JEK changes enabling proper recording of IMU/GPS datastrams - 02-APR-2013

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of GPS_Incremental by Dan Matthews

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Apr 19 16:21:27 2013 +0000
Commit message:
update to allow better imu gps data collection

Changed in this revision

ADIS16488.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
OEM615.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 13724ed3f825 -r b45feb91ba38 ADIS16488.h
--- a/ADIS16488.h	Wed Apr 17 13:50:21 2013 +0000
+++ b/ADIS16488.h	Fri Apr 19 16:21:27 2013 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
 unsigned short LOW_REGISTER[]  = {0x4000, 0x4400, 0x4800, 0x4C00, 0x5000, 0x5400};   
 unsigned short HIGH_REGISTER[] = {0x4200, 0x4600, 0x4A00, 0x4E00, 0x5200, 0x5600}; 
+unsigned long IMUtimeFrom1PPS = 0;
 union WD { long dataWord; unsigned short pt[2];} wd;
@@ -30,6 +32,8 @@
 void IMUDataReadyISR(void)
+    //IMUtimeFrom1PPS = timeFromPPS.read_us();
+    IMUClockCounter++;
     IMUDataReady = true;
@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@
     //change the DECRATE to 98.4 Hz (this is also in page 3)
     //the 8 sets the high bit to 1 indicating a write to a register
     // The C abd D designate the registers for the DECRATE of Page 3
-    // The 17 sets the rate to:  2460/(23+1) = 102.5Hz
+    // The 0x17 sets the rate to:  2460/(23+1) = 102.5Hz
+    // The 0x18 sets the rate to:  2460/(24+1) =  98.4Hz
     spi.write((int)0x8C17);    //write high byte  (only page number can be written in a single byte)
     spi.write((int)0x8D00);    //write the low byte of DECRATE 
diff -r 13724ed3f825 -r b45feb91ba38 OEM615.h
--- a/OEM615.h	Wed Apr 17 13:50:21 2013 +0000
+++ b/OEM615.h	Fri Apr 19 16:21:27 2013 +0000
@@ -3,24 +3,26 @@
 //set up the GPS message header in a structure to enable easy reading -- see the OEM615 manual (Table 4, page 24)
-    char synchAA;  //1st synch word
-    char synch44;  //2nd synch word
-    char synch12;  //3rd synch word
-    unsigned char headerLength;  //always 28
-    unsigned short messageID;  //42 (BESTPOS) , 43 (RANGE) , or 99 (BESTVEL), 
-    char messageType;  //always = 0 for binary
-    unsigned char portAddress;  //0x20 for COM1
-    unsigned short messageLength; //not including header or CRC
-    unsigned short sequence;  //typically 0
-    unsigned char idleTime;  //Time the processor is idle, in the last second
-    unsigned char timeStatus; //Enum Indicating quality of the GPS reference time
-    unsigned short GPSweek;   //GPS reference week
-    unsigned long GPSTime_msecs; //from beginning of week
-    unsigned long receiverStatus; //32-bits representing the status of hardware and software
+    char synchAA;                   //1st synch word
+    char synch44;                   //2nd synch word
+    char synch12;                   //3rd synch word
+    unsigned char headerLength;     //always 28
+    unsigned short messageID;       //42  (0x2A  BESTPOS) , 43 (2B  RANGE) , or 99 (x63 BESTVEL), 
+    char messageType;               //always = 0 for binary
+    unsigned char portAddress;      //0x20 for COM1
+    // from spec:  The length in bytes of the body of the message, not including the header nor the CRC
+    unsigned short messageLength;   //not including header or CRC
+    unsigned short sequence;        //typically 0
+    unsigned char idleTime;         //Time the processor is idle, in the last second
+    unsigned char timeStatus;       //Enum Indicating quality of the GPS reference time
+    unsigned short GPSweek;         //GPS reference week
+    unsigned long GPSTime_msecs;    //from beginning of week
+    unsigned long receiverStatus;   //32-bits representing the status of hardware and software
     unsigned short reserved;
     unsigned short receiverSWversion;  //receiver software build number
+    //total length in bytes of this header is 28
-MESSAGEHEADER *msgHeader[4];
+MESSAGEHEADER *msgHeader[6];
 #pragma pack(1)
 //structure for OEM615 BESTVEL log message  (page 314)
@@ -113,11 +115,23 @@
 const unsigned char maxGPSMessagesPerSec = 12;
 unsigned short messageLocation[maxGPSMessagesPerSec] = {0};  //stores the message location start within the message buffer
+unsigned short bytesFromMessageHdrDetect = 0;
+union SWAPBYTES { unsigned char b[2]; unsigned short w; };
+volatile SWAPBYTES messageLength;  //used to swap the bytes
+unsigned long computedCRC = 0;  //final resulting computed CRC for this message
+unsigned long incrementalCRC = 0;  //incrementally-formed CRC over message sequence
+unsigned short endByteForCRCcomputation = 0;
+bool completeMessageAvailable = false;
 //this code was taken from the Novatel Firmware document page 35
-#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L
+//#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Calculate a CRC value to be used by CRC calculation functions.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+//original code from the OEM615 manual
 unsigned long CRC32Value(int i)
     int j;
@@ -132,15 +146,53 @@
     return ulCRC;
+#define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L
+void CRC32Value(unsigned long &CRC, unsigned char c)
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //CRC must be initialized as zero 
+    //c is a character from the sequence that is used to form the CRC
+    //this code is a modification of the code from the Novatel OEM615 specification
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    unsigned long ulTemp1 = ( CRC >> 8 ) & 0x00FFFFFFL;
+    unsigned long ulCRC = ((int) CRC ^ c ) & 0xff ;
+    for (int  j = 8 ; j > 0; j-- )
+    {
+        if ( ulCRC & 1 )
+            ulCRC = ( ulCRC >> 1 ) ^ CRC32_POLYNOMIAL;
+        else
+            ulCRC >>= 1;
+    }
+    CRC = ulTemp1 ^ ulCRC;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Calculates the CRC-32 of a block of data all at once
-//the CRC is c from the complete message (header plus data) but excluding (of course) the CRC at the end
+//the CRC is from the complete message (header plus data) 
+//but excluding (of course) the CRC at the end
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32(
         unsigned long ulCount,    /* Number of bytes in the data block */
         unsigned char *ucBuffer ) /* Data block */
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //the below code tests the CRC32Value procedure used in a markov form
+    //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    unsigned long CRC = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i<ulCount; i++)  CRC32Value( CRC, *ucBuffer++ );
+    return  CRC;
+unsigned long CalculateBlockCRC32(
+        unsigned long ulCount, 
+        unsigned char *ucBuffer )
+//original code from the OEM615 manual
     unsigned long ulTemp1;
     unsigned long ulTemp2;
     unsigned long ulCRC = 0;
@@ -152,8 +204,7 @@
     return( ulCRC );
 void sendASCII(char* ASCI_message, int numChars)
@@ -178,24 +229,46 @@
 //MODSERIAL is an easy to use library that extends Serial to add fully buffered input and output.
 void readSerialByte(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q)
-    MODSERIAL *serial = q->serial;
-    unsigned char synch0 = serial->getc();
+    MODSERIAL *serial = q->serial;      //see example of MODSERIAL usage in cookbook
+    unsigned char synch0 = serial->getc();  //get the next byte
+    //byteCounter is zeroed only at a 1PPA event in the 1PPS ISR
+    //all message bytes stored for a single GPS second 
     msgBuffer[byteCounter % maxGPSbytesPerSec] = synch0;
+     //accumulate the CRC for this message
+     //incrementalCRC re-initialized after message header is is detected
+     CRC32Value( incrementalCRC, synch0); 
-    //we need to trap the GPS message header byte-string 0xAA44121C
+    //Trap the GPS message header byte-string per Novatel OEM615 spec: 0xAA44121C
     //generate a 4-byte sliding-window sequence from the input bytes
-    //shift last 4-byte value left 8 bits & push recently read byte (synch0) into low-order byte
-    test = (test<<8) | synch0;  //
+    //shift last 4-byte value left 8 bits & push current-read byte (synch0) into low-order byte
+    test = (test<<8) | synch0; 
     if (test == 0xAA44121C) //test for the Receiver message header signature
-        messageLocation[perSecMessageCounter % maxGPSMessagesPerSec] = byteCounter-3; //store the location of this message (with 4 synch words)
-        perSecMessageCounter++;
-        messageDetected = true;
-     }   
+        messageLocation[perSecMessageCounter % maxGPSMessagesPerSec] = byteCounter-3; //store the location of this message (1st of 4 synch word)
+        perSecMessageCounter++;  //counts messages this second
+        bytesFromMessageHdrDetect = 0;  //start byte counter for this message
+        incrementalCRC = 0x39b0f0e1;    //initializes the recursive CRC after the AA44121C header byte sequence 
+     }
+     else if (bytesFromMessageHdrDetect == 5) messageLength.b[0] = synch0;  //first byte of msg length
+     else if (bytesFromMessageHdrDetect == 6)   //second byte of message length
+     {
+        messageLength.b[1] = synch0; 
+        endByteForCRCcomputation = 24 + messageLength.w;  //use union to perform byte-swap from stored bytes
+     }
+     else if (bytesFromMessageHdrDetect == endByteForCRCcomputation)  //stop the CRC recursive computation
+        computedCRC = incrementalCRC;  //store the computed CRC for this message for use in main  
+     else if (bytesFromMessageHdrDetect == (endByteForCRCcomputation + 4) )  //detect the end of the message (end of its CRC)
+     {
+        savedMessageCounter = perSecMessageCounter;  //message counter can be corrupted before use in main
+        completeMessageAvailable = true;  //set flg for the main message processing
+     }
      //byteCounter reset to zero in main after the 1PPS is detected -- its NOT reset in the 1PPS ISR
      byteCounter++;     //total per-sec byte counter (reset to zero in main when 1PPS detected) 
+     bytesFromMessageHdrDetect++;  //counts the byes received after a message header
diff -r 13724ed3f825 -r b45feb91ba38 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 17 13:50:21 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 19 16:21:27 2013 +0000
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     //set the final baud rate that we will use from here  
     //allowable baud rate values: 9600 115200 230400 460800 921600
     //char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 921600 n 8 1 n off";
-    char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 460800 n 8 1 n off";
+    char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 115200 n 8 1 n off";
     //the below commands request the POS, VEL, RANGE, and TIME messages
     char ch3[] = "log COM1 BESTPOSB ONTIME 1";   //messageID = 42 
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
     //set the mbed COM port to match the GPS transmit rate
     //the below baud rate must match the COM1 rate coming from the GPS receiver 
-    GPS_COM1.baud(460800); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
+    GPS_COM1.baud(115200); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
     //GPS_COM1.baud(921600); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
 int main() {
     //these are structures for the to GPS messages that must be parsed
     OEM615BESTPOS posMsg;   //BESTPOS structure in OEMV615.h that has matching time to a BESTVEL message
     OEM615BESTPOS curPos;   //BESTPOS structure in OEMV615.h
     OEM615BESTVEL velMsg;   //BESTVEL structure in OEMV615.h that has matching time to a BESTPOS message
@@ -209,11 +210,26 @@
     int totalBytesWritten = 0;
-    //while(PPSCounter < 100)
+    /*
+    unsigned long CRC = 0;
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0xAA);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x44);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x12);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x1C);
+    toPC.printf(" CRC after AA44121C header: %08x \n", CRC);
+    wait(20);
+    */
+    int CRCerrors = 0;
+    recordData = true;
+    sendRecData = true;                     
+    while(PPSCounter < 300)
     // top of the while loop
-    while(1)
+    //while(1)
         //read the USB serial data from the PC to check for commands
         //in the primary real-time portion, there are no bytes from the PC so this has no impact
@@ -225,96 +241,66 @@
         //below is where we process the complete stored GPS message for the second
         //The !IMUDataReady test prevents the IMU and GPS data from being written 
-        //to disk on the same pass through thi loop  
+        //to disk on the same pass through this loop  
-        if (!IMUDataReady && lookingForMessages && (timeFromPPS.read_us() > 20000))  //it takes less than 20msec to receive all messages
-        {    
-            //toPC.printf(" num messages = %3d time = %5d \n", perSecMessageCounter, timeFromPPS.read_us());
+        if (completeMessageAvailable && !IMUDataReady)
+        {
+            msgHdr = *((MESSAGEHEADER*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
-            //cycle through all the bytes stored this sec (after the 1PPS as set)
-            // perSecMessageCounter is incremented whenever we detect a new message headet 0xAA44121C sequence
-            for (int i=0; i<perSecMessageCounter; i++)  
+            GPSTimemsecs = msgHdr.GPSTime_msecs;
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
+            PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            unsigned long msgCRC = *((unsigned long*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] + 28 + msgHdr.messageLength]);
+            //toPC.printf("tmeFrom1PPS= %5d  ID= %3d Ln = %3d computedCRC= %08x msgCRC= %08x msgCntr = %3d CRCerr=%4d\n", 
+            //    timeFromPPS.read_us(), msgHdr.messageID, msgHdr.messageLength, computedCRC, msgCRC, savedMessageCounter, TotalBadCRCmatches);
+            if ( msgCRC != computedCRC)
-                msgHeader[i] = (MESSAGEHEADER*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]];
-                //toPC.printf("WMsg MESSAGEINFO %5d %5d \n", 
-                //                                     msgHeader[i]->messageID, 
-                //                                     messageLocation[i]);
-                //calculated CRC
-                unsigned long CRC1 = CalculateBlockCRC32(28+msgHeader[i]->messageLength, &msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
-                unsigned long CRC2 = *((unsigned long*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i] + 28 + msgHeader[i]->messageLength]);
-                if (CRC1 != CRC2)
-                { 
-                    TotalBadCRCmatches++;
-                    toPC.printf(" bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
-                    msgHeader[i]->messageID, TotalBadCRCmatches);
-                    continue;
-                }                
-                //test for a message 42 (BESTPOS)
-                if (msgHeader[i]->messageID == 42)
+                toPC.printf(" bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
+                    msgHdr.messageLength, TotalBadCRCmatches++);
+            }
+            if      (msgHdr.messageID == 42)
+            {
+                curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
+                posMsg = curPos;
+                if (streamPos)
-                    curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
-                    if (streamPos)
-                    {
-                            toPC.printf("WMsg BESTPOS %d %d %d %8.5lf %9.5lf %5.3lf %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-                                              curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,
-                                              curPos.solStatus,
-                                              curPos.posType,
-                                              curPos.latitude,
-                                              curPos.longitude,
-                                              curPos.height,
-                                              curPos.undulation,
-                                              curPos.latitudeSTD,
-                                              curPos.longitudeSTD,
-                                              curPos.heightSTD,
-                                              curPos.diffAge,
-                                              curPos.solutionAge,
-                                              curPos.numSV,
-                                              curPos.numSolSV,
-                                              curPos.numGGL1,
-                                              curPos.extSolStatus,
-                                              curPos.sigMask);
-                    }
-                }
-                //check for a message 99 (BESTVEL)  -- and cast it into its message structure
-                else if (msgHeader[i]->messageID == 99)
-                {
-                    curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
+                        toPC.printf("WMsg BESTPOS %5d %1d %8.5lf %9.5lf %5.3lf %d %d %d\n",
+                                          curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,  curPos.solStatus,
+                                          curPos.latitude, curPos.longitude, curPos.height,
+                                          curPos.numSV, curPos.numSolSV, curPos.numGGL1);
-                //the below test ensures that the positin and veocity are matched in time
-                //not sure the reason for the "250" below    
-                if ((curVel.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs+250)/1000 == 
-                    (curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs+250)/1000)
-                {
-                    // update position and velocity used for calculation
-                    GPSTimemsecs = curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs;
-                    GPSTime = (double)GPSTimemsecs/1000.0;
-                    velMsg = curVel;  //
-                    posMsg = curPos;
-                    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                    //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
-                    PPSTimeOffset = 0;
-                    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                }
-            }  //end of per message loop
-            lookingForMessages = false;
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
+                PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            } 
+            else if (msgHdr.messageID == 99)  
+            {
+                curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[ messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] ]);
+                velMsg = curVel;
+            }
             if (recordData && (fpNav != NULL) && (byteCounter > 0))
-                wait_us(1000);
-                totalBytesWritten += fwrite(msgBuffer, 1, byteCounter, fpNav);  // this writes out a complete set of messages for this sec
-                wait_us(1000);
+                //wait_us(10);
+                int totalMessageLength = 28 + msgHdr.messageLength + 4;  //header length + message Length + CRC word size
+                totalBytesWritten += fwrite(&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]], 1, totalMessageLength, fpNav);  // this writes out a complete set of messages for this sec
+                //wait_us(10);
-        }  //end of the GPS message processing
+            completeMessageAvailable = false;
+        }
         //the IMU data record is read from the SPI in the ISR and the IMUDataReady is set true
         //we write the IMU data here
@@ -322,14 +308,15 @@
             //GPSTime (secs from midnight) is from the header of the position message
             //PPSTimeOffset accounts for time becoming known ~20msec AFTER the 1PPS
-            imuRec.GPSTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000 + timeFromPPS.read_us()/1000.0;
-            wait_us(10);
-            spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[0]); wait_us(10); // next read will return results from HIGH_REGITER[0]
+            IMUtimeFrom1PPS = timeFromPPS.read_us();
+            imuRec.GPSTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000 + IMUtimeFrom1PPS/1000.0;
+            //wait_us(1);
+            spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[0]); //wait_us(1); // next read will return results from HIGH_REGITER[0]
             for (int i=0; i<6; i++)  //read the 6 rate and accel variables
-      [1] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) LOW_REGISTER[i]); wait_us(10) ; 
+      [1] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) LOW_REGISTER[i]); //wait_us(1) ; 
                 if (i<5)  // dont this on the last because this was pre-called
-                {[0] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[i+1]); wait_us(10); }
+                {[0] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[i+1]);  }
                 imuRec.dataWord[i] = wd.dataWord; //data word is a signed long
@@ -338,18 +325,9 @@
                 totalBytesWritten += fwrite(&imuRec, 1, sizeof(IMUREC), fpNav);
-            IMUClockCounter++;
             IMUDataReady = false;
-        /*
-        if (messageDetected)  //some GPS message header has been detected
-        {
-            toPC.printf(" msgTime = %4d \n", timeFromPPS.read_us());
-            messageDetected = false;
-        }
-        */
         if (camera1EventDetected)  //we have detected a camera trigger event
             toPC.printf("WMsg TRIGGERTIME %5.3lf\n", camera1Time);
@@ -358,13 +336,14 @@
         if (detectedGPS1PPS)  //true if we are exactly at a 1PPS event detection
-            //toPC.printf(" PPSCounter=%4d byteCounter=%10d Msgs Received=%3d IMUClock=%4d bytesWritten=%8d\n", 
-            //                PPSCounter, savedByteCounter, savedPerSecMessageCounter, savedIMUClockCounter, totalBytesWritten);
+            toPC.printf("\n PPSCounter=%4d byteCounter=%10d Msgs Received=%3d IMUClock=%4d IMURec = %3d bytesWritten=%8d\n", 
+                            PPSCounter, savedByteCounter, savedPerSecMessageCounter, savedIMUClockCounter, IMURecordCounter, totalBytesWritten);
+            IMURecordCounter = 0;
             detectedGPS1PPS = false;
     toPC.printf(" normal termination \n");
\ No newline at end of file