EMG signalen uitlezen met filters

Dependencies:   HIDScope biquadFilter mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 28 09:56:18 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Oct 28 11:40:57 2016 +0000
@@ -18,23 +18,31 @@
 double y1, y2, y3;          // Gefilterde output
 // Biquad filters (lowpass and highpass become a chain in the int main)
-BiQuad lowpass(b0_low, b1_low , b2_low, a1_low, a2_low);
-BiQuad highpass(b0_high, b1_high , b2_high, a1_high, a2_high);
-BiQuad envelope(b0_envelope, b1_envelope , b2_envelope, a1_envelope, a2_envelope);
-BiQuadChain bandpass;
+BiQuad lowpass1(b0_low, b1_low , b2_low, a1_low, a2_low);
+BiQuad lowpass2(b0_low, b1_low , b2_low, a1_low, a2_low);
+BiQuad lowpass3(b0_low, b1_low , b2_low, a1_low, a2_low);
+BiQuad highpass1(b0_high, b1_high , b2_high, a1_high, a2_high);
+BiQuad highpass2(b0_high, b1_high , b2_high, a1_high, a2_high);
+BiQuad highpass3(b0_high, b1_high , b2_high, a1_high, a2_high);
+BiQuad envelope1(b0_envelope, b1_envelope , b2_envelope, a1_envelope, a2_envelope);
+BiQuad envelope2(b0_envelope, b1_envelope , b2_envelope, a1_envelope, a2_envelope);
+BiQuad envelope3(b0_envelope, b1_envelope , b2_envelope, a1_envelope, a2_envelope);
+BiQuadChain bandpass1;
+BiQuadChain bandpass2;
+BiQuadChain bandpass3;
 // Sample function, this function samples the emg and sends it to HIDScope
 void filtering()
-   y1 = bandpass.step(emg0);
-   y2 = bandpass.step(emg1);
-   y3 = bandpass.step(emg2);
+   y1 = bandpass1.step(emg0);
+   y2 = bandpass2.step(emg1);
+   y3 = bandpass3.step(emg2);
    y1 = fabs(y1);
    y2 = fabs(y2);
    y3 = fabs(y3);
-   y1 = envelope.step(y1); 
-   y2 = envelope.step(y2); 
-   y3 = envelope.step(y3); 
+   y1 = envelope1.step(y1); 
+   y2 = envelope2.step(y2); 
+   y3 = envelope3.step(y3); 
     // Set the sampled and filtered emg values in channel 0/1/2 in the 'HIDScope' instance named 'scope' 
     scope.set(0, y1 );
@@ -46,7 +54,9 @@
 int main()
-    bandpass.add(&lowpass).add(&highpass);
+    bandpass1.add(&lowpass1).add(&highpass1);
+    bandpass2.add(&lowpass2).add(&highpass2);
+    bandpass3.add(&lowpass3).add(&highpass3);
     sample_timer.attach(&filtering, 0.001);    // Attach the 'sample' function to the timer 'sample_timer'. This ensures that 'sample' is executed every 0.001 seconds = 1000 Hz
     while(1) {}                             // Empty loop, sample() is executed periodically