UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip

Dependencies:   mbed

UART to I2C master(s) converter, targetting to emulate SC18IM700(NXP) chip


up to 4x I2C master

  • for LPC824 implement, we can use up to 4 channels of I2C masters
    • 1x Fm+ and 3x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC1768 implement, we can use up to 2 channels of I2C masters
    • 2x Fm I2C channels
  • for LPC11U35 implement, only one channel for I2C master, but program uses USB CDC class for UART communication (means no external USB-Serial converter chip)
    • 1x Fm+ I2C channels

1x SPI master

up to 2x 8bit GPIO

Tested Platforms





LPC11U35 implement requires importing USBDevice library to use USBSerial class

visit for more information

Kazuki Yamamoto
Wed Dec 03 15:41:43 2014 +0900
:circus_tent: Added .gitattributes & .gitignore files

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 1 # Compiled Object files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 2 *.slo
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 3 *.lo
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 4 *.o
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 5 *.obj
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 6
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 7 # Compiled Dynamic libraries
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 8 *.so
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 9 *.dylib
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 10 *.dll
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 11
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 12 # Fortran module files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 13 *.mod
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 14
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 15 # Compiled Static libraries
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 16 *.lai
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 17 *.la
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 18 *.a
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 19 *.lib
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 20
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 21 # Executables
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 22 *.exe
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 23 *.out
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 24 *.app
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 25
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 26 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 27 # Operating System Files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 28 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 29
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 30 # OSX
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 31 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 32
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 33 .DS_Store
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 34 .AppleDouble
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 35 .LSOverride
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 36
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 37 # Icon must end with two \r
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 38 Icon
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 39
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 40 # Thumbnails
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 41 ._*
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 42
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 43 # Files that might appear on external disk
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 44 .Spotlight-V100
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 45 .Trashes
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 46
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 47 # Directories potentially created on remote AFP share
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 48 .AppleDB
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 49 .AppleDesktop
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 50 Network Trash Folder
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 51 Temporary Items
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 52 .apdisk
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 53
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 54 # Windows
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 55 # =========================
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 56
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 57 # Windows image file caches
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 58 Thumbs.db
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 59 ehthumbs.db
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 60
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 61 # Folder config file
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 62 Desktop.ini
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 63
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 64 # Recycle Bin used on file shares
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 65 $RECYCLE.BIN/
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 66
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 67 # Windows Installer files
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 68 *.cab
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 69 *.msi
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 70 *.msm
Kazuki Yamamoto 4:f3192b67a3fe 71 *.msp