Color Oled(SSD1331) connect to STMicroelectronics Nucleo-F466

Dependencies:   ssd1331

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-os/TESTS/netsocket/	Wed Oct 10 00:33:53 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1672 @@
+Network Socket test plan
+This is a test plan for the Mbed OS Socket API. This describes all test
+cases and their intended behaviors. When an API document is not clear, use
+this as a reference for implementing correct behavior.
+**NOTE:** Because testing is a moving target, this test plan might define more test cases than Mbed OS
+implements. Refer to [test case priorities](#test-case-priorities) for a list of test cases that the target must pass to be compliant with the Mbed OS socket API.
+Target API
+The target for this plan is to test:
+-   [Socket](
+-   [UDPSocket](
+-   [TCPSocket](
+-   [TCPServer](
+Reference documentation:
+Tools to use
+-   Mbed OS.
+-   Standard Mbed OS development tools as described in
+-   Test server.
+These test cases themselves do not require any special tooling, other than
+the test server described in "Test environment" chapter.
+Test environment
+As a general guideline, network connectivity with public Internet access
+is required. This satisfies Socket tests, but specific connectivity
+methods might require some extra configuration or devices within the
+The test environment consist of DUTs, network connection and the test
+server. Arm provides a public test server, but it can be installed locally
+as well, if an isolated test environment is required.
+### Public test server
+Address: ``
+Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are available from a public DNS service:
+$ host has address has IPv6 address 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614
+**Open services in the test server**
+-   Echo protocol, [RFC 862]( is
+    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 7.
+-   Discard protocol, [RFC 863]( is
+    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 9.
+-   Character generator protocol, [RFC 864]( is
+    enabled in both TCP and UDP. Port 19. Output pattern should follow
+    the proposed example pattern in RFC.
+-   Daytime protocol, [RFC 867]( in
+    both TCP and UDP. Port 13.
+-   Time protocol, [RFC 868]( in
+    both TCP and UDP. Port 37.
+Configure the firewall to allow this traffic to access the test server.
+**Example configuration for Debian/Ubuntu Linux**
+These services are available on many operating systems, and installing them is out of
+scope of this document. Below is an
+example of how to install these services into a Debian/Ubuntu based Linux distribution
+using standard Inet Daemon:
+$ sudo apt install inetutils-inetd
+$ nano /etc/inetd.conf
+Enable following services from /etc/inetd.conf:
+#:INTERNAL: Internal services
+discard     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
+discard     dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
+echo        stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
+echo        dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
+chargen     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
+chargen     dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
+daytime     stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
+time        stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
+**Testing the connectivity**
+You can connect to the test server with an NMAP tool like this:
+$ nmap -sT -p7,9,13,37
+Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2018-04-05 16:17 EEST
+Nmap scan report for (
+Host is up (0.065s latency).
+Other addresses for (not scanned): 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614
+rDNS record for
+7/tcp open echo
+9/tcp open discard
+13/tcp open daytime
+37/tcp open time
+Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.17 seconds
+$ sudo nmap -sT -p7,9,13,37
+Starting Nmap 7.12 ( ) at 2018-04-05 16:16 EEST
+Nmap scan report for (
+Host is up (0.068s latency).
+Other addresses for (not scanned): 2a05:d018:21f:3800:8584:60f8:bc9f:e614
+rDNS record for
+7/tcp open echo
+9/tcp open discard
+13/tcp open daytime
+37/tcp open time
+Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds
+### Ethernet test environment
+The Ethernet test environment consists of devices, an ethernet switch and an optional
+firewall that allows connecting to the Echo server.
+### Wi-Fi test environment
+The Wi-Fi test environment is equivalent to the Ethernet test environment, except that the
+Wi-Fi test environment has two separate access points or one with dual SSID. Connectivity to
+echo server is required, but it can be hosted locally, as specified in
+the Ethernet environment.
+Test case priorities
+Please refer to the following table for priorities of test cases. Priorities
+are labeled as MUST and SHOULD. MUST means this is a requirement and
+therefore mandatory to pass the test. SHOULD means it is recommended to
+pass the test if the driver implements the feature in question.
+|     | Test case                               | Priority |
+| 1   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT                 | MUST     |
+| 2   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT                    | MUST     |
+| 3   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_TWICE                    | MUST     |
+| 4   | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT             | MUST     |
+| 5   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_PORT                     | SHOULD   |
+| 6   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL                | SHOULD   |
+| 7   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT             | SHOULD   |
+| 8   | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL             | SHOULD   |
+| 10  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE               | SHOULD   |
+| 11  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS                  | SHOULD   |
+| 12  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED                 | SHOULD   |
+| 13  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_INVALID                | MUST     |
+| 14  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_REPEAT                 | MUST     |
+| 15  | UDPSOCKET_BIND_SENDTO                   | SHOULD   |
+| 16  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST                      | MUST     |
+| 17  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK             | MUST     |
+| 18  | UDPSOCKET_RECV_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
+| 19  | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT                | SHOULD   |
+| 20  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT                 | MUST     |
+| 21  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT                    | MUST     |
+| 22  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_TWICE                    | MUST     |
+| 23  | TCPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT             | MUST     |
+| 24  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_PORT                     | SHOULD   |
+| 25  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL                | SHOULD   |
+| 26  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT             | SHOULD   |
+| 27  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL             | SHOULD   |
+| 29  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE               | SHOULD   |
+| 30  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS                  | SHOULD   |
+| 31  | TCPSOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED                 | SHOULD   |
+| 32  | TCPSOCKET_CONNECT_INVALID               | MUST     |
+| 33  | TCPSOCKET_SEND_REPEAT                   | MUST     |
+| 34  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST                      | MUST     |
+| 35  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK             | MUST     |
+| 36  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
+| 37  | TCPSOCKET_SEND_TIMEOUT                  | SHOULD   |
+| 38  | TCPSOCKET_ENDPOINT_CLOSE                | MUST     |
+| 39  | TCPSERVER_ACCEPT                        | SHOULD   |
+| 40  | TCPSERVER_LISTEN                        | SHOULD   |
+| 43  | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_BURST                | MUST     |
+| 45  | TCPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_BURST                | MUST     |
+| 47  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_100K                     | MUST     |
+| 48  | TCPSOCKET_RECV_100K_NONBLOCK            | MUST     |
+Building test binaries
+For testing the board and driver, test against the Mbed OS
+master branch to get the most recent, up-to-date test cases and drivers.
+To create a build environment:
+mbed new network_test
+cd network_test
+cd mbed-os
+git checkout master
+cd ..
+Also, building socket test cases requires a special macro to
+enable all tests, so create an `mbed_app.json` file with the following
+content at minimum:
+    "config": {
+        "echo-server-addr" : {
+            "help" : "IP address of echo server",
+            "value" : "\"\""
+        },
+        "echo-server-port" : {
+            "help" : "Port of echo server",
+            "value" : "7"
+        }
+    },
+    "macros": ["MBED_EXTENDED_TESTS"]
+Wi-Fi tests require some more configuration, so for Wi-Fi purposes,
+the `mbed_app.json` might look like this:
+    "config": {
+        "wifi-secure-ssid": {
+            "help": "WiFi SSID for WPA2 secured network",
+            "value": "\"test-network\""
+        },
+        "wifi-unsecure-ssid": {
+            "help": "WiFi SSID for unsecure netwrok",
+            "value": "\"unsecure-test-net\""
+        },
+        "wifi-password": {
+            "help": "WiFi Password",
+            "value": "\"password\""
+        },
+        "wifi-secure-protocol": {
+            "help": "WiFi security protocol, valid values are WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA_WPA2",
+            "value": "\"WPA2\""
+        },
+        "wifi-ch-secure": {
+            "help": "Channel number of secure SSID",
+            "value": 6
+        },
+        "wifi-ch-unsecure": {
+            "help": "Channel number of unsecure SSID",
+            "value": 6
+        },
+        "ap-mac-secure": {
+            "help": "BSSID of secure AP in form of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
+            "value": "\"58:8b:f3:99:f2:9c\""
+        },
+        "ap-mac-unsecure": {
+            "help": "BSSID of unsecure AP in form of \"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF\"",
+            "value": "\"58:8b:f3:99:c2:08\""
+        },
+        "max-scan-size": {
+            "help": "How many networks may appear in Wifi scan result",
+            "value": 30
+        },
+        "echo-server-addr" : {
+            "help" : "IP address of echo server",
+            "value" : "\"\""
+        },
+        "echo-server-port" : {
+            "help" : "Port of echo server",
+            "value" : "7"
+        }
+    },
+    "macros": ["MBED_EXTENDED_TESTS"],
+    "target_overrides": {
+        "*": {
+            "": "WIFI",
+            "nsapi.default-wifi-ssid": "\"WIFI_SSID\"",
+            "nsapi.default-wifi-password": "\"WIFI_PASSWORD\"",
+            "nsapi.default-wifi-security": "WPA_WPA2"
+        }
+    }
+See `mbed-os/tools/test_configs` folder for examples.
+Now build test binaries:
+mbed test --compile -t <toolchain> -m <target> -n mbed-os-tests-network-*,mbed-os-tests-netsocket*
+Running tests
+When device is connected to network, or in case of wireless device near
+the access point.
+mbed test -n mbed-os-tests-network-*,mbed-os-tests-netsocket*
+Test cases for Socket class
+These test are equal for UDPSocket and TCPSocket but are described here
+because of identical API and behaviour. Socket class is abstract so it
+cannot be instantiated, therefore these test cases are implemented using
+both TCPSocket and UDPSocket.
+Call `Socket::open()` and then destruct the socket
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call "delete" for the object
+4.  Repeat 1000 times.
+**Expected result:**
+`Socket::open()` should always return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+ Call `Socket::open()` until it runs out of memory or other internal limit
+in the stack is reached.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+    error is returned.
+4.  Call "delete" for all previously allocated sockets.
+5.  repeat
+**Expected result:**
+Should be able to reserve at least 4 sockets. After freeing all sockets,
+should  be able to reserve same number of sockets.
+Call `Socket::open()` twice
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+4.  delete the socket
+**Expected result:**
+`Socket::open()` should first return `NSAPI_ERROR_OK` and second
+Call `Socket::open()` followed by `Socket::close()` and then again
+`Socket::open()`. Should allow you to reuse the same object.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call `Socket::close(stack)`
+4.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+5.  Call `Socket::close(stack)`
+6.  delete the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All `Socket::open()` and `Socket::close()` calls should return
+Call `Socket::bind(port)`
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
+4.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+Call `Socket::bind(port)` on port number that is already used
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
+4.  Repeat 1-3 for a new socket.
+5.  destroy both sockets
+**Expected result:**
+Second `Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER
+Call `Socket::bind(addr, port)`
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Get address by calling NetworkInterface::get_ip_address();
+4.  Call `Socket::bind(address, <any non-used port number>);`
+5.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+Call `Socket::bind(NULL, port)`
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Call `Socket::bind(NULL, <any non-used port number>);`
+4.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+Call `Socket::bind(address, port)` with and address that is not assigned
+to us.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Check whether device is IPv4 or IPv6 connected.
+    1.  For IPv4: Call `Socket::bind("", <any non-used port number>);`
+    2.  For IPv6: Call `Socket::bind("fe80::ff01", <any non-used port number>);`
+4.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER
+Call `Socket::bind(SocketAddress)` with and address that is not wrong type
+for the connection.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Check whether device is IPv4 or IPv6 connected.
+    1.  For IPv4: Create `SocketAddress("fe80::ff01", <any non-used port number>);`
+    2.  For IPv6: Create `SocketAddress("", <any non-used port number>);`
+4.  Call `Socket::bind(address);`
+5.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+`Socket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_PARAMETER
+Call `Socket::bind(SocketAddress)`
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::open(stack)`
+3.  Get address by calling NetworkInterface::get_ip_address();
+4.  Create a SocketAddress object using this address and any non-used
+    port number.
+5.  Call `Socket::bind(address);`
+6.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+All calls return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+Call `Socket::bind()` on socket that has not been opened
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create a object by calling `new Socket()`
+2.  Call `Socket::bind(<any non-used port number>);`
+3.  destroy socket
+**Expected result:**
+Test cases for UDPSocket class
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_TWICE for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_INVALID for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS for UDPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED for UDPSocket
+Call `UDPSocket::sendto()` with invalid parameters.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( NULL, 9, NULL, 0);`
+2.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( "", 9, NULL, 0);`
+3.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto( "", 0, NULL, 0);`
+4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto(NULL, 9, "hello", 5);`
+5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto(NULL, 0, "hello", 5);`
+6.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9,NULL, 0);`
+7.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9, "hello", 5);`
+8.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return some error code except:
+-   step 6 should return 5
+-   step 7 should return 0
+-   step 8 should return 5
+Repeatedly send small packets.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 9, "hello", 5);`
+2.  repeat 100 times
+3.  Fail if `NSAPI_ERROR_NO_MEMORY` is returned two times in a row,
+    wait 1 second before retry
+4.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return 5.
+ Bind the socket to specific port before sending. Verify from DUT2 that
+packet was coming from correct port.
+Requires two devices with LAN connectivity (Eth, WiFi or mesh). For
+Cellular or WAN connectivity, skip this test.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  DUT1&2: Call `UDPSocket::bind(<unuser port number>);`
+2.  DUT2: Get devices IP address
+3.  DUT1: Call `UDPSocket::sendto( dut2, port, "hello", 5);`
+4.  DUT2: Call `UDPSocket::recvfrom();`
+5.  destroy the sockets
+**Expected result:**
+`UDPSocket::bind()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.
+`UDPSocket::sendto()` call should return 5.
+`UDPSocket::recvfrom()` should return 5 and port number should match the
+one used in bind() call. Data should contain "hello"
+Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+Verify working of different packet sizes.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
+2.  Wait for incomming packet. If timeout happens, retry
+    sending&receiving, max 3 times.
+3.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
+4.  Repeat 1200 times
+5.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return the packet size. All recvfrom() calls
+should return the same sized packet that was send with same content.
+Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%
+Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+Verify working of different packet sizes. Use socket in non-blocking
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
+2.  Register event handler with `UDPSocket::sigio()`
+3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
+    handler, when received try `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
+4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
+5.  Wait for incomming packet for one second. If nothing received retry,
+    max 3 times.
+6.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
+7.  Repeat 1200 times
+8.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return the packet size. All recvfrom() calls
+should return the same sized packet that was send with same content or
+Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%
+Test whether timeouts are obeyed in UDPSockets.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_timeout(100)`
+2.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+3.  Repeat 5 times
+    1.  record a time in millisecond precission
+    2.  Call `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
+    3.  record a time in millisecond precission
+4.  repeat testcase 10 times.
+**Expected result:**
+Each `sendto()` calls should return 100.
+Within each loop, one `recvfrom()` may return the received packet size
+(100). Other calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK.
+When NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is received, check that time consumed is
+more that 100 milliseconds but less than 200 milliseconds.
+After repeating for 10 times, at least 5 packets must have been
+Test whether timeouts are obeyed in UDPSockets.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Record time
+2.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 9, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+3.  Record time
+4.  Call `UDPSocket::set_timeout(1000)`
+5.  Call `UDPSocket::sendto("", 9, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+6.  Record time
+**Expected result:**
+Each sendto() call should return 100.
+All sendto() calls should return faster than 100 milliseconds because
+UDP sending should not block that long.
+Test cases for TCPSocket class
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_DESTRUCT for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_TWICE for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_PORT_FAIL for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_PORT for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_NULL for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS_INVALID for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_WRONG_TYPE for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_ADDRESS for TCPSocket
+**Description:** Run SOCKET_BIND_UNOPENED for TCPSocket
+Call `TCPSocket::connect()` with invalid parameters.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( NULL, 9);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 9);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 0);`
+4.  Call `TCPSocket:connect( "", 9);`
+5.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All connect() calls should return some error code except the number 5
+should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.
+Repeatedly send small packets.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 9);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::send("hello", 5);`
+3.  repeat 1000 times
+4.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+`TCPSocket::connect()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+All send() calls should return 5.
+Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+Verify working of different packet sizes.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = loop index>, <size>);`
+    1.  If less than <loop index> was returned, size = sent bytes
+3.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, <size>);`
+4.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent
+5.  Repeat 1200 times
+6.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All send() calls should return the packet size or less. All recv() calls
+should return the same sized packet that was send with same content.
+NOTE: This is stream so recv() might return less data than what was
+requested. In this case you need to keep calling recv() until all data
+that you have sent is returned.
+Repeatedly send packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+Verify working of different packet sizes. Use socket in non-blocking
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
+3.  Register event handler with `TCPSocket::sigio()`
+4.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from `sigio()`
+    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv(buf+index, <loop index> - index)`, where index is the amount of data
+    already received.
+5.  Call `TCPSocket:send(<random packet, size = loop index>, <loop index>);`
+    1.  If less than <loop index> was returned, try immeadiately
+        sending remaining bytes.
+    2.  If NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned, wait for sigio() call
+        to happen.
+6.  Wait for incomming packet for one second.
+7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent, set index for
+    receiving thread to zero.
+8.  Repeat 1200 times
+9.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All send() calls should return the packet size or less. All recv() calls
+should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK or packet size that is equal or
+less than what has been sent.
+Test whether timeouts are obeyed in TCPSockets.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_timeout(100);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 100>;, 100);`
+4.  Repeat 5 times
+    1.  record a time in millisecond precission
+    2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv()`
+    3.  record a time in millisecond precission
+5.  repeat testcase 10 times.
+**Expected result:**
+Each send() call should return 100.
+Within each loop, one recv() may return the received packet size (100).
+Other calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK.
+When NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is received, check that time consumed is
+more that 100 milliseconds but less than 200 milliseconds.
+Repeatedly send small packets in a given time limit
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket:connect("", 9);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket:set_blocking(false);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket:send("hello", 5);`
+4.  repeat 10 times
+5.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+`TCPSocket::connect()` should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+All send() calls should return in less than 800 milliseconds
+Test whether we tolerate endpoint closing the connection.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 13);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(<buffer>, 30);`
+3.  Repeat until recv() returns 0
+4.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
+5.  delete socket
+**Expected result:**
+Connect should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK.
+First recv() should return more that zero. Something between 10 and 30
+bytes (datetime string)
+Second recv() should return zero because endpoint closed the connection.
+(EOF). close() should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+Test we are able to request setting valid TCP keepalive values
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive, [0,1 or 7200]);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 9);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive);`
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
+2.  delete socket
+**Expected result:**
+`TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive)` returns same value as was set with
+`TCPSocket::setsockopt()` or NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED
+Test we are able to detect if an invalid TCP keepalive value is tried to
+be set
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive, [-1 or 7201]);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::getsockopt(keepalive);`
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::close();`
+2.  delete socket
+**Expected result:**
+`TCPSocket::setsockopt(keepalive)` returns error code or
+`TCPSocket::getsockopt()` returns 0 or NSAPI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED
+Test cases for TCPServer class
+These tests require two devices under test and connectivity between
+them. Therefore they can only be ran with LAN connectivity (Eth, Wifi or
+Mesh) or if there is no firewall between devices.
+ Test that `TCPServer::bind()`, `TCPServer::listen()`
+and `TCPServer::accept()` works.
+Requires 2 devices.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  DUT1: `TCPServer::bind(<port>)`
+2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::listen()`
+3.  DUT1: Create a new `TCPSocket`
+4.  DUT1: `TCPServer::accept()`
+5.  DUT2: Create a new `TCPSocket`
+6.  DUT2: `TCPSocket::connect(<dut1>, <port>)`
+7.  DUT1: should receive new socket from accept(),
+    call `TCPSocket::send("hello",5)` for it
+8.  DUT2: call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 5)`
+9.  DUT2: Verify that it received "hello"
+10. destroy all sockets.
+**Expected result:**
+On DUT1 accept() call blocks until connection is received. Other calls
+should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+On DUT2 all calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_OK
+ Test that `TCPServer::listen()` has the backlog functionality.
+Requires 2 devices.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  DUT1: `TCPServer::bind(<port>)`
+2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::listen(2)`
+3.  loop 2 times:
+    1.  DUT2: Create a new TCPSocket
+    2.  DUT2: `TCPSocket::connect(<dut1>, <port>)`
+4.  loop 2 times:
+    1.  DUT1: Create a new TCPSocket
+    2.  DUT1: `TCPServer::accept()`
+    3.  DUT1: should receive new socket from accept(),
+        call `TCPSocket::send("hello",5)` for it
+5.  DUT2: call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 5)` for both socket.
+6.  DUT2: Verify that it received "hello"
+7.  destroy all sockets.
+**Expected result:**
+DUT2 should receive connection before the server have called accept(),
+because backlog must be minimum of 2.
+ Call `TCPServer::listen()` without calling bind() first. Should fail,
+because no listening port have been defined.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create TCPServer
+2.  Call `TCPServer::listen()`
+**Expected result:**
+ Call `TCPServer::accept()` without calling listen() first. Should fail,
+because socket is not listening for connections.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Create TCPServer
+2.  Call `TCPServer::bind(<unused port number>)`
+3.  Create new TCPSocket.
+4.  Call `TCPServer::accept()`
+**Expected result:**
+Performance tests
+Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+2.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
+3.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
+4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
+5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
+6.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
+7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow
+    packet reordering.
+8.  Repeat 100 times
+9.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return the packet size.
+All recvfrom() calls should return the same sized packet that was send
+with same content. Allow packet reordering.
+Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%
+Calculate number of succesfull rounds, it should be higher than 70
+Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back. Use
+socket in non-blocking mode
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  UDPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `UDPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
+2.  Register event handler with `UDPSocket::sigio()`
+3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
+    handler, when received try `UDPSocket::recvfrom()`
+4.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+5.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
+6.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
+7.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
+8.  Call `UDPSocket:sendto("", 7, <random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
+9.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
+10. Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow
+    packet reordering.
+11. Repeat 100 times
+12. destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All sendto() calls should return the packet size.
+All recvfrom() calls should return the same sized packet that was send
+with same content. Allow packet reordering.
+Calculate packet loss rate, maximum tolerated packet loss rate is 30%
+Calculate number of succesfull rounds, it should be higher than 70
+Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back.
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 100>, 100);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 200>, 200);`
+4.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 300>, 300);`
+5.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 120>, 120);`
+6.  Call `TCPSocket::send(<random packet, size = 500>, 500);`
+7.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buf, 1220)`
+8.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent.
+9.  Repeat 100 times
+10. destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All send() calls should return the packet size.
+NOTE: This is stream so recv() might return less data than what was
+requested. In this case you need to keep calling recv() with remaining
+size until all data that you have sent is returned.
+Consecutive calls to recv() should return all the data that has been
+send. Total amount of returned must match 1220.
+Send burst of packets to echo server and read incoming packets back. Use
+socket in non-blocking mode
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Register event handler with `TCPSocket::sigio()`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7);`
+3.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
+4.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
+    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv()`
+5.  For randomly generated packets, sized 100, 200, 300, 120 and 500 do
+    1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
+    2.  If less than size is sent, repeat with remaining.
+    3.  If NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK returned, wait for next sigio()
+6.  Wait for incomming packets for five second.
+7.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent. Allow recv() to
+    return smaller piezes.
+8.  Repeat 100 times
+9.  destroy the socket
+**Expected result:**
+All send() calls should return NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK or size which
+is equal or less than requested.
+All recv() calls should return value that is less or equal to what have
+been sent. With consecutive calls, size should match.
+When recv() returns NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK wait for next sigio()
+event. No other error codes allowed.
+Download 100kB of data
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 19);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 100);`
+3.  Verify input according to known pattern.
+4.  Loop until 100kB of data received.
+5.  close socket.
+**Expected result:**
+Each recv() call should return equal or less than 100 bytes of data. No
+errors should be returned.
+Measure time taken for receiving, report speed
+Download 100kB of data
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  TCPSocket is open
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 19);`
+2.  Call `TCPSocket::set_blocking(false)`
+3.  Create another thread that constantly waits signal from sigio()
+    handler, when received try `TCPSocket::recv()`
+    1.  Call `TCPSocket::recv(buffer, 100);`
+    2.  Verify input according to known pattern.
+4.  Wait until 100kB of data received.
+5.  close socket.
+**Expected result:**
+Each recv() call should return equal or less than 100 bytes of data or
+NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK in which case thread should wait for another
+sigio(). No errors should be returned.
+Measure time taken for receiving, report speed
+Run two threads which both exercise the underlying stack and driver
+through a dedicated socket
+1.  Network interface and stack are initialised
+2.  Network connection is up
+3.  2 TCPSockets are open and one additional thread has been created
+4.  Both threads get their own socket instance
+**Test steps:**
+1.  Call `TCPSocket::connect("", 7)`
+    in both threads - in the main thread executing the test case and on
+    the additional one;
+2.  On main thread
+    1.  For randomly generated packets, sized 1001, 901, 801,...,101,1
+        do
+        1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
+        2.  Verify incoming content was the same that was sent.
+            Allow recv() to return smaller piezes.
+3.  Simultaneously with the earlier step do on the additional thread
+    1.  For randomly generated packets, sized 10 do
+        1.  Call `TCPSocket::send(packet, size);`
+        2.  Verify incomming content was the same that was sent.
+            Allow recv() to return smaller piezes.
+        3.  stop the thread if inconsistensies were found and report it
+            to main thread
+4.  Kill the additional thread
+5.  Close and destroy the sockets
+**Expected result:**
+Echo server returns data to both threads and received data matches to
+send data. The additional thread isn't stopped prematurely
+Subset for driver test
+### For physical layer driver (emac, PPP):
+### For socket layer driver (AT-driven, external IP stack):
+All Socket, UDPSocket, TCPSocket and TCPServer testcases.