UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip

Dependencies:   mbed

UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip


up to 4x I2C master

  • for LPC824 implement, we can use up to 4 channels of I2C masters
    • 1x Fm+ and 3x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC1768 implement, we can use up to 2 channels of I2C masters
    • 2x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC11U35 implement, only one channel for I2C master, but program uses USB CDC class for UART communication (means no external USB-Serial converter chip)
    • 1x Fm+ I2C channels

1x SPI master

up to 2x 8bit GPIO

Tested Platforms





LPC11U35 implement requires importing USBDevice library to use USBSerial class

visit for more information

Mon Sep 19 17:56:32 2016 +0900
fix indents

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 1 # Compiled Object files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 2 *.slo
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 3 *.lo
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 4 *.o
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 5 *.obj
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 6
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 7 # Compiled Dynamic libraries
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 8 *.so
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 9 *.dylib
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 10 *.dll
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 11
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 12 # Fortran module files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 13 *.mod
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 14
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 15 # Compiled Static libraries
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 16 *.lai
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 17 *.la
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 18 *.a
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 19 *.lib
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 20
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 21 # Executables
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 22 *.exe
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 23 *.out
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 24 *.app
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 25
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 26 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 27 # Operating System Files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 28 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 29
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 30 # OSX
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 31 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 32
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 33 .DS_Store
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 34 .AppleDouble
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 35 .LSOverride
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 36
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 37 # Icon must end with two \r
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 38 Icon
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 39
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 40
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 41 # Thumbnails
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 42 ._*
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 43
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 44 # Files that might appear on external disk
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 45 .Spotlight-V100
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 46 .Trashes
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 47
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 48 # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 49 .AppleDB
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 50 .AppleDesktop
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 51 Network Trash Folder
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 52 Temporary Items
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 53 .apdisk
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 54
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 55 # Windows
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 56 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 57
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 58 # Windows image file caches
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 59 Thumbs.db
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 60 ehthumbs.db
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 61
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 62 # Folder config file
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 63 Desktop.ini
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 64
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 65 # Recycle Bin used on file shares
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 66 $RECYCLE.BIN/
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 67
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 68 # Windows Installer files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 69 *.cab
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 70 *.msi
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 71 *.msm
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 72 *.msp
K4zuki 78:434514b8d383 73 /.project