4 directional EMG control of the XY table. Made during my bachelor end assignment.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd HIDScope mbed-dsp mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jun 04 14:34:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jun 04 14:36:52 2015 +0000
@@ -1,176 +1,43 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
-#include "arm_math.h"
-#include "HIDScope.h"
-#define K_Gain      14      //Gain of the filtered EMG signal
-#define Damp        5       //Deceleration of the motor
-#define Mass        1       // Mass value
-#define dt          0.002   //Sample frequency
-#define MAX_bi      0.09    //Can be used for normalisation of the EMG signal of the biceps
-#define MAX_tri     0.09
-#define MIN_freq    500     //The motor turns off below this frequency
-#define EMG_tresh   0.02
+#define P_GAIN 0.998
-//Motor control
 DigitalOut Dir(p21);
 PwmOut Step(p22);
-//Signal to and from computer
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-DigitalOut Enable(p25);
+DigitalOut Enable(p14);
 DigitalOut MS1(p27);
 DigitalOut MS2(p28);
 DigitalOut MS3(p29);
-//Potmeter and EMG
 AnalogIn Pot1(p19);
 AnalogIn Pot2(p20);
-AnalogIn emg1(p17); //EMG bordje bovenop, biceps
-AnalogIn emg2(p15); //triceps
-HIDScope scope(2);
-Ticker   scopeTimer;
 C12832_LCD lcd;
-//Variables for motor control
-float setpoint = 4400; //Frequentie setpint
-float step_freq1 = 1;
-float step_freq2 = 1;
-//EMG filter
-arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 lowpass_biceps;
-arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 lowpass_triceps;
-//lowpass filter settings: Fc = 2 Hz, Fs = 500 Hz, Gain = -3 dB
-float lowpass_const[] = {0.00015514839749793376, 0.00031029679499586753, 0.00015514839749793376, 1.9644602512795832, -0.9650808448695751};
-arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 highnotch_biceps;
-arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 highnotch_triceps;
-//highpass filter settings: Fc = 20 Hz, Fs = 500 Hz, notch Fc = 50, Fs = 500 Hz
-float highnotch_const[] = {0.8370879899975344, -1.6741759799950688, 0.8370879899975344, 1.6474576182593796, -0.7008943417307579, 0.7063988100714527, -1.1429772843080923, 0.7063988100714527, 1.1429772843080923, -0.41279762014290533};
-//state values
-float lowpass_biceps_states[4];
-float highnotch_biceps_states[8];
-float lowpass_triceps_states[4];
-float highnotch_triceps_states[8];
-//global variabels
-float filtered_biceps;
-float filtered_triceps;
-float speed_old1;
-float speed_old2;
-float acc1;
-float acc2;
-float force1;
-float force2;
-float speed1;
-float speed2;
-float damping1;
-float damping2;
-void looper_emg()
-    float emg_value1_f32;
-    emg_value1_f32 = emg1.read();
-    float emg_value2_f32;
-    emg_value2_f32 = emg2.read();
-    //process emg biceps
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32(&highnotch_biceps, &emg_value1_f32, &filtered_biceps, 1 );
-    filtered_biceps = fabs(filtered_biceps);
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32(&lowpass_biceps, &filtered_biceps, &filtered_biceps, 1 );
-    //process emg triceps
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32(&highnotch_triceps, &emg_value2_f32, &filtered_triceps, 1 );
-    filtered_triceps = fabs(filtered_triceps);
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_f32(&lowpass_triceps, &filtered_triceps, &filtered_triceps, 1 );
-    /*send value to PC. */
-    scope.set(0,filtered_biceps); //Filtered EMG signal
-    scope.set(1,filtered_triceps);
-void looper_motor()
-    //Vooruit
-    force1 = K_Gain*(filtered_biceps/MAX_bi);
-    force1 = force1 - damping1;
-    acc1 = force1/Mass;
-    speed1 = speed_old1 + (acc1 * dt);
-    damping1 = speed1 * Damp;
-    step_freq1 = (setpoint*speed1);
-    speed_old1 = speed1;
-    //Achteruit triceps
-    force2 = K_Gain*(filtered_triceps/MAX_tri);
-    force2 = force2 - damping2;
-    acc2 = force2/Mass;
-    speed2 = speed_old2 + (acc2 * dt);
-    damping2 = speed2 * Damp;
-    step_freq2 = (setpoint*speed2);
-    speed_old2 = speed2;
-    if (filtered_biceps > filtered_triceps) {
-        Dir = 0;
-        speed2 = 0.01;
-        speed_old2 = 0.01;
-        Step.period(1.0/step_freq1);
-    } if (filtered_triceps > filtered_biceps) {
-        Dir = 1;
-        speed1 = 0.01;
-        speed_old1 = 0.01;  
-        Step.period(1.0/step_freq2);
-    }
-    //Speed limit
-    if (speed1 > 1) {
-        speed1 = 1;
-        step_freq1 = setpoint;
-    }
-    if (speed2 > 1) {
-        speed2 = 1;
-        step_freq2 = setpoint;
-    }
-    //EMG treshold
-    if (filtered_biceps < EMG_tresh && filtered_triceps < EMG_tresh) {
-        Enable = 1; //Enable = 1 turns the motor off. 
-    } else {
-        Enable = 0;
-    }
+BusIn Joystick(p12,p13,p14,p15,p16);
+DigitalIn Up(p15);
+DigitalIn Down(p12);
 int main()
-    // Attach the HIDScope::send method from the scope object to the timer at 500Hz. Hier wordt de sample freq aangegeven.
-    scopeTimer.attach_us(&scope, &HIDScope::send, 2e3);
-    Ticker emgtimer;
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_f32(&lowpass_biceps, 1 , lowpass_const, lowpass_biceps_states);
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_f32(&highnotch_biceps, 2 , highnotch_const, highnotch_biceps_states);
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_f32(&lowpass_triceps, 1 , lowpass_const, lowpass_triceps_states);
-    arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_f32(&highnotch_triceps, 2 , highnotch_const, highnotch_triceps_states);
-    emgtimer.attach(looper_emg, 0.002);
-    Ticker looptimer;
-    looptimer.attach(looper_motor, 0.01); //Uitzoeken waarom deze frequentie!
+    Enable = 0;
+    float setpoint = 2500; //Frequentie 
+    float step_freq = 1;
+    MS1 = 1;
+    MS2 = 1;
+    MS3 = 0;
+    float p1;
+    Step.period(1./step_freq); // 1 kHz, vanaf 2,5 kHz doet de motor het niet meer.
+    Step.write(0.5); // Duty cycle van 50%
+   // Dir = Pot1; // Dir 1 is naar boven, Dir 0 naar onder.
+    Enable = 1;
+    while (1) {
+        p1 = Pot1.read();
+        Dir = 0;
+        float new_step_freq;
+        new_step_freq = ((1-P_GAIN)*setpoint) + (P_GAIN*step_freq);
+        step_freq = new_step_freq;
+        Step.period(1.0/step_freq);
+        lcd.printf("freq : %.0f \n", step_freq);
+        wait(0.01); //Hier nog ticker inbouwen
-    //Microstepping control
-    MS1 = 1;
-    MS2 = 0;
-    MS3 = 0;
-    Step.write(0.5); // Duty cycle van 50%
-    while (1) {
-        //lcd.printf("Bi %.2f ,Tri %.2f \n", filtered_biceps, filtered_triceps); //snelheid meting op lcd
-        lcd.printf("1 %.0f, 2 %.0f \n", step_freq1, step_freq2);
-        wait(0.01);
\ No newline at end of file