class project main.cpp publish

Dependencies:   mbed C12832_lcd USBHost USBHostPTP LCD_Menu

mbed PTP hosting library

USB Device Interface: Architecture, Protocols, and Programming Class Project



Provide a generic PTP library to allow the mBed to host a PTP device


  • Main thread configures and displays the Menu system, as Commands are selected in the menu a command value is set.
  • MSD thread blocks until a MSd device is connected, If a device is removed it will try to reconnect
  • PTP thread blocks until a PTP device ois connected. After connection of device, a session is opened, device information is retriewved, and object handles are recieved. As long as a PTP device is connected, the command value is checked for a non-zero value. when a command code is recieved, the statusFunction is changed from NULL, and the command executed. After execution the command code is cleared.

Project Hardware

  • mbed LPC1768 CPU board
  • mbed DEV-11695 application board
  • USB Mass Storage Device
  • Camera using PTP Protocol
  • Three USB Cables (normal mbed connection, connection to USB HUB, and connection to camera)


Test ItemDescriptionStatus
Unit Tests
connected1Test connected with a device.Pass
connected2Test connected without a device.Pass
connect1Test Connect() with no devicePass
connect2Test connect() with a ptp devicePass
connect3Test connect() with multiple PTP devicesNot Tested
connect4Test Connect() with multiple PTP devices and, ClassesNot Tested
cancel1Test CancelRequest() with invalid transactionIDNot Tested
cancel2Test CancelRequest() with valid transactionIDNot Tested
reset1Test DeviceReestRequest on Device that supports the callNot Tested
reset2Test DeviceReestRequest on Device that does not supports the callNot Tested
status1Test GetDeviceStatus returns statusNot Tested
extended1Test if GetExtendedEventData functions on device that does not support it.Not Tested
transaction1Test transaction() with unsupported opcodePass
transaction2Test transaction() with supported opcodePass
transaction3Test transaction() with opcode other than OpenSession or GetDeviceInfo before a session is openned.Pass
transaction4Test transaction() with getDeviceInfo before OpenSessionPass
transaction5Test transaction() with max number parameterPass
transaction6Test transaction() with no parametersPass
transaction7Test transaction() with 1 parameterPass
transaction8Test transaction() with no data stagePass
transaction9Test transaction() with 1 input data stagePass
transaction10Test transaction() with data stage that spans max packet sizePass
transaction11Test transaction() with Response container that has no paramertersPass
transaction12Test transaction() with response container that has parametersPass
operation1Test Operation() call without paramsNot Tested
operation2Test Operation() call with parametersNot Tested
opensession1Test OpenSession opens a sessionPass
close1Test Close Session closes a sessionPass
close2Test Close Session with an invlid sesison numberNot Tested
deviceinfo1Test getDeviceInfo obtains a device Info structurePass
powerdown1Test powerdown() on a device that does not support powerdown.Not Tested
selftest1Test SelfTest on device that does not support selftest.Not Tested
getobjecthandkles1GetObject handles for an empty devicePass
getobjecthandles2GetObjectHandles for all types.Pass
getobjecthandles3Get ObjectHandles filtered by typeNot Tested
getobjecthandles4GetObjectHandles filtered by associationNot Tested
getnumobjects1Test GetNumObjects for all types
getnumobjects2Test GetNumObjects for only image types
getnumobjects3Test GetNumObjects filtered by assoicationNot Tested
getobject1Test getObjectInfo for image types
getobject2Test getObjectInfo for non-image type
getthumb1Test getThumb for an object that has no Thumb
getthumb2Test getThumb for an image object
getstorageids1Test getStorageIDs gets the handles for the storage devices.
copyobject1Test CopyObject can copy an Object to a new locationNot Tested
copyobject2Test CopyObject fails for invalid handleNot Tested
copyobject3Test CopyObject fails for invalid storageIDNot Tested
copyobject4Test CopyObject fails for invalid parentNot Tested
copyobject5Test CopyObject returns a new handle in the varaible providedNot Tested
deleteobject1Test DeleteObject can remove an objectNot Tested
deleteobject2Test DeleteObject fails for invalid handleNot Tested
deleteobject3Test DeleteObject with the Format fieldNot Tested
protect1Test SetObjectProtection on a device that does not support the action.Not Tested
prop1Test GetDevicePropertyDesc functionsNot Tested
prop2Test GetDeviceProperty functionsNot Tested
prop3Test SetDeviceProperty FunctionsNot Tested
prop4Test ResetDeviceProperty funxctionsNot Tested
flow1"Complete flow-poweron, connect msd, connect PTP, all thumbs and files transferred"Pass
stress1Contious transfer of same imagePass
stress2Transfer of all images on camera - Continous.FailBuffer Overflow.
perf1Image transfer time per image
perf2Thumb transfer time per image
compat1Motorola Droid4 in Camera modePass
compat2Cannon Eos 10DFail
compat3Cannon Powershot a1400Pass
power up/ power down
power1No devices presentPass
power2MSD only presentPass
power3PTP Only presentPass
power4Both devices presentPass
USB Compliance
Compliance1Beagle USB trace tool able to track packets and class data.FailUSBHost not compliant.
Compliance2"Verify Control, Bulk_in, bulk_out and Interupt_in endpoints function."Pass

Example of using the USBHostPTP class

Import program

Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**
00002 *  @file main.cpp
00003 *  @brief Function to call USBHostPTP Library
00004 *  @author Dwayne Dilbeck
00005 *  @date 8/23/2013
00006 * 
00007 * mbed USBHostPTP Library
00008 *
00009 * @par Copyright:
00010 *  Copyright (c) 2013 Dwayne Dilbeck
00011 * @par License:
00012 *  This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00013 */
00014 #include "mbed.h"
00015 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
00016 #include "USBHostMSD.h"
00017 #include "USBHostPTP.h"
00018 #include "Selection.h"
00019 #include "Menu.h"
00020 #include "Navigator.h"
00022 /**
00023 * Define codes to represent Test Functions
00024 */
00025 #define GETALLJPG       0x01
00026 #define GETALLJPGTHUMB  0x02
00027 #define GETNUMJPG       0x03
00028 #define GETNUMOBJ       0x04
00029 #define DUMPDEVICEINFO  0x05
00030 #define CLOSESESSION    0xFF
00032 /**
00033 * Initiate Global variables
00034 */
00035 DigitalOut led(LED1);
00036 FILE * fp2;
00037 C12832_LCD lcd;
00038 USBHostPTP *ptpdev = NULL;
00039 USBHostMSD *msddev = NULL;
00040 char fname[256];
00041 uint8_t command=0x00;
00042 bool commandActive=false;
00043 void (*statusFunction)(void);
00045 /**
00046 * This function is used to handle the raw data recieved via the bulk pipes
00047 *
00048 * @param ptp Pointer to the PTP device
00049 * @param buffer Pointer to the data recieved
00050 * @param length Total data received to be processed
00051 * 
00052 * @return Void
00053 */
00054 void WriteObjectHandles(void *ptp,uint8_t *buffer,uint16_t length){
00055    int writeResult,errorcode;
00056    uint16_t transferLength=length;
00057    uint8_t *dataPtr=buffer;
00059    writeResult=fwrite(dataPtr,sizeof(uint8_t),transferLength,fp2);
00060    if( writeResult != transferLength) {
00061        errorcode=ferror(fp2);
00062        if( errorcode )
00063        {
00064           printf("\r\nError in writing to file %d\n",errorcode);
00065           error("Yucky@!");
00066        }
00067    }
00068 }
00070 /**
00071 * Test function 0x01
00072 *
00073 * @param numberOfImages A pointer to where to write the images on the device
00074 * @param numberOfThumbs A pointer to where to write the images on the device
00075 * @return void
00076 */
00077 void GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(int *numberOfImages,int *numberOfThumbs){
00078     uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
00079     int internalNumberOfImages=0;
00080     int internalNumberOfThumbs=0;
00082     FILE *fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
00083     fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
00084     while(numImages>0){
00085        fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
00086        ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
00088        if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 ) {
00089           internalNumberOfThumbs++;
00090        }
00091        if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 ) {
00092           internalNumberOfImages++;
00093        }
00094         numImages--;
00095     }
00096     fclose(fp);
00097     *numberOfImages = internalNumberOfImages;
00098     *numberOfThumbs = internalNumberOfThumbs;
00100 }
00102 /**
00103 * Retrieve all thumbnail images and real images that are JPG files.
00104 */
00105 void GetAllImagesAndThumbs(void) {
00106     FILE *fp;
00108     uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
00110             printf("objectid,objectinfosize,imagetype,thumbtype\r\n");
00111             fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
00113             fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
00114             while(numImages>0){
00115                fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
00116                ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
00117                printf("%ld,%x,%x,%x\r\n",numImages,fileHandle,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat,ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat);
00119                if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
00120                    sprintf(fname,"/usb2/thumb_%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
00121                     fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");                    
00122                     printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
00123                     ptpdev->GetThumb(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
00124                     fclose(fp2);
00125                     printf("GetThumb Transaction Complete\r\n");
00126                }
00128                if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
00129                    sprintf(fname,"/usb2/%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
00130                    printf("%s -Type: 0x%04x\r\n",fname,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat);
00131                     printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
00132                     fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");   
00133                     ptpdev->GetObject(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
00134                     fclose(fp2);
00135                     printf("GetObject Transaction Complete\r\n");
00136                 }
00137                 numImages--;
00138             }
00139             fclose(fp);
00140 }
00142 /**
00143 * Thread to Watch for MSD image
00144 */
00145 void msd_task(void const *) {
00146     USBHostMSD msd2("usb2");
00148     msddev=&msd2;
00149     while(true) {
00150         while(!msd2.connect()) {
00151                 Thread::wait(500);
00152             }
00154         DIR *dp;
00155         struct dirent *ep;     
00156         dp = opendir ("/usb2");
00158         if (dp != NULL)
00159         {
00160             ep = readdir (dp);
00161             while (ep!=NULL) {
00162               printf("%s\r\n",ep->d_name);
00163               ep = readdir (dp);
00164             }
00165            (void) closedir (dp);
00166          }
00168          while(msd2.connect()) {
00169                 Thread::wait(500);
00170          }
00171     }
00172 }
00174 /**
00175 * Function TO  be called by the menu system to start the execution thread to execute the call.
00176 */ 
00177 void SetCommandGETALLJPG(void) {
00178    command=GETALLJPG;
00179 }
00181 /**
00182 * Function to display status during image transfers
00183 */
00184 void GetAllJPGStatus(void) {
00185     led=!led;
00186     lcd.cls();
00187     if(ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer>0) {
00188         lcd.locate(10,0);
00189         lcd.printf("%ld/%ld", ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer, ptpdev->totalDataToTransfer);
00190         lcd.locate(0,10);
00191         lcd.printf("%s",fname); 
00192     }               
00193 }
00195 /**
00196 * Thread to watch for the PTP device connected, and commands that need to be executed.
00197 */
00198 void ptp_task2(void const *) {
00199     USBHostPTP ptp;
00200     ptpdev=&ptp;
00202     int numi,numt;
00203     uint32_t objCount=0;
00205     while(true) {
00206         while(!ptpdev->connect()) {
00207             Thread::wait(500);
00208         }
00210         while(!msddev->connected()){
00211             Thread::wait(500);
00212         }
00214         /* after device connected open a session, get device information, and object handles
00215         */    
00216         ptp.OpenSession();
00217         printf("OpenSession Transaction Complete\r\n\r\n");
00218         ptp.GetDeviceInfo();
00219         printf("GetDeviceInfo Transaction Complete\r\n");
00220         fp2 = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "wb");
00221         ptp.GetObjectHandles(0xffffffff,0x0000,0x0000,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
00222         fclose(fp2);
00223         printf("GetObjecthandles Transaction Complete\r\n");
00225         //While ptp device connected watch for commands.
00226         while(ptpdev->connected()) {
00227             commandActive=true;
00228             switch(command) {
00229             case GETALLJPG:
00230                 statusFunction=&GetAllJPGStatus;
00231                 GetAllImagesAndThumbs();
00232                 statusFunction=NULL;
00233                 break;
00234             case GETALLJPGTHUMB:
00235                 break;
00236             case GETNUMJPG:
00237                 GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(&numi,&numt);
00238                 printf("images: %d, thumbs:%d\r\n",numi,numt);
00239                 break;
00240             case GETNUMOBJ:
00241                 ptp.GetNumObjects(&objCount);
00242                 printf("GetNumObjects Transaction Complete - Count:%ld\r\n",objCount);
00243                 break;
00244             case DUMPDEVICEINFO:
00245                 ptp.DumpDeviceInfo();
00246                 break;
00247             case CLOSESESSION:
00248                 ptpdev->CloseSession();
00249                 printf("CloseSession Transaction Complete\r\n");
00250                 break;
00251             default:
00252                 commandActive=false;
00253                 break;
00254             }
00255             command=0x00;
00256             Thread::wait(100);
00257         }
00258     }
00259 }
00261 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
00262 void SetCommandGETNUMJPG(void) {
00263    command=GETNUMJPG;
00264 }
00266 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
00267 void SetCommandGETNUMOBJ(void) {
00268    command=GETNUMOBJ;
00269 }
00271 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
00272 void SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO(void) {
00273    command=DUMPDEVICEINFO;
00274 }
00276 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed. 
00277 void SetCommandCLOSESESSION(void) {
00278    command=CLOSESESSION;
00279 }
00281 ///Main fuction to display the Status of the application.
00282 int main() {
00283     lcd.cls();
00284     lcd.locate(10,3);
00285     lcd.printf("Initializing");
00286     Thread ptpTask2(ptp_task2, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 4);
00287     Thread msdTask2(msd_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal,  1024 * 4);
00288     Menu rootMenu("root"); 
00289     Menu testMenu("Test menu"); 
00290     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO, 2, NULL, "Dump Device Info")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
00291     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETALLJPG, 2, NULL, "Get All Images")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
00292     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMOBJ, 1, NULL, "Get Number of Objects"));
00293     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMJPG, 3, NULL, "Get Number of Images"));
00294     //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
00295     //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
00296     testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandCLOSESESSION, 4, NULL, "Close Session"));
00297     testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, &rootMenu, "  Go back"));  // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
00298     Menu aboutMenu("About Menu"); // about menu
00299     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, "Author:"));
00300     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Dwayne S Dilbeck"));
00301     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " 8/29/2013"));
00302     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, NULL, " USB Device Interface:"));
00303     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, " Architecture,"));
00304     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, " Protocols,"));
00305     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 6, NULL, " and programming."));
00306     aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 7, &rootMenu, "  Go back"));
00307     rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &testMenu, "TEST MENU"));
00308     rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &aboutMenu, "About menu"));   
00309     Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, &lcd);
00311     while(1) {
00312         if(ptpdev != NULL) {
00313             if(ptpdev->connected()) {
00314                 if(!commandActive) {
00315                     navigator.poll(); 
00316                 } else {
00317                     if(statusFunction != NULL)
00318                        (*statusFunction)();
00319                     else {
00320                         lcd.cls();
00321                         wait_ms(20);
00322                     }
00323                 }
00325             } else {
00326                lcd.cls();
00327                lcd.locate(10,3);
00328                lcd.printf("Please connect PTP device.");
00329             }            
00330         }
00331         Thread::wait(200);
00332     }
00333 }

Known Issues

  • Buffer overflow will halt the mbed device after 6 hours of transfers
  • Method Transaction is unable to SEND Data Containers
  • MSD removal does not change the Data container handler. This should become NULL, when the MSD is removed.

Future Work

  • Find the buffer overflow
  • Implement a PTP Capture Test.
  • Implement send data in method Transaction
  • Implement an Opcode decoder
  • Add Canon extended PTP support.


  • PIMA15740
  • PTP Vedor code list
  • Arduino Camera Capture Library
Tue Sep 03 08:38:30 2013 +0000
Publish the project for class turn in.;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 1 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 2 * @file main.cpp
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 3 * @brief Function to call USBHostPTP Library
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 4 * @author Dwayne Dilbeck
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 5 * @date 8/23/2013
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 6 *
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 7 * mbed USBHostPTP Library
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 8 *
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 9 * @par Copyright:
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 10 * Copyright (c) 2013 Dwayne Dilbeck
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 11 * @par License:
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 12 * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 13 */
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 14 #include "mbed.h"
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 15 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 16 #include "USBHostMSD.h"
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 17 #include "USBHostPTP.h"
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 18 #include "Selection.h"
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 19 #include "Menu.h"
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 20 #include "Navigator.h"
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 21
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 22 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 23 * Define codes to represent Test Functions
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 24 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 25 #define GETALLJPG 0x01
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 26 #define GETALLJPGTHUMB 0x02
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 27 #define GETNUMJPG 0x03
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 28 #define GETNUMOBJ 0x04
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 29 #define DUMPDEVICEINFO 0x05
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 30 #define CLOSESESSION 0xFF
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 31
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 32 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 33 * Initiate Global variables
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 34 */
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 35 DigitalOut led(LED1);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 36 FILE * fp2;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 37 C12832_LCD lcd;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 38 USBHostPTP *ptpdev = NULL;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 39 USBHostMSD *msddev = NULL;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 40 char fname[256];
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 41 uint8_t command=0x00;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 42 bool commandActive=false;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 43 void (*statusFunction)(void);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 44
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 45 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 46 * This function is used to handle the raw data recieved via the bulk pipes
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 47 *
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 48 * @param ptp Pointer to the PTP device
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 49 * @param buffer Pointer to the data recieved
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 50 * @param length Total data received to be processed
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 51 *
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 52 * @return Void
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 53 */
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 54 void WriteObjectHandles(void *ptp,uint8_t *buffer,uint16_t length){
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 55 int writeResult,errorcode;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 56 uint16_t transferLength=length;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 57 uint8_t *dataPtr=buffer;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 58
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 59 writeResult=fwrite(dataPtr,sizeof(uint8_t),transferLength,fp2);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 60 if( writeResult != transferLength) {
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 61 errorcode=ferror(fp2);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 62 if( errorcode )
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 63 {
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 64 printf("\r\nError in writing to file %d\n",errorcode);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 65 error("Yucky@!");
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 66 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 67 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 68 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 69
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 70 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 71 * Test function 0x01
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 72 *
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 73 * @param numberOfImages A pointer to where to write the images on the device
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 74 * @param numberOfThumbs A pointer to where to write the images on the device
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 75 * @return void
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 76 */
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 77 void GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(int *numberOfImages,int *numberOfThumbs){
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 78 uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 79 int internalNumberOfImages=0;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 80 int internalNumberOfThumbs=0;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 81
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 82 FILE *fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 83 fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 84 while(numImages>0){
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 85 fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 86 ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 87
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 88 if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 ) {
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 89 internalNumberOfThumbs++;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 90 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 91 if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 ) {
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 92 internalNumberOfImages++;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 93 }
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 94 numImages--;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 95 }
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 96 fclose(fp);
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 97 *numberOfImages = internalNumberOfImages;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 98 *numberOfThumbs = internalNumberOfThumbs;
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 99
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 100 }
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 101
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 102 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 103 * Retrieve all thumbnail images and real images that are JPG files.
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 104 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 105 void GetAllImagesAndThumbs(void) {
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 106 FILE *fp;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 107
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 108 uint32_t fileHandle=0,numImages=0;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 109
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 110 printf("objectid,objectinfosize,imagetype,thumbtype\r\n");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 111 fp = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "rb");
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 112
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 113 fread(&numImages,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 114 while(numImages>0){
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 115 fread(&fileHandle,sizeof(uint32_t),1,fp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 116 ptpdev->GetObjectInfo(fileHandle);
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 117 printf("%ld,%x,%x,%x\r\n",numImages,fileHandle,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat,ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 118
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 119 if (ptpdev->objectInfo.thumbFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 120 sprintf(fname,"/usb2/thumb_%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 121 fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 122 printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 123 ptpdev->GetThumb(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 124 fclose(fp2);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 125 printf("GetThumb Transaction Complete\r\n");
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 126 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 127
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 128 if (ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat == 0x3801 && numImages < 864 ) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 129 sprintf(fname,"/usb2/%s",ptpdev->objectInfo.filename.getString());
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 130 printf("%s -Type: 0x%04x\r\n",fname,ptpdev->objectInfo.objectFormat);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 131 printf("Starting transfer of %s\r\n",fname);
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 132 fp2 = fopen(fname, "wb");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 133 ptpdev->GetObject(fileHandle,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 134 fclose(fp2);
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 135 printf("GetObject Transaction Complete\r\n");
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 136 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 137 numImages--;
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 138 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 139 fclose(fp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 140 }
jakowisp 2:912d86148549 141
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 142 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 143 * Thread to Watch for MSD image
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 144 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 145 void msd_task(void const *) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 146 USBHostMSD msd2("usb2");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 147
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 148 msddev=&msd2;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 149 while(true) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 150 while(!msd2.connect()) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 151 Thread::wait(500);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 152 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 153
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 154 DIR *dp;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 155 struct dirent *ep;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 156 dp = opendir ("/usb2");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 157
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 158 if (dp != NULL)
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 159 {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 160 ep = readdir (dp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 161 while (ep!=NULL) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 162 printf("%s\r\n",ep->d_name);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 163 ep = readdir (dp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 164 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 165 (void) closedir (dp);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 166 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 167
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 168 while(msd2.connect()) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 169 Thread::wait(500);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 170 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 171 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 172 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 173
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 174 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 175 * Function TO be called by the menu system to start the execution thread to execute the call.
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 176 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 177 void SetCommandGETALLJPG(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 178 command=GETALLJPG;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 179 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 180
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 181 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 182 * Function to display status during image transfers
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 183 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 184 void GetAllJPGStatus(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 185 led=!led;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 186 lcd.cls();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 187 if(ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer>0) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 188 lcd.locate(10,0);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 189 lcd.printf("%ld/%ld", ptpdev->dataLeftToTransfer, ptpdev->totalDataToTransfer);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 190 lcd.locate(0,10);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 191 lcd.printf("%s",fname);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 192 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 193 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 194
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 195 /**
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 196 * Thread to watch for the PTP device connected, and commands that need to be executed.
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 197 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 198 void ptp_task2(void const *) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 199 USBHostPTP ptp;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 200 ptpdev=&ptp;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 201
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 202 int numi,numt;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 203 uint32_t objCount=0;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 204
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 205 while(true) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 206 while(!ptpdev->connect()) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 207 Thread::wait(500);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 208 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 209
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 210 while(!msddev->connected()){
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 211 Thread::wait(500);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 212 }
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 213
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 214 /* after device connected open a session, get device information, and object handles
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 215 */
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 216 ptp.OpenSession();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 217 printf("OpenSession Transaction Complete\r\n\r\n");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 218 ptp.GetDeviceInfo();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 219 printf("GetDeviceInfo Transaction Complete\r\n");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 220 fp2 = fopen("/usb2/objHandles.bin", "wb");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 221 ptp.GetObjectHandles(0xffffffff,0x0000,0x0000,(void *)&WriteObjectHandles);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 222 fclose(fp2);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 223 printf("GetObjecthandles Transaction Complete\r\n");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 224
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 225 //While ptp device connected watch for commands.
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 226 while(ptpdev->connected()) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 227 commandActive=true;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 228 switch(command) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 229 case GETALLJPG:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 230 statusFunction=&GetAllJPGStatus;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 231 GetAllImagesAndThumbs();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 232 statusFunction=NULL;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 233 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 234 case GETALLJPGTHUMB:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 235 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 236 case GETNUMJPG:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 237 GetNumberOfThumbsAndImages(&numi,&numt);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 238 printf("images: %d, thumbs:%d\r\n",numi,numt);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 239 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 240 case GETNUMOBJ:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 241 ptp.GetNumObjects(&objCount);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 242 printf("GetNumObjects Transaction Complete - Count:%ld\r\n",objCount);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 243 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 244 case DUMPDEVICEINFO:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 245 ptp.DumpDeviceInfo();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 246 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 247 case CLOSESESSION:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 248 ptpdev->CloseSession();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 249 printf("CloseSession Transaction Complete\r\n");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 250 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 251 default:
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 252 commandActive=false;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 253 break;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 254 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 255 command=0x00;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 256 Thread::wait(100);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 257 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 258 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 259 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 260
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 261 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed.
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 262 void SetCommandGETNUMJPG(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 263 command=GETNUMJPG;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 264 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 265
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 266 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed.
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 267 void SetCommandGETNUMOBJ(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 268 command=GETNUMOBJ;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 269 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 270
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 271 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed.
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 272 void SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 273 command=DUMPDEVICEINFO;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 274 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 275
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 276 ///Menu function to set the Command to be executed.
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 277 void SetCommandCLOSESESSION(void) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 278 command=CLOSESESSION;
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 279 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 280
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 281 ///Main fuction to display the Status of the application.
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 282 int main() {
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 283 lcd.cls();
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 284 lcd.locate(10,3);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 285 lcd.printf("Initializing");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 286 Thread ptpTask2(ptp_task2, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 4);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 287 Thread msdTask2(msd_task, NULL, osPriorityNormal, 1024 * 4);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 288 Menu rootMenu("root");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 289 Menu testMenu("Test menu");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 290 testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandDUMPDEVICEINFO, 2, NULL, "Dump Device Info")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 291 testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETALLJPG, 2, NULL, "Get All Images")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 292 testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMOBJ, 1, NULL, "Get Number of Objects"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 293 testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandGETNUMJPG, 3, NULL, "Get Number of Images"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 294 //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 295 //testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, "Get Number of Thumbnails"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 296 testMenu.add(Selection(&SetCommandCLOSESESSION, 4, NULL, "Close Session"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 297 testMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, &rootMenu, " Go back")); // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
jakowisp 4:a95225ec39ac 298 Menu aboutMenu("About Menu"); // about menu
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 299 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, "Author:"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 300 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Dwayne S Dilbeck"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 301 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " 8/29/2013"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 302 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, NULL, " USB Device Interface:"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 303 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 4, NULL, " Architecture,"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 304 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 5, NULL, " Protocols,"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 305 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 6, NULL, " and programming."));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 306 aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 7, &rootMenu, " Go back"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 307 rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &testMenu, "TEST MENU"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 308 rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, &aboutMenu, "About menu"));
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 309 Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, &lcd);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 310
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 311 while(1) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 312 if(ptpdev!=NULL) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 313 if(ptpdev->connected()) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 314 if(!commandActive) {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 315 navigator.poll();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 316 } else {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 317 if(statusFunction!=NULL)
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 318 (*statusFunction)();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 319 else {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 320 wait_ms(20);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 321 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 322 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 323
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 324 } else {
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 325 lcd.cls();
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 326 lcd.locate(10,3);
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 327 lcd.printf("Please connect PTP device.");
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 328 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 329 }
jakowisp 3:1e2f56de7d5d 330 Thread::wait(200);
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 331 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 332 }
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 333
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 334
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 335
jakowisp 0:ec1356628850 336