mbed library sources: Modified to operate FRDM-KL25Z at 48MHz from internal 32kHz oscillator (nothing else changed).

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Ticker Class Reference

A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval. More...

#include <Ticker.h>

Inherits mbed::TimerEvent.

Inherited by Timeout.

Public Member Functions

pFunctionPointer_t attach (void(*fptr)(void), float t)
 Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.
pFunctionPointer_t add_function (void(*fptr)(void))
 Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the end of the call chain.
pFunctionPointer_t add_function_front (void(*fptr)(void))
 Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the beginning of the call chain.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t attach (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), float t)
 Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t add_function (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void))
 Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the end of the call chain.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t add_function_front (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void))
 Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the beginning of the call chain.
pFunctionPointer_t attach_us (void(*fptr)(void), unsigned int t)
 Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t attach_us (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), unsigned int t)
 Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.
void detach ()
 Detach the function.
bool remove_function (pFunctionPointer_t pf)
 Remove a function from the Ticker's call chain.

Static Public Member Functions

static void irq (uint32_t id)
 The handler registered with the underlying timer interrupt.

Detailed Description

A Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval.

You can use as many seperate Ticker objects as you require.


 // Toggle the blinking led after 5 seconds

 #include "mbed.h"

 Ticker timer;
 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
 DigitalOut led2(LED2);

 int flip = 0;

 void attime() {
     flip = !flip;

 int main() {
     timer.attach(&attime, 5);
     while(1) {
         if(flip == 0) {
             led1 = !led1;
         } else {
             led2 = !led2;

Definition at line 58 of file Ticker.h.

Member Function Documentation

pFunctionPointer_t add_function ( void(*)(void)  fptr )

Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the end of the call chain.

fptrthe function to add
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 81 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_function ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr 

Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the end of the call chain.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
The function object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'

Definition at line 119 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_function_front ( void(*)(void)  fptr )

Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the beginning of the call chain.

fptrthe function to add
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 92 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_function_front ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr 

Add a function to be called by the Ticker at the beginning of the call chain.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
The function object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'

Definition at line 132 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
float  t 

Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
tthe time between calls in seconds
The function object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'

Definition at line 106 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
float  t 

Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in seconds.

fptrpointer to the function to be called
tthe time between calls in seconds
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 70 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach_us ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
unsigned int  t 

Attach a member function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
tthe time between calls in micro-seconds
The function object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'

Definition at line 161 of file Ticker.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach_us ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
unsigned int  t 

Attach a function to be called by the Ticker, specifiying the interval in micro-seconds.

fptrpointer to the function to be called
tthe time between calls in micro-seconds
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 144 of file Ticker.h.

void detach (  )

Detach the function.

Definition at line 23 of file Ticker.cpp.

void irq ( uint32_t  id ) [static, inherited]

The handler registered with the underlying timer interrupt.

Definition at line 27 of file TimerEvent.cpp.

bool remove_function ( pFunctionPointer_t  pf )

Remove a function from the Ticker's call chain.

pfthe function object to remove
true if the function was found and removed, false otherwise

Definition at line 179 of file Ticker.h.