A code for the spindling of bots.

Dependencies:   MX12 ServoRingBuffer mbed-src

Fork of SpindleBot by MRD Lab


This revision marks Mark's mark of resignation from the labmrd mbed account. default tip

2015-08-13, by labmrd [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 17:55:40 +0000] rev 14

This revision marks Mark's mark of resignation from the labmrd mbed account.

As of Mark Brown's beginnings of reverting to Spindlebot 1.5

2015-08-13, by labmrd [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 17:26:23 +0000] rev 13

As of Mark Brown's beginnings of reverting to Spindlebot 1.5

Changed the collaborative control scheme to include integrator. It is now a PI scheme. First attempt at this PI scheme. Previous versions will only be proportional controller.

2015-07-20, by labmrd [Mon, 20 Jul 2015 17:12:36 +0000] rev 12

Changed the collaborative control scheme to include integrator. It is now a PI scheme. First attempt at this PI scheme. Previous versions will only be proportional controller.

It sort of kind of works. Classification rocks. Collaborative control is not too rockin.

2015-05-12, by labmrd [Tue, 12 May 2015 21:37:21 +0000] rev 11

It sort of kind of works. Classification rocks. Collaborative control is not too rockin.

The new code works by subtracting off the calibration to set everything to start at zero.

2015-05-12, by labmrd [Tue, 12 May 2015 20:04:59 +0000] rev 10

The new code works by subtracting off the calibration to set everything to start at zero.

Rod and Trevor don't need John anymore. We are strong independent women who can code by ourselves. (We fixed calibration completely, added a CALIBRATE_TIME_NOW mode, calculate first touch of tissue to trigger end of grasp, and some other minor stuff)

2015-05-12, by labmrd [Tue, 12 May 2015 17:04:31 +0000] rev 9

Rod and Trevor don't need John anymore. We are strong independent women who can code by ourselves. (We fixed calibration completely, added a CALIBRATE_TIME_NOW mode, calculate first touch of tissue to trigger end of grasp, and some other minor stuff)

The criteria for grasping was changed to trigger off of the master as opposed to the slave. The calibration runs but seems to read high. FIX THIS!

2015-05-11, by labmrd [Mon, 11 May 2015 21:39:45 +0000] rev 8

The criteria for grasping was changed to trigger off of the master as opposed to the slave. The calibration runs but seems to read high. FIX THIS!

Added the load cell calibration function....BUT......don't run it. I need to fix the load cells from colliding into each as soon as it calls the calibration function.

2015-05-06, by labmrd [Wed, 06 May 2015 20:21:32 +0000] rev 7

Added the load cell calibration function....BUT......don't run it. I need to fix the load cells from colliding into each as soon as it calls the calibration function.

Changed serial output to include "Data:," at the beginning in order for easier parsing for visual display in Processing. Nothing is broken.

2015-05-05, by labmrd [Tue, 05 May 2015 18:53:06 +0000] rev 6

Changed serial output to include "Data:," at the beginning in order for easier parsing for visual display in Processing. Nothing is broken.


2015-04-29, by labmrd [Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:52:37 +0000] rev 5
