aconno acnsensa project for iOS devices with iBeacon packets support.

Dependencies:   LSM9DS1 Si7006A20 aconno_SEGGER_RTT aconno_bsp adc52832_common


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
38:c90e1670ffb3 2018-08-17 dbartolovic Added service advertisement to telemetry data sensaformatfix tip
37:bbfecf36c256 2018-08-16 dbartolovic Init branch commit sensaformatfix
36:9e40cdef6bd6 2018-08-08 dbartolovic Applied Malte and Bastis changes, added characteristic UUID to advertisement, added advertisement data structure to characteristic. Characteristic length is set to constant 25 bytes, which is not realy pritty. Set it to sizeof(advertisement_data) default
35:5d8baeb4c801 2018-08-06 jurica238814 after merge
34:714dfddf2cd9 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Power consumption reduced PowerConsumption
33:c93573163958 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Heads merged
32:168317e16c69 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Heads merged
31:8199c7c86d0d 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Axes inverted. Adv. interval reduced
30:eadbeb23fe95 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Data structure fix
29:b65cab4fa70f 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Different structure
28:1a2c30eb745c 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Axes inverted. Adv. interval reduced.
27:67467a7a56b3 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Big fixed.
26:834af521af0a 2018-08-06 jurica238814 Bug fixed.
25:dd95f36e3461 2018-08-03 jurica238814 bug fixed noSensors
24:fb90a508f50f 2018-08-03 jurica238814 config file added
23:f563c9c8e98b 2018-08-03 jurica238814 After merge
22:3710de547ff1 2018-08-03 jurica238814 iBeacon format fixed noSensors
21:71f2f1b314f2 2018-08-03 jurica238814 iBeacon format fixed iBeacon
20:fc639ef579b6 2018-08-02 jurica238814 sensors excluded noSensors
19:a38e9b213a59 2018-08-02 jurica238814 After merge
18:442bc914996b 2018-08-02 jurica238814 ble.shutdown excluded iBeacon
17:18f4bf2a368a 2018-08-01 jurica238814 mbed-os updated, iBeacon and MACService added iBeacon
16:e86a91db0b72 2018-08-01 jurica238814 Init commit for iBeacon iBeacon
15:9870514aec92 2018-08-01 jurica238814 Merge completed
14:45de2650c066 2018-08-01 jurica238814 aconno RTT implemented
13:4747e6e8396a 2018-07-24 dbartolovic Increased advertising interval. normal_axis
12:46fbc77fab33 2018-07-23 dbartolovic Added tx power adjustement normal_axis
11:4390242a8780 2018-04-20 dbartolovic Normal axis order x=x, y=y, z=z normal_axis
10:a2364dee495f 2018-04-20 dbartolovic x=y, y=x, z=z
9:0453d592221b 2018-04-20 dbartolovic x=x, y=y, z=z
8:b2d29ca87103 2018-03-21 dbartolovic Updated readme
7:7fa0da697c8d 2018-03-21 dbartolovic Updated battery level function.
6:51745805d8b0 2018-03-20 Dautor Fixed data read
5:4807f549aada 2018-03-05 Dautor Split getpressure
4:634796e5b8c3 2018-03-02 Dautor Added battery percentage to the MSD
3:78ceda8ef565 2018-03-02 Dautor Made naming be more consistent
2:c0654c5fb771 2017-12-13 Dautor Swapped LSM9DS1 library.
1:326ce5e200fb 2017-12-13 Dautor Code refactoring.
0:12899fa39f88 2017-11-27 jurica238814 Sensor board FW. Works with aconno v2 sensor board.