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aws_iot_mqtt_client.h File Reference

aws_iot_mqtt_client.h File Reference

Client definition for MQTT. More...

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Data Structures

struct  IoT_Publish_Message_Params
 Publish Message Parameters Type. More...
struct  IoT_MQTT_Will_Options
 Last Will and Testament Definition. More...
struct  IoT_Client_Connect_Params
 MQTT Connection Parameters. More...
struct  IoT_Client_Init_Params
 MQTT Initialization Parameters. More...
struct  _MessageHandlers
 MQTT Message Handler. More...
struct  _ClientStatus
 MQTT Client Status. More...
struct  _ClientData
 MQTT Client Data. More...
struct  _Client
 MQTT Client. More...


typedef enum QoS QoS
 Quality of Service Type.
typedef void(* iot_disconnect_handler )(AWS_IoT_Client *, void *)
 Disconnect Callback Handler Type.
typedef enum _ClientState ClientState
 MQTT Client State Type.
typedef void(* pApplicationHandler_t )(AWS_IoT_Client *pClient, char *pTopicName, uint16_t topicNameLen, IoT_Publish_Message_Params *pParams, void *pClientData)
 Application Callback Handler Type.
typedef struct _MessageHandlers MessageHandlers
 MQTT Message Handler.
typedef struct _ClientStatus ClientStatus
 MQTT Client Status.
typedef struct _ClientData ClientData
 MQTT Client Data.


enum  QoS

Quality of Service Type.

enum  MQTT_Ver_t { MQTT_3_1_1 = 4 }

MQTT Version Type.

enum  _ClientState

MQTT Client State Type.



uint16_t aws_iot_mqtt_get_next_packet_id (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 What is the next available packet Id.
IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_set_connect_params (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient, IoT_Client_Connect_Params *pNewConnectParams)
 Set the connection parameters for the IoT Client.
bool aws_iot_mqtt_is_client_connected (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 Is the MQTT client currently connected?
ClientState aws_iot_mqtt_get_client_state (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 Get the current state of the client.
bool aws_iot_is_autoreconnect_enabled (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 Is the MQTT client set to reconnect automatically?
IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_set_disconnect_handler (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient, iot_disconnect_handler pDisconnectHandler, void *pDisconnectHandlerData)
 Set the IoT Client disconnect handler.
IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_autoreconnect_set_status (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient, bool newStatus)
 Enable or Disable AutoReconnect on Network Disconnect.
uint32_t aws_iot_mqtt_get_network_disconnected_count (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 Get count of Network Disconnects.
void aws_iot_mqtt_reset_network_disconnected_count (AWS_IoT_Client *pClient)
 Reset Network Disconnect conter.

Detailed Description

Client definition for MQTT.

Definition in file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _ClientData ClientData

MQTT Client Data.

Defining a type for MQTT Client Data Contains data used by the MQTT Client

typedef enum _ClientState ClientState

MQTT Client State Type.

Defining a type for MQTT Client State

typedef struct _ClientStatus ClientStatus

MQTT Client Status.

Defining a type for MQTT Client Status Contains information about the state of the MQTT Client

typedef void(* iot_disconnect_handler)(AWS_IoT_Client *, void *)

Disconnect Callback Handler Type.

Defining a TYPE for definition of disconnect callback function pointers.

Definition at line 156 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

MQTT Message Handler.

Defining a type for MQTT Message Handlers. Used to pass incoming data back to the application

typedef void(* pApplicationHandler_t)(AWS_IoT_Client *pClient, char *pTopicName, uint16_t topicNameLen, IoT_Publish_Message_Params *pParams, void *pClientData)

Application Callback Handler Type.

Defining a TYPE for definition of application callback function pointers. Used to send incoming data to the application

Definition at line 220 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

typedef enum QoS QoS

Quality of Service Type.

Defining a QoS type.

QoS 2 is NOT supported by the AWS IoT Service at the time of this SDK release.

Enumeration Type Documentation

MQTT Client State Type.

Defining a type for MQTT Client State

Definition at line 196 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

enum MQTT_Ver_t

MQTT Version Type.

Defining an MQTT version type. Only 3.1.1 is supported at this time


MQTT 3.1.1 (protocol message byte = 4)

Definition at line 101 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

enum QoS

Quality of Service Type.

Defining a QoS type.

QoS 2 is NOT supported by the AWS IoT Service at the time of this SDK release.

Definition at line 75 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.h.

Function Documentation

bool aws_iot_is_autoreconnect_enabled ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

Is the MQTT client set to reconnect automatically?

Called to determine if the MQTT client is set to reconnect automatically. Used to support logic in the device application around reconnecting

pClientReference to the IoT Client
true = enabled, false = disabled

Definition at line 268 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_autoreconnect_set_status ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient,
bool  newStatus 

Enable or Disable AutoReconnect on Network Disconnect.

Called to enable or disabled the auto reconnect features provided with the SDK

pClientReference to the IoT Client
newStatusset to true for enabling and false for disabling
IoT_Error_t Type defining successful/failed API call

Definition at line 278 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

ClientState aws_iot_mqtt_get_client_state ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

Get the current state of the client.

Called to get the current state of the client

pClientReference to the IoT Client
ClientState value equal to the current state of the client

Definition at line 53 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

uint32_t aws_iot_mqtt_get_network_disconnected_count ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

Get count of Network Disconnects.

Called to get the number of times a network disconnect occurred due to errors

pClientReference to the IoT Client
uint32_t the disconnect count

Definition at line 299 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

uint16_t aws_iot_mqtt_get_next_packet_id ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

What is the next available packet Id.

Called to retrieve the next packet id to be used for outgoing packets. Automatically increments the last sent packet id variable

pClientReference to the IoT Client
next packet id as a 16 bit unsigned integer

Definition at line 226 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

bool aws_iot_mqtt_is_client_connected ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

Is the MQTT client currently connected?

Called to determine if the MQTT client is currently connected. Used to support logic in the device application around reconnecting and managing offline state.

pClientReference to the IoT Client
true = connected, false = not currently connected

Definition at line 231 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

void aws_iot_mqtt_reset_network_disconnected_count ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient )

Reset Network Disconnect conter.

Called to reset the Network Disconnect counter to zero

pClientReference to the IoT Client

Definition at line 303 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_set_connect_params ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient,
IoT_Client_Connect_Params pNewConnectParams 

Set the connection parameters for the IoT Client.

Called to set the connection parameters for the IoT Client. Used to update the connection parameters provided before the last connect. Won't take effect until the next time connect is called

pClientReference to the IoT Client
pNewConnectParamsReference to the new Connection Parameters structure
IoT_Error_t Type defining successful/failed API call

Definition at line 129 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.

IoT_Error_t aws_iot_mqtt_set_disconnect_handler ( AWS_IoT_Client pClient,
iot_disconnect_handler  pDisconnectHandler,
void *  pDisconnectHandlerData 

Set the IoT Client disconnect handler.

Called to set the IoT Client disconnect handler The disconnect handler is called whenever the client disconnects with error

pClientReference to the IoT Client
pConnectHandlerReference to the new Disconnect Handler
pDisconnectHandlerDataReference to the data to be passed as argument when disconnect handler is called
IoT_Error_t Type defining successful/failed API call

Definition at line 287 of file aws_iot_mqtt_client.cpp.