A library of the 9-Axis Sensor BNO055 from Bosch Sensortec.

Requires the I2C-Master library - Link

--- a/bno055.cpp	Thu Jul 11 11:00:47 2019 +0000
+++ b/bno055.cpp	Thu Jul 11 11:05:39 2019 +0000
@@ -96,22 +96,19 @@
  * @brief Defines the format of the measurment units
- * Following is a table, which displays all the possible formats for each measurement units. The column <i>Code<\i>
+ * Following is a table, which displays all the possible formats for each measurement units. The column <em>Code</em>
  * contain the values, which are used in the programm.
- * | Type         | Formats                                                | Code                           |
- * | :----------- | :----------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------- |
- * | Orientation  | Windows, Android - this changes the ranges of the axis.| WINDOWS, ANDROID               |
- * | Temperature  | Celsius, Fahrenheit                                    | CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT            |
- * | Euler        | Degree, Radians                                        | DEGREE, RADIANS                |
- * | Gyroscope    | degree per seconds, radian per seconds                 | DEGREE_PER_SEC, RADIAN_PER_SEC |
- * | Acceleration | acceleration (m/s2), milli g-force                     | ACCELERATION, MILLI_G_FORCE    |
+ * <table>
+ * <caption id="multi_row">Complex table</caption>
+ * <tr><th>Type          <th>Formats                                                  <th>Code                      
+ * <tr><td>Orientation   <td>Windows, Android - this changes the ranges of the axis.  <td>WINDOWS, ANDROID
+ * <tr><td>Temperature   <td>Celsius, Fahrenheit                                      <td>CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT
+ * <tr><td>Euler         <td>Degree, Radians                                          <td>DEGREE, RADIANS
+ * <tr><td>Gyroscope     <td>degree per seconds, radian per seconds                   <td>DEGREE_PER_SEC, RADIAN_PER_SEC
+ * <tr><td>Acceleration  <td>acceleration (m/s2), milli g-force                       <td>ACCELERATION, MILLI_G_FORCE
+ * </table>
- * First Header  | Second Header
- * ------------- | -------------
- * Content Cell  | Content Cell 
- * Content Cell  | Content Cell 
- *
  * @param new_orientation_format  
  * @param new_temperature_format  
  * @param new_euler_format