this is fork and i will modify for STM32

Fork of AWS-test by Pierre-Marie Ancèle

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IoT_Publish_Message_Params Struct Reference

IoT_Publish_Message_Params Struct Reference

Publish Message Parameters Type. More...

#include <aws_iot_mqtt_client.h>

Data Fields

QoS qos
 Message Quality of Service.
uint8_t isRetained
 Retained messages are NOT supported by the AWS IoT Service at the time of this SDK release.
uint8_t isDup
 Is this message a duplicate QoS > 0 message? Handled automatically by the MQTT client.
uint16_t id
 Message sequence identifier. Handled automatically by the MQTT client.
void * payload
 Pointer to MQTT message payload (bytes).
size_t payloadLen
 Length of MQTT payload.

Detailed Description

Publish Message Parameters Type.

Defines a type for MQTT Publish messages. Used for both incoming and out going messages

Definition at line 86 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

Field Documentation

uint16_t id

Message sequence identifier. Handled automatically by the MQTT client.

Definition at line 90 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

uint8_t isDup

Is this message a duplicate QoS > 0 message? Handled automatically by the MQTT client.

Definition at line 89 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

uint8_t isRetained

Retained messages are NOT supported by the AWS IoT Service at the time of this SDK release.

Definition at line 88 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

void* payload

Pointer to MQTT message payload (bytes).

Definition at line 91 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

size_t payloadLen

Length of MQTT payload.

Definition at line 92 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

Message Quality of Service.

Definition at line 87 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.