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CvConnectedComp Struct Reference

CvConnectedComp Struct Reference

Connected component structure. More...

#include <types_c.h>

Data Fields

double area
 area of the connected component
CvScalar value
 average color of the connected component
CvRect rect
 ROI of the component.
CvSeq * contour
 optional component boundary (the contour might have child contours corresponding to the holes)

Detailed Description

Connected component structure.

Definition at line 57 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

Field Documentation

double area

area of the connected component

Definition at line 59 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

CvSeq* contour

optional component boundary (the contour might have child contours corresponding to the holes)

Definition at line 62 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

ROI of the component.

Definition at line 61 of file imgproc/types_c.h.

average color of the connected component

Definition at line 60 of file imgproc/types_c.h.