library for parsing GPS NMEA strings using serial receive interrupt
Fork of GPSINT by
GPSINT library¶
Library class for intercepting NMEA-0183 ASCII strings from a GPS using a serial interrupt at 4800 baud, error checking, and parsing using the scanf functions to update object associated variables
include the mbed library with this snippet
// mbed GPS Parse Program, tested using the Trimble Copernicus II #include "mbed.h" #include "GPSINT.h" #define TIMEZONE -4 //Eastern Standard Time Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); GPSINT gps(p28, p27); //Tx,Rx DigitalOut led1(LED1); // ---------------- MAIN ------------------------ int main() { pc.baud(921600); while(1) { if(gps.lock != 0){ led1=!led1; int gpsHour = (int)((int)gps.utc_time/10000) + TIMEZONE; if(gpsHour < 0) gpsHour += 24; int gpsMin = (int)((int)gps.utc_time/100%100); int gpsSec = (int)gps.utc_time % 100; pc.printf("lock=%d %2d:%02d:%02d %f %c %f %c\r\n", gps.lock, gpsHour,gpsMin,gpsSec,gps.nmea_longitude, gps.ns, gps.nmea_latitude, gps.ew); wait(.9); } else{ pc.printf("No Lock\r\n"); wait(1); } }//while(1) }//main