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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00018 #ifndef __GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_H__
00019 #define __GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_H__
00021 #include "blecommon.h"
00022 #include "UUID.h"
00023 #include "GattAttribute.h"
00025 /**************************************************************************/
00026 /*!
00027     \brief  GATT characteristic
00028 */
00029 /**************************************************************************/
00030 class GattCharacteristic
00031 {
00032 public:
00033     enum {
00034         UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_STATE_CHAR                     = 0x2A1B,
00035         UUID_BATTERY_POWER_STATE_CHAR                     = 0x2A1A,
00036         UUID_REMOVABLE_CHAR                               = 0x2A3A,
00037         UUID_SERVICE_REQUIRED_CHAR                        = 0x2A3B,
00038         UUID_ALERT_CATEGORY_ID_CHAR                       = 0x2A43,
00039         UUID_ALERT_CATEGORY_ID_BIT_MASK_CHAR              = 0x2A42,
00040         UUID_ALERT_LEVEL_CHAR                             = 0x2A06,
00042         UUID_ALERT_STATUS_CHAR                            = 0x2A3F,
00043         UUID_BATTERY_LEVEL_CHAR                           = 0x2A19,
00044         UUID_BLOOD_PRESSURE_FEATURE_CHAR                  = 0x2A49,
00045         UUID_BLOOD_PRESSURE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR              = 0x2A35,
00046         UUID_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION_CHAR                    = 0x2A38,
00047         UUID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_INPUT_REPORT_CHAR              = 0x2A22,
00048         UUID_BOOT_KEYBOARD_OUTPUT_REPORT_CHAR             = 0x2A32,
00049         UUID_BOOT_MOUSE_INPUT_REPORT_CHAR                 = 0x2A33,
00050         UUID_CURRENT_TIME_CHAR                            = 0x2A2B,
00051         UUID_DATE_TIME_CHAR                               = 0x2A08,
00052         UUID_DAY_DATE_TIME_CHAR                           = 0x2A0A,
00053         UUID_DAY_OF_WEEK_CHAR                             = 0x2A09,
00054         UUID_DST_OFFSET_CHAR                              = 0x2A0D,
00055         UUID_EXACT_TIME_256_CHAR                          = 0x2A0C,
00056         UUID_FIRMWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR                = 0x2A26,
00057         UUID_GLUCOSE_FEATURE_CHAR                         = 0x2A51,
00058         UUID_GLUCOSE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR                     = 0x2A18,
00059         UUID_GLUCOSE_MEASUREMENT_CONTEXT_CHAR             = 0x2A34,
00060         UUID_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR                = 0x2A27,
00061         UUID_HEART_RATE_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR                = 0x2A39,
00062         UUID_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR                  = 0x2A37,
00063         UUID_HID_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR                       = 0x2A4C,
00064         UUID_HID_INFORMATION_CHAR                         = 0x2A4A,
00066         UUID_INTERMEDIATE_CUFF_PRESSURE_CHAR              = 0x2A36,
00067         UUID_INTERMEDIATE_TEMPERATURE_CHAR                = 0x2A1E,
00068         UUID_LOCAL_TIME_INFORMATION_CHAR                  = 0x2A0F,
00069         UUID_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING_CHAR                = 0x2A29,
00070         UUID_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_CHAR                    = 0x2A21,
00071         UUID_MODEL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR                     = 0x2A24,
00072         UUID_UNREAD_ALERT_CHAR                            = 0x2A45,
00073         UUID_NEW_ALERT_CHAR                               = 0x2A46,
00074         UUID_PNP_ID_CHAR                                  = 0x2A50,
00075         UUID_PROTOCOL_MODE_CHAR                           = 0x2A4E,
00076         UUID_RECORD_ACCESS_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR             = 0x2A52,
00077         UUID_REFERENCE_TIME_INFORMATION_CHAR              = 0x2A14,
00078         UUID_REPORT_CHAR                                  = 0x2A4D,
00079         UUID_REPORT_MAP_CHAR                              = 0x2A4B,
00080         UUID_RINGER_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR                    = 0x2A40,
00081         UUID_RINGER_SETTING_CHAR                          = 0x2A41,
00082         UUID_SCAN_INTERVAL_WINDOW_CHAR                    = 0x2A4F,
00083         UUID_SCAN_REFRESH_CHAR                            = 0x2A31,
00084         UUID_SERIAL_NUMBER_STRING_CHAR                    = 0x2A25,
00085         UUID_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING_CHAR                = 0x2A28,
00086         UUID_SUPPORTED_NEW_ALERT_CATEGORY_CHAR            = 0x2A47,
00088         UUID_SYSTEM_ID_CHAR                               = 0x2A23,
00089         UUID_TEMPERATURE_MEASUREMENT_CHAR                 = 0x2A1C,
00090         UUID_TEMPERATURE_TYPE_CHAR                        = 0x2A1D,
00091         UUID_TIME_ACCURACY_CHAR                           = 0x2A12,
00092         UUID_TIME_SOURCE_CHAR                             = 0x2A13,
00093         UUID_TIME_UPDATE_CONTROL_POINT_CHAR               = 0x2A16,
00094         UUID_TIME_UPDATE_STATE_CHAR                       = 0x2A17,
00095         UUID_TIME_WITH_DST_CHAR                           = 0x2A11,
00096         UUID_TIME_ZONE_CHAR                               = 0x2A0E,
00097         UUID_TX_POWER_LEVEL_CHAR                          = 0x2A07,
00098         UUID_CSC_FEATURE_CHAR                             = 0x2A5C,
00099         UUID_CSC_MEASUREMENT_CHAR                         = 0x2A5B,
00100         UUID_RSC_FEATURE_CHAR                             = 0x2A54,
00101         UUID_RSC_MEASUREMENT_CHAR                         = 0x2A53,
00102     };
00104     /**************************************************************************/
00105     /*!
00106         \brief  Standard GATT characteristic presentation format unit types.
00107                 These unit types are used to decribe what the raw numeric
00108                 data in a characteristic actually represents.
00110         \note   See https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/units/Pages/default.aspx
00111     */
00112     /**************************************************************************/
00113     typedef enum ble_gatt_unit_e {
00114           BLE_GATT_UNIT_NONE                                                   = 0x2700,    /**< No specified unit type */
00115           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_METRE                                           = 0x2701,    /**< Length, Metre */
00116           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MASS_KILOGRAM                                          = 0x2702,    /**< Mass, Kilogram */
00117           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_SECOND                                            = 0x2703,    /**< Time, Second */
00118           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_CURRENT_AMPERE                                = 0x2704,    /**< Electric Current, Ampere */
00119           BLE_GATT_UNIT_THERMODYNAMIC_TEMPERATURE_KELVIN                       = 0x2705,    /**< Thermodynamic Temperature, Kelvin */
00120           BLE_GATT_UNIT_AMOUNT_OF_SUBSTANCE_MOLE                               = 0x2706,    /**< Amount of Substance, Mole */
00121           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LUMINOUS_INTENSITY_CANDELA                             = 0x2707,    /**< Luminous Intensity, Candela */
00122           BLE_GATT_UNIT_AREA_SQUARE_METRES                                     = 0x2710,    /**< Area, Square Metres */
00123           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VOLUME_CUBIC_METRES                                    = 0x2711,    /**< Volume, Cubic Metres*/
00124           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_METRES_PER_SECOND                             = 0x2712,    /**< Velocity, Metres per Second*/
00125           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ACCELERATION_METRES_PER_SECOND_SQUARED                 = 0x2713,    /**< Acceleration, Metres per Second Squared */
00126           BLE_GATT_UNIT_WAVENUMBER_RECIPROCAL_METRE                            = 0x2714,    /**< Wave Number Reciprocal, Metre */
00127           BLE_GATT_UNIT_DENSITY_KILOGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METRE                       = 0x2715,    /**< Density, Kilogram per Cubic Metre */
00128           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SURFACE_DENSITY_KILOGRAM_PER_SQUARE_METRE              = 0x2716,    /**<  */
00129           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SPECIFIC_VOLUME_CUBIC_METRE_PER_KILOGRAM               = 0x2717,    /**<  */
00130           BLE_GATT_UNIT_CURRENT_DENSITY_AMPERE_PER_SQUARE_METRE                = 0x2718,    /**<  */
00131           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MAGNETIC_FIELD_STRENGTH_AMPERE_PER_METRE               = 0x2719,    /**< Magnetic Field Strength, Ampere per Metre */
00132           BLE_GATT_UNIT_AMOUNT_CONCENTRATION_MOLE_PER_CUBIC_METRE              = 0x271A,    /**<  */
00133           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MASS_CONCENTRATION_KILOGRAM_PER_CUBIC_METRE            = 0x271B,    /**<  */
00134           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LUMINANCE_CANDELA_PER_SQUARE_METRE                     = 0x271C,    /**<  */
00135           BLE_GATT_UNIT_REFRACTIVE_INDEX                                       = 0x271D,    /**<  */
00136           BLE_GATT_UNIT_RELATIVE_PERMEABILITY                                  = 0x271E,    /**<  */
00137           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_RADIAN                                     = 0x2720,    /**<  */
00138           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SOLID_ANGLE_STERADIAN                                  = 0x2721,    /**<  */
00139           BLE_GATT_UNIT_FREQUENCY_HERTZ                                        = 0x2722,    /**< Frequency, Hertz */
00140           BLE_GATT_UNIT_FORCE_NEWTON                                           = 0x2723,    /**< Force, Newton */
00141           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_PASCAL                                        = 0x2724,    /**< Pressure, Pascal */
00142           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_JOULE                                           = 0x2725,    /**< Energy, Joule */
00143           BLE_GATT_UNIT_POWER_WATT                                             = 0x2726,    /**< Power, Watt */
00144           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_CHARGE_COULOMB                                = 0x2727,    /**< Electrical Charge, Coulomb */
00145           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_DIFFERENCE_VOLT                     = 0x2728,    /**< Electrical Potential Difference, Voltage */
00146           BLE_GATT_UNIT_CAPACITANCE_FARAD                                      = 0x2729,    /**<  */
00147           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_RESISTANCE_OHM                                = 0x272A,    /**<  */
00148           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_CONDUCTANCE_SIEMENS                           = 0x272B,    /**<  */
00149           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MAGNETIC_FLEX_WEBER                                    = 0x272C,    /**<  */
00150           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MAGNETIC_FLEX_DENSITY_TESLA                            = 0x272D,    /**<  */
00151           BLE_GATT_UNIT_INDUCTANCE_HENRY                                       = 0x272E,    /**<  */
00152           BLE_GATT_UNIT_THERMODYNAMIC_TEMPERATURE_DEGREE_CELSIUS               = 0x272F,    /**<  */
00153           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LUMINOUS_FLUX_LUMEN                                    = 0x2730,    /**<  */
00154           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ILLUMINANCE_LUX                                        = 0x2731,    /**<  */
00155           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ACTIVITY_REFERRED_TO_A_RADIONUCLIDE_BECQUEREL          = 0x2732,    /**<  */
00156           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ABSORBED_DOSE_GRAY                                     = 0x2733,    /**<  */
00157           BLE_GATT_UNIT_DOSE_EQUIVALENT_SIEVERT                                = 0x2734,    /**<  */
00158           BLE_GATT_UNIT_CATALYTIC_ACTIVITY_KATAL                               = 0x2735,    /**<  */
00159           BLE_GATT_UNIT_DYNAMIC_VISCOSITY_PASCAL_SECOND                        = 0x2740,    /**<  */
00160           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MOMENT_OF_FORCE_NEWTON_METRE                           = 0x2741,    /**<  */
00161           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SURFACE_TENSION_NEWTON_PER_METRE                       = 0x2742,    /**<  */
00162           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_RADIAN_PER_SECOND                     = 0x2743,    /**<  */
00163           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ANGULAR_ACCELERATION_RADIAN_PER_SECOND_SQUARED         = 0x2744,    /**<  */
00164           BLE_GATT_UNIT_HEAT_FLUX_DENSITY_WATT_PER_SQUARE_METRE                = 0x2745,    /**<  */
00165           BLE_GATT_UNIT_HEAT_CAPACITY_JOULE_PER_KELVIN                         = 0x2746,    /**<  */
00166           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SPECIFIC_HEAT_CAPACITY_JOULE_PER_KILOGRAM_KELVIN       = 0x2747,    /**<  */
00167           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SPECIFIC_ENERGY_JOULE_PER_KILOGRAM                     = 0x2748,    /**<  */
00168           BLE_GATT_UNIT_THERMAL_CONDUCTIVITY_WATT_PER_METRE_KELVIN             = 0x2749,    /**<  */
00169           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_DENSITY_JOULE_PER_CUBIC_METRE                   = 0x274A,    /**<  */
00170           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_FIELD_STRENGTH_VOLT_PER_METRE                 = 0x274B,    /**<  */
00171           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_CHARGE_DENSITY_COULOMB_PER_CUBIC_METRE        = 0x274C,    /**<  */
00172           BLE_GATT_UNIT_SURFACE_CHARGE_DENSITY_COULOMB_PER_SQUARE_METRE        = 0x274D,    /**<  */
00173           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_FLUX_DENSITY_COULOMB_PER_SQUARE_METRE         = 0x274E,    /**<  */
00174           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PERMITTIVITY_FARAD_PER_METRE                           = 0x274F,    /**<  */
00175           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PERMEABILITY_HENRY_PER_METRE                           = 0x2750,    /**<  */
00176           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MOLAR_ENERGY_JOULE_PER_MOLE                            = 0x2751,    /**<  */
00177           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MOLAR_ENTROPY_JOULE_PER_MOLE_KELVIN                    = 0x2752,    /**<  */
00178           BLE_GATT_UNIT_EXPOSURE_COULOMB_PER_KILOGRAM                          = 0x2753,    /**<  */
00179           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ABSORBED_DOSE_RATE_GRAY_PER_SECOND                     = 0x2754,    /**<  */
00180           BLE_GATT_UNIT_RADIANT_INTENSITY_WATT_PER_STERADIAN                   = 0x2755,    /**<  */
00181           BLE_GATT_UNIT_RADIANCE_WATT_PER_SQUARE_METRE_STERADIAN               = 0x2756,    /**<  */
00183           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_MINUTE                                            = 0x2760,    /**< Time, Minute */
00184           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_HOUR                                              = 0x2761,    /**< Time, Hour */
00185           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_DAY                                               = 0x2762,    /**< Time, Day */
00186           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_DEGREE                                     = 0x2763,    /**<  */
00187           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_MINUTE                                     = 0x2764,    /**<  */
00188           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PLANE_ANGLE_SECOND                                     = 0x2765,    /**<  */
00189           BLE_GATT_UNIT_AREA_HECTARE                                           = 0x2766,    /**<  */
00190           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VOLUME_LITRE                                           = 0x2767,    /**<  */
00191           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MASS_TONNE                                             = 0x2768,    /**<  */
00192           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_BAR                                           = 0x2780,    /**< Pressure, Bar */
00193           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_MILLIMETRE_OF_MERCURY                         = 0x2781,    /**< Pressure, Millimetre of Mercury */
00194           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_ANGSTROM                                        = 0x2782,    /**<  */
00195           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_NAUTICAL_MILE                                   = 0x2783,    /**<  */
00196           BLE_GATT_UNIT_AREA_BARN                                              = 0x2784,    /**<  */
00197           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_KNOT                                          = 0x2785,    /**<  */
00198           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LOGARITHMIC_RADIO_QUANTITY_NEPER                       = 0x2786,    /**<  */
00199           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LOGARITHMIC_RADIO_QUANTITY_BEL                         = 0x2787,    /**<  */
00200           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_YARD                                            = 0x27A0,    /**< Length, Yard */
00201           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_PARSEC                                          = 0x27A1,    /**< Length, Parsec */
00202           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_INCH                                            = 0x27A2,    /**< Length, Inch */
00203           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_FOOT                                            = 0x27A3,    /**< Length, Foot */
00204           BLE_GATT_UNIT_LENGTH_MILE                                            = 0x27A4,    /**< Length, Mile */
00205           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PRESSURE_POUND_FORCE_PER_SQUARE_INCH                   = 0x27A5,    /**<  */
00206           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_KILOMETRE_PER_HOUR                            = 0x27A6,    /**< Velocity, Kilometre per Hour */
00207           BLE_GATT_UNIT_VELOCITY_MILE_PER_HOUR                                 = 0x27A7,    /**< Velocity, Mile per Hour */
00208           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_REVOLUTION_PER_MINUTE                 = 0x27A8,    /**< Angular Velocity, Revolution per Minute */
00209           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_GRAM_CALORIE                                    = 0x27A9,    /**< Energy, Gram Calorie */
00210           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_KILOGRAM_CALORIE                                = 0x27AA,    /**< Energy, Kilogram Calorie */
00211           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ENERGY_KILOWATT_HOUR                                   = 0x27AB,    /**< Energy, Killowatt Hour */
00212           BLE_GATT_UNIT_THERMODYNAMIC_TEMPERATURE_DEGREE_FAHRENHEIT            = 0x27AC,    /**<  */
00213           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PERCENTAGE                                             = 0x27AD,    /**< Percentage */
00214           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PER_MILLE                                              = 0x27AE,    /**<  */
00215           BLE_GATT_UNIT_PERIOD_BEATS_PER_MINUTE                                = 0x27AF,    /**<  */
00216           BLE_GATT_UNIT_ELECTRIC_CHARGE_AMPERE_HOURS                           = 0x27B0,    /**<  */
00217           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MASS_DENSITY_MILLIGRAM_PER_DECILITRE                   = 0x27B1,    /**<  */
00218           BLE_GATT_UNIT_MASS_DENSITY_MILLIMOLE_PER_LITRE                       = 0x27B2,    /**<  */
00219           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_YEAR                                              = 0x27B3,    /**< Time, Year */
00220           BLE_GATT_UNIT_TIME_MONTH                                             = 0x27B4,    /**< Time, Month */
00221           BLE_GATT_UNIT_CONCENTRATION_COUNT_PER_CUBIC_METRE                    = 0x27B5,    /**<  */
00222           BLE_GATT_UNIT_IRRADIANCE_WATT_PER_SQUARE_METRE                       = 0x27B6     /**<  */
00223     } ble_gatt_unit_t;
00225     /**************************************************************************/
00226     /*!
00227         \brief  Standard GATT number types
00229         \note   See Bluetooth Specification 4.0 (Vol. 3), Part G, Section
00230         \note   See http://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/descriptors/Pages/DescriptorViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_presentation_format.xml
00231     */
00232     /**************************************************************************/
00233     typedef enum ble_gatt_format_e {
00234         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_RFU     = 0x00, /**< Reserved For Future Use. */
00235         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_BOOLEAN = 0x01, /**< Boolean. */
00236         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_2BIT    = 0x02, /**< Unsigned 2-bit integer. */
00237         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_NIBBLE  = 0x03, /**< Unsigned 4-bit integer. */
00238         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT8   = 0x04, /**< Unsigned 8-bit integer. */
00239         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT12  = 0x05, /**< Unsigned 12-bit integer. */
00240         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT16  = 0x06, /**< Unsigned 16-bit integer. */
00241         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT24  = 0x07, /**< Unsigned 24-bit integer. */
00242         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT32  = 0x08, /**< Unsigned 32-bit integer. */
00243         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT48  = 0x09, /**< Unsigned 48-bit integer. */
00244         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT64  = 0x0A, /**< Unsigned 64-bit integer. */
00245         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UINT128 = 0x0B, /**< Unsigned 128-bit integer. */
00246         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT8   = 0x0C, /**< Signed 2-bit integer. */
00247         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT12  = 0x0D, /**< Signed 12-bit integer. */
00248         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT16  = 0x0E, /**< Signed 16-bit integer. */
00249         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT24  = 0x0F, /**< Signed 24-bit integer. */
00250         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT32  = 0x10, /**< Signed 32-bit integer. */
00251         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT48  = 0x11, /**< Signed 48-bit integer. */
00252         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT64  = 0x12, /**< Signed 64-bit integer. */
00253         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SINT128 = 0x13, /**< Signed 128-bit integer. */
00254         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_FLOAT32 = 0x14, /**< IEEE-754 32-bit floating point. */
00255         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_FLOAT64 = 0x15, /**< IEEE-754 64-bit floating point. */
00256         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_SFLOAT  = 0x16, /**< IEEE-11073 16-bit SFLOAT. */
00257         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_FLOAT   = 0x17, /**< IEEE-11073 32-bit FLOAT. */
00258         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_DUINT16 = 0x18, /**< IEEE-20601 format. */
00259         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UTF8S   = 0x19, /**< UTF-8 string. */
00260         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_UTF16S  = 0x1A, /**< UTF-16 string. */
00261         BLE_GATT_FORMAT_STRUCT  = 0x1B  /**< Opaque Structure. */
00262     } ble_gatt_format_t;
00264     /**************************************************************************/
00265     /*!
00266         \brief  Standard GATT characteritic properties
00268         \note   See Bluetooth Specification 4.0 (Vol. 3), Part G, Section
00269                 and Section for Extended Properties
00270     */
00271     /**************************************************************************/
00272     typedef enum ble_gatt_char_properties_e {
00273         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE                        = 0x00,
00274         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_BROADCAST                   = 0x01, /**< Permits broadcasts of the Characteristic Value using Server Characteristic Configuration Descriptor. */
00275         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ                        = 0x02, /**< Permits reads of the Characteristic Value. */
00276         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE      = 0x04, /**< Permits writes of the Characteristic Value without response. */
00277         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE                       = 0x08, /**< Permits writes of the Characteristic Value with response. */
00278         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY                      = 0x10, /**< Permits notifications of a Characteristic Value without acknowledgement. */
00279         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_INDICATE                    = 0x20, /**< Permits indications of a Characteristic Value with acknowledgement. */
00280         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_AUTHENTICATED_SIGNED_WRITES = 0x40, /**< Permits signed writes to the Characteristic Value. */
00281         BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES         = 0x80  /**< Additional characteristic properties are defined in the Characteristic Extended Properties Descriptor */
00282     } ble_gatt_char_properties_t;
00284     /**************************************************************************/
00285     /*!
00286         \brief  GATT presentation format wrapper
00288         \note   See Bluetooth Specification 4.0 (Vol. 3), Part G, Section
00289         \note   See https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/descriptors/Pages/DescriptorViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.descriptor.gatt.characteristic_presentation_format.xml
00290     */
00291     /**************************************************************************/
00292     typedef struct PresentationFormat {
00293         uint8_t  gatt_format;    /**< Format of the value, see @ref ble_gatt_format_t. */
00294         int8_t   exponent;       /**< Exponent for integer data types. Ex. if Exponent = -3 and the char value is 3892, the actual value is 3.892 */
00295         uint16_t gatt_unit;      /**< UUID from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers, see @ref ble_gatt_unit_t. */
00296         uint8_t  gatt_namespace; /**< Namespace from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers, normally '1',  see @ref BLE_GATT_CPF_NAMESPACES. */
00297         uint16_t gatt_nsdesc;    /**< Namespace description from Bluetooth Assigned Numbers, normally '0', see @ref BLE_GATT_CPF_NAMESPACES. */
00298     } presentation_format_t;
00300    /**
00301      *  @brief  Creates a new GattCharacteristic using the specified 16-bit
00302      *          UUID, value length, and properties
00303      *
00304      *  @note   The UUID value must be unique in the service and is normally >1
00305      *
00306      *  @param[in]  uuid
00307      *              The UUID to use for this characteristic
00308      *  @param[in]  valuePtr
00309      *              The memory holding the initial value. The value is copied
00310      *              into the stack when the enclosing service is added; and
00311      *              thereafter maintained internally by the stack.
00312      *  @param[in]  initialLen
00313      *              The min length in bytes of this characteristic's value
00314      *  @param[in]  maxLen
00315      *              The max length in bytes of this characteristic's value
00316      *  @param[in]  props
00317      *              The 8-bit bit field containing the characteristic's properties
00318      *  @param[in]  descriptors
00319      *              A pointer to an array of descriptors to be included within this characteristic
00320      *  @param[in]  numDescriptors
00321      *              The number of descriptors
00322      *
00323      * @NOTE: If valuePtr == NULL, initialLength == 0, and properties == READ
00324      *        for the value attribute of a characteristic, then that particular
00325      *        characteristic may be considered optional and dropped while
00326      *        instantiating the service with the underlying BLE stack.
00327      */
00328     /**************************************************************************/
00329     GattCharacteristic(const UUID &uuid, uint8_t *valuePtr = NULL, uint16_t initialLen = 0, uint16_t maxLen = 0,
00330                        uint8_t props = BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NONE,
00331                        GattAttribute *descriptors[] = NULL, unsigned numDescriptors = 0) :
00332         _valueAttribute(uuid, valuePtr, initialLen, maxLen), _properties(props), _descriptors(descriptors), _descriptorCount(numDescriptors) {
00333     }
00335 public:
00336     GattAttribute& getValueAttribute() {
00337         return _valueAttribute;
00338     }
00339     uint8_t getProperties(void) const {
00340         return _properties;
00341     }
00342     uint8_t getDescriptorCount(void) const {
00343         return _descriptorCount;
00344     }
00345     GattAttribute *getDescriptor(uint8_t index) {
00346         if (index >= _descriptorCount) {
00347             return NULL;
00348         }
00350         return _descriptors[index];
00351     }
00353 private:
00354     GattAttribute     _valueAttribute;
00355     uint8_t           _properties;
00356     GattAttribute **  _descriptors;
00357     uint8_t           _descriptorCount;
00358 };
00360 #endif // ifndef __GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_H__