Georgia Tech ECE 4180 Final Project

Dependencies:   Camera_LS_Y201 FatFileSystem MODSERIAL SDFileSystem SHTx Servo TextLCD mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
00003 #include "Camera_LS_Y201.h"
00004 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00005 #include "SHTx/sht15.hpp"
00006 #include "Servo.h"
00007 #include "TextLCD.h"
00009 #define IR_THRESHOLD    0.009f
00011 #define DEBMSG printf
00012 #define NEWLINE() printf("\r\n")
00015 MODSERIAL sms(p13, p14);
00016 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00017 Servo myservo(p22);
00018 TextLCD lcd(p15, p16, p17, p18, p19, p21);
00019 AnalogIn ir(p20);
00020 SHTx::SHT15 temp_sensor(p9, p10);
00021 SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
00022 Camera_LS_Y201 cam1(p28, p27);
00023 DigitalOut light1(p29);
00024 DigitalOut light2(p30);
00025 PwmOut  speaker(p23);
00027 typedef struct work {
00028     FILE *fp;
00029 } work_t;
00031 work_t work;
00034 bool movement = false;
00035 float current_avg;
00037 bool activate = true;
00039 float current_temperature;
00040 float target_temperature;
00041 bool heat = true;
00043 int index = 1;
00045 //char* mobile_number = "6784628602";
00046 //char* mobile_number = "4043887322";
00047 char* mobile_number = "4045789581";
00050 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00051 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
00052 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
00053 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
00055 bool message_received = false;
00056 char message[256];
00057 char sms_buffer[256];
00058 int message_count = 0;
00060 void delete_messages()
00061 {
00062     wait(0.25);
00063     sms.printf("AT+CMGF=1%c", 13);
00064     wait(0.25);
00065     sms.printf("AT+CMGD=1,4%c", 13);
00066     while(!sms.txBufferEmpty()) {
00067     }
00068     wait(2);
00069     sms.rxBufferFlush();
00070 }
00072 void send_sms(char * message)
00073 {
00074     led3 = 1;
00075     pc.printf("Sending SMS\n");
00076     wait(0.25);
00077     sms.printf("AT+CMGF=1%c", 13);
00078     wait(.25);
00079     sms.printf("AT+CMGS=\"%s\"%c", mobile_number, 13);
00080     wait(0.25);
00081     sms.printf("%s%c", message ,26);
00082     while(!sms.txBufferEmpty()) {
00083     }
00084     wait(0.5);
00085     led3 = 0;
00086 }
00088 void receive_sms()
00089 {
00090     wait(0.25);
00091     sms.printf("AT+CMGF=1%c", 13);
00092     wait(0.25);
00093     //sms.printf("AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"%c", 13);
00094     sms.printf("AT+CMGL=\"REC UNREAD\"%c", 13);
00095     while(!sms.txBufferEmpty()) {
00096     }
00097 }
00099 void get_data(char *buffer)
00100 {
00101     int index = 0;
00102     char c = sms.getc();
00103     while(c != 10) {
00104         buffer[index++] = c;
00105         c = sms.getc();
00106     }
00107     buffer[index] = 0;
00108 }
00110 void adjust_temperature(){
00111     temp_sensor.update();
00112     current_temperature = temp_sensor.getTemperature();
00113     if(current_temperature > 85.0f){
00114         send_sms("High Temperature Alert!!!");
00115     }
00116     if(!heat){
00117         temp_sensor.setHeater(false);
00118         return;
00119     }
00120     if(current_temperature < target_temperature){
00121         temp_sensor.setHeater(true);
00122     } else {
00123         temp_sensor.setHeater(false);
00124     }
00125 }
00127 void read_message()
00128 {
00129     while(sms.readable()) {
00130         get_data(sms_buffer);
00131         if(strstr(sms_buffer, "CMGL") != NULL) {
00132             for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) message[i] = 0;
00133             get_data(message);
00134             message_received = true;
00135             delete_messages();
00136             return;
00137         }
00138         sms_buffer[0] = 0;
00139     }
00140     receive_sms();
00141 }
00145 void setup_devices()
00146 {
00147     sms.baud(115200);
00148     pc.baud(115200);
00149     //pc.printf("\x1B[2J");
00150     //pc.printf("\x1B[H");
00151     message_received = false;
00152     led4 = 1;
00153     delete_messages();
00154     mkdir("/sd/mydir", 0777);
00155     temp_sensor.setScale(true);
00156     current_temperature = temp_sensor.getTemperature();
00157     target_temperature = current_temperature;
00158 }
00160 bool check_movement()
00161 {
00162     float value = ir;
00163     if (value > (current_avg + IR_THRESHOLD) || value < (current_avg - IR_THRESHOLD)){
00164         led1 = 1;
00165     printf("MOVEMENT_DETECTED: IR value is %f, Current_avg: %f\r\n",value, current_avg);
00166         return true;
00167     } else {
00168         led1 = 0;
00169         //printf("IR value is %f, Current_avg: %f\r\n", value, current_avg);
00170         return false;
00171     }
00172 }
00174 void calibrate_ir()
00175 {
00176     float current_sum = 0.0f;
00177     for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
00178         current_sum = current_sum + ir;
00179     }
00180     current_avg = current_sum / 10000.0f;
00181 }
00183 /**
00184 * Callback function for readJpegFileContent.
00185 *
00186 * @param buf A pointer to a buffer.
00187 * @param siz A size of the buffer.
00188 */
00189 void callback_func(int done, int total, uint8_t *buf, size_t siz)
00190 {
00191     fwrite(buf, siz, 1, work.fp);
00193     static int n = 0;
00194     int tmp = done * 100 / total;
00195     if (n != tmp) {
00196         n = tmp;
00197         DEBMSG("Writing...: %3d%%", n);
00198         NEWLINE();
00199     }
00200 }
00203 /**
00204 * Capture.
00205 *
00206 * @param cam A pointer to a camera object.
00207 * @param filename The file name.
00208 *
00209 * @return Return 0 if it succeed.
00210 */
00211 int capture(Camera_LS_Y201 *cam, char *filename)
00212 {
00213     /*
00214     * Take a picture.
00215     */
00216     if (cam->takePicture() != 0) {
00217         return -1;
00218     }
00219     DEBMSG("Captured.");
00220     NEWLINE();
00222     /*
00223     * Open file.
00224     */
00225     work.fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
00226     if (work.fp == NULL) {
00227         return -2;
00228     }
00230     /*
00231     * Read the content.
00232     */
00233     DEBMSG("%s", filename);
00234     NEWLINE();
00235     if (cam->readJpegFileContent(callback_func) != 0) {
00236         fclose(work.fp);
00237         return -3;
00238     }
00239     fclose(work.fp);
00241     /*
00242     * Stop taking pictures.
00243     */
00244     cam->stopTakingPictures();
00246     return 0;
00247 }
00249 void take_picture()
00250 {
00252     myservo.write(0);
00253     int a;
00254     wait(1);
00255     char buffer[25];
00256     sprintf(buffer, "/sd/mydir/%d_1.jpg", index);
00257     a =  capture(&cam1,buffer);
00258     switch (a) {
00259         case -1:
00260             led1=1;
00261             break;
00262         case -2:
00263             //led2=1;
00264             break;
00265         case -3:
00266             led3=1;
00267             break;
00268         case 0:
00269             led4=1;
00270             lcd.printf("Took picture 1!\n");
00271             break;
00272     }
00274     wait(1);
00275     led1=0;
00276     //led2=0;
00277     led3=0;
00278     led4=0;
00280     myservo.write(0.5);
00281     wait(1);
00282     sprintf(buffer, "/sd/mydir/%d_2.jpg", index);
00283     a= capture(&cam1,buffer);
00285     switch (a) {
00286         case -1:
00287             led1=1;
00288             break;
00289         case -2:
00290             //led2=1;
00291             break;
00292         case -3:
00293             led3=1;
00294             break;
00295         case 0:
00296             led4=1;
00297             lcd.printf("Took picture 2!\n");
00298             break;
00299     }
00301     wait(1);
00302     led1=0;
00303     //led2=0;
00304     led3=0;
00305     led4=0;
00306     myservo.write(1);
00307     wait(1);
00308     sprintf(buffer, "/sd/mydir/%d_3.jpg", index++);
00309     a= capture(&cam1,buffer);
00310     switch (a) {
00311         case -1:
00312             led1=1;
00313             break;
00314         case -2:
00315             //led2=1;
00316             break;
00317         case -3:
00318             led3=1;
00319             break;
00320         case 0:
00321             led4=1;
00322             lcd.printf("Took picture 3!\n");
00323             break;
00324     }
00326     wait(1);
00327     led1=0;
00328     //led2=0;
00329     led3=0;
00330     led4=0;
00332 }
00335 void handle_message()
00336 {
00337     int temp;
00338     pc.printf("MESSAGE: %s\n", message);
00339     if(strstr(message, "take picture") != NULL){
00340         take_picture();
00341     } else if(strstr(message, "turn off alarm") != NULL){
00342         speaker = 0;
00343     } else if(strstr(message, "get status") != NULL){
00344         char msg[100];
00345         int l1 = light1;
00346         int l2 = light2;
00347         int spk = speaker > 0.0f;
00348         sprintf(msg, "Status: Light1 = %d, Light2 = %d, Temperature = %f, Alarm = %d", l1, l2, temp_sensor.getTemperature(), spk);
00349         send_sms(msg);
00350         pc.printf(msg);
00351     } else if (strstr(message, "deactivate") != NULL){
00352         speaker = 0;
00353         activate = false;
00354         led2 = 0;
00355         pc.printf("\nIntrusion alert not active\n");
00356     } else if (strstr(message, "activate") != NULL){
00357         activate = true;
00358         calibrate_ir();
00359         light1 = 0;
00360         light2 = 0;
00361         heat = false;
00362         temp_sensor.setHeater(false);
00363         led2 = 1;
00364         pc.printf("\nIntrusion alert active\n");
00365     } else if (strstr(message, "turn off light 1") != NULL){
00366         pc.printf("\nTurning off light 1\n");
00367         light1 = 0;
00368     } else if (strstr(message, "turn off light 2") != NULL){
00369         pc.printf("\nTurning off light 2\n");
00370         light2 = 0;
00371     } else if (strstr(message, "turn on light 1") != NULL){
00372         pc.printf("\nTurning on light 1\n");
00373         light1 = 1;
00374     } else if (strstr(message, "turn on light 2") != NULL){
00375         pc.printf("\nTurning on light 2\n");
00376         light2 = 1;
00377     } else if (strstr(message, "turn off heat") != NULL){
00378         heat = false;
00379         lcd.printf("Heat off!\n");
00380         pc.printf("\nTurning off heat\n");
00381     } else if (strstr(message, "get temperature") != NULL){
00382         char new_message[30];
00383         sprintf(new_message, "Current Temperature is %f", temp_sensor.getTemperature());
00384         send_sms(new_message);
00385         pc.printf("\nSending current temperature %f\n", temp_sensor.getTemperature());
00386     } else if (sscanf(message, "set temperature %d", &temp) >=1){
00387         target_temperature = (float)temp;
00388         lcd.cls();
00389         lcd.printf("Target temp: %d\n", temp);
00390         heat = true;
00391         if(current_temperature < target_temperature){
00392             lcd.printf("Heater ON\n");
00393         } else {
00394             lcd.printf("Heater OFF\n");
00395         }
00396         pc.printf("Setting target temperature to %d\n", temp);
00397     }
00398     message[0] = 0;
00399     message_received = false;
00401 }
00403 void play_sound(){
00404     for(int i = 0; i < 5000; i++){
00405         for(float j = 0.0; j <= 1.0; j+=0.1){
00406             speaker = j;
00407             wait(0.0001);
00409         }
00410     }
00411     //speaker = 0.0;
00412 }