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Fork of BLE_API by Bluetooth Low Energy


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
123:d2cdf4ebe524 2014-10-10 jakerosenthal@gmail.com first attempt at chaining onconnect and ondisconnect 2chains tip
122:4b68a819ab4f 2014-09-30 Rohit Grover DFUService object needs to remain alive after ble.init(); declaring as static. default
121:035516234a33 2014-09-30 Rohit Grover Release 0.2.2
120:467527c1b943 2014-09-26 Rohit Grover Release 0.2.1
119:18684018b83e 2014-09-26 Rohit Grover Add the packet characteristic to the DFU Service.
118:620d28e7a1ba 2014-09-22 Rohit Grover Release 0.2.0
117:0fb20195102b 2014-09-08 Rohit Grover Release 0.1.1: Minor bugfix release.
116:ca826083980e 2014-09-02 Rohit Grover Release 0.1.0
115:47e4cdd7b0c5 2014-08-29 carlescufi Move value attribute as member of the char class
114:f1ede142a78f 2014-08-28 carlescufi Add support for adding descriptors
113:7e3fd573d87b 2014-08-28 carlescufi Add optional descriptors to the char constructor
112:64c88ad45610 2014-08-27 carlescufi Add an Attribute class and derive GattCharacteristic from it, to prepare for descriptors
111:189ff241dae1 2014-07-31 Rohit Grover rename BLEDeviceInstanceBase.hpp to .h; our online toolchain has problems with exporting .hpp files
110:d5a824cee1d3 2014-07-31 Rohit Grover remove include of nordic-specific gatts.h from GattCharacteristic.h
109:8559a2da6f41 2014-07-25 Rohit Grover move constants for appearance and UUIDs into blecommon.h
108:c85ab5f1eca0 2014-07-24 Rohit Grover add APIs for get/setDeviceName(), get/setAppearance(), getVersion(), and setTxPower().
107:bd10367dfd1c 2014-07-24 Rohit Grover adding another error instance to blecommon.h
106:a20be740075d 2014-07-23 Rohit Grover initial re-organization of BLE_API directory structure
105:f29ab9f74d7e 2014-07-11 Rohit Grover add APIs for working with connectionParams
104:6ef5abef5714 2014-07-10 Rohit Grover connection and disconnection callbacks need to take a connection handle
103:8890715aaf55 2014-07-09 Rohit Grover add accumulateScanResponse() to BLEDevice.h
102:39e30ac179a7 2014-07-09 Rohit Grover move the declaration of setAdvertisingPayload within BLEDevice.h
101:9566e418a313 2014-07-08 Rohit Grover minor rename of a class variable to help readability
100:1e80e8032c13 2014-07-04 Rohit Grover accumulateAdvertisingPayload(flags) should allow for combinations of flags
99:58c47085e816 2014-07-03 Rohit Grover switch onDataSent() to become independent of attribute handle
98:d751acb2543f 2014-07-03 Rohit Grover add SetAdvertisingPayload() to allow applications to dynamically update the advertising payload
97:a412356d9f49 2014-07-02 Rohit Grover undoing the negative effects of a previous use of uncrustify
96:6f4c8e545d38 2014-06-19 Rohit Grover GapAdvertisingData::addFlags() should take a uint8_t bitmask instead of a 'Flags'
95:5d2102351bf4 2014-06-13 Rohit Grover add comment headers to the commonly used functions of BLE_API
94:455363a6eb90 2014-06-13 Rohit Grover add BLEDevice::readCharacteristicValue()
93:f97a35cc40f8 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover merging a cherry pick for improving constructor for GattCharacteristic
92:3781dc6f8c18 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover GattService constructor now takes a statically initialized array of pointers to Characteristics
91:311bde45b251 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover use const reference in constructor for GattService
90:f245e2d96aa0 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover white space diffs to align formatting with our coding standards
89:2afa7f425f78 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover white space diffs
88:f4d3969e03d4 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover add accessor for GattCharacteristic::_value
87:0e521f983354 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover introduce GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE
86:5f429b984bc2 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover improve the constructor for GattCharacteristic to make better use of default arguments
85:5aa77755c05c 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover introduce _value as a member for GattCharacteristic
84:d1903e73a42c 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover rename GattCharacteristic::minLength to ::initialLength
83:fd58c1fe7849 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover merge GattCharacteristic.cpp into the .hpp file
82:9853676a88e6 2014-06-11 Rohit Grover remove duplication in the constructor for GattCharacteristic
81:fd8c6792281b 2014-06-10 Rohit Grover reverting to BLEDevice (from BLEPeripheral)
80:e2c50c4a1e9a 2014-06-10 Rohit Grover rename BLEDevice to BLEPeripheral
79:b6284f5928bb 2014-06-10 Rohit Grover updating comment header for waitForEvent()
78:5d356ef94347 2014-06-10 Rohit Grover add waitForEvent() to BLE_API
77:1436ecf09583 2014-06-09 Rohit Grover slowly switching to astyle code formatting as recommended by the team
76:103fac6e36d1 2014-06-09 Rohit Grover slowly switching to astyle code formatting as recommended by the team
75:d08bdef22500 2014-06-06 Rohit Grover white space changes to move away from 80-column rule
74:301042c34cb8 2014-06-06 Rohit Grover add updateCharacteristicValue()
73:eeb1ac3545e9 2014-06-06 Rohit Grover add support for accessing GAP's state
72:bd485a3b18c5 2014-06-06 Rohit Grover add BLEDevice::addService()
71:ff3e3bdf4514 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover white space diffs; bringing comments on the same line as declarations
70:d6c0a4cedf46 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover make GattService members private; add accessors
69:2fd349295d2c 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover simplified GattService constructor to take a UUID directly
68:dcadab8a56dd 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover white space diffs
67:0fac4e99f29b 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover switch to using LongUUID_t and ShortUUID_t
66:14120914e08b 2014-06-05 Rohit Grover replace 16 with UUID::LENGTH_OF_LONG_UUID
65:100b50423049 2014-06-04 Rohit Grover white space diffs
64:95529f47b782 2014-06-04 Rohit Grover adding BLEDevice APIs for GATTServer callbacks