint32_t baud_rate; /**< Baud rate configuration. */ } app_uart_comm_params_t; /**@brief UART buffer for transmitting/receiving data. */ typedef struct { uint8_t * rx_buf; /**< Pointer to the RX buffer. */ uint32_t rx_buf_size; /**< Size of the RX buffer. */ uint8_t * tx_buf; /**< Pointer to the TX buffer. */ uint32_t tx_buf_size; /**< Size of the TX buffer. */ } app_uart_buffers_t; /**@brief Enumeration describing current state of the UART. * * @details The connection state can be fetched by the application using the function call * @ref app_uart_get_connection_state. * When hardware flow control is used * - APP_UART_CONNECTED: Communication is ongoing. * - APP_UART_DISCONNECTED: No communication is ongoing. * * When no hardware flow control is used * - APP_UART_CONNECTED: Always returned as bytes can always be received/transmitted. */ typedef enum { APP_UART_DISCONNECTED, /**< State indicating that the UART is disconnected and cannot receive or transmit bytes. */ APP_UART_CONNECTED /**< State indicating that the UART is connected and ready to receive or transmit bytes. If flow control is disabled, the state will always be connected. */ } app_uart_connection_state_t; /**@brief Enumeration which defines events used by the UART module upon data reception or error. * * @details The event type is used to indicate the type of additional information in the event * @ref app_uart_evt_t. */ typedef enum { APP_UART_DATA_READY, /**< An event indicating that UART data has been received. The data is available in the FIFO and can be fetched using @ref app_uart_get. */ APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR, /**< An error in the FIFO module used by the app_uart module has occured. The FIFO error code is stored in app_uart_evt_t.data.error_code field. */ APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, /**< An communication error has occured during reception. The error is stored in app_uart_evt_t.data.error_communication field. */ APP_UART_TX_EMPTY, /**< An event indicating that UART has completed transmission of all available data in the TX FIFO. */ APP_UART_DATA, /**< An event indicating that UART data has been received, and data is present in data field. This event is only used when no FIFO is configured. */ } app_uart_evt_type_t; /**@brief Struct containing events from the UART module. * * @details The app_uart_evt_t is used to notify the application of asynchronous events when data * are received on the UART peripheral or in case an error occured during data reception. */ typedef struct { app_uart_evt_type_t evt_type; /**< Type of event. */ union { uint32_t error_communication;/**< Field used if evt_type is: APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR. This field contains the value in the ERRORSRC register for the UART peripheral. The UART_ERRORSRC_x defines from @ref nrf51_bitfields.h can be used to parse the error code. See also the nRF51 Series Reference Manual for specification. */ uint32_t error_code; /**< Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x. Additional status/error code if the error event type is APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR. This error code refer to errors defined in nrf_error.h. */ uint8_t value; /**< Field used if evt_type is: NRF_ERROR_x. Additional status/error code if the error event type is APP_UART_FIFO_ERROR. This error code refer to errors defined in nrf_error.h. */ } data; } app_uart_evt_t; /**@brief Function for handling app_uart event callback. * * @details Upon an event in the app_uart module this callback function will be called to notify * the applicatioon about the event. * * @param[in] p_app_uart_event Pointer to UART event. */ typedef void (*app_uart_event_handler_t) (app_uart_evt_t * p_app_uart_event); /**@brief Macro for safe initialization of the UART module in a single user instance when using * a FIFO together with UART. * * @param[in] P_COMM_PARAMS Pointer to a UART communication structure: app_uart_comm_params_t * @param[in] RX_BUF_SIZE Size of desired RX buffer, must be a power of 2 or ZERO (No FIFO). * @param[in] TX_BUF_SIZE Size of desired TX buffer, must be a power of 2 or ZERO (No FIFO). * @param[in] EVENT_HANDLER Event handler function to be called when an event occurs in the * UART module. * @param[in] IRQ_PRIO IRQ priority, app_irq_priority_t, for the UART module irq handler. * @param[out] ERR_CODE The return value of the UART initialization function will be * written to this parameter. * * @note Since this macro allocates a buffer and registers the module as a GPIOTE user when flow * control is enabled, it must only be called once. */ #define APP_UART_FIFO_INIT(P_COMM_PARAMS, RX_BUF_SIZE, TX_BUF_SIZE, EVT_HANDLER, IRQ_PRIO, ERR_CODE)\ do \ { \ uint16_t APP_UART_UID = 0; \ app_uart_buffers_t buffers; \ static uint8_t rx_buf[RX_BUF_SIZE]; \ static uint8_t tx_buf[TX_BUF_SIZE]; \ \ buffers.rx_buf = rx_buf; \ buffers.rx_buf_size = sizeof(rx_buf); \ buffers.tx_buf = tx_buf; \ buffers.tx_buf_size = sizeof(tx_buf); \ ERR_CODE = app_uart_init(P_COMM_PARAMS, &buffers, EVT_HANDLER, IRQ_PRIO, &APP_UART_UID); \ } while (0) /**@brief Macro for safe initialization of the UART module in a single user instance. * * @param[in] P_COMM_PARAMS Pointer to a UART communication structure: app_uart_comm_params_t * @param[in] EVENT_HANDLER Event handler function to be called when an event occurs in the * UART module. * @param[in] IRQ_PRIO IRQ priority, app_irq_priority_t, for the UART module irq handler. * @param[out] ERR_CODE The return value of the UART initialization function will be * written to this parameter. * * @note Since this macro allocates registers the module as a GPIOTE user when flow control is * enabled, it must only be called once. */ #define APP_UART_INIT(P_COMM_PARAMS, EVT_HANDLER, IRQ_PRIO, ERR_CODE) \ do \ { \ uint16_t APP_UART_UID = 0; \ ERR_CODE = app_uart_init(P_COMM_PARAMS, NULL, EVT_HANDLER, IRQ_PRIO, &APP_UART_UID); \ } while (0) /**@brief Function for initializing the UART module. Use this initialization when several instances of the UART * module are needed. * * @details This initialization will return a UART user id for the caller. The UART user id must be * used upon re-initialization of the UART or closing of the module for the user. * If single instance usage is needed, the APP_UART_INIT() macro should be used instead. * * @note Normally single instance initialization should be done using the APP_UART_INIT() or * APP_UART_INIT_FIFO() macro depending on whether the FIFO should be used by the UART, as * that will allocate the buffers needed by the UART module (including aligning the buffer * correctly). * @param[in] p_comm_params Pin and communication parameters. * @param[in] p_buffers RX and TX buffers, NULL is FIFO is not used. * @param[in] error_handler Function to be called in case of an error. * @param[in] app_irq_priority Interrupt priority level. * @param[in,out] p_uart_uid User id for the UART module. The p_uart_uid must be used if * re-initialization and/or closing of the UART module is needed. * If the value pointed to by p_uart_uid is zero, this is * considdered a first time initialization. Otherwise this is * considered a re-initialization for the user with id *p_uart_uid. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If successful initialization. * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH If a provided buffer is not a power of two. * @retval NRF_ERROR_NULL If one of the provided buffers is a NULL pointer. * * Those errors are propagated by the UART module to the caller upon registration when Hardware Flow * Control is enabled. When Hardware Flow Control is not used, those errors cannot occur. * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE The GPIOTE module is not in a valid state when registering * the UART module as a user. * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM The UART module provides an invalid callback function when * registering the UART module as a user. * Or the value pointed to by *p_uart_uid is not a valid * GPIOTE number. * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM GPIOTE module has reached the maximum number of users. */ uint32_t app_uart_init(const app_uart_comm_params_t * p_comm_params, app_uart_buffers_t * p_buffers, app_uart_event_handler_t error_handler, app_irq_priority_t irq_priority, uint16_t * p_uart_uid); /**@brief Function for getting a byte from the UART. * * @details This function will get the next byte from the RX buffer. If the RX buffer is empty * an error code will be returned and the app_uart module will generate an event upon * reception of the first byte which is added to the RX buffer. * * @param[out] p_byte Pointer to an address where next byte received on the UART will be copied. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If a byte has been received and pushed to the pointer provided. * @retval NRF_ERROR_NOT_FOUND If no byte is available in the RX buffer of the app_uart module. */ uint32_t app_uart_get(uint8_t * p_byte); /**@brief Function for putting a byte on the UART. * * @details This call is non-blocking. * * @param[in] byte Byte to be transmitted on the UART. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If the byte was succesfully put on the TX buffer for transmission. * @retval NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM If no more space is available in the TX buffer. * NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM may occur if flow control is enabled and CTS signal * is high for a long period and the buffer fills up. */ uint32_t app_uart_put(uint8_t byte); /**@brief Function for getting the current state of the UART. * * @details If flow control is disabled, the state is assumed to always be APP_UART_CONNECTED. * * When using flow control the state will be controlled by the CTS. If CTS is set active * by the remote side, or the app_uart module is in the process of transmitting a byte, * app_uart is in APP_UART_CONNECTED state. If CTS is set inactive by remote side app_uart * will not get into APP_UART_DISCONNECTED state until the last byte in the TXD register * is fully transmitted. * * Internal states in the state machine are mapped to the general connected/disconnected * states in the following ways: * * - UART_ON = CONNECTED * - UART_READY = CONNECTED * - UART_WAIT = CONNECTED * - UART_OFF = DISCONNECTED. * * @param[out] p_connection_state Current connection state of the UART. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS The connection state was succesfully retrieved. */ uint32_t app_uart_get_connection_state(app_uart_connection_state_t * p_connection_state); /**@brief Function for flushing the RX and TX buffers (Only valid if FIFO is used). * This function does nothing if FIFO is not used. * * @retval NRF_SUCCESS Flushing completed (Current implementation will always succeed). */ uint32_t app_uart_flush(void); /**@brief Function for closing the UART module. * * @details This function will close any on-going UART transmissions and disable itself in the * GPTIO module. * * @param[in] app_uart_uid User id for the UART module. The app_uart_uid must be identical to the * UART id returned on initialization and which is currently in use. * @retval NRF_SUCCESS If successfully closed. * @retval NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM If an invalid user id is provided or the user id differs from * the current active user. */ uint32_t app_uart_close(uint16_t app_uart_id); #endif // APP_UART_H__ /** @} */