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Serial Class Reference

Serial Class Reference

A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices. More...

#include <Serial.h>

Inherits mbed::Stream.

Public Member Functions

 Serial (PinName tx, PinName rx, const char *name=NULL)
 Create a Serial port, connected to the specified transmit and receive pins.
void baud (int baudrate)
 Set the baud rate of the serial port.
void format (int bits=8, Parity parity=Serial::None, int stop_bits=1)
 Set the transmission format used by the Serial port.
int readable ()
 Determine if there is a character available to read.
int writeable ()
 Determine if there is space available to write a character.
pFunctionPointer_t attach (void(*fptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Attach a function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.
pFunctionPointer_t add_handler (void(*fptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the end of the call chain.
pFunctionPointer_t add_handler_front (void(*fptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the beginning of the call chain.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t attach (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Attach a member function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t add_handler (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the end of the call chain.
template<typename T >
pFunctionPointer_t add_handler_front (T *tptr, void(T::*mptr)(void), IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the beginning of the call chain.
bool remove_handler (pFunctionPointer_t pf, IrqType type=RxIrq)
 Remove a function from the list of functions to be called when a serial interrupt is generated.
void send_break ()
 Generate a break condition on the serial line.

Detailed Description

A serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices.

Can be used for Full Duplex communication, or Simplex by specifying one pin as NC (Not Connected)


 // Print "Hello World" to the PC

 #include "mbed.h"

 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

 int main() {
     pc.printf("Hello World\n");

Definition at line 48 of file Serial.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Serial ( PinName  tx,
PinName  rx,
const char *  name = NULL 

Create a Serial port, connected to the specified transmit and receive pins.

txTransmit pin
rxReceive pin
Either tx or rx may be specified as NC if unused

Definition at line 23 of file Serial.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

pFunctionPointer_t add_handler ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the end of the call chain.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 169 of file Serial.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_handler ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the end of the call chain.

fptrthe function to add
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 122 of file Serial.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_handler_front ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the beginning of the call chain.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 183 of file Serial.h.

pFunctionPointer_t add_handler_front ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Add a function to be called when a serial interrupt is generated at the beginning of the call chain.

fptrthe function to add
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 134 of file Serial.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach ( T *  tptr,
void(T::*)(void)  mptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Attach a member function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.

tptrpointer to the object to call the member function on
mptrpointer to the member function to be called
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
Thefunction object created for 'tptr' and 'mptr'

Definition at line 148 of file Serial.h.

pFunctionPointer_t attach ( void(*)(void)  fptr,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Attach a function to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated.

fptrA pointer to a void function, or 0 to set as none
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
The function object created for 'fptr'

Definition at line 47 of file Serial.cpp.

void baud ( int  baudrate )

Set the baud rate of the serial port.

baudrateThe baudrate of the serial port (default = 9600).

Definition at line 29 of file Serial.cpp.

void format ( int  bits = 8,
Parity  parity = Serial::None,
int  stop_bits = 1 

Set the transmission format used by the Serial port.

bitsThe number of bits in a word (5-8; default = 8)
parityThe parity used (Serial::None, Serial::Odd, Serial::Even, Serial::Forced1, Serial::Forced0; default = Serial::None)
stopThe number of stop bits (1 or 2; default = 1)

Definition at line 34 of file Serial.cpp.

int readable (  )

Determine if there is a character available to read.

1 if there is a character available to read, 0 otherwise

Definition at line 38 of file Serial.cpp.

bool remove_handler ( pFunctionPointer_t  pf,
IrqType  type = RxIrq 

Remove a function from the list of functions to be called when a serial interrupt is generated.

pfthe function object to remove
typeWhich serial interrupt to attach the member function to (Seriall::RxIrq for receive, TxIrq for transmit buffer empty)
true if the function was found and removed, false otherwise

Definition at line 67 of file Serial.cpp.

void send_break (  )

Generate a break condition on the serial line.

Definition at line 88 of file Serial.cpp.

int writeable (  )

Determine if there is space available to write a character.

1 if there is space to write a character, 0 otherwise

Definition at line 43 of file Serial.cpp.