JEK changes enabling proper recording of IMU/GPS datastrams - 02-APR-2013

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of GPS_Incremental by Dan Matthews

diff -r 46903325b61f -r 2a8486283198 OEM615.h
--- a/OEM615.h	Fri Mar 29 20:52:54 2013 +0000
+++ b/OEM615.h	Tue Apr 02 15:22:37 2013 +0000
@@ -40,6 +40,26 @@
     unsigned long CRC;
+/*  Solution Status descritpion from OEMV manual
+0   SOL_COMPUTED        Solution computed
+1   INSUFFICIENT_OBS    Insufficient observations
+2   NO_CONVERGENCE      No convergence
+3   SINGULARITY         Singularity at parameters matrix
+4   COV_TRACE           Covariance trace exceeds maximum (trace > 1000 m)
+5   TEST_DIST           Test distance exceeded (maximum of 3 rejections if distance >10 km)
+6   COLD_START          Not yet converged from cold start
+7   V_H_LIMIT           Height or velocity limits exceeded
+8   VARIANCE            Variance exceeds limits
+9   RESIDUALS           Residuals are too large
+10  DELTA_POS           Delta position is too large
+11  NEGATIVE_VAR        Negative variance
+12  Reserved
+13  INTEGRITY_WARNING   Large residuals make position unreliable
+18  PENDING             
+19  INVALID_FIX         The fixed position, entered using the FIX POSITION command, is not valid
+20  UNAUTHORIZED        Position type is unauthorized - HP or XP 
 #pragma pack(1)
 //structure for BESTPOS message 
 struct OEM615BESTPOS
@@ -72,6 +92,26 @@
     unsigned long CRC;
+//GPS-specific pins
+DigitalOut GPS_Reset(p18);      //GPS RESET line
+InterruptIn PPSInt(p15);        // GPS 1PPS (timemark) from the OEM615
+InterruptIn IMUClock(p17);
+Timer timeFromPPS;
+unsigned long GPSTimemsecs = 0;
+double GPSTime = 0;
+int PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+//mbed tx/rx interface to the GPS COM1 port
+MODSERIAL GPS_COM1(p9,p10);  //this serial port communicates with the GPS receiver serial port (COM1)
+int test = 0;
+unsigned short messageCounter = 0;
+unsigned short savedMessageCounter = 0;
+const unsigned short maxGPSbytesPerSec = 1536;
+unsigned char msgBuffer[maxGPSbytesPerSec];  //array to contain one full second of GPS bytes
+const unsigned char maxGPSMessagesPerSec = 12;
+unsigned short messageLocation[maxGPSMessagesPerSec] = {0};  //stores the message location start within the message buffer
 //this code was taken from the Novatel Firmware document page 35
 #define CRC32_POLYNOMIAL 0xEDB88320L
@@ -113,18 +153,54 @@
     return( ulCRC );
-//GPS-specific pins
-DigitalOut GPS_Reset(p18);      //GPS RESET line
-InterruptIn PPSInt(p15);        // GPS 1PPS (timemark) from the OEM615
-InterruptIn IMUClock(p17);
+void sendASCII(char* ASCI_message, int numChars)
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //send an ASCII command to the GPS receiver
+    /////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    //char ASCI_message[] = "unlogall COM1";
+    int as = numChars - 1;
+    unsigned char CR = 0x0d;  //ASCII Carriage Return
+    unsigned char LF = 0x0a;  //ASCII Line Feed
+    //printf("%s", ch);
+    //printf("\n");
+    for (int i=0; i<as; i++) GPS_COM1.putc(ASCI_message[i]); 
+    GPS_COM1.putc(CR);   //carriage return at end
+    GPS_COM1.putc(LF);   //line feed at end
-Timer timeFromPPS;
-unsigned long GPSTimemsecs = 0;
-double GPSTime = 0;
-int PPSTimeOffset = 0;
+//see the mbed COOKBOOK for MODSERIAL
+//MODSERIAL is an easy to use library that extends Serial to add fully buffered input and output.
+void readSerialByte(MODSERIAL_IRQ_INFO *q)
+    MODSERIAL *serial = q->serial;
+    unsigned char synch0 = serial->getc();
+    msgBuffer[byteCounter % maxGPSbytesPerSec] = synch0;
-//mbed tx/rx interface to the GPS COM1 port
-MODSERIAL GPS_COM1(p9,p10);  //this serial port communicates with the GPS receiver serial port (COM1)
+    //we need to trap the GPS message header byte-string 0xAA44121C
+    //generate a 4-byte sliding-window sequence from the input bytes
+    //shift last 4-byte value left 8 bits & push recently read byte (synch0) into low-order byte
+    test = (test<<8) | synch0;  //
+    if (test == 0xAA44121C) //test for the Receiver message header signature
+    {
+        messageLocation[perSecMessageCounter % maxGPSMessagesPerSec] = byteCounter-3; //store the location of this message (with 4 synch words)
+        perSecMessageCounter++;
+        messageDetected = true;
+     }   
+     //byteCounter reset to zero in main after the 1PPS is detected -- its NOT reset in the 1PPS ISR
+     byteCounter++;     //total per-sec byte counter (reset to zero in main when 1PPS detected) 