CW Decoder (Morse code decoder) 1st release version. Only run on Nucleo-F446RE mbed board.

Dependencies:   Array_Matrix F446_AD_DA ST7565_SPI_LCD TextLCD UIT_FFT_Real

Fork of F446_MySoundMachine by 不韋 呂

Base on F446_MySoundMachine program created by 不韋 呂-san.
Thanks to 不韋 呂-san making fundamental part such as FFT and ADC high speed interrupt driven program.
I just combined LCD and show CW code.

--- a/SignalProcessing/ReverbUnit.hpp	Tue Jan 31 12:52:35 2017 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Reverb unit
-//  2017/01/31, Copyright (c) 2017 MIKAMI, Naoki
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "Array.hpp"
-namespace Mikami
-    // Base class for reverb unit
-    class Reverb
-    {
-    public:
-        // Constructor
-        Reverb(int delay) : DELAY_(delay), un_(delay)
-        {   
-            ptr_ = 0;
-            Clear();
-        }
-        ~Reverb() {}
-        // Execute of filter (pure virtual function)
-        virtual float Execute(float x) = 0;
-        // Clear internal delay elements
-        void Clear()
-        {   for (int n=0; n<DELAY_; n++) un_[n] = 0; }
-    protected:
-        float Get() { return un_[ptr_]; }
-        void Set(float x)
-        {
-            un_[ptr_] = x;   
-            if (++ptr_ >=  DELAY_) ptr_ = 0;
-        }
-    private:
-        const int DELAY_;
-        Array<float> un_;   // for delay
-        int ptr_;
-        // disallow copy constructor and assignment operator
-        Reverb(const Reverb&);
-        Reverb& operator=(const Reverb&);
-    };
-    // Reverb unit using comb filter
-    class CombFilter : public Reverb
-    {
-    public:
-        // Constructor
-        CombFilter(float g, int delay)
-            : Reverb(delay), G0_(g) {}
-        // Execute comb filter 
-        virtual float Execute(float x)
-        {
-            float yn = Reverb::Get();
-            Reverb::Set(x + G0_*yn);
-            return yn;
-         }
-    private:
-        const float G0_;
-    };
-    // Reverb unit using allpass filter
-    class AllPassFilter : public Reverb
-    {
-    public:
-        // Constructor
-        AllPassFilter(float g, int delay)
-            : Reverb(delay), G0_(g) {}
-        // Execute allpass filter 
-        virtual float Execute(float x)
-        {
-            float un = x + G0_*Reverb::Get();
-            float yn = -G0_*un + Reverb::Get();
-            Reverb::Set(un);
-            return yn;
-        }
-    private:
-        const float G0_;
-    };
-#endif  // REVERB_UNIT_HPP