This program uses the MMA8451 & MAG3110 on a KL-46 freedom board to implement a tilt compensated eCompass with the heading displayed on the LCD. This program uses the mbed RTOS to manage the hard real time requirements of the eCompass algorithm (Updated to mbed-os 5.x using eventqueues)

Dependencies:   MAG3110 MMA8451Q SLCD eCompass_Lib

Fork of KL46_eCompass by Jim Carver



File content as of revision 2:e4ae1d748311:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "eCompass_Lib.h"
#include "MAG3110.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "FXOS8700Q.h"
#include "rtos.h"
#include "SLCD.h"

#define MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS (0x1d<<1)

eCompass compass;
MAG3110  mag( PTE25, PTE24);
MMA8451Q acc( PTE25, PTE24, MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS);
//FXOS8700Q combo0( A4, A5, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR0);
DigitalOut red(LED_RED);
DigitalOut green(LED_GREEN);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
SLCD slcd;

extern axis6_t axis6;
extern uint32_t seconds;
extern uint32_t compass_type;
extern int32_t tcount;
extern uint8_t cdebug; 
// Print data values for debug
void debug_print(void)
    // Some useful printf statements for debug
    printf("roll=%d, pitch=%d, yaw=%d\r\n", axis6.roll, axis6.pitch, axis6.yaw);
    printf("Acc: X= %2.3f Y= %2.3f Z= %2.3f    ", axis6.fGax, axis6.fGay, axis6.fGaz);
    printf("Mag: X= %4.1f Y= %4.1f Z= %4.1f\r\n", axis6.fUTmx, axis6.fUTmy, axis6.fUTmz);
    printf("Quaternion: Q0= %1.4f Q1= %1.4f Q2= %1.4f Q3= %1.4f\r\n\r\n", axis6.q0, axis6.q1, axis6.q2, axis6.q3); 
// HAL Map for KL46 Freedom board MMA8451Q & MAG3110 sensors
// This routing move and negates data as needed the
// properly align the sensor axis for our desired compass (NED)
// For more information see Freescale appication note AN4696
void hal_map(int16_t * acc, int16_t * mag)
    int16_t t;
    // swap accelerometer x & y
    t = acc[1];
    acc[1] = acc[0];
    acc[0] = t;
    // negate accelerometer x & y
    acc[0] *= -1;
    acc[1] *= -1;
    // negate magnetometer y
    mag[1] *= -1;

// HAL Map for Multi-Sensor board with FXOS8700 sensor
// This routing move and negates data as needed the
// properly align the sensor axis for our desired compass (NED)
// For more information see Freescale appication note AN4696
void hal_map( int16_t * acc, int16_t * mag)
    int16_t t;
    // Insert your HAL map here
    t = acc[0];
    acc[0] = acc[1] * -1;
    acc[1] = t * -1;
    t = mag[1];
    mag[1] = mag[0];
    mag[0] = t;
    mag[2] *= -1;


// This is the 50Hz thread where the magic happens
int  l = 0;

void compass_thread(void const *argument) {
    static int16_t acc_raw[3], mag_raw[3];
        // get raw data from the sensors
        //combo0.AccXYZraw( acc_raw);
        //combo0.MagXYZraw( mag_raw);
        if(tcount) acc_raw, mag_raw); // calculate the eCompass
        slcd.printf("%04d", axis6.yaw); // print the heading (NED compass) to the LCD
        if(l++ >= 50) { // take car of business once a second
            compass.calibrate(); // re-calibrate the eCompass every second
            l = 0;
            green = !green;
int main() {
//    Thread thread(compass_thread);
    int16_t mag_data[3]; 
    tcount = 0;
    red = 1;
    green = 1;
    //cdebug = 1; // Set to 1 to disable eCompass in order to observe raw mag data.
    compass_type = NED_COMPASS;
    seconds = 0;
    // make sure our sensors are talking to us
    // Only available when multi-sensor shield is installed
    //printf("\r\nFXOS8700 ID= %X\r\n", combo0.getWhoAmI()); 
    // NAtive KL46-FRDM sensors
    printf("\r\nMMA8451Q ID= %X\r\n", acc.getWhoAmI());
    printf("MAG3110 ID= %X\r\n", mag.readReg(MAG_WHO_AM_I));
    mag.ReadXYZraw(mag_data); // flush the magnetmeter
    RtosTimer compass_timer(compass_thread, osTimerPeriodic);
//    //RtosTimer b_timer(blink_green, osTimerPeriodic);
    compass_timer.start(20); // Run the Compass every 20ms
    //b_timer.start(250); //blink the green LED at 2Hz