LTC2942 interface with interrupt and battery register calculations

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LTC29421 Class Reference

LTC29421 Class Reference

LTC29421 class. More...

#include <LTC294X.h>

Public Member Functions

 LTC29421 (PinName, PinName, PinName, void(*interruptFunc)(void))
 create LTC29421 instance based on I2C, WARNING! use setPrescAndBattCap() to set Battery Capacity
 LTC29421 (PinName, PinName, PinName, void(*interruptFunc)(void), float)
 create LTC29421 instance based on I2C, this will computer internal M prescale value and set internal max charge level
void setADCMode (int)
 select an ADC measurement option for voltage / temperature
void setPrescaler (int)
 select a prescaler value (not required if object initialized with battery capacity
int getPrescaler ()
 returns prescale value in integer
void configALCC (int)
 configure the AL/CC interrupt: TODO works as Alarm only
void shutdown ()
 shutsdown the analog section of LTC2942, also used to read accumulated charge registers
void wake ()
 wakes the analog section of LTC2942
void setPrescAndBattCap (float)
 wakes the analog section of LTC2942
int accumulatedChargeReg ()
 returns the 2 Byte accumulated charge register
void accumulatedChargeReg (int)
 write into the 2 Byte accumulated charge register
float accumulatedCharge ()
 reads the accumulated charge register as a percent value computed from max battery capacity
void accumulatedCharge (float)
 writes the accumulated charge register as a percent value computed from max battery capacity use this to initialise the battery capacity if known, or set it to 50% or set it to 100% if battery capacity reaches max
void setChargeThresholdLow (float)
 set low battery capacity threshhold
void setChargeThresholdHigh (float)
 set high battery capacity threshhold
float voltage ()
 obtains battery voltage at (sense-) pin if required ADC is set
void setVoltageThresholdLow (float)
 set low battery level threshhold
void setVoltageThresholdHigh (float)
 set high battery level threshhold
float temperature ()
 obtains IC temperature, if required ADC is set
void setTemperatureThresholdLow (float)
 set IC temperature low threshold
void setTemperatureThresholdHigh (float)
 set IC temperature high threshold
void readAll ()
 reads all LTC2942 register values prints on serial terminal
int alertResponse ()
 reads the status register first uses the ARA alert response protocol for SMBus to clear AL/CC pin

Detailed Description

LTC29421 class.

interface LTC29421 coloumb counter on i2c port with interrupt, function name (and battery capacity in Ah Amp-hour).


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "LTC29421.h"

 LTC29421 ltc(PTC9, PTC8, PTA4, &interrDOWN, 0.560);
 int main() {
     float chLevel = ltc.accumulatedCharge();

Definition at line 102 of file LTC294X.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LTC29421 ( PinName  ,
PinName  ,
PinName  ,
void(*)(void)  interruptFunc 

create LTC29421 instance based on I2C, WARNING! use setPrescAndBattCap() to set Battery Capacity

pinal/cc interrupt
LTC29421 ( PinName  ,
PinName  ,
PinName  ,
void(*)(void)  interruptFunc,

create LTC29421 instance based on I2C, this will computer internal M prescale value and set internal max charge level

pinal/cc interrupt
floatbattery capacity in Ah (Amp-hour)

Member Function Documentation

float accumulatedCharge (  )

reads the accumulated charge register as a percent value computed from max battery capacity

accumulated charge read as percent

Definition at line 168 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void accumulatedCharge ( float  inp )

writes the accumulated charge register as a percent value computed from max battery capacity use this to initialise the battery capacity if known, or set it to 50% or set it to 100% if battery capacity reaches max

accumulatedcharge as percent (0-100)

Definition at line 185 of file LTC294X.cpp.

int accumulatedChargeReg (  )

returns the 2 Byte accumulated charge register

accumulated charge read as 2 byte hex value

Definition at line 158 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void accumulatedChargeReg ( int  inp )

write into the 2 Byte accumulated charge register

accumulatedcharge write as 2 byte hex value

Definition at line 174 of file LTC294X.cpp.

int alertResponse (  )

reads the status register first uses the ARA alert response protocol for SMBus to clear AL/CC pin

int resp = ic.alertResponse(); if((resp & TEMPERATURE_ALERT) == TEMPERATURE_ALERT) { }

STATUS register

Definition at line 290 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void configALCC ( int  modeSel )

configure the AL/CC interrupt: TODO works as Alarm only


Definition at line 121 of file LTC294X.cpp.

int getPrescaler (  )

returns prescale value in integer

int prescale value

Definition at line 97 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void readAll (  )

reads all LTC2942 register values prints on serial terminal


Definition at line 269 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setADCMode ( int  modeSel )

select an ADC measurement option for voltage / temperature


Definition at line 42 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setChargeThresholdHigh ( float  prect )

set high battery capacity threshhold

floatpercent remaining value(0-100)

Definition at line 200 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setChargeThresholdLow ( float  prect )

set low battery capacity threshhold

floatpercent remaining value(0-100)

Definition at line 190 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setPrescaler ( int  val )

select a prescaler value (not required if object initialized with battery capacity


Definition at line 69 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setPrescAndBattCap ( float  battcap )

wakes the analog section of LTC2942

noneamend the battery capacity, also computers prescaler M and adjusts internal Max battery capacity
batterycapacity in Ah (Amp-hour)

Definition at line 26 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setTemperatureThresholdHigh ( float  inp )

set IC temperature high threshold

temperauturein centigrade

Definition at line 260 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setTemperatureThresholdLow ( float  inp )

set IC temperature low threshold

temperauturein centigrade

Definition at line 251 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setVoltageThresholdHigh ( float  inp )

set high battery level threshhold

Voltagelevel in Volts

Definition at line 230 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void setVoltageThresholdLow ( float  inp )

set low battery level threshhold

Voltagelevel in Volts

Definition at line 221 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void shutdown (  )

shutsdown the analog section of LTC2942, also used to read accumulated charge registers


Definition at line 144 of file LTC294X.cpp.

float temperature (  )

obtains IC temperature, if required ADC is set

temperature in centigrade

Definition at line 240 of file LTC294X.cpp.

float voltage (  )

obtains battery voltage at (sense-) pin if required ADC is set

battery level in Volts

Definition at line 210 of file LTC294X.cpp.

void wake (  )

wakes the analog section of LTC2942


Definition at line 151 of file LTC294X.cpp.