Control project for the Lift-arm. Works with ROS Melodic

Dependencies:   mbed Servo ros_lib_melodic ULN2003_StepperDriver Async_4pin_Stepper



File content as of revision 4:9edb248c6431:


/* Karbot motor control class
 * Written by Simon Krogedal
 * 27/05/21
 * Team 9 4th Year project
 * for NUCLEO-F401RE
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "encoder.h"
 #include "motor.h"

/* This class controls the speed of an individual motor, helping the system keep
 * symmetric with asymmetric components. It is based on the encoder class
 * and contains a pointer to a motor object. With two of these the motion
 * controller can drive the robot to the desired points.
class MotorControl : public encoder {
        motor*      mot;            // motor object
        double      Kp,             // Proportional gain
                    Ti,             // Integral gain time
                    r_speed,        // Speed set point
                    r_clicks,       // Same but in the "encoder language"
                    max_speed,      // The max speed of the motor (not used)
                    output,         // PWM output duty cycle
                    prev_error;     // Previous error, used for intergral control
        bool        dir,            // Drivign direction (not used)
                    max_out;        // Flag triggered when output is saturated (not used)
        double getError(void);      // Calculate current error
        void algorithm(void);       // Control algorithm
        // Constructor takes encoder pins and constants, and a motor object and contorller gains
        MotorControl(PinName a, PinName b, PinName i, int r, bool c, double p, motor* m, double ms, double kp, double ti, double ec);
        void setSpeed(double s);    // Set the speed of the wheel
        void drive(void);           // Drive at set speet
        void stop(void);            // Stop motor
        void driveManual(void);     // Drive at set speed in open loop
        void samplecall(void);      // Sample encoder and update read speed value
        void setK(double k);        // Set gain (used for Z-N tuning
        void start(void);           // This function is overridden to avoid bugs
        double getOutput(void);     // Returns current duty cycle
        bool checkFlag(void);       // Check whether max out flag is set
