quadprog++ and Eigen library test

Dependencies:   mbed Eigen FastPWM

diff -r 27f1640d930d -r e843c1b0b25c main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Aug 21 05:18:06 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Sep 24 00:20:12 2019 +0000
@@ -3,62 +3,345 @@
 #define PIN_A PA_8 // channel 1
 #define PIN_B PA_7 // complementary
-#define PWM_ARR 0x8CA  /// timer autoreload value 40k loop, 40k pwm 
+#define PWM_ARR 4500  /// timer autoreload value 40k loop, 40k pwm 
+#include "quadprog.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "Eigen/Dense.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Eigen;
+MatrixXd AA = MatrixXd::Zero(6,1);
+class JS_QP
+    int NUMCOLS;//length of X
+    int NUMEQ;
+    int NUMINEQ;
+    MatrixXd A_ineq,B_ineq;
+    MatrixXd A_eq,B_eq;
+    MatrixXd H,F;
+    MatrixXd X;
+    void setNums(int _xlength, int numEqConstraints, int numIneqConstraints)
+    {
+        NUMCOLS = _xlength;//should be 18+12+3*contact
+        NUMEQ = numEqConstraints;//NUMCOLS(dynamics) + NUMCOLS(contactconstraints + swingleg)
+        //contact to be weight?
+        NUMINEQ = numIneqConstraints;//friction cone approximation -ufz<fx<ufz, -ufz<fy<ufz ->4
+        //maybe matrix assignment here
+        X = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMCOLS,1);
+        A_eq = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMEQ, NUMCOLS);
+        B_eq = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMEQ, 1);
+        A_ineq = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMINEQ, NUMCOLS);
+        B_ineq = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMINEQ, 1);
+        H = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMCOLS,NUMCOLS);
+        F = MatrixXd::Zero(NUMCOLS,1);
+    }
+    void make_EQ(MatrixXd A, MatrixXd b)
+    {
+        //Aeq*X = Beq
+        A_eq = A;
+        B_eq = b;
+    }
+    void make_IEQ(MatrixXd A, MatrixXd b)
+    {
+        // Aineq*X < Bineq
+        A_ineq = A;
+        B_ineq = b;
+    }
+    void make_HF(MatrixXd A, MatrixXd b, int mode=-1)
+    {
+        //min (0.5* x H x + F x)
+        if(mode == -1) {
+            H = A.transpose() * A + MatrixXd::Identity(NUMCOLS,NUMCOLS)*1e-3;
+            F = -A.transpose() * b;
-float dtc_a=0.1;
-float dtc_b=0.2;
-void Init_PWM();
-DigitalOut check(PC_9);
-DigitalIn a1(PB_7);
-DigitalIn a2(PB_6);
+        } else {
+            H = A;
+            F = b;
+        }
+    }
+    MatrixXd solve_QP()
+    {
+        quadprogpp::Vector<double> outX;
+        quadprogpp::Matrix<double> G;
+        quadprogpp::Vector<double> g0;
+        quadprogpp::Matrix<double> CE;
+        quadprogpp::Vector<double> ce0;
+        quadprogpp::Matrix<double> CI;
+        quadprogpp::Vector<double> ci0;
+        //min 0.5 * x G x + g0 x
+        //CE^T x + ce0 = 0
+        //CI^T x + ci0 >= 0
+        G.resize(NUMCOLS,NUMCOLS);
+        g0.resize(NUMCOLS);
+        for(int i=0; i<NUMCOLS; i++) {
+            for(int j=0; j<NUMCOLS; j++) {
+                G[i][j] = H(i,j);
+            }
+            g0[i] = F(i,0);
+        }
+        CE.resize(NUMCOLS,NUMEQ);
+        ce0.resize(NUMEQ);
+        for(int i=0; i<NUMCOLS; i++) {
+            for(int j=0; j<NUMEQ; j++) {
+                CE[i][j] = -A_eq(j,i);
+            }
+        }
+        for(int j=0; j<NUMEQ; j++) {
+            ce0[j] = B_eq(j,0);
+        }
+        CI.resize(NUMCOLS,NUMINEQ);
+        ci0.resize(NUMINEQ);
+        for(int i=0; i<NUMCOLS; i++) {
+            for(int j=0; j<NUMINEQ; j++) {
+                CI[i][j] = -A_ineq(j,i);
+            }
+        }
+        for(int j=0; j<NUMINEQ; j++) {
+            ci0[j] = B_ineq(j,0);
+        }
+        outX.resize(NUMCOLS);
+        solve_quadprog(G, g0, CE, ce0, CI, ci0, outX);
+        for(int i=0; i<NUMCOLS; i++) {
+            X(i,0) = outX[i];
+        }
+        return X;
+    }
+JS_QP js_qp;
+//MatrixXd AA;
-extern "C" void TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler(void) {
-  if (TIM1->SR & TIM_SR_UIF ) {
-    check=1;
-    TIM1->CCR1 = (PWM_ARR)*(1.0f-dtc_a);                        // Write duty cycles                                   
-    check=0;
+float dtc_a=0;
+void Init_PWM();
+AnalogIn Vfb(PA_5);
+extern "C" void TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQHandler(void)
+    if (TIM1->SR & TIM_SR_UIF ) {
+        float Vth = 0.51f;
+        if(Vfb >= Vth) {    //PA_8 이게 하이
+            dtc_a -= 0.001f;
+        }
+        else {
+            dtc_a += 0.001f;
+        }
+        if(dtc_a>=0.9f)
+            dtc_a = 0.9f;
+        if(dtc_a <= 0.0f)
+            dtc_a = 0.0f;
+        dtc_a = 0.5f;
+        TIM1->CCR1 = (PWM_ARR)*(1.0f-dtc_a);                        // Write duty cycles
-TIM1->SR = 0x0;  // reset the status register
+    TIM1->SR = 0x0;  // reset the status register
+Timer t;
-int main(){
-    check=1;
-    Init_PWM();
-    TIM1->CR1 ^= TIM_CR1_UDIS;
-    while(1);
+double t_old=0;
+int main()
+    MatrixXd Aa = MatrixXd::Zero(20,2);
+    MatrixXd Ba = MatrixXd::Zero(20,10);
+    MatrixXd Ga = MatrixXd::Zero(20,20);
+    Aa <<
+       1.000000,-1.000000
+       ,0.000000,0.783386
+       ,1.000000,-1.783386
+       ,0.000000,0.613693
+       ,1.000000,-2.397079
+       ,0.000000,0.480759
+       ,1.000000,-2.877838
+       ,0.000000,0.376620
+       ,1.000000,-3.254458
+       ,0.000000,0.295039
+       ,1.000000,-3.549496
+       ,0.000000,0.231129
+       ,1.000000,-3.780626
+       ,0.000000,0.181063
+       ,1.000000,-3.961689
+       ,0.000000,0.141842
+       ,1.000000,-4.103531
+       ,0.000000,0.111117
+       ,1.000000,-4.214648
+       ,0.000000,0.087048;
+    Ba <<
+       0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.535122,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.139169,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.674291,-1.535122,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.109023,0.139169,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.783314,-1.674291,-1.535122,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.085407,0.109023,0.139169,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,-1.868721,-1.783314,-1.674291,-1.535122,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.066907,0.085407,0.109023,0.139169,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698,0.000000
+       ,-1.935628,-1.868721,-1.783314,-1.674291,-1.535122,-1.357471,-1.130698,-0.841220,-0.471698,0.000000
+       ,0.052414,0.066907,0.085407,0.109023,0.139169,0.177651,0.226773,0.289478,0.369522,0.471698;
+    Ga <<
+       1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.644751,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.058451,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.703202,1.000000,0.644751,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.045790,0.000000,-0.058451,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.748992,1.000000,0.703202,1.000000,0.644751,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.035871,0.000000,-0.045790,0.000000,-0.058451,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.784863,1.000000,0.748992,1.000000,0.703202,1.000000,0.644751,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.028101,0.000000,-0.035871,0.000000,-0.045790,0.000000,-0.058451,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113,0.000000,0.000000
+       ,1.000000,0.812964,1.000000,0.784863,1.000000,0.748992,1.000000,0.703202,1.000000,0.644751,1.000000,0.570138,1.000000,0.474893,1.000000,0.353312,1.000000,0.198113,1.000000,0.000000
+       ,0.000000,-0.022014,0.000000,-0.028101,0.000000,-0.035871,0.000000,-0.045790,0.000000,-0.058451,0.000000,-0.074613,0.000000,-0.095245,0.000000,-0.121581,0.000000,-0.155199,0.000000,-0.198113;
+    MatrixXd ref_a = MatrixXd::Zero(20,1);
+    MatrixXd w0_a = MatrixXd::Zero(20,1);
+    MatrixXd At;
+    MatrixXd Bt;
+    MatrixXd X_state = MatrixXd::Zero(2,1);
+    Bt = ref_a - Aa*X_state - Ga*w0_a;
+    At = Ba;
+    MatrixXd Q = MatrixXd::Identity(20,20);
+    MatrixXd R = MatrixXd::Identity(10,10);
+    MatrixXd H;
+    MatrixXd F;
+    H = At.transpose() * Q * At + R;
+    F = -At.transpose()*Bt;
+    MatrixXd out;
+    MatrixXd Aieq = MatrixXd::Zero(20,10);
+    MatrixXd bieq = MatrixXd::Zero(20,1);
+    Aieq.block(0,0,10,10) = MatrixXd::Identity(10,10);
+    Aieq.block(10,0,10,10) = -MatrixXd::Identity(10,10);
+    for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
+        bieq(i,0) = 10;
+        bieq(i+10,0) = 10;
+    }
+    while(1) {
+        js_qp.setNums(10,0,20);
+        js_qp.make_HF(H,F,1);
+        js_qp.make_IEQ(Aieq,bieq);
+        t.reset();
+        t.start();
+        out = js_qp.solve_QP();
+        t.stop();
+        cout << "out : " << endl;
+        cout << out << endl;
+        cout << "time : " << endl;
+        cout << t.read() << endl;
+        wait(1);
+    }
-void Init_PWM(){
+void Init_PWM()
     RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN;                         // enable TIM1 clock
-    FastPWM pwm_a(PIN_A);                                       // 단순히 핀 설정용 
+    FastPWM pwm_a(PIN_A);                                       // 단순히 핀 설정용
     FastPWM pwm_b(PIN_B);
-     //ISR Setup     
+    //ISR Setup
     NVIC_EnableIRQ(TIM1_UP_TIM10_IRQn);                         //Enable TIM1 IRQ
     TIM1->DIER |= TIM_DIER_UIE;                                 // enable update interrupt
     TIM1->CR1 = 0x40;                                           // CMS = 10, interrupt only when counting up // Center-aligned mode
     TIM1->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_UDIS;
-    TIM1->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_ARPE;                                  // autoreload on, 
-    TIM1->RCR |= 0x001;                                         // update event once per up/down count of tim1 
+    TIM1->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_ARPE;                                  // autoreload on,
+    TIM1->RCR |= 0x001;                                         // update event once per up/down count of tim1
     TIM1->EGR |= TIM_EGR_UG;
     //PWM Setup
-    TIM1->PSC = 0x0;                                            // no prescaler, timer counts up in sync with the peripheral clock
+    TIM1->PSC = 0;                                            // no prescaler, timer counts up in sync with the peripheral clock
     TIM1->ARR = PWM_ARR;                                          // set auto reload, 40 khz
 //    TIM1->CCER |= ~(TIM_CCER_CC1NP);                            // Interupt when low side is on.
     TIM1->CR1 |= TIM_CR1_CEN;                                   // enable TIM1
-    // for complementary 
+    // for complementary
-    }
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