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CvMoments Struct Reference

CvMoments Struct Reference

Spatial and central moments. More...

#include <types_c.h>

Data Fields

double m03
 spatial moments
double mu03
 central moments
double inv_sqrt_m00
 m00 != 0 ? 1/sqrt(m00) : 0

Detailed Description

Spatial and central moments.

Definition at line 397 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

Field Documentation

double inv_sqrt_m00

m00 != 0 ? 1/sqrt(m00) : 0

Definition at line 401 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

double m03

spatial moments

Definition at line 399 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

double mu03

central moments

Definition at line 400 of file imgproc/types_c.h.