Color Oled(SSD1331) connect to STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F466

Dependencies:   ssd1331



File content as of revision 0:8fdf9a60065b:

Network Socket test plan

This is a test plan for the Mbed OS Socket API. This describes all test
cases and their intended behaviors. When an API document is not clear, use
this as a reference for implementing correct behavior.

**NOTE:** Because testing is a moving target, this test plan might define more test cases than Mbed OS
implements. Refer to [test case priorities](#test-case-priorities) for a list of test cases that the target must pass to be compliant with the Mbed OS socket API.

Target API

The target for this plan is to test:

-   [Socket](
-   [UDPSocket](
-   [TCPSocket](
-   [TCPServer](

Reference documentation:

Tools to use

-   Mbed OS.
-   Standard Mbed OS development tools as described in
-   Test server.

These test cases themselves do not require any special tooling, other than
the test server described in "Test environment" chapter.

Test environment

As a general guideline, network connectivity with public Internet access
is required. This satisfies Socket tests, but specific connectivity
methods might require some extra configuration or devices within the

The test environment consist of DUTs, network connection and the test
server. Arm provides a public test server, but it can be installed locally
as well, if an isolated test environment is required.

### Public test server

Address: ``

Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are available from a public DNS service:

$ host has address has IPv6 address 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614

**Open services in the test server**

-   Echo protocol, [RFC 862]( is
    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 7.
-   Discard protocol, [RFC 863]( is
    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 9.
-   Character generator protocol, [RFC 864]( is
    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 19. Output pattern should follow
    the proposed example pattern in RFC.
-   Daytime protocol, [RFC 867]( in
    both TCP and UDP. Port 13.
-   Time protocol, [RFC 868]( in
    both TCP and UDP. Port 37.

Configure the firewall to allow this traffic to access the test server.

**Example configuration for Debian/Ubuntu Linux**

These services are available on many operating systems, and installing them is out of
scope of this document. Below is an
example of how to install these services into a Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distribution
using standard Inet Daemon:

$ sudo apt install inetutils-inetd
$ nano /etc/inetd.conf

Enable following services from /etc/inetd.conf:

#:INTERNAL: Internal services
discard     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
discard     dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
echo        stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
echo        dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
chargen     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
chargen     dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
daytime     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
time        stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal

**Testing the connectivity**

You can connect to the test server with an NMAP tool like this:

$ nmap -sT -p7,9,13,37

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2018-04-05 16:17 EEST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.065s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned): 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614
rDNS record for
7/tcp open echo
9/tcp open discard
13/tcp open daytime
37/tcp open time

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.17 seconds

$ sudo nmap -sT -p7,9,13,37

Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2018-04-05 16:16 EEST
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.068s latency).
Other addresses for (not scanned): 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614
rDNS record for
7/tcp open echo
9/tcp open discard
13/tcp open daytime
37/tcp open time

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds

### Ethernet test environment


The Ethernet test environment consists of devices, an ethernet switch and an optional
firewall that allows connecting to the Echo server.

### Wi-Fi test environment


The Wi-Fi test environment is equivalent to the Ethernet test environment, except that the
Wi-Fi test environment has two separate access points or one with dual SSID. Connectivity to
echo server is required, but it can be hosted locally, as specified in
the Ethernet environment.

Test case priorities

Please refer to the following table for priorities of test cases. Priorities
are labeled as MUST and SHOULD. MUST means this is a requirement and
therefore mandatory to pass the test. SHOULD means it is recommended to
pass the test if the driver implements the feature in question.

|     | Test case                               | Priority |
| 1   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT                 | MUST     |
| 2   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT                    | MUST     |
| 3   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_TWICE                    | MUST     |
| 4   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT             | MUST     |
| 5   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_PORT                     | SHOULD   |
| 6   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL                | SHOULD   |
| 7   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT             | SHOULD   |
| 8   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL             | SHOULD   |
| 10  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE               | SHOULD   |
| 11  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS                  | SHOULD   |
| 12  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED                 | SHOULD   |
| 13  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_INVALID                | MUST     |
| 14  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_REPEAT                 | MUST     |
| 15  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_SENDTO                   | SHOULD   |
| 16  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST                      | MUST     |
| 17  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK             | MUST     |
| 18  | UDPSOCKET_RECV_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
| 19  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT                | SHOULD   |
| 20  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT                 | MUST     |
| 21  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT                    | MUST     |
| 22  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_TWICE                    | MUST     |
| 23  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT             | MUST     |
| 24  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_PORT                     | SHOULD   |
| 25  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL                | SHOULD   |
| 26  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT             | SHOULD   |
| 27  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL             | SHOULD   |
| 29  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE               | SHOULD   |
| 30  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS                  | SHOULD   |
| 31  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED                 | SHOULD   |
| 32  | TCPSOCKET_CONNECT_INVALID               | MUST     |
| 33  | TCPSOCKET_SEND_REPEAT                   | MUST     |
| 34  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST                      | MUST     |
| 35  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK             | MUST     |
| 36  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
| 37  | TCPSOCKET_SEND_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
| 38  | TCPSOCKET_ENDPOINT_CLOSE                | MUST     |
| 39  | TCPSERVER_ACCEPT                        | SHOULD   |
| 40  | TCPSERVER_LISTEN                        | SHOULD   |
| 43  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_BURST                | MUST     |
| 45  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_BURST                | MUST     |
| 47  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_100K                     | MUST     |
| 48  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_100K_NONBLOCK            | MUST     |

Building test binaries

For testing the board and driver, test against the Mbed OS
master branch to get the most recent, up-to-date test cases and drivers.

To create a build environment:

mbed new network_test
cd network_test
cd mbed-os
git checkout master
cd ..

Also, building socket test cases requires a special macro to
enable all tests, so create an `mbed_app.json` file with the following
content at minimum:

    "config": {
        "echo-server-addr" : {
            "help" : "IP address of echo server",
            "value" : "\"\""
        "echo-server-port" : {
            "help" : "Port of echo server",
            "value" : "7"
    "macros": ["MBED_EXTENDED_TESTS"]

Wi-Fi tests require some more configuration, so for Wi-Fi purposes,
the `mbed_app.json` might look like this:

    "config": {
        "wifi-secure-ssid": {
            "help": "WiFi SSID for WPA2 secured network",
            "value": "\"test-network\""
        "wifi-unsecure-ssid": {
            "help": "WiFi SSID for unsecure netwrok",
            "value": "\"unsecure-test-net\""
        "wifi-password": {
            "help": "WiFi Password",
            "value": "\"password\""
        "wifi-secure-protocol": {
            "help": "WiFi security protocol, valid values are WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA_WPA2",
            "value": "\"WPA2\""
        "wifi-ch-secure": {
            "help": "Channel number of secure SSID",
            "value": 6
        "wifi-ch-unsecure": {
            "help": "Channel number of unsecure SSID",
            "value": 6
        "ap-mac-secure": {
            "help": "BSSID of secure AP in form of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
            "value": "\"58:8b:f3:99:f2:9c\""
        "ap-mac-unsecure": {
            "help": "BSSID of unsecure AP in form of \"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF\"",
            "value": "\"58:8b:f3:99:c2:08\""
        "max-scan-size": {
            "help": "How many networks may appear in Wifi scan result",
            "value": 30
        "echo-server-addr" : {
            "help" : "IP address of echo server",
            "value" : "\"\""
        "echo-server-port" : {
            "help" : "Port of echo server",
            "value" : "7"
    "macros": ["MBED_EXTENDED_TESTS"],
    "target_overrides": {
        "*": {
            "": "WIFI",
            "nsapi.default-wifi-ssid": "\"WIFI_SSID\"",
            "nsapi.default-wifi-password": "\"WIFI_PASSWORD\"",
            "nsapi.default-wifi-security": "WPA_WPA2"
See `mbed-os/tools/test_configs` folder for examples.

Now build test binaries:

mbed test --compile -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n mbed-os-tests-network-*,mbed-os-tests-netsocket*

Running tests

When device is connected to network, or in case of wireless device near
the access point.

mbed test -n mbed-os-tests-network-*,mbed-os-tests-netsocket*

Test cases for Socket class

These test are equal for UDPSocket and TCPSocket but are described here
because of identical API and behaviour. Socket class is abstract so it
cannot be instantiated, therefore these test cases are implemented using
both TCPSocket and UDPSocket.



Call `Socket::open()` and then destruct the socket


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call "delete" for the object
4.  Repeat 1000 times.

**Expected result:**

`Socket::open()` should always return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



 Call `Socket::open()` until it runs out of memory or other internal limit
in the stack is reached.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
    error is returned.
4.  Call "delete" for all previously allocated sockets.
5.  repeat

**Expected result:**

Should be able to reserve at least 4 sockets. After freeing all sockets,
should  be able to reserve same number of sockets.



Call `Socket::open()` twice


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
4.  delete the socket

**Expected result:**

`Socket::open()` should first return `NSAPI_ERROR_OK` and second



Call `Socket::open()` followed by `Socket::close()` and then again
`Socket::open()`. Should allow you to reuse the same object.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call `Socket::close(stack)`
4.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
5.  Call `Socket::close(stack)`
6.  delete the socket

**Expected result:**

All `Socket::open()` and `Socket::close()` calls should return



Call `Socket::bind(port)`


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
4.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



Call `Socket::bind(port)` on port number that is already used


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
4.  Repeat 1-3 for a new socket.
5.  destroy both sockets

**Expected result:**

Second `Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER



Call `Socket::bind(addr, port)`


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Get address by calling NetworkInterface::get_ip_address();
4.  Call `Socket::bind(address, <any non-used port number>);`
5.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



Call `Socket::bind(NULL, port)`


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Call `Socket::bind(NULL, <any non-used port number>);`
4.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



Call `Socket::bind(address, port)` with and address that is not assigned
to us.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Check whether device is IPv4 or IPv6 connected.
    1.  For IPv4: Call `Socket::bind("", <any non-used port number>);`
    2.  For IPv6: Call `Socket::bind("fe80::ff01", <any non-used port number>);`

4.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER



Call `Socket::bind(SocketAddress)` with and address that is not wrong type
for the connection.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Check whether device is IPv4 or IPv6 connected.
    1.  For IPv4: Create `SocketAddress("fe80::ff01", <any non-used port number>);`
    2.  For IPv6: Create `SocketAddress("", <any non-used port number>);`

4.  Call `Socket::bind(address);`
5.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER



Call `Socket::bind(SocketAddress)`


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
3.  Get address by calling NetworkInterface::get_ip_address();
4.  Create a SocketAddress object using this address and any non-used
    port number.
5.  Call `Socket::bind(address);`
6.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**

All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



Call `Socket::bind()` on socket that has not been opened


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
2.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
3.  destroy socket

**Expected result:**


Test cases for UDPSocket class


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_TWICE for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_INVALID for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS for UDPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED for UDPSocket



Call `UDPSocket::sendto()` with invalid parameters.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( NULL, 9, NULL, 0);`
2.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( "", 9, NULL, 0);`
3.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( "", 0, NULL, 0);`
4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto(NULL, 9, "hello", 5);`
5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto(NULL, 0, "hello", 5);`
6.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9,NULL, 0);`
7.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9, "hello", 5);`
8.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return some error code except:

-   step 6 should return 5
-   step 7 should return 0
-   step 8 should return 5



Repeatedly send small packets.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9, "hello", 5);`
2.  repeat 100 times
3.  Fail if `NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY` is returned two times in a row,
    wait 1 second before retry
4.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return 5.



 Bind the socket to specific port before sending. Verify from DUT2 that
packet was coming from correct port.

Requires two devices with LAN connectivity (Eth, WiFi or mesh). For
Cellular or WAN connectivity, skip this test.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  DUT1&2: Call `UDPSocket::bind(<unuser port number>);`
2.  DUT2: Get devices IP address
3.  DUT1: Call `UDPSocket::sendto( dut2, port, "hello", 5);`
4.  DUT2: Call `UDPSocket::recvfrom();`
5.  destroy the sockets

**Expected result:**

`UDPSocket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.

`UDPSocket::sendto()` call should return 5.

`UDPSocket::recvfrom()` should return 5 and port number should match the
one used in bind() call. Data should contain "hello"



Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
Verify working of different packet sizes.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
2.  Wait for incomming packet. If timeout happens, retry
    sending&receiving, max 3 times.
3.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
4.  Repeat 1200 times
5.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return the packet size. All recvfrom() calls
should return the same sized packet that was send with same content.
Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%



Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
Verify working of different packet sizes. Use socket in non-blocking


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
2.  Register event handler with `UDPSocket::sigio()`
3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
    handler, when received try `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
5.  Wait for incomming packet for one second. If nothing received retry,
    max 3 times.
6.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
7.  Repeat 1200 times
8.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return the packet size. All recvfrom() calls
should return the same sized packet that was send with same content or

Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%



Test whether timeouts are obeyed in UDPSockets.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_timeout(100)`
2.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
3.  Repeat 5 times
    1.  record a time in millisecond precission
    2.  Call `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
    3.  record a time in millisecond precission

4.  repeat testcase 10 times.

**Expected result:**

Each `sendto()` calls should return 100.

Within each loop, one `recvfrom()` may return the received packet size
(100). Other calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK.

When NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is received, check that time consumed is
more that 100 milliseconds but less than 200 milliseconds.

After repeating for 10 times, at least 5 packets must have been



Test whether timeouts are obeyed in UDPSockets.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Record time
2.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 9, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
3.  Record time
4.  Call `UDPSocket::set_timeout(1000)`
5.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 9, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
6.  Record time

**Expected result:**

Each sendto() call should return 100.

All sendto() calls should return faster than 100 milliseconds because
UDP sending should not block that long.

Test cases for TCPSocket class


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_TWICE for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_INVALID for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS for TCPSocket


**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED for TCPSocket



Call `TCPSocket::connect()` with invalid parameters.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( NULL, 9);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 9);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 0);`
4.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 9);`
5.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All connect() calls should return some error code except the number 5
should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.



Repeatedly send small packets.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 9);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::send("hello", 5);`
3.  repeat 1000 times
4.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

`TCPSocket::connect()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK

All send() calls should return 5.



Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
Verify working of different packet sizes.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = loop index>, <size>);`
    1.  If less than <loop index> was returned, size = sent bytes

3.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, <size>);`
4.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
5.  Repeat 1200 times
6.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All send() calls should return the packet size or less. All recv() calls
should return the same sized packet that was send with same content.

NOTE: This is stream so recv() might return less data than what was
requested. In this case you need to keep calling recv() until all data
that you have sent is returned.



Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
Verify working of different packet sizes. Use socket in non-blocking


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
3.  Register event handler with `TCPSocket::sigio()`
4.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from `sigio()`
    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv(buf+index, <loop index> - index)`, where index is the amount of data
    already received.
5.  Call `TCPSocket:send(<random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
    1.  If less than <loop index> was returned, try immeadiately
        sending remaining bytes.
    2.  If NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned, wait for sigio() call
        to happen.

6.  Wait for incomming packet for one second.
7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent, set index for
    receiving thread to zero.
8.  Repeat 1200 times
9.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All send() calls should return the packet size or less. All recv() calls
should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK or packet size that is equal or
less than what has been sent.



Test whether timeouts are obeyed in TCPSockets.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_timeout(100);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 100>;, 100);`
4.  Repeat 5 times
    1.  record a time in millisecond precission
    2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv()`
    3.  record a time in millisecond precission

5.  repeat testcase 10 times.

**Expected result:**

Each send() call should return 100.

Within each loop, one recv() may return the received packet size (100).
Other calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK.

When NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is received, check that time consumed is
more that 100 milliseconds but less than 200 milliseconds.



Repeatedly send small packets in a given time limit


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket:connect("", 9);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket:set_blocking(false);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket:send("hello", 5);`
4.  repeat 10 times
5.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

`TCPSocket::connect()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK

All send() calls should return in less than 800 milliseconds



Test whether we tolerate endpoint closing the connection.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 13);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(<buffer>, 30);`
3.  Repeat until recv() returns 0
4.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
5.  delete socket

**Expected result:**
Connect should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.

First recv() should return more that zero. Something between 10 and 30
bytes (datetime string)

Second recv() should return zero because endpoint closed the connection.
(EOF). close() should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



Test we are able to request setting valid TCP keepalive values


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive, [0,1 or 7200]);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 9);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive);`


1.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
2.  delete socket

**Expected result:**

`TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive)` returns same value as was set with
`TCPSocket::setsockopt()` or NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED



Test we are able to detect if an invalid TCP keepalive value is tried to
be set


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive, [-1 or 7201]);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive);`


1.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
2.  delete socket

**Expected result:**

`TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive)` returns error code or

`TCPSocket::getsockopt()` returns 0 or NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED

Test cases for TCPServer class

These tests require two devices under test and connectivity between
them. Therefore they can only be ran with LAN connectivity (Eth, Wifi or
Mesh) or if there is no firewall between devices.



 Test that `TCPServer::bind()`, `TCPServer::listen()`
and `TCPServer::accept()` works.

Requires 2 devices.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  DUT1: `TCPServer::bind(<port>)`
2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::listen()`
3.  DUT1: Create a new `TCPSocket`
4.  DUT1: `TCPServer::accept()`
5.  DUT2: Create a new `TCPSocket`
6.  DUT2: `TCPSocket::connect(<dut1>, <port>)`
7.  DUT1: should receive new socket from accept(),
    call `TCPSocket::send("hello",5)` for it
8.  DUT2: call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 5)`
9.  DUT2: Verify that it received "hello"
10. destroy all sockets.

**Expected result:**

On DUT1 accept() call blocks until connection is received. Other calls
should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK

On DUT2 all calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK



 Test that `TCPServer::listen()` has the backlog functionality.

Requires 2 devices.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  DUT1: `TCPServer::bind(<port>)`
2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::listen(2)`
3.  loop 2 times:
    1.  DUT2: Create a new TCPSocket
    2.  DUT2: `TCPSocket::connect(<dut1>, <port>)`

4.  loop 2 times:
    1.  DUT1: Create a new TCPSocket
    2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::accept()`
    3.  DUT1: should receive new socket from accept(),
        call `TCPSocket::send("hello",5)` for it

5.  DUT2: call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 5)` for both socket.
6.  DUT2: Verify that it received "hello"
7.  destroy all sockets.

**Expected result:**

DUT2 should receive connection before the server have called accept(),
because backlog must be minimum of 2.



 Call `TCPServer::listen()` without calling bind() first. Should fail,
because no listening port have been defined.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create TCPServer
2.  Call `TCPServer::listen()`

**Expected result:**




 Call `TCPServer::accept()` without calling listen() first. Should fail,
because socket is not listening for connections.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up

**Test steps:**

1.  Create TCPServer
2.  Call `TCPServer::bind(<unused port number>)`
3.  Create new TCPSocket.
4.  Call `TCPServer::accept()`

**Expected result:**


Performance tests



Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
2.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
3.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
6.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow
    packet reordering.
8.  Repeat 100 times
9.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return the packet size.

All recvfrom() calls should return the same sized packet that was send
with same content. Allow packet reordering.

Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%

Calculate number of succesfull rounds, it should be higher than 70



Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back. Use
socket in non-blocking mode


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  UDPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
2.  Register event handler with `UDPSocket::sigio()`
3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
    handler, when received try `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
6.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
7.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
8.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
9.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
10. Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow
    packet reordering.
11. Repeat 100 times
12. destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All sendto() calls should return the packet size.

All recvfrom() calls should return the same sized packet that was send
with same content. Allow packet reordering.

Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%

Calculate number of succesfull rounds, it should be higher than 70



Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
4.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
5.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
6.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
7.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buf, 1220)`
8.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent.
9.  Repeat 100 times
10. destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All send() calls should return the packet size.

NOTE: This is stream so recv() might return less data than what was
requested. In this case you need to keep calling recv() with remaining
size until all data that you have sent is returned.

Consecutive calls to recv() should return all the data that has been
send. Total amount of returned must match 1220.



Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back. Use
socket in non-blocking mode


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Register event handler with `TCPSocket::sigio()`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
3.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
4.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv()`
5.  For randomly generated packets, sized 100, 200, 300, 120 and 500 do
    1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
    2.  If less than size is sent, repeat with remaining.
    3.  If NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK returned, wait for next sigio()

6.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow recv() to
    return smaller piezes.
8.  Repeat 100 times
9.  destroy the socket

**Expected result:**

All send() calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK or size which
is equal or less than requested.

All recv() calls should return value that is less or equal to what have
been sent. With consecutive calls, size should match.

When recv() returns NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK wait for next sigio()
event. No other error codes allowed.



Download 100kB of data


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 19);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 100);`
3.  Verify input according to known pattern.
4.  Loop until 100kB of data received.
5.  close socket.

**Expected result:**

Each recv() call should return equal or less than 100 bytes of data. No
errors should be returned.

Measure time taken for receiving, report speed



Download 100kB of data


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  TCPSocket is open

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 19);`
2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv()`
    1.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 100);`
    2.  Verify input according to known pattern.

4.  Wait until 100kB of data received.
5.  close socket.

**Expected result:**

Each recv() call should return equal or less than 100 bytes of data or
NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK in which case thread should wait for another
sigio(). No errors should be returned.

Measure time taken for receiving, report speed



Run two threads which both exercise the underlying stack and driver
through a dedicated socket


1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
2.  Network connection is up
3.  2 TCPSockets are open and one additional thread has been created
4.  Both threads get their own socket instance

**Test steps:**

1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7)`
    in both threads - in the main thread executing the test case and on
    the additional one;
2.  On main thread
    1.  For randomly generated packets, sized 1001, 901, 801,...,101,1
        1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
        2.  Verify incoming content was the same that was sent.
            Allow recv() to return smaller piezes.

3.  Simultaneously with the earlier step do on the additional thread
    1.  For randomly generated packets, sized 10 do
        1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
        2.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent.
            Allow recv() to return smaller piezes.
        3.  stop the thread if inconsistensies were found and report it
            to main thread

4.  Kill the additional thread
5.  Close and destroy the sockets

**Expected result:**

Echo server returns data to both threads and received data matches to
send data. The additional thread isn't stopped prematurely

Subset for driver test

### For physical layer driver (emac, PPP):


### For socket layer driver (AT-driven, external IP stack):

All Socket, UDPSocket, TCPSocket and TCPServer testcases.