JEK changes enabling proper recording of IMU/GPS datastrams - 02-APR-2013

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of GPS_Incremental by Dan Matthews

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 17 13:50:21 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Apr 19 16:21:27 2013 +0000
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     //set the final baud rate that we will use from here  
     //allowable baud rate values: 9600 115200 230400 460800 921600
     //char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 921600 n 8 1 n off";
-    char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 460800 n 8 1 n off";
+    char ch2[] = "serialconfig COM1 115200 n 8 1 n off";
     //the below commands request the POS, VEL, RANGE, and TIME messages
     char ch3[] = "log COM1 BESTPOSB ONTIME 1";   //messageID = 42 
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
     //set the mbed COM port to match the GPS transmit rate
     //the below baud rate must match the COM1 rate coming from the GPS receiver 
-    GPS_COM1.baud(460800); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
+    GPS_COM1.baud(115200); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
     //GPS_COM1.baud(921600); wait_ms(500);  //without this wait -- the baud rate is not detected when using MODSERIAL     
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@
 int main() {
     //these are structures for the to GPS messages that must be parsed
     OEM615BESTPOS posMsg;   //BESTPOS structure in OEMV615.h that has matching time to a BESTVEL message
     OEM615BESTPOS curPos;   //BESTPOS structure in OEMV615.h
     OEM615BESTVEL velMsg;   //BESTVEL structure in OEMV615.h that has matching time to a BESTPOS message
@@ -209,11 +210,26 @@
     int totalBytesWritten = 0;
-    //while(PPSCounter < 100)
+    /*
+    unsigned long CRC = 0;
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0xAA);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x44);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x12);
+    CRC32Value(CRC, 0x1C);
+    toPC.printf(" CRC after AA44121C header: %08x \n", CRC);
+    wait(20);
+    */
+    int CRCerrors = 0;
+    recordData = true;
+    sendRecData = true;                     
+    while(PPSCounter < 300)
     // top of the while loop
-    while(1)
+    //while(1)
         //read the USB serial data from the PC to check for commands
         //in the primary real-time portion, there are no bytes from the PC so this has no impact
@@ -225,96 +241,66 @@
         //below is where we process the complete stored GPS message for the second
         //The !IMUDataReady test prevents the IMU and GPS data from being written 
-        //to disk on the same pass through thi loop  
+        //to disk on the same pass through this loop  
-        if (!IMUDataReady && lookingForMessages && (timeFromPPS.read_us() > 20000))  //it takes less than 20msec to receive all messages
-        {    
-            //toPC.printf(" num messages = %3d time = %5d \n", perSecMessageCounter, timeFromPPS.read_us());
+        if (completeMessageAvailable && !IMUDataReady)
+        {
+            msgHdr = *((MESSAGEHEADER*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
-            //cycle through all the bytes stored this sec (after the 1PPS as set)
-            // perSecMessageCounter is incremented whenever we detect a new message headet 0xAA44121C sequence
-            for (int i=0; i<perSecMessageCounter; i++)  
+            GPSTimemsecs = msgHdr.GPSTime_msecs;
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
+            PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            unsigned long msgCRC = *((unsigned long*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] + 28 + msgHdr.messageLength]);
+            //toPC.printf("tmeFrom1PPS= %5d  ID= %3d Ln = %3d computedCRC= %08x msgCRC= %08x msgCntr = %3d CRCerr=%4d\n", 
+            //    timeFromPPS.read_us(), msgHdr.messageID, msgHdr.messageLength, computedCRC, msgCRC, savedMessageCounter, TotalBadCRCmatches);
+            if ( msgCRC != computedCRC)
-                msgHeader[i] = (MESSAGEHEADER*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]];
-                //toPC.printf("WMsg MESSAGEINFO %5d %5d \n", 
-                //                                     msgHeader[i]->messageID, 
-                //                                     messageLocation[i]);
-                //calculated CRC
-                unsigned long CRC1 = CalculateBlockCRC32(28+msgHeader[i]->messageLength, &msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
-                unsigned long CRC2 = *((unsigned long*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i] + 28 + msgHeader[i]->messageLength]);
-                if (CRC1 != CRC2)
-                { 
-                    TotalBadCRCmatches++;
-                    toPC.printf(" bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
-                    msgHeader[i]->messageID, TotalBadCRCmatches);
-                    continue;
-                }                
-                //test for a message 42 (BESTPOS)
-                if (msgHeader[i]->messageID == 42)
+                toPC.printf(" bad CRC match for messageID %3d total CRC errors = %4d \n",  
+                    msgHdr.messageLength, TotalBadCRCmatches++);
+            }
+            if      (msgHdr.messageID == 42)
+            {
+                curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]]);
+                posMsg = curPos;
+                if (streamPos)
-                    curPos = *((OEM615BESTPOS*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
-                    if (streamPos)
-                    {
-                            toPC.printf("WMsg BESTPOS %d %d %d %8.5lf %9.5lf %5.3lf %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %d %d %d %d %d\n",
-                                              curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,
-                                              curPos.solStatus,
-                                              curPos.posType,
-                                              curPos.latitude,
-                                              curPos.longitude,
-                                              curPos.height,
-                                              curPos.undulation,
-                                              curPos.latitudeSTD,
-                                              curPos.longitudeSTD,
-                                              curPos.heightSTD,
-                                              curPos.diffAge,
-                                              curPos.solutionAge,
-                                              curPos.numSV,
-                                              curPos.numSolSV,
-                                              curPos.numGGL1,
-                                              curPos.extSolStatus,
-                                              curPos.sigMask);
-                    }
-                }
-                //check for a message 99 (BESTVEL)  -- and cast it into its message structure
-                else if (msgHeader[i]->messageID == 99)
-                {
-                    curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[messageLocation[i]]);
+                        toPC.printf("WMsg BESTPOS %5d %1d %8.5lf %9.5lf %5.3lf %d %d %d\n",
+                                          curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs,  curPos.solStatus,
+                                          curPos.latitude, curPos.longitude, curPos.height,
+                                          curPos.numSV, curPos.numSolSV, curPos.numGGL1);
-                //the below test ensures that the positin and veocity are matched in time
-                //not sure the reason for the "250" below    
-                if ((curVel.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs+250)/1000 == 
-                    (curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs+250)/1000)
-                {
-                    // update position and velocity used for calculation
-                    GPSTimemsecs = curPos.msgHeader.GPSTime_msecs;
-                    GPSTime = (double)GPSTimemsecs/1000.0;
-                    velMsg = curVel;  //
-                    posMsg = curPos;
-                    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                    //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
-                    PPSTimeOffset = 0;
-                    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-                }
-            }  //end of per message loop
-            lookingForMessages = false;
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+                //IMPORTANT:   we reset the PPSTimeOffset when we have a matching position and velocity 
+                PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+            } 
+            else if (msgHdr.messageID == 99)  
+            {
+                curVel = *((OEM615BESTVEL*)&msgBuffer[ messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1] ]);
+                velMsg = curVel;
+            }
             if (recordData && (fpNav != NULL) && (byteCounter > 0))
-                wait_us(1000);
-                totalBytesWritten += fwrite(msgBuffer, 1, byteCounter, fpNav);  // this writes out a complete set of messages for this sec
-                wait_us(1000);
+                //wait_us(10);
+                int totalMessageLength = 28 + msgHdr.messageLength + 4;  //header length + message Length + CRC word size
+                totalBytesWritten += fwrite(&msgBuffer[messageLocation[savedMessageCounter-1]], 1, totalMessageLength, fpNav);  // this writes out a complete set of messages for this sec
+                //wait_us(10);
-        }  //end of the GPS message processing
+            completeMessageAvailable = false;
+        }
         //the IMU data record is read from the SPI in the ISR and the IMUDataReady is set true
         //we write the IMU data here
@@ -322,14 +308,15 @@
             //GPSTime (secs from midnight) is from the header of the position message
             //PPSTimeOffset accounts for time becoming known ~20msec AFTER the 1PPS
-            imuRec.GPSTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000 + timeFromPPS.read_us()/1000.0;
-            wait_us(10);
-            spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[0]); wait_us(10); // next read will return results from HIGH_REGITER[0]
+            IMUtimeFrom1PPS = timeFromPPS.read_us();
+            imuRec.GPSTime = GPSTimemsecs + PPSTimeOffset*1000 + IMUtimeFrom1PPS/1000.0;
+            //wait_us(1);
+            spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[0]); //wait_us(1); // next read will return results from HIGH_REGITER[0]
             for (int i=0; i<6; i++)  //read the 6 rate and accel variables
-      [1] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) LOW_REGISTER[i]); wait_us(10) ; 
+      [1] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) LOW_REGISTER[i]); //wait_us(1) ; 
                 if (i<5)  // dont this on the last because this was pre-called
-                {[0] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[i+1]); wait_us(10); }
+                {[0] = (unsigned short)spi.write((int) HIGH_REGISTER[i+1]);  }
                 imuRec.dataWord[i] = wd.dataWord; //data word is a signed long
@@ -338,18 +325,9 @@
                 totalBytesWritten += fwrite(&imuRec, 1, sizeof(IMUREC), fpNav);
-            IMUClockCounter++;
             IMUDataReady = false;
-        /*
-        if (messageDetected)  //some GPS message header has been detected
-        {
-            toPC.printf(" msgTime = %4d \n", timeFromPPS.read_us());
-            messageDetected = false;
-        }
-        */
         if (camera1EventDetected)  //we have detected a camera trigger event
             toPC.printf("WMsg TRIGGERTIME %5.3lf\n", camera1Time);
@@ -358,13 +336,14 @@
         if (detectedGPS1PPS)  //true if we are exactly at a 1PPS event detection
-            //toPC.printf(" PPSCounter=%4d byteCounter=%10d Msgs Received=%3d IMUClock=%4d bytesWritten=%8d\n", 
-            //                PPSCounter, savedByteCounter, savedPerSecMessageCounter, savedIMUClockCounter, totalBytesWritten);
+            toPC.printf("\n PPSCounter=%4d byteCounter=%10d Msgs Received=%3d IMUClock=%4d IMURec = %3d bytesWritten=%8d\n", 
+                            PPSCounter, savedByteCounter, savedPerSecMessageCounter, savedIMUClockCounter, IMURecordCounter, totalBytesWritten);
+            IMURecordCounter = 0;
             detectedGPS1PPS = false;
     toPC.printf(" normal termination \n");
\ No newline at end of file